The historiography of landscape research on Crete Gkiasta, M. Citation Gkiasta, M. (2008, April 15). The historiography of landscape research on Crete. Archaeological Studies Leiden University. Archaeological Studies Leiden University. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/12855 Version: Not Applicable (or Unknown) Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the License: Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden Downloaded from: https://hdl.handle.net/1887/12855 Note: To cite this publication please use the final published version (if applicable). Survey bibliography TRAVELLERS TRADI T ION Survey id: Sieber Sieber, F. W. 1823 Travels in the island of Crete in the year 1817. London: by Sir Richard Phillips & CO, Bride Court. Survey id: Pashley Pashley, R. 1837 Travels in Crete. London: J.Murray. CUL T URE HIS T ORY TRADI T ION Survey id: Pendlebury 1934 Pendlebury, J. D. S., M. B. Money-Coutts, and E. Eccles 1934 Journeys in Crete, 1934. BSA 33:80-100. Survey id: Travels in Crete Hood, M. S. F., P. Warren, and G. Cadogan 1964 Travels in Crete 1962. BSA 59:50-99. Survey id: Hood 65 Hood, M. S. F. 1965 Minoan Sites in the Far West of Crete. BSA 60:99-113. Survey id: Aghios Vasilios 66 Hood, M. S. F., and P. M. Warren 1966 Ancient Sites in the Province of Ayios Vasilios, Crete. BSA 61:163-191. Survey id: Hood 67 Hood, M. S. F. 1967 Some Ancient Sites in South-West Crete. BSA 62:47-56. Survey id: Ayiofarango 75 Blackman, D. and K. Branigan 1975 An Archaeological Survey of the South Coast of Crete, between the Ayiofarango and Chrisostomos. BSA 70: 17-36. 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY Survey id: Ayiofarango 89 Vasilakis, Α. 1989 Προϊστορικές θέσεις στη μονή Οδηγήτριας. Κρητική Εστία 1989:11-79. HUMAN GEO G RAP H Y TRADI T ION Survey id: Lehmann Lehmann, H. 1939 Die Siedlungsräume Ostkretas. Geographische Zeitschrift 45:212-28. Survey id: Wroncka Wroncka, T. 1959 Pour un Atlas Archéologique de la Crète Minoènne: Sitia I. BCH 83: 523-542. 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Archeologia 41:113-125. 1991 Report on Investigations in Greece. VII. Studies in 1990. Archeologia 42:137-45. 1992 Report on Investigations in Greece. VIII. Studies in 1991. Archeologia 43:113-119. 1993 Report on Investigations in Greece. IX. Studies in 1992. Archeologia 44:95-101. 1995 Report on Investigations in Greece. X. Studies in 1993 and 1994. Archaeologia 46:63- 70. 1998 Lasithi (Crete): One Hundred Years of Archaeological Research. Aegean Archaeology 3:27-48. 1999a “The Historical Background of Defensible Sites in Crete: Late Minoan IIIC versus Protopalatial,” in POLEMOS, Le contexte guerrier en Egée a l’age du Bronze. Actes de la 7e Rencontre égéenne internationale (Aegeum 19). Edited by P. P. Betancourt, V. Karageorghis, R. Laffineur, and W. D. Niemeier, pp. 191-95. Liège: Université de Liège. 1999b “Economy of Refugees: Life in the Cretan Mountains at the turn of the Bronze and Iron Ages,” in From Minoan Farmers to Roman Traders: Sidelights on the Economy of Ancient Crete. Edited by A. Chaniotis, pp. 145-171. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1999c “The Final Neolithic Refugees or the Early Bronze Newcomers? The Problem of Defensible Sites in Crete in the Late Fourth Millennium B.C.,” in MELETEMATA. Studies in Aegean Archaeology Presented to Malcolm H. Wiener as He enters his 65th Year (Aegeum 20). Edited by P. Betancourt, V. Karageorghis, R. Laffineur, and W. D. Niemeier, pp. 575-581. Liège: Université de Liège. 2000a Defensible sites in Crete c.1200-800 BC (LM IIIB/IIIC through early Geometric) (Aegeum 21). Liège: Université de Liège. 2000b Monastiraki Katalimata (Ierapetras): A Cretan Refuge Site. Πεπραγμένα του H’ Διεθνούς Κρητολογικού Συνεδρίου A:2:433-43. Rutkowski, B., and K. Nowicki 1988 Report on Investigations in Greece. V. Studies in 1986. Archeologia 38:177-184. 1990 Report on Investigations in Greece. VI. Studies in 1988-1989. Archeologia 41:113-125. TOPO G RAP H I C TRADI T ION Survey id: Hood Knossos Hood, M. S. F., and D. Smyth 1981 Archaeological Survey of the Knossos Area. BSA suppl.14. Survey id: Schiering Schiering, W. 1982 Landbegehungen in Rethymnon und Umgebung. AA 97: 15-54. Survey id: Minoan Roads Tzedakis, Y., S. Chrysoulaki, and L. Vokotopoulos 1988 Ερευνητικό Πρόγραμμα ‘Μινωικοί Δρόμοι’. Κρητική Εστία 2: :342-43. Tzedakis, Y., S. Chrysoulaki, Y. Venieri, and S. Voutsaki 1988 Δρόμος ΥM III νεκροταφείου. Κρητική Εστία 2:297. Tzedakis, Y., S. Chrysoulaki, S. Voutsaki, and Y. Venieri 1989 Les routes minoennes: rapport préliminaire: défense de la circulation ou circulation de la défense? BCH 113:43-76. Tzedakis, Y., S. Chrysoulaki, and L. Vokotopoulos 1989-91 Ερευνητικό Πρόγραμμα ‘Μινωικοί Δρόμοι’. Κρητική Εστία 4: 306-319. Tzedakis, Y., S. Chrysoulaki, Y. Venieri, and M. Avgouli 1990 Les routes minoennes: Le poste de Χοιρόμανδρες et le contrôle des communications. BCH 114:43-65. Tzedakis, Y., S. Chrysoulaki, and L. Kyriopoulou 1990 Ο Δρόμος στη Μινωική Κρήτη. Πεπραγμένα του ΣΤ’ Διεθνούς Κρητολογικού Συνεδρίου A (2):403-414. 3 BIBLIOGRAPHY Tzedakis, Y., S. Chrysoulaki, and L. Vokotopoulos 1994-96 Ερευνητικό Πρόγραμμα ‘Μινωικοί Δρόμοι’. Κρητική Εστία 5 : 359-366. Chrysoulaki, S. 1999 Minoan Roads and Guard Houses-War Regained. Aegaeum 19:75-85 Tzedakis, Y., S. Chrysoulaki, L. Vokotopoulos, and A. Sphyroera 1999 Ερευνητικό Πρόγραμμα ‘Μινωικοί Δρόμοι’. Κρητική Εστία 7:317-326. In E.B.French 1989-1990. AR 36: 76-82 In D.J.Blackman 1997-8. AR 44: 120 In D.J.Blackman 1998-9. AR 45: 123 In D.J.Blackman 1999-2000. AR 46: 147 In D.J.Blackman 2000-1. AR 47: 139-140 Survey id: Itanos Kalpaxis, T., A. Schnapp, and D. Viviers 1995 Rapport sur les travaux menés en collaboration avec l‘Ecole française d‘ Athenes: Itanos, Crète Orientale. BCH 119:713-736. Greco, E., T. Kalpaxis, A. Schnapp, and D. Viviers 1996 Travaux menés en collaboration avec l‘Ecole française en 1995: Itanos (Crète orientale). BCH 120:941-52. 1997 Travaux menés en collaboration avec l‘Ecole française en 1996: Itanos (Crète orientale). BCH 121:809-824. 1998 Travaux menés en collaboration avec l‘Ecole française en 1997: Itanos (Crète orientale). BCH:585-602. 1999 Travaux menés en collaboration avec l‘Ecole française en 1998: Itanos (Crète orientale). BCH 123:515-530. Greco, E., T. Kalpaxis, N. Papadakis, A. Schnapp, and D. Viviers 2000 Travaux menés en collaboration avec l‘Ecole française en 1999: Itanos (Crète orientale). BCH 124:547-559. 2001 Travaux menés en collaboration avec l’Ecole française en 2000: Itanos (Crète orientale). BCH 125:637-644 2002 Travaux menés en collaboration avec l‘Ecole française en 2001: Itanos (Crète orientale). BCH 126:577-582. In R.A.Tomlinson 1994-5. AR 41: 65-6 In R.A.Tomlinson 1995-6. AR 42: 45-6 In D.J.Blacman 1999-2000. AR 46: 141 In D.J.Blacman 2000-1. AR 47: 134 In J. Whitley 2003-4. AR 50. 88 In J. Whitley 2004-5. AR 51: 100-1 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY LANDS C APE AR ch AEOLO G Y TRADI T ION Survey id: Ayiofarango 77 Blackman, D. and K. Branigan 1977 An Archaeological Survey of the Lower Catchment of the Ayiofarango Valley. BSA 72: 13-84 Survey id: Lasithi Watrous, L. V. 1975 An Archaeological Survey of the Lasithi Plain in Crete from the Neolithic to the Late Roman Period. PhD thesis, University of Pennsylvania. 1975 Explorations on the plain of Lassithi in Crete. Athens Annals of Archaeology 8: 206. 1980 Ancient Settlement in the Plain of Lasithi.. Πεπραγμένα Δ’ Διεθνούς Κρητολογικού Συνεδρίου Α 1: 638-642. 1982 Lasithi: A History of Settlement on a Highland Plain in Crete. Hesperia, suppl.18. Princeton: American School of Classical Studies in Athens. Survey id: Kommos Hope Simpson, R. 1983 Archaeological Survey of the Kommos Area (South Crete) 1970-1980. BAR International Series 155:297-299. 1995 “The Archaeological Survey of the Kommos Area,” in Kommos I: An Excavation on the South Coast of Crete. The Kommos Region and Houses of the Minoan Town. Part 1: The Kommos Region, Ecology, and Minoan Industries. Edited by J. W. Shaw and M. C. Shaw, pp. 325-402. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Additional major publications of Kommos: Betancourt, P. 1990 Kommos II. The Final Neolithic through Middle Minoan III pottery. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Watrous, L. V. 1992 Kommos III. The Late Bronze Age Pottery. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Shaw, J. W., and M. C. Shaw (eds) 1996 Kommos: an Excavation on the South Coast of Crete. Vol. I: The Kommos Region and Houses of the Minoan Town. Part 2: The Minoan Hilltop and Hillside Houses. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2006 Kommos V.
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