UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page Date 08/06/2006 Time 11:11:48 AM S-0864-0001-04-00001 Expanded Number S-0864-0001 -04-00001 Title items-in-Public relations files - luncheons, dinners and receptions - Volumes I, II Date Created 08/09/1962 Record Type Archival Item Container s-0864-0001: Public Relations Files of the Secretary-General: U Thant Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit o cr s(D to U) CO Ci- ts' fv*c~ L* t'U yi«-«.t-jc^. lu»«*4 *" X_*vC*~- — 4 . <*w. fXvi*^. *T* K^vCjU W*"IU, ic l w 9} <VtfV-vwO-«.^~ 26 December 1962 The Secretary-General H.E. Mr. Kuznetsov Mr. Amachree Mr. Narasimhan H.E. Mr. Morozov Mr. Mendelevich Mr. Potrubatch General Rikhye Mr. Zherebtsov Mr. Tchernyshev Mr. Nosek Mr. Loutfi Mr. Kiselev H.E. Mr. Zorin SG luncheon - Wednesday, 26 December 1962, 1.15 p.nu, 35th floor to bid farewell to H.E. Mr, tT.A. Zorin USSR Mission H.E. Mr. V. V. Kuznetzov H.E. Mr. P. D. Morozov ? Mr. P. M. Tchernyshev Mr. L. I. Mendelevitch Mr. V. N. Zherebtsov UN Secretariat Mr. E. D. Kiselev ^ Mr. C. V. Narasimhan Mr. Jiri Nosek ^ Mr. G. K. J. Amachree ^ Mr. Omar Loutfi 'G- Mr. Michael Potrubatch ,e Brigadier I. J. Rikhye ^ The Secretary-General fa~ „ V Wru**^*—' ' / CR.13 (4-59) ROUT4NG SLIP I Comments for the record should not be written on this slip. REFERRAL SHEET PT.l08 should be used instead. TO: ^f APPROVAL YOUR INFORMATION MAY WE CONFER? AS REQUESTED YOUR SIGNATURE FOR ACTION NOTE AND FILE REPLY FOR MY SIGNATURE NOTE AND RETURN PREPARE DRAFT YOUR COMMENTS ATTACH RELATED PAPERS Adams, Maurice Sydney Morning Herald Sirotsky, Nahum Jornal do Brasil Nedyalkov, Nikola Bulgarian Telegraph Agency Van Ky, Tran La Verite MacSween, Joseph Canadian Press Einfrank, Aaron Toronto Telegram Lin, Chen Chi Central Hews Agency of China Portela, Francisco Prensa Latina Vercak, Oldrich Czechoslovak News Agency Zemanek, Alexander it it i> Wolff, Georges R. Agence France-Presse Tuckerman, Anne ¥eill it it ti Dorian, Mas. Agence Quotidienne Sauvage, Leo Le Figaro Foy, Louis A. Paris Presse Pol, Heinz Frankfurter Rundschau Leiohter, Otto German Press Agency (D.P.A.) Potschke, Fritz East Germany Enninful, George Ghana News Agency Peclaris, Panayotis Athens Hews Agency Nicolopoulos, Chris Avghi Condomitros, Solon Katiherini Ethnos Polgar, Denes Hungarian News Agency Sagar, Easwar The Hindu Raman, Pattabhi Indian Express Raghavan, Charcavarti Press Trust of India Panggabean, Bonar Antara News Agency Yaari, Haim Davar Tadmor, Yeoshua Lamerhav Mi swi ski, Norb er t Maariv ¥iesel, Lazare Yedioth Ahronoth Cappelli, John II Paese Fukashiro, Junro Asahi Shinfbun Fujishiro, Hiroshi Jiji Press Ota, Yasumasa Kyodo News Service Infeld, Lydia The Li"berian Age Kiek, Robert De Telegraaf Schroeder, Peter Het Parool Vas Dias, Arnold Nieuwe Rotterdamse Courant Hvistendahl, Else Morgenbladet Hitschmannova, Marcelle Pakistan Times Mercado, Juan Evening News Chylinski, Bogdan Polish Press Agency Rodescu, LLviu Scanteia Raducanu, Cornel Agerpress Fri edman, Davi d South African Press Association Ahman, Sven Dagens Nyheter Thoren, Arne Expressen Lindquist, Olle Stockholms-Ti dningen Persson, Per Svenska Dagbladet Wronkow, George Die Tat Beer, Max Neue Zuercher Zeitung Mailey, Simon Afrique Action Demokan, Mehmet Turkish News Agency - 2 - Kondrashov, Stanislav Izvestia Strelnikov, Boris Pravda Turkatenko, Nikolai Tass Bogachev, Vladimir ii Keshishian, Levon Al Ahram Bouras, Elie Le Journal D'Egypte Burch, Stanley Daily Mail Ball, Ian Daily Telegraph Ii ttleJohns, .Michael Reuters Ltd. .... u/ Pick, Bella The Guardian Britter, Erie The The Times Howard, Charles P. Sr. Afro—American Ifewspapers Harrelson, Max Associated Press flw^r Ouai^ Oatis, William Preudenheim, Milton Chicago Daily Mail Kuh, Frederick Chicago Sun Times Fulton, William Chicago Tribune Press Service Frye, William Christian Science Monitor Rivlin, Morris Day Jewish Journal Gray, Kay Rainey Greenwich Time Huss, Pierre Hearst Headline Service Ehrman, Anita L. it ii ti Halasz, Louis International Feature Service Mezerick, Avranm International Review Service Carson, Saul Jewish Telegraphic Agency Inc. Fisher, Franklin Journal of Commerce Kaye, Joseph Kansas City Star Fleming, Louis Los Angeles Times Hagan, Mary McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Stolle, Jane Uation Magazine Wiener, Max Newark News Webb, Peter Newsweek Jhabvala, Darius H.Y. Herald Tribune Wallenberg, Peter J. N.Y. News El Zorashi, Issa N.T. News Kaghan, Theoeore N.Y. Post Hamilton, Thomas N.Y. Times Brewer, Sam Pope N.Y. Times Teltsch, Kathleen S. N.Y. Times Harvey, Mary Quincy Patriot Ledger Grant, Donald St. Louis Post Dispatch Grui n, Frederi ck Time Magazine Gabri el, Alexander Trans-Radio News Agency Munn, Bruce DPI McEutt, John DPI Teatsorth, Ralph C. DPI Harvey, C.D. Dnited States Information Agency Handleman, Howard D.S. News and World Report Horowitz, David World Dnion Press Fletcher, Arthur Worldwide Press Service Moleon, Aristides Capriles' Newspapers - 3 - Young, Gavin The Observer Milic, Zivko Borba Ward, Paul Baltimore Sun Radojckic, Miroslav Politika Stajduhar, Eudolph Tanjug Kirigin, Josip Vjesnik Rossi, Mario Free Lance Avishai, Stella Bulgarian Broadcasting Service McCullu, Dorothy Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Gould, Thomas ti ii H Kyncl, Karel Czechoslovak Radio & Television Pawlak, Wladyslaw B. Polish Radio and Television Medzini, Moshe Israel Broadcasting Service Kalugin, Oleg Moscow Radio & Television Combs, George Hamilton Mutual Broadcasting System Zamanek, Alexander Czechoslovak News Agency Velichanskiy, Leonid Tass Petrusenko, Vitalii Tass Kuznezov, Yuriy Trud Laurinchukas, Albert Selskaya Zhiznj Drujinin, Aleksandr Moscow Radio - 4 - OPI Staff H. Tavares de Sa R. Eriksen S. Przyulucki R. Smith K. Smirnov B. Powell A. Tyrell Audrey Langston C. Ortiz J. Rajasooria N. Ho 0. Caruthers D. Exley Patricia Thaann I U Tin Aung __J Josephine Biacklock David Ritchie Y. Permogorov Marcia Cooper Pinchas Keith Beavan Bob Kenny Michael Hayward Maurice Liu UN Secretariat Godfrey K. J. Amaehree Ralph J. Bunche Philippe de Seynes Eugeny D. Kiselev Omar Loutfi Alexander MacFarquhar C. V. Narasimhan Jiri Nosek Constantin Stavropoulos Bruce Turner Frank Begley SG reception for Ambassador Jerzy Michalowski Tuesday, 18 December 1962, 6,30 - 7.30 p.m. 38th floor H. E. Mr. Bohdan Lewandowski M Mr. Wladyslaw R. Malinowski Mr. Philippe de Seynes Mr. Omar Loutfi . : Mr. Jos6 Rolz-Bennett Mr. C. V. Narasimhan :/ The Secretary-General , , .. coi O (D O 03. rf- tr ® H O O The Secretary-General Mr. W. Gallagher Mr. H.T. Montgomery Mr. Paul G. Hoffman Mr. E.D. Kiselev Mr. M. Harrelson Mr. B. Bassett Mr. R. Kassif Mr. W. Oatis Mr. 0. Camthers Mr. C.V. Narasimhan Mr. L.J. Kramp Mr. S.M. Swinton Dr. H. Tavares de Sa Lunch, 58th floor, for Associated Press, 1.15 pm, Tuesday, 18 December 1962 The Secretary-General Dr. Hernane Tavares de Sa <L^WV j^ii raijjii ji HuniiiK, Mr. C.V. Jfarasimhan Mr. Evgeny D. Kiselev Mr. Osgood Caruthers Mr. Ramses Bfassif i/* Mr. W. Gallagher ^ Mr. Harry T. Montgomery Mr. Stanley M. Swlnton ~ Mr. Loui s J. Kramp ^ Mr. Ben Bassett -*S Mr. Max Harrelson '^x' Mr. W. Oatis (D Luncheon 17 December 1962 The Secretary-General ' —-—-j Mr. Roberto Heurtematte Mr. A. D. K. Owen Mr. R. Coomaraswamy Mr. John McDiarmid Mr. Paul-Marc Henry Mr. A. Goldschmidt Mr. Myer Cohen Mr. G. V. Narasimhan Mr. Paul G. Hoffman 58th floor* Monday 17 December > 1.35 pa Secretary-Geaeral Mr. Baal d* Hofflrtsn Mr* BoteertQ Baurtasatte Mr. l^©r Cohan ISr. S. Mr. Jobs Mr. Ife. Ms?. 0*V» O O 1 Im Cocktails on Friday, 1 1962, 58th floor, 6.50 - 7.50 pm (for Spinelli) The Secretary-General Ambassador P.P. Spinelli (guest of honour) Mr. John Davis Mr. Amachree Dr. Bunche Mr. de Seynes Mr. Heurtematte Mr. Coidan Dr. Hoo Mr. Malania Mr. Hoffman Mr. Potrobatch Mr. Kiselev Mr. Michelmore Mr. Loutfi Gary Seward Sir Alexander Mac Farquhar Arab. Aghnides Mr. Wosek Mr. McDiarmid Mr. Harasimhan Mr. John Reedman Mr. Owen Mr. Bruce Stedman Mr. Pate Mr. Gustavo Duran Dr. Protitch Mr. F.T. Liu Mr. Stavropoulos Mr. Caruthers Dr. Tavares de Sa Mr. Nassif Mr. Turner Mr. Vaughan Mr. Martin Hill Dr. Sella Constance Rhodes Brian Urquhart Mr. Peissel ri LUNCHEON given in honour of His Excellency Sr. Don Jorge Alessandri President of Chile by the Secretary-General on Friday, 14 December 1962 at United Nations Headquarters MENU Les Oeufs en Gelee Alexandra Le Bar Braise Mariniere Les Pommes Persillees Les Petits Pois Fins La Salade d'Endives L'Ananas Glace Surprise Les Friandises Protocol and liaison 7 Deeenfeer 1962 PROGRAMS FOR THE VISIT AT HEADQUARTERS OF HIS EXCELLENCY 3R0 DOM JOBffi ALESSANDRIA PRESIDENT, OF CHILE 08 FRIDAY» 14 DECEMBER 1962 I2s55 paHu His Excellency 3r. Don Jorge Alessandris President of Chile # accompanied by His Excellency Sr» Don Carlos Martinez Sotomayor, Minister for Foreign Affairs^, His Excellency Sr0 Don Luis Maekenna9 Minister of Finance5 and His Excellency Sr« Don Daniel Schweitzer., Permanent Representative of Chile to the United Nations s will arrive in an official motorcade at the Secretariat entrance0 H0Eo the President mil be greeted outside ths building by Mr«, Pierre d® Meuleme9sters Chief of Protocol^ and officially received inside the Secretariat lobby by the Secretary-General,, The party vail proceed by special elevator to the 38th floor0 The President and his official party will confer pri= vately tdth the Secretary»General in his offic©<> Isl5 PO&O The Secretary^General will escort the President to the Conference Room where the official photograph will be Isl8 porno The President^
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