CONTENTS ENGINE & TELEGRAPH EQUIPMENT FOR NAVAL & MERCHANT VESSELS VOL. 19. DECEMBER. 1956. EDITORIAL: War In The Middle E«it 4 MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINE TELEGRAPH too* Air And See 5 EQUIPMENT AND LUBRICATED TYPE MELBOURNE CHAIN AND WIRE GUIDES. ARTICLES STEAMSHIP Diving To Greet Depths 6 CO. LTD. • REPAIRS CARRIED OUT PROMPTLY. New (First Lard Discusses R.N'i Role In Peace And War 9 Head Office: The first Big - Gun Ships II 31 KING ST.. MELBOURNE HRANf'HPS OR AGENCIES The Chin, Riv,r Gunboats 16 AT ALL PORTS MARINE DIESEL FUEL INJECTION SYSTEMS Naval Diplomacy 20 MANAGING AGENTS FOR HOBSONS BAY DOCK AND RECONDITIONED AND RENEWED. Bridge Transmitter Portraits Of Lord Nalson 26 ENGINEERING CO. PTY. LTD and Engine Room Worlra: Witliamatown. Victoria QUICK SERVICE FOR SHIPPING COMPANIES. Rabirth Of Tha Garman N,vy 2) Receiver as shown 1 HODGB ENGINEERING CO. Progress In R.N. Air Arm 30 PTY. LTD. were fitted to Ship History Of Swords In Tha Navy 31 Work,: Suaacx St.. Sydntv. BEGG & GREIG Building Board D. and COCKBURN ENGINEERING 20 ERSKINE STREET, SYDNEY FEATURES: 8C E. Class Vessels. PTY. LTD. Phones: BX 1208, BX 7087 Na»s Of Tha World's Navias 14 Voitx Hinaa RA, Pnmaida. SHIP REPAIRERS. ETC. Parsonalitias 19 PLATE CIRCLES Book Raviawt 21 Australian Manufacturers Maritima N,ws Of Tha World 23 Can obtain aluminium in many semi-fabricated Publiihad by Tha Navy Laagua of Australia, <3 Pitt Straat, Sydnay. N.S.W. forms from one supplier—Australuco. Talaphona IU 1771. Official Organ of th. Navy Laagua of Australia; tlw Marchant Sarvica Guild of Australasia: tha Ex-Naval Man's Association (Fodaral). pLAT Sheet (or panelling—Coiled SUBSCRIPTION RATE: 12 Issuas post free in th, British Empire, 20/-. Sheet for condenser], evapora- tor fins, awnings and Venetian blind Copiai of "H»r,ld" photographs *aad may ba obteined diract from Photo Sal,s. Sydnay Morning Harald. Huntar Straat. Sydnay. slats—Extruded Sections for archi- tectural work, decorative moulding and trim, Road Transportation vehicles—Tubing for refrigerator FOR. EVERY TYPE OF CRAFT AFLOAT evaporators—Irrigation Tubing— Circles for holloware and light fit- tings—Free Machining Stocl: for SOLID automatic lathe work—the list is, SECTIONS SECTIONS FORGINGS in fact, interminable. FOUNDRY CORRUGATED INGOT BUILDING BAR SHEET AUSTRALIAN ALUMINIUM COMPANY PTY LTD Whatever your products may b~ it is more than I kely you I lot or po'otod . the S'otr of Victoria I ANCHOR BRAND ROPE will have a requirement for l\ OM'CIf CAPSTAN aluminium. tlllfri bltafttf better December, I9S». THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA. POOLE & STEEL LTD. Always ask for . PAT Hi* Excellency The Governor-Court*. SEN 43 STEPHEN ST., BALMAIN, FEDERAL COUNCIL. President: Rear Admiral H. A. Shower*. SHELLEY'S EVERYTHING TO DO WITH BOMS" N.S.W. C.B.E. (Re*d.). Deputy President: Cdr. R. A. Nettie ford. D.S.C.. V.R.D., R.A.N.R. Telephone: WB2511 Secretary - Hon. Treasurer: Neil Walford. Esq.. 312 Hinder* Sc.. Melbourne. C.l. FAMOUS DRINKS Boat Building Service and Repair* N«w South Walts Division: General Engineers, Boilermakers, Shipbuilders, Dredge Builders Patron: Hi* Excellency The Governor of New South Wale*. Obtainable from leading Preaident: Rear-Admiral H. A. Shower*. Plans, Specifications and Estimates prepared C.B.E. shops and saloons. Hiring Secretary: R I. Rae. E*q.. I) Pitt Street for Mining Dredges and Plant of all kinds. BU 1771. 1 Marine Engineering Hon. Treasurer- I . E. Trigg. E*q. Electric Welding and Oxy-Acetylene Work. Victorian Division: Patron: Hi* Excellency The Governor of SHELLEY * SONS LARS HALVORSEN SONS PTY. LTD. Victoria. Telegrams: President: Chaplain J. P. William*. O.B.E. CORDIAL FACTORY BUILDING YARD: W.f.rvi.w Sfr..t, Ryd.. WY 3249 Secretary - Hon. Treasurer: Neil Walford. BOAT SHED: Bobbin H.ad. JJ 2489 "POOLSTEEL," BALMAIN, N.S.W. Esq., 312 Hinder* St.. Melbourne. C.l. PTY. LTD. (T.legrami: "Halvorseni" Sydn.y) South Australian Division: CALTEX PRODUCTS ALWAYS ON HAND Patron: Hi* Excellency The Governor of Amith Australia. MURRAY STRPFT. President: Lieut.-Comdr. C. C. Shinkfield. I H IQ QPI^fl K A N R. (retd.). MARRICKVILl.E. Hon. Sec.: K. W. Adcock. E*q.. 131 Gren- N.S.W. Wilh. WILHELMSEN AGENCY fell Street. Adelaide. WAILES DOVE BITUMASTIC PRODUCTS Tasmanian Division: 'Phone: LA 5461. Patron: VKC-Admiral Sir Guy Wyatt. PTY. LTD. K.H.E., C.B.. R.N. (retd.). BITUROS SOLUTION & HARD ENAMEL President: C. H. Hand. Esq.. M.H.A. SYDNEY & MELBOURNE Hon. Sec.i Coadr. G. E. W. W. Bayly. O.B.E.. V.R.D.. R.A.N.V.R. (retd). THE WORLD'S BEST PROTECTION 726 Sandy Bay Rd . Lower Sandy Bav. Hobart. (or Western Australian Division: FRESH WATER DRINKING TANKS. Patron: His Excellency The Governor of Representative for: Western Australia. President: Hon. Sir Frank Gibson. K.C.M.G. Hon. Sec. • Hon. Treas.: K. Olton, E*q.. WILHELMSEN LINES, OSLO 62 Blencowe St.. We»t Leederville. W.A J. WILDRIDGE & SINCLAIR PTY. LTD. AUSTRALIA-WEST PACIFIC LINE, HELSINBORG Queensland Division: 97 PITT ST., SYDNEY, N.S.W. Patron: Hi* Excellency The Governor of Queensland. MELBOURNE BRISBANE AMERICAN PIONEER LINE, NEW YORK Precedent: Comdr. N. S. Fiiley. M.B.E.. V.R.D.. R.A.N.R. (retd.). Ryan Hou*e. AGENTS: Eaalr Street. Briibane. SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES SYSTEM, STOCKHOLM Hon. Sac.i Lieut.-Comdr. O. C. McDonald. ADELAIDE . GIBBS BRIGHT «£ CO. R.A.N.V.R. (retd ). Box M4IT. G.P.O.. Briibane. PLRTH . FLOWER, DA VIES & JOHNSON. HOB ART ... R. L. MILUGAN. Australian Capital Territory Division: Preaident: Hi* Excellency. G. E. L. Aldrrton. C.M.G. (High Commissioner MORRISON & for New Zealand). Hon. Ssc. • Hon. Traa*.: Comdr. A. D. SINCLAIR For the Best Soft Drinks Mcl.achlan. R.A.N. (Retd ). 49 Froggatt St.. Turner. Canberra. ACT. Phone JAMES McKEOWN, SONS PTY. LTD. J 2311. PTY. LTD. / ll Always say . -" MANUFACTURERS OF THE FAMOUS AUSTRALIAN SEA CADET COUNCIL. MARCHANT'S H,[iirwn[,[i.,i of III. Naval Hoard Wi / *»• Director of Naval Keanvct. Capt. A. W. Dally Football Boots L. McNkholl. C.B.E.. G.M.. R.A.N (Chairman). Shipbuilders m Comdr. P. R. lame., R.A.N. R*pnMnt.tivw of Th. N«r la«M> LONGNOSE POINT AND Comdr'. R. A. NtitWold. DSC. Office tC Fartory: 34 YORK ST., RICHMOND, VICTORIA V.R.D.. R A N.V.R. SYDNEY Thone: J A 5131. L. C Praraon, Eaq.; L. Porerth.. Eao . Lietir. (Si r O Evana. R A N.V.R Don Bradman Cricket Boots Hon. Sarrctarv: R N.-il Walford 'Phone: WB 1951 (2 lines) 2 THE NAVY December, 1956. 3 \1 ^.-r-.v "local" wars, waged with conventional weapons, as well as the dreaded global war with its fearful potential of' destruction by nuclear weapons. A conflagration can be prevented by prompt action at what is a small incipient fire ORIENT LINE Serves 5 Continents Since the end of World War II British forces have been engaged in local wars in Korea and now in Egypt. They have been committed to military action in the geurilla fighting in Malaya and against the Mau Mau. France has been engaged in Korea, in Indo-China, and in North Africa. We have seen the "local" war between India and Pakistan, and the so-called police action which failed to continue Dutch rule in the East Indies. Australia, as well as the other Commonwealth countries, must be prepared to meet "local" aggression. We must not forget Indonesian ambi- tions in New Guinea. We must not ignore the fact ENGLAND that for our own protection our interests are tied VIA SUEZ to the interests of other nations, and that we must be ready to discharge our responsibilities if called upon to do so. The mobility and flexibility of the Navy qiakes it our first line of defence. It should be given fhe men. arms, and facilities to carry out its duty with confidence. AIR AND SEA No sensible person would attempt to underrate the immense significance of aircraft development— serves are causing alarm, and cabled dispatches PACIFIC VOL. 19. DECEMBER. 1954. No. 12. in peace and war. But there are, regrettably, some hint at British approaches to America to suspend SERVICE the interest payments, now coming due, on dollar who sec modern aircraft as the sole answer to our WAR IN- THE MIDDLE EAST loans. needs of transport and aims. Above all, a harsh result has been a rift in Anglo- An interesting sidelight on this was given in The British - French action in the Suez Canal area PACIFIC American friendship which temporarily at least has Britain recently by Admiral Sir Michael M. Denny, has ended British and French forces are leaving when speaking to the United Service Institution. CRUISES the Canal zone and indications are that the with- pushed the two countries further apart than at He pointed out that U.K. imports and exports in drawal will he completed by Christmas. any time since before World War II. 1954 from all areas by air was approximately A token United Nations "police" force is moving These, for Britain, arc the immediate fruits of 300,000 tons out of a total of dry cargo imports in to keep the uneasy cease-fire between Egypt and Suez. What will be the long t£rm results? Time and exports of 90 million tons. Israel. British Naval salvage units, meanwhile, have alone will tell. But if Britain has achieved her in- He went cn to illustrate the relative carrying been clearing parts of the canal—choked by the tention of breaking the dangerous Egyptian clutch capacities of ships and aircraft by comparing a blockships which Egypt sank when the Anglo- on the Canal, the results arc very significant indeed, modern cargo vessel and a Bristol Britannia.
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