PFLAG IS A NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION WITH OVER 250,000 MEMBERS AND JUST OVER 250 CHAPTERS IN THE U.S. ISSUE VOLUME 02 19 FEBRUARY 2012 www.pflag.com [email protected] FEBRUARY IS MARRIAGE CYBER BULLYING EQUALITY Please join us for our General Meeting on We are pleased to have as our speaker MONTH Monday, February 27 at 7:00 pm at the Marcie Denberg-Serra, Assistant Director First United Methodist Church, 2231 Cami- of the Anti-Defamation League of San Di- no del Rio South in Mission Valley. Doors ego. One of the ADL’s goals is to secure open at 6:45 pm. justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike. Marcie’s presentation will be on cy- PLEASE REMEMBER THAT WE HAVE A ber bullying and how it relates to the LGBT CHANGE IN THE ORDER OF EVENTS. community. WE WILL HAVE OUR SUPPORT GROUPS FIRST, THEN OUR COOKIE SOCIAL, FOLLOWED BY THE SPEAKER. Please join us in efforts to bring equality to all. HILLCREST MARDI GRAS A LITTLE INFORMATION Hillcrest Mardi Gras will take place Tuesday, February 21 starting GOES A LONG WAY a 6 pm (rain or shine). This yearly Hillcrest outdoor celebration is a fantastic block party, in its 11th year, featuring street performers, a Supporting Students – Saving huge dance stage, musical acts and more. Lives is the theme of the third annual CESCaL (The Center for Come enjoy cold beverages, food and great company. This is a Excellence in School Counseling perfect celebration to get those hard to find beads, beads and more and Leadership) Conference beads! being held February 17-19. The conference addresses LGBTQIA Proceeds benefit the GSDBA Charitable Foundation (Greater issues in schools and is primarily for San Diego Business Association – AKA the SD Gay Chamber school counselors, all educators, school psychologists, of Commerce). The Foundation provides scholarships to LGBT school administrators, (basically any profession students and LGBT community student allies. that deals with youth). The purpose is to teach and General admission is $15 in advance, $20 at the gate. VIP Admission empower educators regarding laws and rights of the is $50 in advance, $75 at the gate. LGBTQIA students, resources, advocacy, and how to create a safe environment. PFLAG San Diego is one You must be 21 years of age or older of the sponsors. One of the guest speakers is Jody to attend. For more info: mosuniverse. Huckaby, Executive Director of PFLAG National. For com/blogs/hillcrest-mardi-gras. more info visit www.cescal.org. OFFICERS, COMMITTEES & VOLUNTEERS Membership Application Current Positions Memberships are for the calendar year. Co-Presidents Newsletter o New o Renewal o Change of Address Patti Boman Sherry Cohen-Richards, o Please contact me for volunteer opportunities 619-227-6092 Editor [email protected] Linda Bessemer, Laura Confidentiality is respected. Your donation is tax Partido & Flowers Group deductible (Tax ID 33-05-12868) Terrie Vorono Printing 858-483-8310 [email protected] Jessy Sauchuk, Belladia Make checks payable to: Marketing & Design PFLAG San Diego Past President Library PO Box 82762 Barbara Bodine [email protected] Joni Goldbarg San Diego, CA 92138 [email protected] Vice-President Type of Membership Programs Sherry Cohen-Richards The Board o Individual ............ $30 o Household ..............$40 858-349-6269 o o [email protected] Business ............ $50 Supporting .............$60 Scholarship o Contributing ..... $125 o Lifetime ...............$1000 Recording Secretary Olivia Dorman o Other ....... $________ Arlene Prater o Accept my donation, please do not list. [email protected] Spanish Interpreter Maria Cortinas Please fill out, clip and mail this form Corresponding 760-758-3294 Secretary Name ............................................................................... Speakers’ Bureau Betsy Sheets Address .......................................................................... [email protected] Terrie Vorono City ................................................................................. Transgender Treasurer State................ZIP .......................................................... Mark Thompson Coordinator 619-339-5843 Evelyn Lindenmuth Email ............................................................................... [email protected] 619-300-0396 Phone...................................................Date .................. Greeter Refreshments or go online www.pflag.com Lonnie Brunini Betsy Sheets [email protected] Website Membership Robert Sachristan Bobbi Harwood [email protected] 858-453-3249 REMEMBER [email protected] Board Members 2012 MEMBERSHIPS Patti Boman, Karen Info Line Thompson, Sherry Cohen- WERE DUE JANUARY 1! Support/Outreach Richards, Mark Thompson, 888-398-0006 Terrie Vorono, Sandi We always like to remind our membership of why it is important Timberlake, Kim Martinez, to pay dues and continue your financial support: room rental for Arlene Prater, Betsy Sheets the San Diego General Meeting, the telephone info/help line, newsletter publication and mailing, scholarship for LGBT youth, PFLAG San Diego PRIDE Parade and Festival, educational books and DVDs, fees PO Box 82762 San Diego, CA 92138 to participate in events to provide more visibility in the commu- Tax ID #33-0512868 nity, supplies, etc. Please keep in mind, also, that $15 of each membership is sent to PFLAG National to support them. If you haven’t renewed or joined yet, please help us to support the LGBT community. Current Events SUPPORT GROUPS February 17-19 March 5 Friday-Sunday Monday SD COUNTY GENERAL MEETING & SUPPORT GROUP CESCaL Conference Mi Familia Support Group (see article) Meets every fourth Monday at 7:00 pm, at the First United March 8 Methodist Church, 2231 Camino del Rio South in Mission February 21 Thursday Valley. Tuesday PFLAG Support Group Hillcrest Mardi Gras North County Inland For further information, contact the Info Line: 888-398-0006 (see article) March 12 or www.pflag.com February 25 Monday Saturday PFLAG Support Group NORTH COUNTY COASTAL Bowling for Equality East County (see article) Meets the first Monday, at 7:00 pm, North County LGBTQ March 12 February 27 Monday Resource Center, 510 North Coast Highway, Suite C, Monday Mi Familia Support Group Oceanside. San Diego PFLAG General Meeting & March 15 Contact [email protected] or Support Groups Thursday Larry Gerling, (760) 224-2178. March 5 Diversionary Theater/ reception & play (see article) Monday NORTH COUNTY INLAND PFLAG Support Group March 16 Meets every second Thursday, at 7:00 pm, Temple Adat North County Coastal Friday Deadline to submit Shalom, 15905 Pomerado Road, Room #9, Poway (Ran- scholarship applications cho Bernardo). The entrance to parking is directly across the street from the entrance to Sprouts’ Market Center. Drive to the end of the building and bear right around it, to GET YOUR PRIDE GEAR the first doors on your right (double doors). Visit our online store & show your Contact Sue Fine, (858) 673-4560 or support, purchase from PFLAG. [email protected]. http://www.cafepress.com/pflagsd EAST COUNTY Meets every second Monday, at 7:00 pm, Summit Unitarian Universalist Church, 8778 Cottonwood Avenue, Santee. Contact Ron Goetz, (619) 588-2342 or [email protected]. MI FAMILIA (Spanish) Meetings are every Monday from 6:00pm - 8:00 pm at The Center. Contact Carolina, (619) 692-2077 Ext. 116. TRANSGENDER SUPPORT For more information on the Transgender Support Group Contact Kathe Dunn, [email protected]. Robert Sachristan CreativeWorks Graphic Design 619 630 - 0498 National PFLAG, Washington, DC (202) 647-8180, www.pflag.org 3 IT DOESN’T HURT NATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MARRIAGE (NOM) TO KEEP ASKING TAUGHT A CIVICS LESSON The HIV Neurobehav- New Jersey Governor Chris Christie won’t And when Brown claimed that “democracy ioral Research Center discuss marriage equality or make decisions doesn’t count here” because Wolfson (HNRC) at UCSD in Hill- concerning same-sex marriage. He wants opposes a proposal by Governor Christie to crest is asking for vol- to leave everything up to the voters of New put same-sex marriage up for a statewide unteers to do research Jersey. A recent debate, discussing this debate and vote, it was answered with a studies. While most of very issue were Evan Wolfson, founder and civics lesson on American values: the research is done president of Freedom to Marry and Brian “I disagree with Mr. Brown’s explanation with volunteers who Brown, president of the National Organization of how the United States is supposed to are HIV positive, they for Marriage. Even though the debate was function,” Wolfson said. “Here in the United are currently asking for only 10 minutes long, it was televised, giving States, we actually believe there are basic volunteers who are HIV those who are part of the “movable middle,” rights, basic freedoms, that are protected for negative between the reason to shift in the “right” direction. He everybody under the Constitution. And it’s ages of 18 to 39 years set about dismantling the “torrent of talking exactly what we don’t do is have a big debate old and 50 to 80 years points” that Brian Brown unloaded during about whether you should have freedom of old. Anyone interested their appearance on Up Close With Diana religion, or whether I should have freedom in volunteering may call Williams. of speech, or whether you should have the the research center at When Brown insisted gay rights activists freedom to marry. We are all Americans, 619-543-5000 between in New Jersey were trying to “redefine and we are all entitled to basic rights and 8am
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