3964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE March 20, 2001 SENATE—Tuesday, March 20, 2001 The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY that we allow colleagues to amend called to order by the Honorable MIKE LEADER their own amendments. I think that is DEWINE, a Senator from the State of The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- when the confusion began yesterday in Ohio. pore. The majority leader is recog- a very disappointing beginning. nized. But Senators on both sides worked PRAYER f last night and worked this morning, The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John and I understand an agreement has Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: SCHEDULE been reached as to the amendment that Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, today the will be offered in a few minutes. After this Senate Chamber. Enter the mind Senate will immediately resume con- that is offered, we will come back and and heart of each Senator and reign as sideration of the campaign finance re- have another amendment on this side Sovereign over all that is said and done form legislation. An amendment re- of the aisle and Senator MCCONNELL this day. We praise You for the dedica- garding self-financed campaigns is ex- and others will have an opportunity. tion of the Senators and for their ear- pected to be offered, with up to 3 hours I yield to the Senator from Arizona. nestness to deal with the crucial issues of debate in order. It is also expected Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, I tell the before our Nation. May these days of that some debate time will be yielded majority leader that we have an genuine exchange of concerns and con- back and that a vote will occur some- amendment. I don’t believe it will take victions move the Senate forward to an time around noon today—certainly be- all 3 hours because it was debated last agreeable solution for the future of fore the weekly party luncheons. We night. We have an agreement which is campaigning for office in America. will be in recess from approximately being written up now. So I believe that Lord, we are here to serve You and 12:30 until 2:15 p.m. for the weekly con- we could, within a fairly brief period of Your best for our Nation. Thank You ferences to meet. Amendments are ex- time, have a vote on it and move on to for all the people who contribute to the pected to be offered throughout the day another amendment from the Repub- Senate with such loyal and excellent and therefore votes on amendments are lican side, thereby sort of catching up service. Today we praise you for the expected to occur approximately every from yesterday. life of John Roberson who worked in 3 hours. I mention also that we were supposed I am concerned about the very inaus- the Disbursing Office for 20 years. Now to start at noon yesterday, but we picious beginning that the Senate had as his family and friends grieve his didn’t start until 1. I don’t know whose on this legislation yesterday. I had de- death, we ask You especially to care decision that was. That is not impor- scribed it as a jump ball, where every- for his son Dave who has followed in tant. We can catch up this morning. We body would have a free and fair oppor- his father’s footsteps with his own 20- met this morning and we are getting tunity to offer amendments and have year period of loyal service. the final details, which we needed to debate but there would be votes on Today, we renew our commitment to do. This is a very complex, extremely those amendments after 3 hours. I ex- do all we can to serve the best we can complex issue. pected we would have a vote sometime and express Your care for whomever we The challenges of a millionaire de- can. Amen. between 5:30 and 6:30, as we did yester- day, and there would be debate on the claring his or her candidacy in Wyo- f next amendment last night and we ming are significantly different from doing that in the State of California. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE would be ready for a vote now. That is not the case because of the spectacle We tried to accommodate it and, frank- The Honorable MIKE DEWINE led the that occurred at the end of the vote ly, we have. Those issues were still un- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: yesterday. resolved last night when the vote was I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the I thought it did not go well, and I attempted, and all of us were confident United States of America, and to the Repub- thought the Senate looked very close that we could work out the differences, lic for which it stands, one nation under God, bring up an agreement, which will be indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. to being silly on our first amendment on this very important issue. I was brought up in the name of Senator f stunned, quite frankly; on an amend- DOMENICI and Senator DEWINE and Sen- ment as broadly supported as I know ator DURBIN, and we can have a rel- APPOINTMENT OF ACTING atively brief period of debate and vote PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE the amendment is, to give candidates that are running against superwealthy on it and then move to another amend- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The candidates some way to be able to com- ment by Senator MCCONNELL, or who- clerk will please read a communication pete, I can’t help but believe that when ever he designates. to the Senate from the President pro we get a direct vote on that issue, it Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, let me say tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. will pass overwhelmingly. My assump- to Senator MCCAIN—and then I will The legislative clerk read the fol- tion was that it got tangled up just be- yield to Senator REID—I appreciate the lowing letter: cause it was the first vote and there fact that something has been worked U.S. SENATE, was a desire to show that one side or out which appears to be fair to all PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, the other was going to win. I was very sides. And since we already debated it Washington, DC, March 20, 2001. disappointed in that. for a time yesterday, it won’t be nec- To the Senate: I am also concerned, with the agree- essary to rehash all of that. Maybe we Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, can make up for some of the lost time. of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby ment that was reached, in all fairness, appoint the Honorable MIKE DEWINE, a Sen- on both sides, that we would have The clear understanding, when the ator from the State of Ohio, to perform the amendments and regular votes every 3 Senator from Arizona and I discussed duties of the Chair. hours, we had already slipped 3 hours this issue, was that we would try to STROM THURMOND, on that. And also I hope, once again, keep it on a steady schedule and get President pro tempore. that objections to Senators amending amendments offered and voted on every Mr. DEWINE thereupon assumed the their own amendments will not be 3 hours, or less if possible. chair as Acting President pro tempore. heard. The tradition around here is I yield to Senator REID. ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate jul 14 2003 19:38 Feb 11, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR01\S20MR1.000 S20MR1 March 20, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 3965 Mr. REID. Mr. President, we are The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ticularly in the language of this hopeful that the first vote is not indic- objection, it is so ordered. The Senator amendment, we will acknowledge what ative of what the future is going to from Nevada. we consider to be some of the questions hold. I hope that will be the downside Mr. REID. Mr. President, it is my un- that will be raised and try to address it of the work on this important piece of derstanding that the amendment Sen- later in debate. We have been in con- legislation. I think yesterday was well ator DOMENICI is going to offer is not versation with Senator MCCAIN and spent. There were relatively very few yet ready, but we want to start talking Senator FEINGOLD. They are familiar quorum calls, maybe just for brief mo- about it, the procedure being at such with what we are doing. I do not pur- ments, and I think we were able to ac- time the amendment comes from legis- port to suggest they support it. They complish a lot last night and this lative drafting, Senator DURBIN will be can speak for themselves. We believe morning. I also say that during this recognized when the Chair feels that is this is a responsible way to address a next day or two, there are a number of appropriate. He will yield at that time serious problem we face in political Members who wish to give statements to Senator DOMENICI, who will offer an campaigns. about the bill itself. They can do this amendment on his behalf, and whoever If the Senator from New Mexico is during the time these amendments are else wants to be on the amendment.
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