Variety Description Size Month Height Per STUIFBERGEN BLOEMBOLLEN EXPORT inch/cm B.V. Unit Spring 2022 New for 2022: Astilbe thunbergii ‘Ostrich Plum’ Bare Root Perennials Catalog May 2021 Dear Customer, We are pleased to introduce our new 2021 / 2022 catalog of bare rooted perennials and summer flowering bulbs for container growing. Please take a few moments to browse through the catalog and discover the wide range we offer. If you do not want to miss out on certain varieties and numbers please book them with us NOW! You always may add other varieties to your order later on. If the varieties you are looking for aren’t listed you always may ask us for possibilities. This year we are offering over 600 varieties and 30 new introductions, making this one of the most updated peren- nial catalogs in the market. All varieties are available with colorful picture and tag (see sample picture). Due to a high level of efficiency and flexibility we are able to keep prices as low as possible. Please have a look at the prices and discover and convince yourself. Stuifbergen Export offers you high quality, not high prices. We like to take this opportunity to thank you for your orders in the past and hope to be favored again for the up- coming season. Please help us by sending in your order as soon as possible, this enables us to update our orders with the growers much earlier. This especially applies to the new introductions. The index can help you out finding the varieties. Looking forward doing business with you. Kind regards, Henk Stuifbergen Front: Astilbe Ostrich Plume, p. 26 Back: Salvia May Night, p. 56 Rear side Prices: All prices mentioned in this catalog are F.O.B. Distribution Point. Additional inland freight will be charged: - ordervalue: < $ 75.00 = $ 14.50 - ordervalue: $ 75.00 - $ 299.00 = 15% - ordervalue: $300.00 - $ 999.00 = 12.50% - ordervalue: > $ 1000.00 = 9.50% Pot labels: Colourful pot labels are available for all varieties. 2 Actual size 2.5”x5.75” Content Page New Additions 2022 . 4 Filipendula (Meadowsweet) . 31 Geranium (Cranesbill) . 32 Flowerbulbs: Geum (Chocolate Root) . 34 Canna (Canna Lily) . 8 Helenium (Sneezeweed) . 35 Dahlia . 9 Heliopsis (Oxeye) . 35 Lilium (Garden Lily) . 15 Helleborus (Hellebore) . .. 35 Allium . 17 Hemerocallis (Daylily) . 36 Crocosmia (Montbretia) .. 17 Heuchera (Coral Bells) . 38 Eremurus (Foxtail Lily) . 18 Hosta (Plantain Lily) . 39 Eucomis (Pineapple Lily) . 18 Incarvillea (Hardy Gloxinia) . 42 Gladiolus (Sword Lily) . 18 Iris . 42 Galtonia (Hyacinthus) .. 18 Kniphofia (Red Hot Poker) . 45 Nerine (Guernsey Lily) . 18 Liatris (Blazing Star) . .. 45 Schizostylis (Kaffir Lily) . 18 Ligularia (Ragwort) . 45 Zantedeschia (Calla) . 19 Lysimachia (Loosestrife) .. 46 Monarda (Bee Balm) . 46 Perennials: Nepeta (Catmint) . 46 Acanthus (Bear’S Breeches) . 19 Paeonia (Peony) . 47 Achillea (Yarrow) . 19 Papaver (Poppy). 50 Aconitum (Monkshood) . 20 Perovskia (Russian Sage) . 51 Actaea (Bugbane) . 20 Phlox (Summer Phlox) . 51 Agapanthus (Lily Of The Nile) . 21 Platycodon (Balloon Flower) . 52 Agastache (Anise Hyssop) . 21 Polygonatum (Solomon’S Seal) . 53 Alchemilla (Lady’S Mantle) . 21 Potentilla (Cinquefoil) . 53 Amsonia (Blue Star) . 21 Pulmonaria (Lungwort) . 53 Anchusa (Bugloss) . 21 Pulsatilla (Pasque Flower) . 54 Anemone (Windflower) . 22 Rheum (Ornamental Rhubarb) . .. 54 Aquilegia (Columbine) . 22 Rodgersia (Rodger’S Flower) . 55 Aruncus (Goat’S Beard) . 23 Rudbeckia (Black-Eyed Susan) . 55 Asclepias (Milkweed) (Butterflyweed) . 23 Salvia (Sage) . 56 Aster (Michaelmas Daisy) . 24 Sanguisorba (Burnet) . 56 Astilbe (False Goat’S Beard) (False Spirea) . 24 Sedum (Stonecrop) . 56 Astilboides . 26 Sidalcea (Checker Bloom). 57 Astrantia (Masterwort) . 26 Stachys (Betony) . 57 Bergenia . 27 Thalictrum (Meadow-Rue) . 57 Bletilla (Urn Orchid) . 27 Tradescantia (Spiderwort) . 58 Brunnera (Siberian Bugloss) . 27 Tricyrtis (Toad Lily) . 58 Campanula (Bellflower) . 27 Trollius (Globeflower). 58 Convallaria (Lily Of The Valley) . .. 28 Verbascum (Mullein) . 59 Coreopsis (Tickseed) . 28 Veronica (Speedwell) . 59 Cosmos (Chocolate Cosmos) . 28 Darmera (Peltiphyllum) (Umbrella Plant) . 28 Perennials in bulk: Dicentra (Bleeding Heart) . 29 Paeonia (Peony) . 59 Dodecatheon (Shooting Star) . 29 Echinacea (Coneflower) . 29 Echinops (Globe Thistle) . 30 Epimedium (Barrenwort) . 30 Eryngium (Sea Holly) . 31 Eupatorium (Joe-Pye Weed) . 31 Dahlia Ben Huston Allium Medusa’s Hair dicentra bacchanal Astilbe Ostrich Plume Helenium Rouchtopas Eryngium Arctic Glow Allium Millenium Crocosmia Météore eremurus pinokkio New Additions 2022 4 Eryngium Jos Eijking Geranium Raven Geranium Starman Heliopsis Burning Hearts Hemerocallis Matrousjka Hosta August Moon Hosta Snake Eye Iris Edith Wolford New Additions 2022 5 Iris Miss Apple Iris A Thousend Kisses Lilium Tiny Ink Nepeta Neptune Phlox Olympia Iris Honey Glazed New Additions 2022 6 Lilium Ilse Geum Pink Fluffy Lilium Indy Heliopsis Venus Lilium Black List Eryngium Silver Salentino New Additions 2022 7 Variety Description Size Month Height Per inch/cm Unit CANNA (Canna Lily) Zone: 8a-11b Family: Cannaceae Cultivation: Full sun or partial shade. Needs to be kept moist. Usage: Outdoors in warm climates or containers in other areas. Plant after the threat of frost has passed. ‘Black Knight’ red flowers, maroon black leaves 2/3 06-10 32’’/80 25 ‘Lucifer’ red flowers with yellow edges, green leaves 2/3 06-10 36”/90 25 ‘President’ scarlet flowers, dark green leaves 2/3 06-11 60”/150 25 ‘Red King Humbert’ red flowers, maroon leaves 2/3 06-12 60”/150 25 ‘Striata‘ (syn: Pretoria) orange red flowers, yellow and green striped leaves 2/3 06-11 60”/150 25 ‘Wyoming’ orange flowers, maroon leaves 2/3 06-12 60”/150 25 Canna Black Knight Canna Lucifer Canna President Canna Red King Humbert Canna Striata Canna CannaSol Series Definition: propagated through tissue culture and virus free. Grows very compact, produces continuously large flowers and is self-cleaning. Canna Wyoming Canna Happy Carmen Canna Happy Cleo Canna Happy Emily Canna Happy Isabel ‘Happy Carmen’ dark red flowers 2/3 05-09 20”/50 25 ‘Happy Cleo’ orange flowers 2/3 05-09 20”/50 25 ‘Happy Emily’ red spotted yellow flowers 2/3 05-09 20”/50 25 ‘Happy Isabel’ pink flowers 2/3 05-09 20”/50 25 8 Variety Description Size Month Height Per inch/cm Unit DAHLIA Zone: 8a-11b Family: Compositae Cultivation: Full sun or partial shade, well drained soil. Usage: Pots, border and garden. Attractive for BUTTERFLIES AND BEES. anemone ‘Que Sera’ white flowers with purple edges and a ruffled centre (fl. Ø cm: 10) I 07-10 44”/110 25 cactus ‘Alauna Clair-Obscur’ purple flowers with white tips (fl. Ø cm: 17) I 07-10 44”/110 25 cactus ‘Karma Bon Bini’ large bright red flowers with yellow centres (fl. Ø cm: 10) I 07-10 36”/90 25 cactus ‘Nuit d’Eté’ dark maroon flower spikes (fl. Ø cm: 15) I 07-10 28”/70 25 cactus ‘Park Princess’ pink flowers (fl. Ø cm: 13) I 07-10 24”/60 25 cactus ‘Playa Blanca’ white flowers (fl. Ø cm: 13) I 07-10 24”/60 25 Dahlia Karma Bon Bini Dahlia Nuit d’Eté Dahlia Park Princess Dahlia Que Sera Dahlia Alauna Clair-Obscur Dahlia Playa Blanca Dahlia Night Butterfly Dahlia Arabian Night collerette ‘Night Butterfly’ burgundy flowers with white throat (fl. Ø cm: 11) I 07-10 36”/90 25 decorative ‘Arabian Night’ deep ruby red flowers (fl. Ø cm: 13) I 07-10 40”/100 25 new Dahlia Avignon Dahlia Babylon Purple Dahlia Babylon Red Dahlia Ben Huston decorative ‘Avignon’ white flowers with lilac flames (fl. Ø cm: 20) I 07-10 46”/115 25 decorative ‘Babylon Purple’ purple flowers (fl. Ø cm: 18) I 07-10 44”/110 25 decorative ‘Babylon Red’ big bright red flowers (Dinnerplate) (fl. Ø cm: 22) I 07-10 44”/110 25 decorative ‘Ben Huston’ NEW orange (Dinnerplate) (fl. Ø cm: 22) I 07-10 44”/110 25 9 Variety Description Size Month Height Per inch/cm Unit decorative ‘Berliner Kleene’ light pink flowers (fl. Ø cm: 12) I 07-10 24”/60 25 decorative ‘Bodacious’ orange flowers with yellow tips (Dinnerplate) (fl. Ø cm: 23) I 07-10 36”/90 25 decorative ‘Bristol Stripe’ violet flowers with white stripes (Dinnerplate) (fl. Ø cm: 22) I 07-10 56”/140 25 decorative ‘Café au Lait’ creamy white flowers, tall stems (Dinnerplate) (fl. Ø cm: 27) I 07-10 48”/120 25 decorative ‘Cambridge’ yellow flowers with red flames (Dinnerplate) (fl. Ø cm: 20) I 07-10 40”/100 25 decorative ‘Contraste’ burgundy flowers with brillant white tips (fl. Ø cm: 20) I 07-10 36”/90 25 decorative ‘Crazy Love’ white flowers with lavender pink edge and yellow glow in the center (fl. Ø cm: 11) I 07-10 40”/100 25 decorative ‘Dana US’ yellow flowers with red tips (fl. Ø cm: 15) I 07-10 32”/80 25 Dahlia Bristol Stripe Dahlia Café au Lait Dahlia Cambridge Dahlia Berliner Kleene Dahlia Bodacious Dahlia Contraste Dahlia Crazy Love Dahlia Dana US decorative ‘Diana’s Memory’ pale pink flowers with yellow centre (fl. Ø cm: 12) I 07-10 26”/65 25 decorative ‘Duet’ dark red flowers with white tips (fl. Ø cm: 16) I 07-10 44”/110 25 decorative ‘Dutch Carnaval’ bright red flowers with yellow edges (fl. Ø cm: 16) I 07-10 36”/90 25 decorative ‘Emory Paul’ lilac flowers (Dinnerplate) (fl. Ø cm: 27) I 07-10 44”/110 25 decorative ‘Evelyn’ white flowers with lilac tips (fl. Ø cm: 10) I 07-10 40”/100 25 Dahlia Dutch Carnaval Dahlia Emory Paul Dahlia Evelyn Dahlia Diana’s Memory Dahlia Duet Dahlia Explosion Dahlia Extase Dahlia Ferncliff Illusion decorative ‘Explosion’ yellow flowers with red blush (fl. Ø cm: 19) I 07-10 36”/90 25 decorative ‘Extase’ pink flowers with white and primrose yellow centre (fl. Ø cm: 15) I 07-10 20”/50 25 decorative ‘Ferncliff Illusion’ white flowers with lilac tips (Dinnerplate) (fl.
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