ACTA THERIOLOGICA VOL. XIII, 13: 2191—260. BIAŁOWIEŻA 20.V.1968 Stanislaw CHODYNICKI Embryogencsis of the Auditory Part of the Inner Ear in the Guinea Pig |With l Table, 5 Figs. & Plate IV— IX] The process of morphological differentiation of the inner ear in the guinea pig is accompanied by characteristic histochemical transforma­ tions within the cells and tissues. The start of the functioning of the inner ear is preceded by increase in the activity of respiratory enzymes in the sensory cells and in the cells of stria vascularis and the appearan­ ce of glycogen grains in the hair cells. Nissl’s bodies appear in the spiral cells. The inner ear is capable of receiving sounds as soon as Corti’s organ is completely formed on all the turns. The youngest embryos of the guinea pig in which reaction to sounds was found in the form of microphonic potential were 80 mm long. The value of the microphonic potential increases with increasing length of the embryo and before birth attains several hundred fiV, To a certain extent the curve repre­ senting increase in activity of the histochemical transformations runs parallel to the curve of increase in mean values of the microphonic potential with the growth of the embryos. During embryogenesis the different kinds of cells of the cochlear duct and spiral cells possess a Golgi apparatus of characteristic shape and location. In the spiral ganglion cells the situation of the Golgi apparatus is polar, but as from the time the embryos reach the length of 65 mm it adopts an apolar position. The development of the auditory part of the inner ear in the guinea pig may, on the basis of the material elaborated, be divided into two periods: Period I —-in which morphological and histochemical dif­ ferentiations occurs. Period II — is characterised by the start of the bioelectric function of the organ of Corti. I. Introduction ..................................................................................................220 II. Review of references ................................................................................................................220 III. Material and study methods 1. Histological and histochemical m ethods ...................................................................... 222 2. Bioelectrical method (measurements of microphonic potential) . 223 IV. Morphogenesis and histochemistry of the development of the auditory part of the inner ear of the guinea pig 1. D escrip tio n of m a t e r i a l ........................................................................................................ 223 2. D iscussion of r e s u l t s ................................................................................................................232 V. Microphonic potential (C M ) ................................................................................................. 238 VI. General discussion ....................................................................................................................... 240 1. M o r p h o g e n e s i s ....................................................................................................................... 241 2. H i s t o c h e m i s t r y ....................................................................................................................... 244 3. Electrophysiology ................................................................................................................248 VII. R eferences ...................................................................................................................................... 251 Explanation of plates ................................................................................................................257 S treszczen ie . 259 [219] 220 S. Chodynicki I. INTRODUCTION The development of the inner ear and its adaptation to receiving sounds is a very complicated process from both the morpological and biochemical aspects. A more accurate knowledge of this development may facilitate studies on the pathogenesis of congenital defects of hearing (T o n d u r y, 1952; Weibel, 1957). The cytological and histochemical pictures of the elements of the inner ear only indirectly express the functional state of morphological elements and their adaptat­ ion to receiving sounds. An objective manifestation of the function of the organ of hearing during perception of sounds are electric currents (microphonie potential, summating potential, potential of auditory nerve). Many authors have in recent years examined the question of the possibility of reception of sounds by the developing organ of hearing. Studies of this kind in humans are based on observations of the heart function of the embryo, encéphalo­ graphie and clinical examinations and are also treated as an attempt at early dis­ covery of cases of deafness (Dwornicka,, 1963; Brown, 1964; Elliot, 1964; Johansson, 1964). Research on animals is concerned chiefly with the correlations between the morphological picture of the differentiating Corti’s organ and mani­ festations of its function. Investigations are usually carried out on those species of animals which are born deaf and exhibit the final formation of the organ of hear­ ing during the first weeks after birth. The aim of this study is to obtain a better knowledge of the morpho­ genesis and development of the function of the inner ear in the guinea pig during embryonic life. II. REVIEW OF REFERENCES Among the basic studies dealing with development of the inner ear are those devoted to morphogenesis of the labyrinth. Streeter (1906, 1917, 1918), using models, presented the development of the osseous and membraneous labyrinth, the auditory nerve and endolabyrinthal space in man. Anson (1934), on the basis of material taken from different animals, discusses the early stages of formation of the labyrinth. An exact description of differentiation of the structures of the Corti organ and tectorial membrane in animals was given by Van der Stricht (1918, 1920). Har­ desty (1915) discusses the formation and structure of the tectorial membrane in pig embryos. Held (1926) and Kolmer (1927) in studies of a monographic character describe the formation of the organ of hearing, with particular reference to m an. Altmann (1950) on the basis of extensive literature discusses the develop­ ment of the organ of hearing and the mechanics of this development. Weibel (1957) carried out detailed studies on differentiation of the cochlear duct in mice. Grisant i (1957) investigated the development of stria vascularis in the rabbit. Vinnikov (1959, 1961) discussed the phylogenetic and ontogenetic development of the human organ of hearing. Among other interesting studies on the embryogenesis of the inner ear we must include investigations of the development of transplantations of the labyrinth under different experimental conditions. For instance K a a n (1917) defined the capacity for transformation of an otic vesicle transplanted to the labyrinth in Amblystoma p unctatum. W aterman (1917) observed fuller histological differentiation of the labyrinth in comparison with its anatomic development in transplanted rabbit Embryogenesis of the inner ear in the Guinea pig 221 em bryos. Kogan (1950) carried out studies on the development of the membranous labyrinth in birds under conditions of artificial tissue cultures. Similar investigations were made by Lawrance & Merchant (1953) on the otocyst of fowl and rat embryos and by Friedmann (1956; 1959; 1961) on th e em bryos of birds. The histoehemical observations made in recent years have contributed to a better knowledge of the development of the organ of hearing. Bélanger (1956), fo r in ­ stance, observed the occurrence of polysaccharides and basophil substance during the development of epithelium and connective tissue structures of the cochlea in ra ts. Rossi (1963) made studies of the activity of acetylocholinesterase during the embryogenesis of the spiral ganglion in the guinea pig. Titova (1965) c a rrie d o u t histoehemical examination of the differentiation process in the inner ear in goat, rabbit and cat embryos beginning with the second half of pregnancy, and ending with animals from 10—14 days after birth. This author considers that nuclein acids play the most important part in the differentiation process of the structures of the cochlear duct. Observations made by means of electronic microscope must be included in research work carried out recently. Friedmann (1959, 1961) discusses th e u ltra - structural organisation of sensory epithelium., supporting cells and intercellular space in the fowl embryo otocyst. Titova (1965) carried out observations of the deve­ lopment of the organ of hearing and balance in vertebrates. Kikuchi & Hil- ding (1965), using mice, investigated the development of the organ of hearing by means of a light and electronic microscope. These authors consider that efferent nerve endings play an important part in the development of Corti’s organ. In 1966 the same authors reached the conclusion, during their examination of stria vascu­ laris in mice, that the morphological structure of the cells of this stria makes it possible for them to participate in fluid transport even during the development of the ear — this also applies to the cells of the spiral prominence, Ruben (1967) using marked tritiated thymidyne, defined the time of differentia­ tion of the different parts of the inner ear in mice. In his opinion the cochlear duct in the region of the apical turn undergoes earlier differentiation
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