Washtenaw Jewish News Presort Standard In this issue… c/o Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor U.S. Postage PAID 2939 Birch Hollow Drive Ann Arbor, MI Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Frankel Jewish Israel Permit No. 85 Center Camping Scholarship Belin Essays Lecture Page 3 Page 14 Page 20 February 2011 Shevat/Adar 5771 Volume XXXV: Number 5 FREE Federation Maimonides Society to sponsor stem cell symposium Avram Kluger, special to the WJN n Sunday, February 13, at 9:30 a.m., at 10:15 a.m. The to write a systemic code of Jewish law, the Mish- the Maimonides Society of the Jew- breakfast and neh Torah. Trained as a physician, he served as O ish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor program are un- court physician to the sultan of Egypt and wrote will host a symposium entitled “The Stem Cell derwritten by a many books on medicine. He served as leader of Story: Facts, Fictions and Legalities” at the Uni- generous grant the Cairo Jewish community. versity of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center, located from Fifth Third The Ann Arbor Maimonides Society has at 1000 Wall Street. Bank. hosted programs designed to appeal to broad The symposium, which is free and open to The Maimo- community interests. Recent events have fea- the public, will explore the medicine, ethics, the nides Society of tured Richard Lichtenstein, PhD, on faults of law, and politics of the stem cell debate. Featured the Jewish Fed- the U.S. health care system; David Pinsky, MD, presenters will include Ivan Maillard, MD, PhD; eration of Greater on advances in cardiac care; Sidney Wolfe, MD, Edward Goldman, JD; and Gerry Hoehn, PhD. Ann Arbor aims on abuses of the pharmaceutical industry; and This particular program is aimed at the medical at an inclusive Congressman John Dingell, Marianne Udow- community, the legal community, and anyone Edward Goldman, JD Gerry Hoehn, PhD. Ivan Maillard, MD, PhD affinity grouping Phillips, MA, and John Billi, MD, on the recent with an interest or curiosity about stem cells. It and associate professor at the U-M, whose re- for all Jewish health care professionals by serv- health care reform legislation. is also a great program for high school students search focuses on the intersection of medicine ing as a forum on health care-related issues and Register for the February 13 event by con- who have an interest in science. and law. Dr. Hoehn is a microbiologist/immu- acting as a resource for the Jewish and general tacting Cindy Adams at 677-0100 or on-line at Dr. Maillard is a hematologist-oncologist nologist working on innovative pipeline oncol- communities. www.jewishannarbor.org. before February 8. specializing in stem cell research at the Life Sci- ogy therapies at Teva Pharmaceuticals. It is named after Moses Ben-Maimon, a 12th For more information on the Maimonides ences Institute at the University of Michigan. A dairy kosher-style brunch will be served at century rabbi and philosopher, also known as Society, contact Avram Kluger at 677-0100 or Goldman is the former U-M hospital attorney 9:30 a.m. and the program will begin promptly the Rambam. Maimonides was the first person [email protected]. n ACLU director to talk at JCS gathering Yiddishe Cup at the Ark February 5 Neal Elkin, special to the WJN WJN staff writers he Jewish Cultural Society’s Social Ac- n Saturday, February 5, at 8 p.m., Harvey Pekar: “Yiddishe Cup plays cleanly tion Committee will present Ann Ar- The Ark will once again welcome and enthusiastically. Clearly its members T bor lawyer and Michigan American Yiddishe Cup to its stage. Reviving are enjoying themselves.” Guest musicians Civil Liberties Union Legal Director Michael O the wacky Jewish this year are Gerald Steinberg for an update on the ACLU’s current humor of the ’50s Ross (Ann Arbor’s activities in Michigan. The talk and discussion and ’60s by parody- master of the Ha- will take place Friday, February 4, at the Jewish ing everything from waiian steel guitar) Community Center of Greater Ann Arbor, as cha-cha to doo-wop and Temple Beth part of the First Friday Shabbat observance, to rock, Northeast Emeth’s Kol Halev beginning at 6:30 p.m. Ohion’s Yiddishe choir, directed by “I think that the work of the American Cup is also one of Cantor Annie Rose. Civil Liberties Union tends to resonate strongly the tightest, most The shtickmeis- among Jews because we, as a people, are keenly vigorous klezmer ter—a klezmerite aware of what happens to individuals with mi- bands around. Year will be on hand to Michael Steinberg nority religious or political beliefs under totali- after year they wind lead the audience tarian regimes,” said Steinberg. “In my view, it administration’s use of the “state secrets doc- up on Jewish-music in dancing. A video is the mission of the ACLU to defend the con- trine” to shield the government from lawsuits ten-best lists, and of a previous year’s stitutional values of freedom, equality and de- alleging human rights violations; and the their live shows show can be viewed mocracy to ensure that the United States does growing Islamophobia in the United States. are legendary. Get at http://www.you- not morph into a country reminiscent of the He will also discuss the new “debtors prisons” ready for songs like tube.com/user/ police states from which we fled.” in Michigan, medical marijuana, affirmative “Gentile on My yiddishecup#p/u/9/ Yiddishe Cup Steinberg will speak about some the cut- action, and other issues. Mind” or “K’nock NBcfjr3llkA. ting edge cases and issues on which the ACLU This year the ACLU is celebrating its 90th Around the Clock.” But they can also play it The Ark is located at 316 South Main Street. is working—including a recent case where anniversary. It has evolved from a small group straight, bringing the energy and tradition Tickets are $20; $10 with student ID and can be the police strip-searched all 125 people in a of idealists committed to protecting Ameri- of klezmer music to their audiences. Says ordered by calling 763-8587. n bar looking for drugs; the Obama and Bush continued on page 34 no less an authority than the late cartoonist I Community 2935 Birch Hollow Drive Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 U-M Communal Ledership Program at the General Assembly voice: 734/971-1800 of the Jewish Federations of North America fax: 734/971-1801 e-mail: [email protected] www.washtenawjewishnews.org Editor and Publisher Susan Kravitz Ayer Calendar Editor Claire Sandler Advertising Manager Gordon White Design and Layout Dennis Platte Staff Writer Sandor Slomovits Contributing Writers Rabbi Zalman Abraham, Mara Abramson, Halye Aisner, Jennifer Arapoff, David Bernstein, Rabbi Lisa Delson, Rabbi Robert Dobrusin, Neal Elkin, Julie Ellis, Michael Feldstein, Sue Fishkoff, Eileen Freed, Noah Gallagher, Rabbi Aharon Goldstein, Robyn Gorell, Ben JCLP student Sara Shvartzman and social work student Whitney Lacefield with Harris, Peretz Hirshbein, Deborah Huerta, Ron Kampeas, Avram Kluger, Dina Kraft, Kimberly Vice-President Joseph Biden, November 10, 2010. Kunoff, Larry Luxner, Marcy Oster, Merrill Poliner, Mae Sander, Dina Shtull, Ronnie Simon, Donald Snyder, Elliot Sorkin, Bernie Stiefel, Maia Volk. Mimi Weisberg, Brett Willner The Washtenaw Jewish News is a free and inde- pendent newspaper. It is published monthly, with the exception of January and July. It is reg- istered as a Non-profit Michigan Corporation. Opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of its editors or staff Member of American Jewish Press Association ©2011 by the Washtenaw Jewish News. All rights reserved. No portion of the Washtenaw Jewish News may be reproduced without JCLP students, Ariel Pearl-Jacobvitz, Joshua Kantor, Liz Kohn, and Talya Gates- permission of the publisher. Monasch at the 2010 G. A. Signed letters to the editor are welcome; they should not exceed 400 words. Letters can be emailed to the editor at [email protected]. Name will be withheld at the discretion of the editor. Circulation: 5,000 Hadassah Game Night February 2 Subscriptions: $12 bulk rate inside Washtenaw County Julie Ellis, special to the WJN $18 first-class su bscription Hadassah will host a Game Night, Wednesday, February 2, at 7 p.m., at the Jewish Commu- nity Center of Greater Ann Arbor. This event is open to all women in the community for a The deadline for the March 2011 issue of the $5 entry fee, payable at the door. There will be games of mah jongg, bridge, scrabble, banana- Washtenaw Jewish News is grams, and more. For those who want to learn mah jongg, there will be lessons available. The Monday, February 5. Publication date: Thursday, February 23 evening will also include a raffle, great prizes, desserts, snacks, and beverages. Extra copies of the Washtenaw Jewish News RSVP to Julie Ellis at 665-0439 or [email protected], or Laurie Barnett at 996-2849 are available at locations throughout or [email protected]. For a ride, contact Martha Young at 769-7523. Washtenaw County. IIn this issue… Advertisers .................................................. 35 Israel ........................................................... 21 Washington D.C. .......................................... 24 Calendar ...................................................... 29 On Another Note ......................................... 28 Women ......................................................... 7 Campeus ....................................................... 8 Seniors .......................................................... 4 Vitals ........................................................... 34 Congregations ............................................
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