EDITIONLAUSANNE Limited to one tbousand registered sets N0.4'7 THE DECLINEAND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE VOL. I1 THE HISTORY OF THE DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE BY EDWARD GIBBON EDITED BY J. B. BURY, M.A. WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY THE RT. HON. W. E. H. LECKY VOL. I1 NEW YORK FRED DE FAU & COMPANY PUBLISHERS COPYRIGHT,I+, FRED DE FAU & COMPANY. CONTENTS OF THE SECOND VOLUME PACE... LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS......... xu1 CHAPTER X The Emperors Decks. Gallus. Amilianus. Valerian. and Galliersur - The General Irruption of the Barbarians - The Thirty Tyrads A.D. 248-268 The Nature of the Subject .......i The Emperor Philip .........a 249 Services.Revolt. Victory. and Reign of the Emperor Decius . a 250 He marchesagainst the Goths ......3 Origin of the Goths from Scandinavia .....4 Religion of the Goths ........5 Institutions and Death of Odin .......6 Agreeable. but uncertainHypothesis concerning Odin . 6 Emigration of the Goths fromScandinavia into Prussia . 7 -from Prussia to theUkraine ...... 8 The Gothic Nation increases in its March .... 9 Distinction of the Germans and Sarmatians ....10 Description ofUkraine the ......10 The Goths invade the Roman Provinces .....11 250 Various Events of the Gothic War ... ..12 251 Decius revives the ofice of Censor in the Person of Valerian . 14 The Design Impracticable. and without Effect ....15 Defeat and Death of Decius and his Son .....16 251 Election of Gallus .........IS 252 Retreat of the Goths ....... 18 gallus purchases Peace by the Payment of an annual Tnbut; 18 Popular Discontent .........19 253 Victory and Revolt of Ahilianus ......20 Gallus abandoned and slain .......20 Valerian revenges the Death of Gallus .....21 Is acknowledged Emperor ........21 'i Character of Valerian ..... ..22 253-268 General Misfortunes of the Reigns of Valerian and'Gallienus 22 Inroads of the Barbarians . ......23 Origin and Confederacy of the Franks .....23 They invade Gaul .........25 RavageSpain ..........26 Pass over into Africa ........26 Origin and Renown of theSuevi ......a6 Amixed body of Suevi assume the name of Alemanni . 27 Invade Gaul andItaly ........28 V WMA COLLEGE MONTEITH LIBRARY ALMA. MICHIGAN vi CONTENTS A.D. PAGE Are repulsed from Rome by the Senate and People ...26 The Senatorsexcluded by Gallienus from the Military Service 29 Gallienuscontracts an AUiancewith the Alemanni ...29 Inroads of the Goths . ..... 30 Conquest of the Bosphorus by the Goths ....' 31 The Goths acquire a Navai Force ...... 32 First Naval Expedition of the Goths ..... 33 The Goths besiege andTrebizond take .....33 The SecondExpedition of the Goths .... 34 plunder the CitiesThey the plunder of Bithynia ......35 Retreat of the Goths ........ 36 Third Naval Expedition of the Goths .... 36 They pass the Bosphorus and the Hellespont .... 37 Ravage Greece. and threaten Italy ..... 38 Their Divisions and Retreat ......* 39 Ruin of the Temple of Ephesus ......40 Conduct of theGoths at Athens ..... 41 A rmenia by the PersiansConquest the of byArmenia .....42 V alerian marches into the intomarches Valerian East ..... 4= zb Is defeated and taken prisoner by Sapor.King of Persia . 43 Sapor overruns Syria. Cilicia. and Cappadocia ... 44 Boldness and Success of Odenathus againstSapor ...46 Treatment of Valerian . ....-47 Character and Administration of Gallienus ....47 The Thirty Tyrants ......... 49 Their real Number not more than nineteen ... 50 Character and Merit of the Tyrants ...... 50 Their obscure Birth ........ * 51 The Causes of their Rebellion .......52 Their violent Deaths ........ 52 Fatal ConsequencesUsurpations of these .....53 Disorders of Sicily .........54 Tumults of Alexandria ........55 Rebellion of the Isaurian ........ 56 Famine and Pestilence . ......57 Diminution of the Human Species ..... 58 CHAPTER XI Reign of Claudius .Dcjcat of & Goths .Vidmiw. Triumph. ad Death of Aurelian a68 Aureolusinvades Italy. is defeated. and besieged at Milan . Death of Gallienus . ...... Character and Elevation of the Emperor Claudius ... a68 Death of Aureolus ......... Clemency and Justice of Claudius ...... He undertakes the Reformation of the Anny .... 269 The Goths invade the Empire ...... Distress and Firmness of Claudius ...... His Victory over the Goths ....... CONTENTS vii A9. 2 70 Death of the Emperor. who recommends Aurelian for his Successor ...... The Attempt and FAof Quintiiius ...... Origin andServices of AureLian ...... Aurelian's successful Reign ....... His Severe Discipline ..... He concludes aTreaty with the'Gotds ..... He resigns to them theProvinceof Dada .... The Alemannic War ........ The Alemanni invade Italy ....... They are at last vanquished by Aurelian ..... Superstitious Ceremonies ........ Fortitications at Rome ........ Aurelian suppresses the two Usurpers ..... Succession of Usurpers in Gaul ...... The Reign and Defeat of Tetricus ...... Character of Zenobia ........ Her Beauty and Learning ....... Her Valour .......... She revenges her Husband's Death ...... She reigns over the East and Egypt ...... 27" The Expedition of Aurelian ....... The Emperor defeats the Palmyrenians in the Battles of Antioch and Emesa ......... The State of Palmyra ........ It is besieged by Aurelian ........ 273 Aurelianbecomes Master of Zenobia and of the City . Behaviour of Zenobia ........ Rebellion and ruin of Palmyra ....... Aurelian suppresses the Rebellion of Firmus in Egypt . 274 Triumph of Aurelian ........ His Treatment of Tetricus and Zenobia ..... His Magnijicence and Devotion ...... He suppresses a Sedition at Rome ...... Observations upon it ......... Cruelty of Aurelian ... ..... 175 He marches into the East. and is k'assinated .... CHAPTER XII Conduct oj the Army and Scm after the Dcdh of Aurclian- Rcigns of Tacilus. Probus. Carw and his Sons Extraordinary Contest between the Army and the Senate for the Choice of an Emperor ......102 275 A peaceful Interregnum of Eight Months .....103 The Consulassembles the Senate ......105 Character of Tacitus .........105 He is elected Emperor ........106 He accepts the Purple ........107 Authority of the Senate ........108 Their Joy and Confidenae ........ '09 ... Vlll CONTENTS PAQE Tacitusis acknowledgedby the Army ... i10 The Alani invade Asia and are repulsed by Tacitus . 110 Death of the Emperor Tacitus .... i11 Usurpation and Death of his Brother Florianus . 112 Their FamilySubsists in Obscurity . .. 113 Character and Elevation of the Emperor Probus . 113 His RespectfulConduct towards the Senate . 114 Victories of Probus overthe Barbarians ... 116 He delivers Gaul from the Invasion of the Germans . I17 He carries hisArms into Germany . 119 He builds a Wall from the Rhine to the Danube . I20 Introduction and Settlement of the Barbarians . I21 DaringEnterprise of theFranks .... 123 Revolt of Saturninus in the East .... 124 .of Bonosus and Proculus inGaul ... 125 Triumph of the Emperor Probus .... 125 His Discipline ......, . 126 His Death ........ 127 Election and Character of Carus .... 128 The Sentiments of the Senate and People ... 129 Carus defeats the Sarmatians and marches into the East . 130 283 He givesAudience tothe PersianAmbassadors . 130 283 His victories and extraordinaryDeath ..... 131 He is succeeded by his two Sons. Carinus and Numerian . 132 284 Vices of Carinus . ....... 133 He celebrates theRoman Games ...... '35 Spectacles of Rome ........ 135 The Amphitheatre ... .... '37 Return of Numerian with the Army from Persia . ' I39 Death of Numerian ........ 141 284 Election of the Emperor Diocletisn ..... 142 285 Defeat andDeath of Carinus ....... 142 CHAPTER XI11 The Reign of Diodetian and his three Associates. Maximian. Gakrius. and Constantius - GeneralRe-establishment of Order and Tranquillidy - The Persian War. Victory. and Triumph - The New Form of Adminis- tration - Abdication and Retiremend of Diodetian and Maximian 285 Elevation and Character of Diocletian ... 144 His Clemency in Victory ...... 146 286 Association and Character of Maximian ... 146 292 Association of two Czsars. Galerius and Constantius . I48 [293] Departments and Harmony of thefour Princes . I49 Series of Events ........ 150 a87 State of the Peasants of Gaul ..... 151 Their Rebellion ........ 152 AndChastisement ....... 152 287 Revolt of Carausius in Britain ..... ' 153 [286] Importance of Britain ...... 154 Power of Carausius ....... ' 154 ..... c CONTENTS ix A9. PACE 289 Acknowledgedby the other Emperors . ... ''55 294 [293] HisDeath ......... 156 296 Recovery of Britain by Constantius . ....156 Defence of the Frontiers ....... ''57 Fortifications ......... ''57 Dissensions of the Barbarians ... ....158 Conduct of the Emperors .... ....158 Valour of the Cgsars ........ '59 Treatment of the Barbarians ....... 159 Wars of Africa and Egypt .... ....160 296 Conduct of Diocletian in Egypt ....... 161 [295] He suppresses Books of Alchymy . ....163 Novelty and Progress of that Art . ....163 The Persian War ......... 164 282 Tiridates theArmenian . ...... 164 286 His Restoration to the Throne of Armenia ....165 State of Countrythe . ... ... Revolt of thePeople and Nobles . ...: 22 Story of Mamgo ..... ....166 The Persians recover Armenia ... ....167 296 War between the Persians and the Romans .... 169 Defeat of Galerius ........ 1% His Receptionby Diocletian ....... 170 297 SecondCampaign of Galerius ....... 170 His Victory ...... ....'71 His Behaviour to hisRoyal Captives . ....171 NegotiationforPeace . ...... 172 Speech of the Persian Ambassador . ....172 Answer of Galerius ..... .... 173 Moderation of Diocletian ....... 177 -I., Conclusion of a Treaty of Peace
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