www.ukrweekly.com ТНЕ І СВОБОДА JpVQBODA І І " " Ш ^" Щ УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК ^ЯК?^ UKRAINIAN DASL\ Щ Щ UkrainiaENGLISH-н LANGUAGnE WEEKL Y WeekEDITION lу VOL. LXXXV No. 22 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JANUARY 29,1978 25 CENTS! Political Prisoners Denounce Albany is Site of Third Soviet Delegation at CSCE Ukrainian Independence Program NEW YORK, N.Y.—A group of be faceless people in the multi-millioned Gov. Carey Issues Proclamation political prisoners incarcerated in the flock," wrote the political inmates. Perm region camp no. 36 denounced They said that those individuals now ALBANY, N.Y. (UCCA Special)- closed with the Ukrainian "Khai zhyve the Soviet delegation to the CSCE talks have the "courage to remain loyal to At a legislative session of the New samostiyna і vilna Ukraina," which the in Belgrade as being insincere, barbarous, our beliefs, to our unreconciling atti­ York State Senate, held in the Capitol crowded applauded warmly. The final hypocritical, criminal and prison tude to evil, barbarism and hypo­ here Tuesday, January 24, the pro­ speaker was State Assemblyman Mau­ wardens, reported the press service of crisy." clamation designating January 22, rice Hinchey, whose mother is Ukraini­ the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation The prisoners said that they survived 1978,, as "Ukrainian Independence an. Council (abroad). investigations, closed-door trials, and Day" in New York State, issued by The entertainment was especially appreciated by the large gathering "Who are you, who today sit behind are now "denied freedom and normal Gov. Hugh Carey, was read by Edwyn environment for living." They said E. Mason, sponsor of the resolution, which demonstrated its enthusiasm the conference table in Belgrade? Do after each number. The youngsters of you seek good for mankind? No," said that they are being fed rotten food, and with many Ukrainian Americans at­ the doctors approve all their sufferings tending. Special prayers were offered the Ukrainian Art Appreciation Guild the 18 political prisoners of different from the Albany area were most nationalities. "Traditional prisons for in the camps. at the session by Rev. Theodore Hu- "You have remained barbarians, manitzki of St. Nicholas Ukrainian appealing in the three Ukrainian folk those who hold differing views and dances they performed, "hutsulka," "ko- patriots, for those who conduct them­ hypocrites and criminals. You do not Catholic Church of Hudson, N.Y., desire peace, you do not seek good­ who represented Bishop Basil Losten. zachok" and "at the market place." selves according to humanitarian Students of Roma Pryma-Boha- moral norms, testify to your insin­ ness. Your dialogue with the civilized Lt. Gov. Mary Ann Krupsak presided. West is a facade," they wrote. It is to be recalled that it is on the initi­ chevska, noted ballerina and choreo­ cerity." grapher also performed. The group re­ The letter was signed by: (Ukraini­ "Today we consider it our obliga­ ative of Sen. Mason that the Ukrainian tion to the world, which does not yet independence program is held in the ceives support from the N.Y. State ans) Dmytro Hrynkiv, Dmytro Demy- Council on the Arts. div, Ihor Kalynets, Dmytro Basarab, know the barbed wires of political capital city of New York State, this be­ Valeriy Marchenko, Stepan Sapeliak, camps: Beware! Your partners in the ing the third such observance. Equally popular with the audience Ivan Svitlychny and Mykola Slobodi- discussions are prison wardens and Earlier that day, a 60th anniversary was the "Kobza" Girls' Vocal En­ an, along with Semen Gluzman, Zhu- not diplomats," said the political pri­ Ukrainian independence program was semble, with guitar accompaniment kavskas, Kovalev, Monastyrsky, Mu- soners. held in the Legislative Building, attend­ provided by Mr. Kushnir. They rend­ khametshyn, Matyk, Plumpa and Sar- As a post script, which attests to the ed by more than 700 people, with a ered four Ukrainian folk songs: kysian. extent the Soviet officials comply with great preponderance of non-Ukraini­ "Where the Blue Hills Are," Dark the free flow of information provision ans present. This was the best attended Eyes," "Blossoming Thornbush" and "Name today those among us, who of the Helsinki Accords, the prisoners observance due to wide publicity on the "Little Gypsy Girl." have survived the Stalinist camps and wrote: "Because we know from ex­ radio and in the local press -- Times The program concluded with the conserved their love for their destroyed perience the impossibility of sending Union and Knickerbocker News of singing of "Lord, Hear Our Plea." and colonized Fatherland, who were such appeals through official chan­ Albany, Times Record of Troy, Sche- Mrs. Dushnyck served as master of arrested by your henchmen for nels, we are not even considering such nectady Gazette and the Amsterdam ceremonies during the program. speaking the truth, for not wanting to routes." News. The event was sponsored by the Also participating in the celebration Ukrainian Congress Committee of were State Sens. William T. Conklin, America (UCCA) Regional Council deputy majority leader; John E. Flynn, branches in the Albany area under the Martin J. Knorr and Thomas Bartosie- chairmanship of Yaroslav Kushnir and wicz, as well as Mayor Theodore Wind the UCCA central office in New York of Little Falls, and many others. Berdnyk, Vins Reportedly Released City. Present also were Very Rev. Bohdan The program began with the singing Volosin of Watervliet, and a large of the American and Ukrainian na­ group of students from Ss. Peter and tional anthems by the "Kobza" Girls' Paul Ukrainian Catholic School in Co- After Being Arrested Last Month Vocal Ensemble of Watervliet under hoes, many of them in Ukrainian cos­ the direction of Mr. Kushnir, with the tumes and carrying Ukrainian flags. NEW YORK, N.Y.--01es Berdnyk and Petro Vins, two members of the assemblage joining in, followed by the They had come with Sister Laura. Kiev Public Group to Promote the Implementation of the Helsinki invocation by Very Rev. Alexis Limon- Ukrainian Americans attending hail­ ed from Albany, Amsterdam, Cohoes, Accords, who were arrested last month, have reportedly been released, chenko of St. Nicholas Ukrainian Or­ thodox Church of Troy. The opening Hudson, Kerhonkson, Rensselaer, learned the press service of the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council Schenectady, Troy, Utica and Water­ (abroad). address, on the background of the Uk­ rainian independence observance, was vliet, as well as Pittsfield, Mass., and On December 12, 1977, the KGB arrested Berdnyk, Vins and Lev Luki- given by Mrs. Mary Dushnyck, mem­ included representatives from the anenko. ber of the UCCA National Council and UCCA, UNA, UWA, Providence As­ sociation and UNWLA, as well as Vet­ The press service said that Berdnyk was released after 15 days of intense UNA Vice-President, on behalf of the interrogation. UCCA. erans Post 16 of Troy. Posters announcing the Ukrainian in­ Vins, the son of the incarcerated Baptist leader, Georgi Vins, was released Lt. Gov. Krupsak, in her address, dependence program were displayed in from a Darnytsia detention center a week after Berdnyk. He was on a hun­ stressed the need for preserving our the Legislative Building, and hundreds ger strike since his arrest. identity and remembering our roots as of UCCA pamphlet were disbuted to demonstrated by the Ukrainian Ameri­ participants. No news was available about Lukianenko's situation. can participation in a program such as Following the program many partici­ The press service said that various individuals in Ukraine are still being this one. State Sen. Warren Anderson, pants attended a reception in the cham­ questioned in connection with the activity of the Kiev group, and members the majority leader, paid tribute to Uk­ bers of Sen. Mason. Joining them also of the Ukrainian Helsinki monitoring committee are under tight surveil­ rainian Americans for their efforts to were many state legislators. Walter lance. help their kin win freedom. Kwas, manager of Soyuzivka, organized Sen. Mason opened his remarks with the reception with the cooperation of Ukrainian words of welcome and several others. 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JANUARY 29, 1978 No. 22 President Replies to Questions Kalynets Challenges Claim By Polish Dissidents Of Adequate Medical Care WASHINGTON, D.C.—In reply to tors and broadcasters. William J. NEW YORK,' N.Y.—In an attempt no. 35 there is a two-story hospital, one of the three questions submitted to Dyess, Deputy Assistant Secretary of to refute allegations about adequate "where inmates are treated until they President Jimmy Carter by Polish dis­ State for Public Affairs, said in reply medical attention in prison camps, are fully recovered.'' sidents in Warsaw, Poland, the U.S. to a question from the Svoboda repre­ Ihor Kalynets challenged Soviet offi­ "In the zone there is an infirmary, Chief Executive said that the creation sentative that no formal protest was cials to live up to the claims made by a where every morning and evening a of a permanent international body to issued by the American government as former political prisoner who has re­ doctor treats patients and during the monitor compliance with human rights a result of the barring of the Polish dis­ nounced his views, said the press ser­ day a nurse is present; for several days is not necessary. sidents. He said that the administration vice of the Ukrainian Supreme Liber­ during the week a dentist sees patients; "We are skeptical that the creation only "expressed its regret." ation Council (abroad). and the sick are given medical treatment of a permanent international body is Mr. Carter's replies reflected pre­ Vasyl Zakharchenko, a former in­ and drugs free of charge," claimed Za­ the best way to accomplish that goal," vious government pronouncements on mate in the Perm region camp no. kharchenko. said President Carter. human rights and their implemen­ 389/36, wrote July 16, 1977, edition of Zakharchenko added that during his He added that periodic conferences, tation.
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