Regionalverband Ruhr (Ed.) Kronprinzenstr. 35 Emscher 45128 Essen Tel.: 0201/2069-0 www.emscherlandschaftspark.de Fax: 0201/2069-500 Landscape Park List of illustrations: E-Mail: [email protected] Title page: Stefan Schejok; Helgard Bach-Kolster: Visitor's Guide p. 10; Birgit Ehses: p. 50; EMSCHERKUNST.2013, Roman Mensing: p. 15 r., EMSCHERKUNST.2010, Roman Mensing: p. 15 l.; Henning Maier-Jantzen: pp. 3, 5, 7, 13, 14, 18, 20, 28, 30, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 48, 52, 54, 60, 64; Ursula www.metropoleruhr.de Kaufmann: pp. 4, 16, 17, 62; Brigitte Krämer: pp. 6, 11, 56; Peter Liedtke: pp. 22, 58; RVR/Agentur Lichtblick: p. 32; RVR/Brigitte Brosch: p. 10; RVR/Thomas Wolf: front cover flap, p. 24; Joachim Schumacher: p. 26; Umweltzentrum Westfalen: p. 46; General map of the Emscher Landscape Park front flap: LoermannSchrödter/arndt und seelig; map Industrial Heritage Trail by Bike pp. 8-9: RVR © 07/2013 Regionalverband Ruhr (Ed.) Kronprinzenstr. 35 45128 Essen Tel.: 0201/2069-0 Fax: 0201/2069-500 E-Mail: [email protected] www.metropoleruhr.de Concept: Sabine Auer, Margarethe Lavier (RVR) Texts: Kunstservice Sigrid Godau, Jan Polte Editor: Kunstservice Sigrid Godau Translation: Roy Kift Layout: ERA Design, Essen Printed by: Werbedruck GmbH Horst Schreckhase, Spangenberg Edition: 5,000 Regionalverband Ruhr Werne Lippe Lippe Hamm Kanal Datt eln-Hamm-K 15 16 anal Waltrop Lünen 14 Dortmund-Ems- Recklinghausen 11 13 Bergkamen Bönen Herten Dortm.-Ems-Kanal E m sch Seseke e Kamen Gladbeck Castrop- r 8 Rauxel Emscher 7 Unna rne-Kanal 9 10 Em Rhein-He scher Bottrop Herne Emscher 19 4 Dortmund 6 Holzwickede Oberhausen 5 Gelsenkirchen Rhein Duisburg Emscher 1 2 22 20 18 Bochum 24 3 Essen 21 Emscher Landscape Park Rhein-Herne-Kanal Emscher Park Cycle Trail Connecting paths and trails 23 Ruhr Mülheim an der Ruhr R h e in 1 Emscher Landscape Park Information Centre - 13 Lünen Lakeside Park Haus Ripshorst 14 Großes Holz Tip 2 Ripshorst Wooded Garden 15 Schulze-Heil Ecology Station 3 Frintrop Railpark 16 Lake Bever Nature Protection Area 4 Beckstraße Tip and the Tetrahedron 17 Hansa Coking Plant 5 Schurenbach Tip 18 West Park Bochum 6 Nordstern Park 19 Consol Park 7 Rungenberg Tip 20 Rheinelbe Tip 8 Hoheward Tip 21 Mechtenberg Landscape Park 9 Mont-Cenis District Park 22 Zollverein Park 10 Erin Park 23 Garden of Memories 11 Waltrop Lock Park/Henrichenburg Shiplift 24 North Duisburg Landscape Park 12 Brockenscheidt Tip 1 Contents Emscher Landscape Park Front flap: General map of the Emscher Landscape Park Emscher Landscape Park 3 - 5 On the Trail Emscher Park Cycle Trail 6 Industrial Heritage Trail 6 - 9 Industrial Nature Trail 10 - 11 The New Emscher Valley Off to new shores 12 - 13 Ready for the island 14 - 15 Exploring the Emscher Landscape Park 16 - 17 1 Emscher Landscape Park Information Centre - Haus Ripshorst, Oberhausen 18 - 19 2 Ripshorst Wooded Garden, Oberhausen 20 - 21 3 Frintrop Railpark, Oberhausen/Essen 22 - 23 4 Beckstraße Tip and the Tetrahedron, Bottrop 24 - 25 5 Schurenbach Tip, Essen 26 - 27 6 Nordstern Park, Gelsenkirchen 28 - 29 7 Rungenberg Tip, Gelsenkirchen 30 - 31 The central park of the 8 Hoheward Tip, Herten/Recklinghausen 32 - 33 Ruhr Metropolitan Area 9 Mont-Cenis District Park, Herne 34 - 35 10 Erin Park, Castrop-Rauxel 36 - 37 Have you ever been scuba diving in a gasometer, climbed up 11 Waltrop Lock Park/ a steep wall in an ore bunker or enjoyed a picnic with your Henrichenburg Shiplift 38 - 39 family on the lawn of a disused steelworks? Years ago this 12 Brockenscheidt Tip, Waltrop 40 - 41 would have seemed impossible but today it is a reality. In the space of just under two decades the heavily populated, dis sec- 13 Lünen Lakeside Park 42 - 43 ted and polluted landscape of the Emscher zone dominated 14 Großes Holz Tip, Bergkamen 44 - 45 by coal mining and industry has been transformed into the 15 Schulze-Heil Ecology Station, Bergkamen 46 - 47 Emscher Landscape Park. The regional park covers an area of 16 Lake Bever Nature Protection Area, Bergkamen 48 - 49 450 square kilometres stretching from the Rhine near Duis burg 17 Hansa Coking Plant, Dortmund 50 - 51 for a length of more than 85 kilometres and ending in Bönen. 18 West Park Bochum 52 - 53 After the end of coal and steel uncongenial areas of industrial 19 Consol Park, Gelsenkirchen 54 - 55 waste land, spoil tips and waste tips, often situated directly 20 Rheinelbe Tip, Gelsenkirchen 56 - 57 next to residential areas, have developed into a unique area of 21 Mechtenberg Landscape Park, Bochum/ industrial heritage: an area which more and more people are Gelsenkirchen/Essen 58 - 59 rediscovering every day and using in a variety of ways. 22 ZOLLVEREIN® Park, Essen 60 - 61 23 Garden of Memories, Duisburg 62 - 63 Today former industrial buildings are an attractive address for 24 North Duisburg Landscape Park 64 - 65 living, working, leisure and cultural activities. New gardens and parks have grown up on old factory sites which were once Service information 66 - 67 no-go areas for the general public. The fascinating link with in- Back flap: Map of the VRR local express railway services dus tri al relics, untamed industrial nature and garden art make them attractive venues for open-air recreation and leisure. None the less the region is still proud of its past as the former 2 3 “steel forge of the nation”. Unusual art installations along difficulties. The major development themes in the coming spoil tips, disused pithead towers, blast furnaces and gasome- years are the continuation of the ecological im pro ve ment of ters keep alive the memory of the age of a “thousand fires”, the river Emscher and its tributaries, a watercourse which and the many magnificent panorama points have proved a was degraded to the level of a waste water canal during the magnet not only for art lovers. These landmarks can be seen industrial age, and the redesigning of the landscape in the far and wide and have given the region an inimitable identity, New Emscher Valley. A new, urban water land scape complete as have cathedrals, castles and fortresses elsewhere. with attractive parks is growing up all the way from Duisburg to Dortmund along the banks of the Em scher, the Rhine-Herne Since the end of the Emscher Park International Building Exhi- canal and the Dortmund-Ems canal. The Emscher Landscape bi tion (1989-1999) a huge range of over 450 projects have Park is a work in progress. New projects are being constantly been jointly implemented and planned by 20 local authorities, turned into reality. The most recent projects include the Hein- two districts, three regional governments, the state of North rich Hildebrand Heights in the Duisburg district of Angerhausen, Rhine-Westphalia, the Regionalverband Ruhr (Ruhr Regional which has been enriched by an exciting landmark reminiscent Association, or RVR), the Emschergenos sen schaft and the of a switchback called “Tiger & Turtle – Magic Mountain”, Lippeverband (water companies). Along side the large-scale the Rhine Park in the Duisburg district of Hochfeld and the redevelopment of the landscape the networking of the diffe- PHOENIX Lake in the Dortmund district of Hörde. rent projects into a single park system has been internationally recognized as an outstanding achievement. The Emscher Landscape Park links the towns and cities in the core of the The Emscher Landscape Park Information Centre - Haus Ripshorst built-up area. The Park has gradually grown into the towns Ripshorster Str. 306, 46117 Oberhausen by means of new paths and tracks and networked itself with Tel.: 0208/8833483 town centres and municipal parks. Seen from the other way E-Mail: [email protected] around, it links congested urban areas with rich woodlands www.emscherlandschaftspark.de and agricultural areas in regional green corridors beyond. Opening hours: Tue-Sun/public holidays Indeed it is already possible to cycle to the Lower Rhine or the March to Oct. 10-18; Nov. to Feb. 10-17 broad plain around the river Seseke without any appreciable Christmas/New Year, please enquire 4 5 On the Trail The Emscher Park Cycle Trail routes dealing with the historic transformation of the region. 17 panorama points and 13 architecturally important housing Well over 400 kilometres of new paths and trails have been settlements complete the network of routes. Several visitor laid down in the Emscher Landscape Park. At the heart of the centres offer information on the complete system. The RUHR. system is the Emscher Park Cycle Trail. The circular trail covers VISITORCENTER Essen in the former coal washing plant of the 230 kilometres and embraces the post-industrial, man-made Zollver ein pit is a particular attraction. It is worth a visit simp- landscape between Duisburg and Hamm. Large sections of ly for the ride on Europe's largest outdoor escalator up to the the network of trails run over former railway tracks, peaceful top floor of the brand-new Ruhr Museum. The 700 kilo metres river banks, woodland paths and quiet streets. Boldly desig ned Industrial Heritage Trail by Bike enables visitors to experience footbridges - more like sculptures than merely functional ob - the area in all its different facets. If you don't possess a bike jects - surmount motorways, railway lines, rivers and canals, or come here by car it is possible to hire a bike at more than thereby creating new links within the Park. Guests encounter 20 “RevierRad” stations. Bikes can be booked at the headquar- a continually recurring interplay of imposing relics from the ters in Mülheim an the Ruhr and no matter whe re you start industrial age, natural landscape and new landscape archi- your journey they can be handed back at any station of your tecture that is gradually replacing areas polluted by industry.
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