Planning Regulatory Committee Minutes of the Meeting Held on 8 July 2011 Present: Mr J Rogers - Chairman Mr B Bremner Mr D Harrison Mr D Callaby Mr J Rogers Mr N Dixon Mr J Shrimplin – Vice-Chairman Mr P Duigan Ms H Thomson Mr A Gunson Mr M Wilby Mr R Hanton Mr A Wright Mr P Hardy Members also in attendance: Mr J Herbert Mr I Monson Officers in Attendance: Mr D Collinson - Environment, Transport and Development Ms F Croxen - Legal Services Mr A Harriss - Environment, Transport and Development Mr D Higgins - Environment, Transport and Development Mr N Johnson - Environment, Transport and Development Ms A Lambert - Environment, Transport and Development Ms N Levett - Environment, Transport and Development Mr N Palmer - Environment, Transport and Development 1. Apologies and Substitution 1.1 Apologies for absence were received from Mr Hemsley, Mr Iles, Mr Plant and Mr Stone 2. Minutes 2.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 3 June 2011 were confirmed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. 3. Declarations of Interest 3.1 The following declarations were made: Planning Regulatory Committee – 8 July 2011 1 Mr Bremner - Item 5a as the portfolio holder for Planning at Norwich City Council. Mr Rogers – Item 5c as a Member of Breckland District Council Mr Duigan – Item 5c as a Member of Breckland District Council Mr Hardy – Item 5a as the Local Member 4 Urgent Business 4.1 There were no items of urgent business. 5. Applications Referred to Committee for Determination 5.1 C/4/2010/4003: Norwich:Trowse Depot, Old Station Yard, Trowse Norwich:Non-Compliance with Conditions 2 and 3 of Planning Permission C/4/2007/4003 to enable the grant of a full planning permission for the continued use of the site for storage and distribution of aggregates and manufacture of coated roadstone at Trowse Depot with no defined end date: Lafarge Aggregates Ltd 5.2 The annexed report by the Director of Environment, Transport and Development was received. 5.3 It was stated that since the report had been circulated an objection had been received from a resident of Millgate. The officer had spoken to the resident and the objection was that there had not been a proper, comprehensive consultation and there were health risks from the site from dust and noise. There was also problems caused by the noise and vibrations of frequent freight trains shaking the nearby houses. 5.4 The following points were made in response to questions from the Committee: The suggested conditions place more stringent limits on future expansion. Britvic Soft Drinks did not object to the current permission granted on the site, it was only worried over any future expansion on the site. All the conditions put forward by Norwich City Council had been accepted by the County Council in the report. 5.5 Mr Atkinson from Lanpro spoke in objection to the application raising the following concerns: The impact that the application would have on dwellings in the area and development of affordable housing would be negative. Lafarge’s ability to operate the site and manage the long term generation process. The application was a permanent and high impact with 120 HGV movements per day. There had been no Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) carried out for this application and no proper assessment for economic growth. Planning Regulatory Committee – 8 July 2011 2 There was no scope for mitigation measures and no details of how Lafarge would manage off site impact. The site had changed radically since the temporary application was approved, the site was now in a residential area. The site was too small to accommodate the quantity of aggregate being extracted. The site would have the effect of capping the value and the sale of properties in the area. He summed up by saying that he requested the decision to be deferred until an Environmental Impact Assessment had been carried out along with a detailed scheme of mitigation for the application to take into account noise and dust pollution and overspill from the site. 5.6 In response to a question from the Committee Mr Atkinson said that concerns related to the extent of the impact from the site and he felt that it was inappropriate to delegate powers to officers with regard to mitigation levels at the site. He would ask for a detailed series of mitigation plans and how the impacts would be dealt with. 5.7 Mr Anderson, Senior Planning and Estates Manager at Lafarge Aggregates, made the following points: Lafarge Aggregates was a major employer in the area and throughout the UK and supplier to the construction industry. It had invested in rail transport and currently operated 50 trains per week. This all contributes towards sustainability targets and the carbon reduction strategy within the County. The railhead at Trowse had been moving bulk materials by rail and road for over 50 years. The application in 2008 resulting in the time limited consent allowed any issues needing solving to be addressed. The site was a highly sustainable facility and essential to the supply of aggregates and coated roadstone to Norwich and mid-Norfolk. The site supplied a local market which would have to be supplied from elsewhere if the application was not successful. This would mean materials would have to travel considerable distances by road which was not as environmentally friendly or sustainable. Technical reports had been commissioned by Lafarge regarding noise, dust and environmental issues and appropriate mitigation. The Planning Authority, Norwich City Council’s Environmental Health Officer, the Environment Agency (EA) and other statutory consultees had rigorously reviewed these reports. All concerns raised had been addressed by recommending strict conditions which would be included in any planning consent. The application was a continuation of existing resources and there was no proposals to intensify the use of the site. Planning Regulatory Committee – 8 July 2011 3 The site had operated for fifty years without any impact on neighbouring land users and the conditions proposed by NCC further strengthen an already tightly controlled site. Lafarge would be willing to set up a liaison group with Trowse Parish Council, neighbours and local councillors. 5.8 The following answers were given in response to questions by the Committee: Some modifications would be needed to be made to the plant. The company needed the long term future that a permanent permission would guarantee in order to justify investing such money in the plant. There were no plans to increase the range of operations at the site. This planning permission was submitted prior to the expiry of the temporary planning permission. There had been some spillage of materials through the perimeter fencing but this would be remedied by a solid retaining wall. The movement of HGVs fluctuated from week to week. Lafarge would not want to limit operations at the site they would be looking for an indefinite planning permission. Planting trees on the boundary of the site would not have an impact on suppressing noise but would help visual impact. 5.9 Local Member Mr Hardy made the following comments: The perceived impact on house prices would generate a lack of confidence to businesses and residents in the area. Could the application be deferred until an EIA had been carried out? He wanted companies such as Britvic and Lanpro to have the confidence to stay in the area. 5.10 It was confirmed that the planners had concluded that there was no need for an EIA to be carried out in this case. There was a comprehensive list of conditions placed on the application. 5.11 The recommendation was proposed by Mr Wilby and seconded by Mr Gunson. With nine votes for none against and four abstentions it was RESOLVED: 5.12 That the Director of Environment, Transport and Development be: (i) Authorised to grant planning permission subject to conditions outlined in Section 12 of the report. (ii)The delegation of powers be given to officers to discharge conditions where those detailed above require the submission and implementation of a scheme, or further details, either before development commences, or within a specified date of planning permission being granted or at any other period. (iii) The delegation of powers be given to officers to deal with any non-material amendments to the application that may be submitted. Planning Regulatory Committee – 8 July 2011 4 6. C/7/2010/7016: East Carelton and Ketteringham Parishes: Former Ketteringham Quarry, Hethersett Road, East Carelton: Continued recycling of former building materials and use of concrete batching plant until 31 May 2029: Site entrance improvements including hardening of site access road: Hardening of remainder of concrete batching compound: Highway improvements: Construction of car park and footpath: Erection of estate fencing around ice house: Restoration of the site in accordance with an improved restoration scheme by 31 May 2030 with public access to former quarry and adjoining land and woodland for informal recreational purposes: Mobile Concrete Supplies/Middleton Aggregates Ltd 6.1 The annexed report by the Director of Environment, Transport and Development was received. 6.2 The following points were made in response to questions from the Committee: The proposal did not necessitate the need to remove any of the oak trees from the two visibility splays. No comments had been received from Norfolk Wildlife Trust. 6.3 Mr Ponder spoke on behalf of the objectors in the village making the following points: The application was to make a temporary permission permanent. The site would be in the middle of a conservation area and a wildlife corridor to Wymondham. It was an oasis for bio-diversity and local residents would like to see it returned to natural parkland.
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