7 , ■ FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1972 p a g e TWENTY-EIGHT At the Center The Weather lEitm ins Iffralb f: F a ir tonight, low in low 40a. With Glenn Gamher Simday mostly sunny with highs dlUonal charge against Mc­ when he failed to appear , on '; charges of breach o f . pesApi in 60s. Outlook for Monday . About Town Open' House Sunday Gregor of cultivating marijuana fair and cool. Parade Tomorrow Will Highlight with also notled. flrsbdegree sexual contact and , Page 5 Robertson and Keeney St. Court Cases Pefrlck Pepper, 66, of 81 Re­ pfieeflnslnti of oonfroUed drugs." Manehetter— A City of ViUage Charm The Rev. Kenneth Steers, Sobools wlU hold Open House chaplain at Mhnsfldd State gan St, RookvlUe, charged Bond was set at HiOOO with tor the public in their new CntOUIT COURT IS Training Sdiool, wlU conduct a . with third-degree criminal mi»* surety. 50th Anniversary of BA Club wings Sunday frean 3 to 4 Mancheeter Dtvfadon MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1972 (ClassUled Advertiaing on Page IS) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS service Sunday at 6:45 a.m. on ch ief. VOL. XCL NO. 214 (SIXTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) p.m . The case of,Randall B. Baird, radio statton WINF. The pro­ Robert Quinonea, 31, of WU- The 60th anniversary pa- St to the front or 'the Army- Vatarans of Fhreign All classrooms and other 18, of Hampton, Conn., charged gram is qponaored by the Man- Oase disposed of yesterday UmanttOi pleaded Innooent to rade of the British Ameri- Navy aub. The parade wIU W ^ Post Color Guard; CM. Instructional areas will be with six counts of fotvth-degree Chester Area Council of Church­ in clu d ed : chargee of fint-degrae bur^ can Club, Inc. o f Manches- “ P°" M>P«»chiii* Jkih& theater Fife artd Dpim open. Guides will be avail­ .larceny, was noUed by Proee- toy and third-degree toosny, Ootpa; Disabled American Vet­ es and the Cleigy AasodatioD of Mlehatf G. Zolvlk, 37, of 17 ter will be held tomorrow ® «• *«> do** to pro^ able to conduct tours, and outor John Lombardo at yes­ Hollister St, charged with pub­ and the matter was sohsduiad hntrinnimr at 2 D m at Man- *“®tance and assume aUgnment erans (vehicles); Veterans Manchester. pupils will be present to an­ terday's court session. lic Indecency, pleaded guUty for a hearing In probable oanse ^ >«lt agalh at CMirtoU o f M anchsater v d iicle a i swer questions. Ireland Bslrd was arrested by Man­ and was fined 550. June 38. Flash Flood Hljrh School. Oak and Main St, s o / that Manchester Pipe Bend. Mr. and M n. Rldiiud Sweet- There will be demonstra­ Francis J. Mahoney, state dignitaries mdy depart from the nam o f 186 H ollister St. w ill chester police Jan. 26 In connec­ Vincent A. Pavelaok, 'SS of Third Dtvlsian; DlvMon Com- tions of actlvlUea and new tion with a theft spree Involv­ representative and a for- parade to the ieviewii« stand. miandef, Cmdr. Dominic Fhm- serve as boat and hostess .Sun­ no certain address, charged equipment In the addlUons. ing shoplifting at five down­ APPRECIATION I m ayor o f Manchester, The Order of Parade foUows: m ia, UaCXJ A u x ilia ry ; M arine day from 1 to 6 p.m. at the Luts wHh intaxtcatlon, pleaded guil­ town stores' and King’s at the ty, fined 530. BOISE, Ida. lAP) - A sitm Erupts will serve as phrade mar- P^trst Division, Manchester OoT)^ League, Manchester, Junior Ituaeum. The Young Marines of the P arkade. above a glass firm here reads Claims 36 in shal. Peter E. Benson is PoSc® Department Color Cato Guard; Centurlans Drum and Bugle Corps Toung Ro­ Highland Park School PTA Marine Corps League will meet Judge Joeqph A. Adorno o c - simpl,v; 'Thanks for boys with chief of staff, with Walter J. Ma. NoUes were also entered in mans; Lions International, will qMnaor a reoeptlan honmv tonight at 7 at the Marine dered a re-arrest of Wayne R. baseballs." A . VonHone as Hemitv parade marshal; CWO the cases of: MaiKhester, and East Hart­ ing MTa. BUa liletcher and Miss Home, Paricer St. B lrd sey, 25, o f 146 Partt S t , A gain Thief John J. Balesano, 34, of Hart­ ford Marching Units and Ve­ Ruth Hadden, retiring Grade S Joining the parade marshal ^ m et?*' d ^ ^ ford, charged with possession hicles; Older of Demolay Mar­ teachers, on Sunday from 3 to The Senior Adult FhUowehlp Dakota Hills on the revlevrtng stand wUl be ^ dep«V of controlled drugs. 4He was ar- BELFAST (AP) Gun bat­ ching Unit; Imperial Drum 4 p.m. at the school. of Community Baptist Church State OoroptroUer Nathan C. a “***Tm' reeted In Manchester, Mandt CiNwfl* senft:'llM R I jp t I " 1 1 9 tles erupted In Belfast and Lon- . Ckirpa, Hartford Shrine; Amer-. will meet Tueaday at 11 a-m. RAPID CITY, S. D. (AP)—At least 35 persons were AgoaUneHl; Town Manager ^**2’ SO, aftqr a search of a Mbln St donderry Friday nlgbt, and lean Legion Poet of RookvUle, Mahdiester Chess dub will at the church to go to BUsaheth HI Upt YOBtf r w Katfcy*« Iro llM rr killed and many others were injured by flooding, explo­ pool hall. hundreds of militant Protes­ Color Guard; Manchester Jay­ meet tonight from 6:30 to 10 Park, Hartford, for a picnic. Buy 1 or a deaem and ptoc oat year ewa psaftoea. Thompson, and the members of John G. Crampton, 10, of Mll- We Have I t IB and Ool ef Season 1 ■ - tants across Northern Ireland sions and fires triggered by torrential rain overnight offlcials — vehicles and/or cees Marching Unit; K of C at Mott's Community Hall. The group will return by 2:30 the town Bocutl of Directors. f(»rd, charged with third-degree NATIVBi Maaeli. Beto Onens, Sonmens, He6 Haase erected barricades around their in Rapid City, the Pennington County sheriffs office afoot; Officers of the British- Campbell Council and 4th De­ Games are open to tiie public. p.m. Mrs. Donald Booth, picnic A ls o ; Maj. Lawrence J. criminal mischief and fourth- matoes. Oakes, A van gn s, Bestaa Iiettaea, haled Bnad, enclaves to protest British --------------------- ------------------- - reported today. American Club (antique car); gree Tham and Car; Nutmeg Members are reminded to chairman, reminds those attend­ Beadle, SalvaUcm Army, Man­ de'riee lEkrcery. He was arrest­ Egg Plant Hat P^tpora, Ctserry Tamateea; lioeks, Parsnipa, peace Inltiativas. Deputy Sheriff Dale Bruce Stewart Highlanders—BA Club Volunteers Fife and Drum bring chess sets. ing the event to bring food iE n b ^ , WUto Sweet Potatoes. White Ookme, Peas, Bnse- said the sheriff’s office wauj re­ chester Oorpe, representing ed by Manchester police In con­ Guerrillas killed a 16-year-old Pipe Band; BA Club Marching Corps, Elks Lodge of Groton; dishes. The picnic Is open to oottp OsulUloiwwre ceiving reports of deaths con- Ehiglish-Americans; Msgr. Bd- nection with a Jan. 36 break. girt in Belfast, raising the prov­ Unit; BA BaU Club; Miss Con- Elks Lodge of Manchester, Disabled veterans and World all senior adiilts in the area. IMPOBTBDt Red, White, Bloe Grapes, tlnousiy. He said the 38 deaths Thoee needing transportation Clifford M. McGregor, 20, and ince’s death hdl to six in 36 Jets Hit ^ r c h * * * ^ r necUcur(<^; U^cl^se^^ float and riders. War I veterans planning to ride Peaches, Bing CBnrriea, Beotaiteea Strawbervlis, W B to were confirmed, and added that Church, Manchester, Irish- o.* wn. Kathleen Variey, 18, both of 689 meloiMh Mangoes. Hmea, GnpefraH, Oantalentee, Bensy' hours, the BriUdi army said. Fourth Division, Division in tomorrow's parade will meet may contact Mrs. William he expected the toll to climb. o«^l:^®Hd W aJ?^“- Commander, Vice Cmdr. Rob­ at the Britlsh-Amerlcan Club at Gilroy, 191 Washington St., Ver­ Main St, charged with posses­ dews, TBmple Oningeo, Boowt Apples, Ooeoanoto. Hie army claimed guerrillas WUllam Oandlish, O r d e r of Six to 10 inches of rain hit the em s, M anchester B a rrack s 786 13:30 p. m. for tranqiortatlon. non. sion of controlled drugs. An ad- wounded flve other civiUans in Scottldi dans, Scots-Amerl- ert Dougan USCX3 Aux.; Ma­ w m a m s p i c i a l s i east slopes of the Black Hills (cars); ^lingfleld KUUe Pipe Belfast while troops fait four Targets cahs; Peter Davies, president. rine CMrpa League, G lastcn- CANTALOUPES, Eitm Large.............. ee during the night and the water Band; EUgfath District Fire De­ gunmen to Belfast and London­ Greater Hartford Jaycees, bury, CMor Guard; ^nnet Jun-" poured Into Rapid City, flooding partment Marching Unit and PEACHES ................................................. lb.. derry."....... Welsh-Americans. tor High School bend; Boy much of the city and leaving Apparatus; Nathan Hale Fife SEEDLESS GRAPES..............................lb. In almost three yean of rail- Samuel Mosley of the BA Scouts of America, troops in hundreds homeless. and Drum Corps. numerical order; Girl Scouts of FU EL OIL YELLOW SQUASH................................. lb. gloua violence to Northem Ire­ Club, wiU be reviewing stand land 363 persons have died. On Coast The Black Hills is a popular ___ _____ ___________ Second Division, Division Oom- America, troops in numerical PLAZA DEPT. STORE CUCUMBERS....................................... ... It for pardde official announcer. Hie increased violence has resort area in southwestern order; Young’s Pipers Bagpipe (We Bave A M«4lea * e Please) 17J isr«f££ We C a m The Manchester Evening Herald By GEORGE ESPEB South Dakota. Rapid City is the Tmmgstem carryln^"‘jimmy mander.
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