40 T HE JO URNAL THEMUSEUM H 0 P Unique Gifts of Significance contemporary crafts Roesen note stationery copper miniatures decorative tiles authentic indian artifacts THE jigsaw puzzles postcards JOURNAL historical literature OFTHE Lycoming County Historical Society VOLUME Vll WINTER-SPRING NUMBER ONE 1970-1971 JOU R NAL MUSEUM STAFF of the Director John W. Strawbri.Ige lll LYCO-MING COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Ad till s native Aides Mrs. Anne Gstalder P7ibtisbed Semi-AI I ilalLy in Willia7nsPo , Pel I STtuania Mrs. Jean Laylon Museum Office 858 West Fourth Street PreParatol' alza Exhibits Custodian Elmer D. Geurdes,Jr Telephone (Area Code 717) 326-3326 Brfilding Cr4.stodial Ralph Wikstrom BOARD OF TRUSTEES freq ElTfollee Thomas Fuller CARL H. SIMON, PRESIOENT A. F. KEIGHLEY RALPH R. CRANMER, TREASURER WILLIAM E. NICHOLS, JR., ESQ. WALTER J. HEIM DONALD M. CARSON, MICHAEL LAGANA CURRENT SOCIO'IY PRESIDENT MUSEUM VOLUNTEER STAFF BOARD OFGOVERNORS GeneaLogist Mrs. Donald M. Carson [)ONALD M. CARSON, PRESIDENT EDWARD J. DIJRRWACHTER, 3RD VICE PRES. TI{OMAS T. FABER, IST. VICE PRES. MRS. DONA].D M. CA]ISON, SECRETARY Registfa Mrs. Robert Marshall JAMES P. BjiESSI.ER,2NO VICE PRES. HAROLD B. TAYLOR, TREASURER Catalog C07rLmittee Miss June Foresman, Chairman Miss Ethel Ertel 1969-1971 TERM 1970-1971 TERM 1970-1972TERM Mrs. Frederick Snell MRS. JOHN W. LINDEMUTH PAUL G. GILMORE ANDREW K. GRUGAN Mrs. Fi:ed Foresman MRS. EDIT]] L. WRIGHT LORING B. PRIEST Fine Arts Program?LCop}7nittee Dr. June E. Baskin, Chairman MRS. AH.AN N '. YOUNG, JR. MR. JOHN W. BITNER Andrew K. Grugan SAMUEL J. DORNSIFE C)relation M2{sezl?l} Mrs. Michael J. Lecce, Chairman EX-OFFICIO BOARD MEMBERS To {.r Gu+.de Nel ,ste£tet Mrs. Thomas Tiber, Editor MISS MARGARET B. CORYELL - LIFE HONORARY MEMBEl{ MRS. MICHAEL J. LECCE REPRESENTATIVE Pzfblicity alza PTlblic Rel'ltions Charles E. Noyes JUNIOR LEAGUE OF WILLIAMSPOI{T MR. MAX AMnGn - PRESIDENT, C7frato ial Departments. THE GREATER WILLIAMSPORT ARTS COUNCIL Arcbaeolog) .JamesP. Bressler, Chairman Willard Schell William Turnbaugh SOCIETY STAFF Archives alla Rica ds Miss Gladys Tozier, Chief EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MRS. KATHRYN J. CLUTE C2tra arial Conswttal Samuel J. Dornsife EDITORS Edl£cation Andrew K. Grugan DONALD M. CARSON .JOHN W '. STI{AWBRIDGE, III MRS. KAI'HI{YN J. CLUTE RIK FIOFMANN Fine Arts Dr. June E. Boskin lltdzfstr] Francis Maneval Extra Copies of The Journal Fif ty Cents Each Textiles Mrs. Jane Ingersoll n CONTENTS PACE MEMBERSHIP MEETING PROGRAM 1970-1971 Membership fleeting Program for 1970-1971 5 You are cordially invited to attend our regular membership meetings which will be held at 8 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month. We will meet at the Museum Six-Month Financial Report, April I through September 30: 1970 6 except in September and March, when the dinner meetings will be at che Warrensville Museum Showcase 8 Fire Hall. Parc ll of ''The Life and Times of William Hepburn ' 10 September17, 1970 (6: 30 p.m. dinner:,Warrensville Fire Hall) WILLIAM N. RICHARDS. Director. Bureau of Museums. The Pennsvlvanian yiv Genealogy Corner 1) Historical and MuseumCommission. :Effective Use of a Modern Museum Quest for Information on German-American Writers October15, 1970 Biography of John Sloan by Mrs. John Sloan 16 PAUL. G. GILMORE, Editor, Williamsport Sun-Gazette, The Wild Lycoming--Streatn of History by JanaesBressler 19 'Highlights of Local History ' 1976 BicentennialCelebration zs November 19, 1970 MISS GLADYS TOZIER, Museum Archivist, slide presentationreset on ik Coupthouses of Lycoming County by R Hofmann 27 'The Ring of the Axe and Weir of che Saw' Time Capsule for New Coupthouse 28 December 17, 1970 CHRISTMAS PARTY Reenactment of 1940 Christmas meeting, dramatizing William Sips and His Pottery 29 three "Christmas Recollections'' of 100 years ago by: Mrs. Edith Wright, Messes. ScottLaughead and Don K. Skills, with Dr. MendalVan Vann leadingthe RachelSilverthorn by KatharineW. Bennet 30 Christmas carols Two Sturdy Pioneers 31 January21, 1971 DR. JUNE BARKIN, Supervisorof Art, Williamsport Area SchoolDistrict, Battery "D", 1914 [o 1919 32 In the Interest of Ai:chitecture When Newberry Burned by Katharine W. Bender 33 February 18, 1971 Questions from the Archives 18 A moving picture, in color and sound, from Colonial Williamsburg entitled :Doorway to the Past' Answers to the Above March 18, 1971 (6:30 p.m. dinner, Mari:ensvilJeFire Hall) Index of Journal Ai:tides Published from 1955 to 1969 36 MRS. ELIZABETH. TOWNSHEND TRUMP. Internsrionallya Known ExpertX on Antiques Antiques -- the American Way ' April 15, 1971 MRS. HUMES COLLINS, Nationally Known Collector of Pewter COVERPiCVUKE--This view of che front of our old courthouse, 1861-1968, shows the 'Early American Pewter: tower surmounted by the figure of Justice. See Mr. Hofmann's article on "Courthouses ( Annual Business Meeting) of Lycoming County.' Mrs. John W. Bitner Program Chairman 6 THE JOURNAL Non-Operating Expenditures Capital 857.66 SIX MONTH FINANCIAL REPORT BALANCE Society Checking Acct. 9-30-70 $ 4283.65 April I through September30, 1970 #lncludes Contributions, Soft Drink Machine and Pay Telephone concessions, and income from Truss Funds. The follow,ing condensedreport of Society and Museum finances has been taken # #Building Maintenance, Hauling, Exhibit Supplies: Telephone from our Treasurer'soperating statement for the first six monthsof the presentfiscal and Historical Publications and Memberships. year, starring April 1, 1970. Some of our receipts are seasonal,such as meeting room rental [o the Community College, now on a 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. basis.By next summer LYCOMING COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY he tourist trade should help fill this gap. Funding by the Williamsporc Area School STATEMENT OF ASSETSAND FUND BALANCE District has helped raise the current annual budget to $33,700. This badly needed help has resulted from recognition of a number of well-received museum school programs in September30, 1970 1969, such as rhe Operation Museum classesfor younger school children, using museum CURRENT ASSETS objects, which was originated by the Junior League under the leadership of Mrs. Michael Lecceand her staff. Much of the credit for our school-orientedprograms and tours goes Checking Account $ 4283.65 to Mr. John Strawbridge111, who worked as Exhibit Consultantfor three years.On Savings Account 328.60 rune 1, 1970, he was placed on the payroll as full-time Museum Director. Other Museum Gift Shop Inventory ($854.16) Prepayments employees and our new Executive Secretary for the Society, Mrs. Kathryn Chute, work ($331.98) 1168.14 $ 5798.39 on a part-time basis. Blue Cross-Blue Shield insurance for them WASstarted in June Details of rhe Museum pi:ograms are ourJined by Mr. Strawbridge in his Museum TRUST FUNDS INVESTED Showcase Section. Federal Home Loan Bank 8.05 percent Bonds $10125.00 LYCOMING COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Savings Acounts 2783.95 Stock of Corporations 1878.75 14787.70 OPERATING STATEMENT APRIL 1, 1970, TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1970 FIXED AND OTHER ASSETS Checking Account 4-1-70 $ 1092.72 Land, Building, Furniture, and Fixtures $341331.57 RECEIPTS Display Equipment, Cases, Material, etc. 19600.92 Dues from Members $3159.50 Victorian Period Room 4762.04 Admissions to Museum 420.96 Artifacts 69271.63 $434966.16 Lycoming County Commissioners ( six months ) 2700.00 Williamsport School District ( six months) 2000.00 TOTAL ASSETS $455,552.25 Rentals -- Wmspt. Area Com. College and others 1540.00 Gift Shop -- Income in Excess of Expenses 211.30 Dinner: and Bus Trip - Income in Excessof Expense 52.75 Accrs. Payable and Taxes Withheld 365.17 Other Incomes 763.16 Fred Waning 1969 Concern 2500.00 13347.67 FUND BALANCE $455,187.08 FUNDSAVAILABLE $14440.39 TOTAL LIABILITIES and FUND BALANCE $455,552.25 EXPENDITURES Salaries $ 8474.75 Members of the Society should not be misled by this $4,000 balance in our check- 670.00 Insurance ing account on Sept. 30, 1970. We had lust received a subsidy from {he Williamsport Office Supplies, Postage,Printing Journals and Brochures 842.65 School.A.uthority. Only a few weeksbefore we were down to a few hundreddollars Utilities and Heat 26S2.36 of available cash to meet current obligations. We are still badly in need of funds with Social Security, Blue Cross-Blue Shield 569.82 which to operatethe Museum.October 1, 1970,was the end of the six-monthgrace Other# # 530.12 13739.70 period for payment of dues by people who had noc renewed their memberships for the cast fisca[ year, and 69 had to be dropped from the mai]ing list. Seventy-onehave Funds in Excess of Operating Expenses 700.69 been added to our ro]]s. This makes a very sma]] gain in total membership. As of Jan Non-OperatingAdditions and Other Credits 1, 1971, we have 556 memberships. Estimating two people for each family membership, Accts. Rec., Payable, & Misc--Net Credit 1090.62 we have approximately 775 members. Since income from dues in our current budget Advance payments for fiscal year: calls for at least 1,000 inelubers,we urge all of you to take an active part in soliciting CountyCommissioners -- Third Qtr 1350.00 new membersfor our Society. Wmspr. School District -- 3rd and 4th QErs. 2000.00 4440.62 We takethis opportunityto point out charbequests to the HistoricalSociety are held strictly in trust, and only the income from such money is used to defray operating 5141.31 expenses. 8 T HE JO-URNA L 9 Changes in fashion and skillful needle- ics own collection and also certain materials work are represented in rhe costume and loaned by other museumsand individuals. textiles department From ehe earliest samp- The exhibits serve to illusti:ace concepts in lers to late Victorian dresses. the threads the human history of our area and are di- of local history are woven into materials rected toward a general audience.
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