1ST EDITION WORLD DIRECTORY 2018 , ǔ ŇŅņŎ ' Ǔ Ű Ǖ ǔ WWW.GLASS.STYLE SAME DECORAZIONE SRL | ($"!"& ƕƕ҃ƕƖŇƔƏƏƔѵ$ & ! $ķ$+ $ ĺĹƳƒƖ҃ƏƔƕƐ҃ƔƖƏѵƒƑŇ *ĹƳƒƖ҃ƏƔƕƐ҃ƔƖƑƕƒѶŇ ҃Ĺ җ" !"$ ! ĺ$Ň)))ĺ" !"$ ! ĺ$ BILIA FɼɸȵHFʤLʝɚ HAND MADE Memories of days on the beach, playing on the shore and busy keeping on track the coloured glass marbles which often ended up under water, only to be found again afterwards, glinting like precious stones… www. z a ffe r a n o ita lia.com CONTENTS & ADVERTISERS INDEX WORLD DIRECTORY 2018 WORLD DIRECTORY 2018 Complete profile of glassworks worldwide ANNUAL PUBLICATION PUBLISHING DIRECTOR Angelo Altamura $!҃҃ -u1obm;ম ASSOCIATE EDITOR (-Ѵ;ub;mm;"1o .................. -Ѵ;ub;ĺv1oŠ]Ѵ-vvomѴbm;ĺ1ol ADVERTISING ITALY Maurizio Lozza .................... l-ubboĺѴo-Š]Ѵ-vvomѴbm;ĺ1ol WORLDWIDE Luciano Molina .................... Ѵ1b-moĺloѴbm-Š]Ѵ-vvomѴbm;ĺ1ol GRAPHIC DESIGN Sonia Previato ........................ vomb-ĺru;b-|oŠ]Ѵ-vvomѴbm;ĺ1ol PRINTED BY COMPANIES PRESENTED IN THIS ISSUE: STAMPALAB Srl Via Giacinto Martorelli, 4 - 20134 Milano (MI) - Italy SINGLE COPIES Crystalite Bohemia Ɠ҃Ɩ € 30 air mail included Italy: € 30 mঞu;1om|;m|všƑƏƐѶ0ƐƔƐ"ĺuĺѴĺѴѴub]_|vu;v;u;7ĺ$_;;mঞu; Evans Atelier ƑķƐƏ҃Ɛƒ 1om|;m|vo=|_bv bu;1|ou-u;ouѴ71orub]_|;7ĺ!;ruo71ঞomķ;;m r-uঞ-ѴѴķ0-ml;-mvķbvv|ub1|Ѵruo_b0b|;7mѴ;vvub;mr;ulbv- vbom_-vCuv|0;;mo0|-bm;7=uol|_;0Ѵbv_;uvĺѴ|_o]_;Ѵ-0ou-|; Kavalierglass ƐƓ҃Ɛƕ ;@ou|v_-;0;;ml-7;|o;mvu;|_;-11u-1o=bm=oul-ঞombm|_bv ]b7;ķ|_;0Ѵbv_;uv7omo|-11;r|u;vromvb0bѴb|=ou-molbvvbomv oubm-11u-1b;vou=ou-m1omv;t;m1;v-ubvbm]=uol|_;bm=oul-ঞom Rona Back CoverķƐѶ҃Ƒƒ contained in this Directory. !;]bv|u-ঞomr;m7bm]-||_;ou|o=bѴ-mĺ Same Front Inside CoverķƑƓ҃ƒƐ ANNUAL MAGAZINE PUBLISHED BY Vetreria Etrusca ƒƑ҃ƒƖķƓѵ Zafferano First PageķƓƏ҃ƓƔ Via Antonio Gramsci, 57 - 20032 Cormano (Milano) - Italy Tel.: +39 - 02 - 66306866, Fax: +39 - 02 - 66305510 E-mail: [email protected] GLASSWORKS ADDRESSES: Ɠƕ҃ѵѶ WWW.GLASSONLINE.COM SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE: ƕƏ҃ƕƐ Glass Style Directory 2018 3 CRYSTALITE BOHEMIA Hand-made elegance and colours for today’s modern home environments 4 Glass Style Directory 2018 Crystalite Bohemia tradition - top design - state-of-the-art technology “Experience in the production and decoration of pure elegance” The Czech company 7;1ou-ঞ;]Ѵ-vvŐ|_;=-1|ou 7;1ou-ঞ;|;1_mbt;v=oub|v sole proprietor of Crystalite Crystalite Bohemia s.r.o. was was established in 1967). The customers. Both factories Bohemia is Mr. Lubor Cerva, founded in October 2009 second represents the factory employ around 1,000 workers a Czech businessman and -m7mo_-v|oruo71ঞom Kvetna based in Strani and generate a turnover of investor. rѴ-m|vĺ$_;Cuv|u;ru;v;m|v Ő;v|-0Ѵbv_;7bmƐƕƖƓőķ_;u; more than EUR 50 million ou|_;ruo71ঞomo= the glassworks Svetla nad _-m7l-7;]Ѵ-vvruo71ঞom r;u;-uķ_bѴ;;rouঞm] b|v;mঞu;-vvou|l;m|ķ Sazavou with fully automated is situated. The Kvetna products to more than 82 Crystalite Bohemia uses ruo71ঞomo=0;;u-];-m7 =-1|ou-Ѵvoo@;uv-ubov countries worldwide. The environmentally friendly Glass Style Directory 2018 5 CRYSTALITE BOHEMIA lead-free glass, and, in ƑƏƐѵķ|_;1olrovbঞom-v enriched with Titanium, guaranteeing greater v|u;m]|_o=|_;Cmbv_;7 products. Such enriched ]Ѵ-vvo@;uv-ѴѴ|_;t-Ѵbঞ;v o=u;=u-1ঞom|_-||u-7bঞom-Ѵ ;1_uv|-Ѵo@;uvĸl-hbm] the products even stronger and more resistant to use in a dishwasher. Currently, Crystalite Bohemia is the only glassworks in the Czech Republic and second bm uor;|ov;ঞ|-mblŊ enriched glass for its ruo71ঞomĺ Both plants work closely |o];|_;uĺ;vb7;vruo71ঞomķ the Svetla factory also includes the commercial and -7lbmbv|u-ঞ;_;-7t-u|;uv o=|_;;mঞu;1olr-mĺ$_; Kvetna factory takes care of 7;1ou-ঞombm]ķ;m]u-bm]ou grinding of both beverage -m77;1ou-ঞ;]Ѵ-vvķmo|omѴ of Kvetna-made products, but also glass items made on -|ol-ঞ1Ѵbm;v-|";|Ѵ-m-7 Sazavou. The two plants melt more |_-mƐƓƏ|omvo=]Ѵ-vv7-bѴķ producing 150 thousand pieces of beverage glass -m7ƓƏ|_ov-m7rb;1;vo= 7;1ou-ঞ;]Ѵ-vvķ_b1_u-mhv Crystalite Bohemia among the biggest producers of 6 Glass Style Directory 2018 “Titanium glass melt for crystal brilliance and greater resistence” Clear-cut elegance with Fregata stemware Glass Style Directory 2018 7 CRYSTALITE BOHEMIA KVETNA PRESENTATION $_;;|m-]Ѳ-vv=-1|ouu;ru;v;m|v|_;Ѳom];v|or;u-ࢼm]]Ѳ-vv- works in our territory. It was built in 1794 and established by 0;;u-];-m77;1ou-ঞ; Rhythm,” produced using Duke Alois of Lichtenstein. The changing point for the factory, glassware in the world. _bv|oub1orঞ1loѴ7v=om7 _b1_r|o|_-|lol;m|_-7vr;1b-Ѳb;7bm|_;ruo71ࢼomo= ࢼѲb|-m7|-0Ѳ;-u;]Ѳ-vvĶ1-l;bm|_;lb77Ѳ;o=ƎƔ|_1;m|uĶ in the cellars. when it was bought by Austrian businessman Emanuel Zahn. New for 2018 Besides the company’s in- $_;m;om;u|_;mbmbࢼ-|;7|_;ruo71ࢼomo=Cm;1uv|-Ѳ]Ѳ-vv b|_]ubm7bm]-m7;m]u-bm]7;1ou-ࢼomvĸ|-v-Ѳvouĸ,-_m Clean and simple shapes _ov;7;vb]m;uvķ1om|ub0ঞm] who brought with him experienced glassmakers knowledgeable dominate the beverage to product development, in new techniques and manufacturing methods. Consequently, these steps led not only to a rapid improvement of the product glassware category. For Crystalite Bohemia also quality, but also to a growth of the product assortment and over- |_;Cuv|ঞl;ķuv|-Ѵb|; co-operates with famous -ѲѲlo7;umb-ࢼomĸ The name of the factory was changed in 1894 to the local Bohemia introduces a special designers such as Simon name Kvetna (Blumenbach). The Kvetna name soon became 1oѴѴ;1ঞomo=0;;u]Ѵ-vv-u; oou;ķ-uঞm -b|-m7 -_-ѲѲl-uho=t-Ѳb|-m7-vvo]_|-[;ubm|_;ouѲ7l-u- kets. The company Zahn & Gopgert opened showrooms and 1-ѴѴ;7ļ;;u1u-[Ľĺ;|ķ|o Rony Plesl, all of whom warehouses in London, Paris, Berlin, Hamburg, and exhibited new shapes of stemware 1u;-|;1oѴѴ;1ঞomv=ou0o|_ at Leipzig world trade fair and at this point was the second ]Ѳ-vvouhvbm uor;|obm|uo71;7;1ou-ࢼom0]Ѳ-vv;|1_bm]ĸ ‘Rissa’ and ‘Columba’ -|ol-|;7ruo71ঞom-m7 These products where exported as far as the US, Africa, Aus- vrrou|;7b|_-0;-ঞ=Ѵ handmade products in all tralia, Egypt, Scandinavia, Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. $_;;|m-]Ѳ-vv=-1|ou1omࢼm;7ruo71ࢼombm|_;Cuv|_-Ѳ= carafe ‘Alcedo’ categories. U o=|_;Əƍ|_1;m|uĸ|u;l-bm;7bmor;u-ࢼom-[;um-ࢼom-Ѳb-- m|_; ;1ou-ঞ;]Ѵ-vv-u; ࢼom-m7Ķ0;|;;mƎƔѳƎ-m7ƎƔƔƍĶ0;Ѳom];7|o|_;m-ࢼom-Ѳ ;m|;urubv;ou-b-mѲ-vvouhvĸ[;u|_;(;Ѳ;|!;oѲࢼomĶ category ‘Casablanca’, ‘Barley v;;u-Ѳ;tb|-m7om;uv_br1_-m];v|oohrѲ-1;Ķ1Ѳlbm-ࢼm] Twist,’ and ‘Origami’. Further in January 2011 when the Kvetna plant became a part of the Crystalite Bohemia Group. 7;lomv|u-ঞm]|_;|;1_mb1-Ѵ $o7-Ķ ;|m- vb]mbC1-m|Ѳ vrrou|v |_; ";|Ѳ- =-1|ou mo| prowess of the company is omѲ 0 b|v om _-m7l-7; ruo71ࢼomĶ 0| -Ѳvo 0 -ubov 7;1ou-ࢼ;|;1_mbt;vĸ)ouѲ7b7;Ķ;|m-v|-m7v-lom]|_; the range ‘Dynasty’ where a 0;v|]Ѳ-vv=-1|oub;vo@;ubm]-b7;-m7mbt;0;-ࢼ=Ѳ1oѲ- ƓƔŊ1l|-ѴѴ-v;7bvrѴ-v|_; oured glass. excellence of the company’s Ō PRODUCTION AND SALES OF MACHINE-MADE AND HANDMADE LEAD- glass, this is the largest vase FREE CRYSTAL GLASS PRODUCTS produced on the big press machines in Svetla nad Company Data Sazavou to date. CONTACTS: Kvetna is the birthplace of Damir Dordevic CEO |om;1oѴѴ;1ঞomvļvrbu;Ľķ [email protected] v_obm]o@|_;;1;ѴѴ;m1;o= Lubos Kadlec Sales Manager UK, Canada, Europe _-m7l-7;vhbѴѴv-m7ľrঞ1 [email protected] Lubos Vanek Sales Manager East Europe, Middle East [email protected] Magdalena Sales Manager S. America Vlckova [email protected] Silva Sales Manager N. Europe Voborilova [email protected] Lubor Cerva Jr. Sales Manager US [email protected] Jitka Markova Sales Manager Asia [email protected] Barley Twist - enhancing the ANNUAL TURNOVER: aroma of good whiskey EUR 50 million COMPANY FOUNDED: 2009 NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 1010 NUMBER OF PLANTS: 2 TURNOVER FROM GLASS: 100 > 8 Glass Style Directory 2018 Smooth and clear-cut designs Company Data =ou|_; m-v|1oѲѲ;1ࢼom TONNS OF GLASS/DAY: 150 MILLION UNITS/PRODUCTIONS: 69.35 GLASS RELATED BRANDS: Kvetna, Cerva Bohemia PARENT COMPANY: Crystalite Bohemia s.r.o. - Zamecka 730 582 91 Svetla nad Sazavou - Czech Republic Tel.: +420 - 569477201 - Fax: +420 - 569477591 E-mail: [email protected] - www.crystalite.org Turnover from glass: 100 Group annual turnover: EUR 50 Number of employees: 1010 PLANNED EXHIBITIONS: Ambiente: 09-13 February 2018 - Frankfurt, Germany New England Food Show: 25-27 February 2018 - Boston, USA m|;um-ঞom-Ѵ!;v|-u-m|ş oo7v;ub1;"_oĹ 4-6 March 2018 - New York, USA Tabletop Show: 10-13 April 2018 - New York, USA NRA Show: 19-22 May 2018 - Chicago, USA Consum Expo: November 2018 - Moscow, Russia SISTER COMPANY: Kvetna glassworksŊ-l;vঞ l-m;Ѵ-,-_m-ƒƑƖ 687 66 Kvetna - Czech Republic Tel.: +420 - 572619111 - E-mail: [email protected] olr-moL1;uĹ Marek Miklas - [email protected] ;v1ubrঞomo=-1ঞb|Ĺ-m7l-7;]Ѵ-vvruo71ঞom OFFICE/BRANCH: Crystalite Bohemia Inc. 41 Madison Avenue, 10010 New York City - USA Tel.: +420 - 602453058 - E-mail: [email protected] olr-moL1;uĹ Lubor Cerva - [email protected] ;v1ubrঞomo=-1ঞb|Ĺ Wholesale/retail in the US Products DRINKWAREDRINKWWARE Ō Beer stemware Ō o1h|-bѴş-uঞmbv Ō Water stemware Ō Beer tumblers Ō Highballs Ō Water tumblers Ō Brandy Ō Hot drinks Ō Whiskey glasses Ō Champagne & Ō Shot glasses Ō Wine stemware sparkling wines Ō Tumblers Ō Wine tumblers TABLEWARE Ō Bowls Ō Dessert bowls Ō Tiered & footed -m7rѴ-;uv Ō Dishes & bowls plates Ō Candle holders Ō Dishes & plates Ō Vases -m7oঞ;v Ō Jugs, pitchers Ō Water and Ō Cups and mugs and carafes vbm]Ŋ|or0oѴ;v Ō Decanters !$( ş Glass etchings Vases ORNAMENTAL GLASS Ō Ō $_;vr;1b-Ѳ;;u1u-[1oѲѲ;1ࢼom HOME FURNISHING, LIVING DECORATION AND LIGHTING ITEMS Ō Art glass Ōb]_ঞm] Ō Pendants Ō Ceiling lamps components CRYSTALITE BOHEMIA Zamecka 730 582 91 Svetla nad Sazavou - Czech Republic $;ѴĺĹƳƓƑƏŊƔѵƖƓƕƕƑƏƐŊ -ĹƳƓƑƏŊƔѵƖƓƕƕƔƖƐ E-mail: [email protected] WWW.
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