August 12, 2019 Reference No. 11146097 Mr. Paul D'Amato Regional Director New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Region 8-Division of Air Resources 6274 Avon Lima Road Avon, NY 14414 Dear Mr. D’Amato: Re: Second Quarter Surface Monitoring at High Acres Landfill NYSDEC Permit ID No.: 8-9908-00162/00043 On the dates of June 18, 2019 and June 19, 2019, GHD conducted the Second Quarter Surface Scan Program for the Waste Management of New York, LLC (WMNY) - High Acres Landfill and Recycling Center (High Acres) facility located in Fairport, New York. The monitoring was conducted in accordance with the Revised Surface Emission Monitoring and Ambient Monitoring Work Plan (Work Plan), which was submitted to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) on March 2, 2018. As per Section 1.2 of the Work Plan, GHD used 200 parts per million (ppm) of methane as an enhanced monitoring level instead of the 500 ppm level noted in 40 CFR 60.753(d). GHD performed the calibration, evaluation, and monitoring using a Thermo Environmental Instruments Toxic Vapor Analyzer (TVA) 1000 flame ionization detector (FID) to determine surface methane levels. Attachment 1 contains the monitoring instrument performance evaluation and calibration documentation. The monitoring followed a serpentine pattern at 30-meter intervals, as required in 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart 60.753, and followed the pattern described in the Work Plan for the facility. Areas where visual observations indicated elevated concentrations of landfill gas, such as distressed vegetation and cracks or seeps in the cover, were monitored. While following the serpentine route, GHD monitored any penetrations they encountered along the serpentine path. During the surface scan, the following areas on the landfill were avoided for safety reasons, as stated under 40 CFR 60.753(d): • The new liner construction areas on the sloped region of Cell 11 (east side) and the Closed Landfill (east side) were unsafe to traverse • Grids T37 and U37 were avoided due to a concrete stock pile • Grids L21, L22, K25, K26, Y42, Y43 and Z43 were avoided due to safety concerns Figure 1 shows the areas described that could not be monitored during this quarterly period. All readings of 200 ppm or more above background were recorded as a monitored exceedance and the actions specified in paragraphs (i) through (v) below have been taken thus far. As long as the specified GHD 2055 Niagara Falls Boulevard Niagara Falls New York 14304 USA T 716 297 6150 F 716 297 2265 W www.ghd.com actions are taken, the exceedance is not a violation of the operational requirements of 40 CFR Part 60.753(d). i) The location of each monitored exceedance shall be marked and the location recorded. ii) Cover maintenance or adjustments to the vacuum of the adjacent wells to increase the gas collection in the vicinity of each exceedance shall be made and the location shall be re-monitored within 10 calendar days of detecting the exceedance. iii) If the re-monitoring of the location shows a second exceedance, additional corrective action shall be taken and the location shall be monitored again within 10 days of the second exceedance. If the re-monitoring shows a third exceedance for the same location, the action specified in paragraph (4)(v) below shall be taken, and no further monitoring of that location is required until the action specified in paragraph (4)(v) has been taken. iv) Any location that initially showed an exceedance but has a methane concentration less than 200 ppm methane above background at the 10-day re-monitoring specified in paragraph (4)(ii) or (iii) below shall be re-monitored one month from the initial exceedance. If the one-month re-monitoring shows a concentration less than 200 parts per million above background, no further monitoring of that location is required until the next quarterly monitoring period. If the one-month re-monitoring shows an exceedance, the actions specified in paragraph (4)(iii) or (v) shall be taken. v) For any location where monitored methane concentration equals or exceeds 200 parts per million above background three times within a quarterly period, a new well or other collection device shall be installed within 120 calendar days of the initial exceedance. An alternative remedy to the exceedance, such as upgrading the blower, header pipes or control device, and a corresponding timeline for installation may be submitted to the Administrator for approval. The following areas exhibited FID readings greater than 200 ppm above background during the second quarter of 2019: Date Grid Location Description Reading (ppm) 6/18/19 P47 HAGW1011 Ground Penetration 376 6/18/19 AI43 Grid AI43 Soil Area 289 6/18/19 T46 West GW-181 Ground Penetration 370 6/18/19 P39 HAGW0902 Ground Penetration 230 6/18/19 J48 HAGW1002 Ground Penetration 1,372 6/18/19 M47 HAGW1007 Ground Penetration 2,156 6/18/19 R49 Grid R49 Well Ground Penetration > 10,000 6/18/19 T48 West GW-182 Ground Penetration 3,167 6/18/19 T48 Grid T48 Well Ground Penetration 1,310 6/18/19 AB35 East GW-9 Ground Penetration 1,158 6/18/19 AC38 Grid AC38 Distressed Vegetation 791 GHD 11146097D'Amato-6 2 Date Grid Location Description Reading (ppm) 6/18/19 O39 West GW-70R Ground Penetration 1,431 6/18/19 L38 Riser Ground Penetration 3,510 6/18/19 J44 HAGW1003 Ground Penetration 3,410 6/19/19 AC42 East GW-14 Ground Penetration 436 6/19/19 Q28 West GW-64R Ground Penetration 567 6/19/19 O26 West GW-31R Ground Penetration 1,013 6/19/19 K33 West GW-68 Ground Penetration 674 6/19/19 L26 SC-01 Ground Penetration 4,261 6/19/19 N30 West GW-90 Ground Penetration 1,611 6/19/19 X29 West GW-136 Ground Penetration 5,436 Table 1 outlines the location of exceedances and the respective corrective actions taken. Pictures of the exceedance locations can be referenced in Attachment 2. A reading was taken at each grid location as shown in Table 2. There were no other exceedances of the 200 ppm above background limit observed at any of the grid points or ground penetrations on the High Acres Landfill during this quarterly period. The 1-month follow-up readings took place on July 18, 2019. All exceedance points displayed readings below the 200 ppm above background limit and are currently in compliance. GHD will perform the third quarter monitoring during August or September 2019. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (716) 297-6150. Sincerely, GHD Steven D. Wilsey Bryan P. Szalda Principal Engineer SDW/BPS/cs/6 Encl. cc: Joe Picciotti (Harris Beach) GHD 11146097D'Amato-6 3 TOWN OF MACEDON TOWN OF PERINTON (MONROE COUNTY) (WAYNE COUNTY) 492.6 500 520 512.5 491.0 497.0 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 510 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 490 490 530.5 525.2 1893 529.1 F 490.64 06-19-19 UPWIND READING F 488.9 490 502.2 491.0 470 478.8 07-08-19500 UPWIND READING 500 506.3 500.9 526.8 520 G 498.7 G 490.0 498.7 490 493.1 07-18-19 UPWIND READING 480 530 1891 H 527.08 H 465.3 524.2 490 513.2 540 550 I 492.8 500 523.2 506.9 I 560 510 520 570 510 530 520 580 480.6J 540 J 590 HAGW-1003 HAGW-1002 550 479.4 600 560 510 505.1 WGW-68610 K 570 500 K 620 603.1 518.4 475.2 580 490 630 590 470 480.6 491.0 06-18-19 UPWIND480 READING L CELL 1 600 CELL 3 CELL 7 L 610 SC-01 CELL 5 GRID L38 RISER 490.9503.7 480 620 06-28-19CELL 12 UPWIND READING518.6 481.4 CELL 2 642.4 CELL 10 478.9 477.9 M 630 CELL 9 M 489.3 HAGW-1007 601.0 507.6 483.5 632.4 478.8 471.5 CELL 8 633.3 631.3 465.6 476.0 N 602.1 N 509.6 640.8 477.0 512.8 636.3 488.4 499.2 471.7 WGW-90 491.9 470 637.1 WGW-70R O 465.7 O 634.5 636.3 505.2 WGW-31R 500 643.2 601.2 510 490 600.7 P 636.5 HAGW-0902 HAGW-1011 603.9 P 633.9 470 644.4 504.0 466.0 636.4 590 580 600 CELL 11 Q 644.9 599.7 Q 570 500.8 CELL 7-OL 560 476.5 WGW-64R CELL 4 633.3 487.1 475.6 550 540 465.4 634.9 GRID R49 496.7 508.0 R 599.7 515.4 R 520 470 475.9 530 466.3 520 638.2 474.5 518.5 519.2 06-18-19 DOWNWIND479.2 READING S GRID T48 510 S 468.1 06-19-19 DOWNWIND READING 618.2 CELL 8-OL 500 640.6 T 06-28-19 DOWNWIND READING 640 WGW-181 T 640 531.9 CELL 6 520.3 637.8 530 515.4 645.0 510 640 WGW-182614.8 509.5 616.4 470 520 U 468.0 510.0 U 647.5 611.4 640 520.9 647.6 650 V 468.5 CELL 6-OL CELL 9-OL 640.2 660 V 465.5 640 CELL 10-OL 636.7 635.0 662.3 662.2 468.9 467.1 W 526.3W520 630 639.6 468.0 490 620 610 662.2 516.5 520 X 477.5 WGW-136 X510 481.9 641.1 513.3 478.7 642.7 521.5 469.2 639.5 512.6 480 497.1 590 500 Y 580 Y 468.8 570 619.4 515.2 560 505.7 Z 510.8 Z 550 651.3 492.3 540 CELL 11-OL 510 520 RIPRAP AA 510 AA 470.4 500 500 635.0 490 EGW-9 519.7 AB 471.0 AB 488.6 EGW-14 AC GRID AC38 520 AC 07-18-19 521.2 514.7 471.6 471.4 AD DOWNWIND480 AD 508.0 READING 480.5 AE AE 471.7 500.6 498.9 AF 500 AF 512.5 499.1 472.0 510.9 AG 509.6 AG 1887 AH 472.17 AH 514.8 AI AI 500.4 LEGEND: 472.0 GRID AI43 MONITORING EXCEEDANCE LOCATION 480 AJ 490 AJ 500 470 CONSTRUCTION/UNSAFE TO TRAVERSE 516.4 510 AK 521.0 468.7AK 518.4 520.5 MONITORING ROUTE 517.6 AL 472.0 AL BACKGROUND READING LOCATION AM 473.7 07-08-19 AM DOWNWIND 510.3 470 AN 471.9 474.5READING AN AO AO 11146097 N WASTE MANAGEMENT OF NEW YORK - HIGH ACRES LANDFILL FAIRPORT, NEW YORK Jul 24, 2019 0 200' 400' 800' Q2 2019 SURFACE EMISSION MONITORING GRID LOCATIONS FIGURE 1 CAD File: N:\US\Niagara Falls\Legacy\Drawings\11140000's\11146097-WM-HIGH ACRES-SEM\2019-Q2-TOWN\CADD\Drawings\Figures\111-46097-2019Q2TOWN-FIG001.dwg Page 1 of 1 Table 1 Description of Surface Monitoring Exceedances High Acres Landfill
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