INDEX* Titles of papers in bold face. Achomawi, 264, 267, 268, 283, £92, Arrow release, 120-122, 272, 334, 388. 293, 296, 299, 301, 314, 315, 320; Arrows and bullets, comparison, 373. basketry, 272. Aselepias, 281. Achomawi language, radical elements, Ash, used for bows, 106. 3-16; verb stems, secondary, 18; Astronomy, 323. suffixes, local, 19-21; pronouns, Athabascan groups, 313, 319, 326; 25-26; phonology, 28-33. bow, 336. Acknowledgments, 69. Atsugewi, 268, 293. Acorns, storage of, 282. Atsugewi language, radical elements, lAdiantum, in basketry, 273. 3-16; suffixes, local, 20; other Adolescence ceremony, girls', 306, verb and noun suffixes, 23; phon- 311-313, 314. ology, 28-33. boys', 314. Badminton, 350, 351, 355, 357, 358. African bow, 343, 384. Balsa (tule balsa, rush raft), 267, Alaskan bow, 338, 380. 268-269. Alcatraz island, 50. Bannerman, Francis, 350. Algonkin groups, 326. Barnes, bow maker, 356. Amelanchier alnifolia (serviceberry), Barton, R. F., 390. 361. Basket, "canoe," 250; as granary, Andaman islands, bow, 343, 384. 282-283. Anderson, R. A., quoted, 42, 44, 45, Basketry, complexes, 272; character- 47, 52-53. istics of, among the tribal groups, Apache bow, 340, 382; arrow, 382. 272-275; materials and tech- Apocynum cannabinum, 281. niques, 273-275; types: bottle- Archery, rounds in: English or York, neck, 273; coiled, 250, 263, 273, 123; American, 123; English, 332, 274; twined, 263, 272-273. See 351. also under names of tribes. Archery, Yahi, 104. Basketry cap, woman 's, 262-263; cap Armor, 299, 357. and hopper, 273; leggings, 262; Arrowheads, plates showing, opp. 103, moccasin, 262; traps, 248. 400, 402; manufacture of, 116- Battle creek, 43. 118, 249; kinds, 364, 398, 400; Bear, Yahi methods of killing, 129- penetration of, 364-371, tables; 130; killed by bow, 130. Syrian, 402. Bear creek, 51. Arrows, 51, 110, 271-272, 332, 333, "Bear's Hiding Place," 62; huts at, 360; poisoned, 130; materials used plates showing, opp. 86 and 88. for, 11, 360, 361 (table), 390, Berry creek, 50. 394; dimensions, 111, 333; manu- Be 'teho, 249. facture of, 111-112; plates illus- Betty Brown, 153. trating, 25, 26, 28, 29; tools, opp. Bidwell, General John, cited, 256. 140; decoration, 112-113; feather- Bidwell ranch, 47. ing, 113-115, 361, 362, 398; kinds Big-Foot Jack, Indian, 53. of feathers, 113, 361-373; meas- Big meadows, 52. urement, Ishi's method of, 115; bon:tRp, 248. penetrating power, 129, 357, 364- Blackfoot bow, 340, 342, 380, 382. 371, 404, 406, 408, 410, 412., 414; Boats, native Californian, 267-269. illustrated, opp. 136, 404-414; Bois d'are (Osage orange), 339, 341, velocity, 334, 358, 373; war 380. arrow, 346; striking force, 358, Boli, 319. 373; Ishi's arrows, 358, 365, 366, Bone, used for arrowheads, 116. 367, 368, 373, 380, 394, 398, 400; Bows, 54, 271, 298; parts of, 105, rigidity, 360; bodkin pointed, 369, 331; materials used for, 105-106, 374, 398, 400, 402; arrow rota- 331, 354, see also Bow wood; tion, 364; hunting arrows, 370; shape, 106; measurements, 106, greatest flight, 373. 332; making of, 106-110; hand- * Univ. Calif. Publ. Am. Arch. Ethn., vol. 13. [415] Index ling of, 119-120; killing of large Chemehuevi, 262, 263, 265, 276, 281, game with, 128; shooting fish 296, 320; basketry of, 273. with, 130; bows and quiver, illus- Cherokee flat, 50. trated, opp. 134; age, 330; capac- Cheyenne bow, 340, 382; arrow, 382. ity, 331; east, 331, 332; strength, Chico, California, 47. 332, 388; weight, 332; Ishi, 333, Chico creek, 44. 339; release, 334, 388; kinds of, Chiefs, 285-287; hereditary, 285; au- 334-353; shooting with foot, 347; thority of, 286; civil officials, intimidation through appearance 286. of bow, 347; sportsmanlike Chimariko language, 1; radical ele- weapon, 373; aboriginal bows, ments, 3-16; verb stems, second- 373. ary, 17-18; suffixes, local, 19-21, Bow strings, 353, 354, 374. other verb and noun, 21-23; pro- Bow wood, 105-106, 331, 354; Juniper, nouns, 23, 25-26; cognates, 26- 105, 106; eedar, 105, 106; tan- 27; grouping of, 27; phonology, bark oak, 106; eucalyptus, 106; 27-31. bamboo, 334, 344; willow, 334, Chinese bows, 332, 347. See also Tar- 336; ironwood, 335, 343; Can- tar bows. adian birch, 336; mesquite, 337; Chlorogalum, used as fish poison, 271. yew, 106, 336, 337, 339, 341, 351, Chontal language, 1; radical elements, 354, 355, 356, 367, 373; Douglas 3-16; phonology, 29-31. fir, 338; Osage orange, 339, 341; Chukehansi, 292, 293. ash, 106, 340, 342; hickory, 106, Chumash, 264, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 340, 342; palma brava, 343, 344, 279, 280, 281, 282, 285, 286, 288, 349; eomposite, 345, 346. 296, 316, 327; basketry of, 273. Bowyer's art, 335-336. Chumash language, 1; radical ele- Brodiaea, used as food by Indians, ments, 3-16; suffixes, local, 21, 185. other verb and noun, 22-23; pro- Buckeyes, used as fish poison, 271. nouns, 25-26; phonology, 29-33. Buffalo bow, 380. Chunna, 108. Bull-roarer, 277. Chunoyahi, 106. Cahuilla, 276, 289, 291, 300, 304. Ci'ma' tu, 256. Clam shell disk bead, used as money, Cako' tu family, 249. 278. Calendar, 315, 322-323; recognition Cliff dweller's bow, 352, 390. of solstice, 322-323, passim. Cloth, in aboriginal California, 275; California Indian, arrow release of, rush mats, 275; loom, 275. See 272. also Textiles. Campo Seco, 51. Jobo'k, 249. Canoes, 267-268, 269. cobo'k-making family, 249. Canoe-basket making family, 250. ioki', 249. Capa"tu, 251, 255. coki'-making family, 249. Cape'ntu family, 248, 254. Colorado river tribes, 262, 265, 268, Ca'puroy' "pirn' tu, 244. 270, 273, 276, 282, 283, 287, 289, Carrying frame, of the Southwest, 291, 299, 300, 303, 307, 313, 324. 282. Colusa, California, 236. Carrying net, 281. Compton, W. J., 331, 334, 338, 356, Carson, Mrs., story of, 48. 358, 371. Catlin, cited, 124. Concow creek, 41, 52. Central Pomo. See Pomo language. Concow Indians, 41. Central Yana. See Yana language; Congo bow, 342, 384. Yana Indians, dialects of. Conifer roots, in basketry, 273. Cercis occidentalis, in basketry, 274. Consanguinity, 237. Ceremonies, ancient Californian, 306; Cornus Nuttallii (dogwood), 360. Navaho, 308; of northwestern Costanoans, 268, 280, 281, 316, 320, cults, 309; hesi dance, 245; scalp 326; basketry of, 274. dance, 297; rattlesnake, 303; Cottonwood creek, 51. image, 309; eagle dance, 309; Couvade, 293. adolescence, 306, 311-314; first Cree bow, 342, 382; arrow, 382. salmon, 315; New Year's, 315. Cremation, 294, 296. See also Mourning anniversary. Cult religions, 304-309; two aspects Chalman 'i, 108. of, initiation and organization, Charms, 254. 307; police and military fune- [416] Index tions, 307; rooted in Shamanism, Etruscan arrowhead, 402. 308. See also Adolescence cere- Eucalyptus, used for bows, 106. mony; Mourning anniversary. Exogamy, 256, 287-291, passim. Offerings: of feather wands, 316, Fall River Mills, California, 39. compared with feather stick of Feather river, 39. Southwest, 316; sprinkling of Fernandeflo, 326. meal, 316; eagle down, 316; Fish poison, 271. tobacco or incense, 316. Fishing, 269-271; with nets, 269, 270- Cupeao, 276, 289, 291, 326. 271; hook, 269; harpoon, 270; Curtin, J., work with Yana Indians, fish poison, 269, 271; for salmon, 36; cited, 40, 50. 248, 2,54. Dance, in cult practices, 308, 309; ilageolet, 277. hesi, 245; scalp, 297; doctor or Flight shooting, 333, 350; of aborig- shamans', 301, 306; war or vic- inal arrows, 371; Ishi 's flight tory, 297-298, 306; Eagle, 309; arrows, 373. Deer-skin or Jumping, 315, 327. Flint, used for arrowheads, 116. See also Ghost dance. "Fluflu" arrow, 363, 398. Dadichu., 130. Flute, 277. Dead, disposal of in native Califor- Ford, Horace, archer, 123, 392. nia, 294; map showing, 295; Fractions, Indian understanding of, cremation, 295, 296; interment 328. or burial, 296. Functional Families of the Patwin, Debt, 287. 235. See Patwin, functional Deer, hunting of, 127, 128-129; use families. of, 129, plates showing, opp. 100 Fundaxmental Elements of Northern and 102. Yana, The, 215. Deer snare, plate showing, opp. 98. Gabrielino, 276, 277, 297, 309, 310, Deer creek, 42, 44, 46, 47, 52, 55. 324, 32.6. Deer Creek Canion, plates showing, Gashowu, 290. opp. 84 and 86. Geronimo, 390. Deer Creek Indians. See Yahi. Ghost dance, 316, 318; reception of, Deer-hoof rattle, used in adolescenee 318; progress of, 319-320; source, ceremony, 313. 319; map showing course of cult, Dentalium shell, used as money, 278. 1869-1873, tribes affected by the Dieguefio, 263, 268, 276, 278, 283, 289, cult, 1889-1892, sources, 321. 293, 299, 304, 309, 311, 323, 324. Gibson, Dr. R. H., cited, 179. Dieguenio language, suffixes, verb and Giraldus Cambrensis, eited, 357. noun, 22; cognates, 26; pho- Glorate, 292. nology, 28-33. Granary basket, 282-283. Dirsch, Mrs., 50, 51. Green, W. S., cited, 256. Diya'k, 250. Guardian spirits, beliefs concerning, Do'ko, 249. 300. Dress, native Californian, 260-263. Habaigili'i, used for arrows, 111. See also Cloth; Textiles. Hahka, 116. Eastern Pomo. See Pomo language. Hair net, 263. Elements of Culture in Native Cali- Haliotis, 279. fornia, 259: arts of life, 260-283; Hansard, 357. society, 283-299; religion and Hanson, G. M., agent for Indian knowledge, 299-324. Affairs, 49. English longbow, 336, 351, 355, 373, Harpoon, 270; salmon, plates show- 378, 392. ing, opp. 80 and 82. English target arrow, 363, 374, 398, Hat creek, 39. 400. Hat Creek Indians, 116. English war arrow, 366, 398. Hazel shoots, in basketry, 273. Epicampes rigens, material used in Head net, 263. basketry, 263, 273. He'si, 245. Equisetum, used for polishing arrows, Hesi society and ceremony, 245; fire 272. tender, 251-255; head man and Eskimo, arrow release, 272.
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