CSESIII Parties and Leaders Original CSES text plus CCNER additions (highlighted) =========================================================================== ))) APPENDIX I: PARTIES AND LEADERS =========================================================================== | NOTES: PARTIES AND LEADERS | | This appendix identifies parties active during a polity's | election and (where available) their leaders. | | The party labels are provided for the codes used in the | micro data variables. Parties A through F are the six | most popular parties, listed in descending order according | to their share of the popular vote in the "lowest" level | election held (i.e., wherever possible, the first segment | of the lower house). | | Leaders A through F are the corresponding party leaders or | presidential candidates referred to in the micro data items. | This appendix reports these names and party affiliations. | | Parties G, H, and I are supplemental parties and leaders | voluntarily provided by some election studies. However, | these are in no particular order. | | If parties are members of electoral blocs, the name of | the bloc is given in parentheses following the appropriate | party labels. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> PARTIES AND LEADERS: AUSTRALIA (2007) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. PARTY B Liberal Party John Howard 0101 Peter Costello 02. PARTY A Australian Labor Party Kevin Rudd 0201 Julia Gillard 03. PARTY C National Party Mark Vaile 0301 04. PARTY D Greens Bob Brown 0401 05. Australian Democrats | ELECTION STUDY NOTES - AUSTRALIA (2007): PARTIES AND LEADERS | | C3010_E refers to Julia Gillard, member of the Australian Labor | Party (code 2) and Australian Prime minister since 2010. | | C3010_F refers to Peter Costello, the former Australian Minister | of Finance. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> PARTIES AND LEADERS: AUSTRIA (2008) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. PARTY A Sozialdemokratische Partei Werner Faymann 0101 sterreichs (SP) ! 1! (Social Democratic Party of Austria) 02. PARTY B sterreichische Volkspartei (VP) Wilhelm Molterer 0201 (Austrian People's Party) 03. PARTY C Freiheitliche Partei Heinz-Christian Strache 0301 sterreichs (FP) (Freedom Party of Austria) 04. PARTY E Die Grnen - Die Grne Alexander van der Bellen 0401 Alternative (Grne) (The Greens - The Green Alternative) 05. PARTY D Bndnis Zukunft sterreich (BZ) Jrg Haider 0501 (Alliance for the Future of Austria) 06. PARTY F Liberales Forum (LIF) Heide Schmidt 0601 (Liberal Forum) 07. PARTY G Liste Dinkhauser Fritz Dinkhauser 0701 (Dinkhauser list) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> PARTIES AND LEADERS: BELARUS (2008) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. PARTY B Agrarian Party of Belarus M.I. Rusyi** 0101 02. Belarusian party zeljonya O.A. Novikov 0201 03. Belarusian patriotic party 04. PARTY G Belarusian social-democratic S.S. Shushkevich** 0401 party (Hramada) A. Kazulin*** 05. Belarusian social-sport party 06. PARTY A Communist Party of Belarus T.G. Golubeva 0601 Karpenko** 07. PARTY C Conservative Christian Party (BNF) Z.S. Poznjak 0701 08. PARTY H Liberal Democratic party S.V. Gaidukevich**/*** 0801 09. PARTY F The Unified Civil Party A.B. Lebedko** 0901 10. The party "Belarusian Social- A.I. Levkovich 1001 Democratic party" (Hramada) ("Assembly") 11. PARTY D The BNF Party L.P. Borshchevskyi 1101 12. PARTY E The Party of Communists S.I. Kaljakin 1201 Belorusskaya 13. The Republican party 14. The Republican party of labour and justice 15. The Social-Democratic party of S.V. Ermak 1501 the people agreement (narodnogo soglasiya) 16. United Democratic Forces of Belarus A. Milinkievic*** 1601 17. Independent (A. Lukashenko) A. Lukashenko*** 1701 50. Shatko (No information)** 51. Janukovich (No information)** 52. Vnuchko (No information)** 53. Marachkin (No information)** 54. Vorontsevich (No information)** 55. Korol (No information)** 56. Shekel (No Information)** 70. Glukhovskyi (Independent candidate)** 71. Khrol (Independent candidate)** 72. Isaev (Independent candidate)** 73. Abramova (Independent candidate)** ! 2! 74. Goncharenko ((Independent candidate)** 75. Pvlovich (Independent candidate)** 76. Zdanovich (Independent candidate)** 77. Kachan (Independent candidate)** 78. Soloviev (Independent candidate)** 79. Belashevskyi (Independent candidate)** 80. Orda (Independent candidate)** 81. Dubovik (Independent candidate)** 82. Anikeenko (Independent candidate; mistake by respondent, right name is Anikeev)** 87. Vote for at-large Candidate 88. Voted Against All | ELECTION STUDY NOTES - BELARUS (2008): PARTIES AND LEADERS | | ** Denotes candidates for C3032_LH_DC (see notes on | C3032_LH_DC). The corresponding question contains answers | from SDM, where respondents identified the actual candidate | they voted for, rather than a political party. | *** Denotes candidates in C3032_PR (see notes on C3032_PR). | | Note that party 04 "Belarusian social-democratic party | (Hramada)" and party 10 "The party Belarusian Social-Democratic | party (Hramada - Assembly)" contest under the same name (cf. | https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos | /countrytemplate_bo.html). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> PARTIES AND LEADERS: BRAZIL (2006) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. PARTY B Partido dos Trabalhadores Luiz I. Lula da Silva**/*** 0101 (PT) Workers' Party 02. PARTY C Partido da Social Democracia Geraldo Alckmin** 0201 Brasileira (PSDB) Brazilian Social Democratic Party Jos Serra*** 03. PARTY I Partido Socialismo e Liberdade (P-SOL) Helosa Helena** 0301 Socialism and Freedom Party 04. PARTY E Partido Democrtico Trbalhista Christovam Buarque** 0401 (PDT) Democratic Labor Party 05. Partido Social Liberal (PSL) Luciano Bivar** 0501 Social Liberal Party 06. PARTY A Partido do Movimento Democrtico (PMDB) Jos Sarney 0601 Brazilian Democratic Movement Party 07. PARTY D Partido da Frente Liberal (PFL) Liberal Front Party 08. PARTY F Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro (PTB) Brazilian Labor Party 09. Partido Progressista (PP) Progressive Party 10. Partido Socialista Brasileiro (PSB) Antony Garotinho*** Brazilian Socialist Party 11. Partido Popular Socialista (PPS) Ciro Gomez*** Socialist Popular Party 12. Partido Verde (PV) Green Party ! 3! 13. Partido Comunista do Brasil (PC do B) Communist Party of Brazil 14. Partido Social Cristo (PSC) Social Christian Party 15. Partido Renovador Trabalhista Brasileiro (PRTB) Brazilian Labour Renewal Party 16. Democratas (DEM) Democrats 17. Partido da Repblica (PR) Republic Party 18. Partido Socialista dos Jos Maria de Almeida*** Trabalhadores Unificado (PSTU) Unified Socialist Workers 'Party 19. Partido Democrata Brasileiro (PDB) Brazilian Democratic Party 20. Partido Humanista da Solidariedade (PHS) Humanist Party of Solidarity 21. Partido Liberal (PL) Liberal Party 22. Partido da Mobilizacao Nacional (PMN) National Mobilization Party 23. Partido Republicano Brasileiro (PRB) Brazilian Republican Party 24. Partido de Reedificacao da Ordem Nacional (PRONA) National Order Reconstruction Party 25. Partido Socialista Democratico (PSD) Social Democratic Party 26. Partido Socialista Democrata Cristao (PSDC) Christian Social Democratic Party 27. Partido Trabalhista Christao (PTC) Christian Labour Party 28. Partido dos Aposentados da Nacao (PAN) Party of the Nations Retirees 29. Partido Republicano Progressista (PRP) PRogressive Republican Party 30. Partido Trabalhista do Brasil (PT do B) Labour Party of Brazil 31. Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB) Brazilian Communist Party 32. Partido da Causa Operaria (PCO) Party of the Workinc Class Cause 88. Incorrect information about candidate | ELECTION STUDY NOTES - BRAZIL (2006): PARTIES AND LEADERS | | Although Helosa Helena, from the Socialism and Freedom Party | (code 3), was an important candidate for the presidential | office,the party did not win a high percentage in the | parliamentary elections. The Socialism and Freedom Party was | thus put here as "additional party/additional leader" to | letter "I". | | ** Denotes the presidential candidates in the current election. | *** Denotes the presidential candidates in the previous --------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>> PARTIES AND LEADERS: BRAZIL (2010) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 4! 01. PARTY B Partido do Movimento Democrtico (PMDB) Brazilian Democratic Movement Party 02. PARTY I Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro (PTB) Brazilian Labor Party 03. PARTY H Partido Democrtico Trbalhista (PDT) Democratic Labor Party 04. PARTY A Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) Dilma Roussef** 0401 Workers' Party 05. PARTY E Democratas (DEM) (ex-PFL) Democrats 06. Partido Comunista do Brasil (PC do B) Communist Party of Brazil 07. PARTY F Partido Socialista Brasileiro (PSB) Brazilian Socialist Party 08. PARTY C Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira Jos Serra** 0801 (PSDB) Brazilian Social Democratic Party 09. Partido Trabalhista Cristo (PTC) Christian Labour Party 10. Partido Social Cristo (PSC) Social Christian Party 11. Partido da Mobilizao Nacional (PMN) Party of National Mobilization 12. Partido Republicano Progressista (PRP) Progressive Republican Party 13. Partido Popular Socialista (PPS)
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