i*v ' •:• • ;::-r ««„ • »••,. •.- ' <• Український Щоденник Ukrainian Daily РІК UV. Ч. 83. VOL. MV. No. 88. SECTION II. Щг ЩхШт ШггЩ Dedicated to the needs and Interest of young Americans t * Ukrainian descent No. 15 NEW YORK and JERSEY CITY, SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1946 VOL. XIV Hlynka To Query About Fifth Column General Information Ukraine—The Danger The current April 29 number of event that such persons fail to re-: On the Coming Third Ukrainian the Newsweek magazine carries un- gister at the U.S.S.R. embassies or American Congress Spot der the heading "Reds: Fifth Co-1consulates by December 31, 1945, Writing in the current May num­ lumn" the following dispatch: jthey may be considered Soviet cki- Sponsored by the Ukrainian Congress Canadians are due for a new zens after this date by virtue of the Committee of America the Third ber of the Reader's Digest on "To tremor over the current investiga- j said regulations and under Article Congress of Americans of Ukrainian Understand the Russians," Andre tions of Russian spies. Soon after. 3 of the Citizenship Act of the Union Descent will be held Friday, May 31, Visson, veteran foreign correspon­ Parliament reopens on April 29, So-jof Soviet Republics." Pavloff, deny- and Saturday June 1, 1946 in Almas dent, has recorded some interesting cial Creditor Anthony Hlynka will jing any intent of compulsion, claimed Temple Club Auditorium, 1315 K St. observations made by experts whose ask the government an embarrassing І the passage was capable of wide in- N. W., Washington, D. C. experience and position enable them Keynote of the Congress will be: to speak with authority on this prob­ question: Did the External Affairs 1 terpretation. T\^«^V^«,^«<- ;« fv,« io0f D;v тлп+ііо * і "Our role in America's peace effort." lem before Americans today. For ob­ Pepartment in the last six months, As the registration proceeded, word Since no lastine Deace is possible as vious reasons, Visson says, they pre­ lielp Soviet Russia lay the founda- that Soviet officials were de- Г *u TTI • possmie as SDread fer to remain anonymous. •5Л«в f«- о к„г,л em, ^i„r«« ;n pon ispreaa mat s>oviec omciais were ae- long as the Ukrainian people in their Can 8$5 Th. hXfonnd -imanding the names of relatives innJve land remain uJer foreign, t0. a From the Ukrainian viewpoint the oacKgrouna. occupied zones. Many who had no j talitarian rule, their plight in and out most arresting feature of the article Last September, while Royal Can- intention of registering recalled that j 0f Ukraine will be one of the prin- is its concluding part, where the pos­ adian Mounted Police probed the і the Nazis organized fifth columns by: cipa.i subjects to be discussed at the sibility of organized discontent within espionage disclosures volunteered by j threatening German residents in for-: Congress. The Congress will en- Soviet borders is touched upon. In Igor Gouzenko, Soviet Embassy ci- j eign countries with reprisals on rela-. deavor to project their plight, and the view of these experts— pher clerk, the embassy made a Stives in Germany. Walter Tucker, the means Qf alleviating it, upon the seemingly harmless request. Vitalij parliamentary assistant to the Min- consciousness of American public "There is no organized discontent G. Pavloff, second secretary, asked ister of Veterans Affairs, told Uk- opinion. within Russia. The only part of the Canada's permission to conduct a rainians in his constituency (Ros-j The Congress will also hear reports Soviet Union where slight 'earth­ voluntary registration of Canadian thern, Sask.): "Don't even let them f what the Ukrainian Congress Corn- quake'shocks' betray, from time to G time, an undercurrent of dissension, residents who were natives of Rus-j [the Russians] know that you exist." mittee accomplished in support of sian-occupied territories. Pavloff said But thousands, Hlynka claims, were America's war effort, and what it is the Ukraine. But the Soviet lead­ ers are well aware of this danger registration was required because "terrified not to register." nas done on behalf of the suffering some might want to return to their External Affairs officials also re- Ukrainian people in their native land spot, and keep a watchful eye on it. native lands, and because Russia had thods. They became as well as beyond its borders, The constant threat of a purge is member Nazi me suspended over the Ukraine and any compulsory military service. Hume more aIarmed when Gouzenko testi- Finally the Congress will hold elec- Wrong, Associate Under Secretary ief'of the NK- tion of officers of the Ukrainian Con- potential leaders of discontent are fied Pavloff was the cn swiftly removed from the scene." of State for External Affairs, granted VD (Soviet ^СГЄІ ^^ in Canada, gress Committee of America, permission. So far> the-Soviet Embassy has de- Since the Congress Committee is Of course, this is nothing new to But department officials soon had clined to give the number who have founded on community representation, anyone acquainted with conditions cause for protest.- Registration no- j registered. Estimates range from representation at the Congress will over there. There is, for example, a tices in 30 or more foreign-language' 9,000 to 34,000. Hlynka will ask the be limited to local central coordinat- well organized resistance movement on papers throughout Canada carried External Affairs' Department to de- ing committees as well as to local so- Ukrainian territories now, composed this significant paragraph: "In the mand the number and the names. | cieties, parishes, clubs and organiza- of a large force of armed and des­ — I tions. Each such central committee, perate men who call themselves the і society or parish is entitled to send Ukrainian Insurgent Army. But most Unite To Combat Communism two delegates to the Congress. of all this is unknown to the aver­ A -j. л c * 4-і • ci w*u ^r- і c «. The registration fee will be $5 per age American. He falls for the So­ tratioA nunite of dcommunis front against and t othether antimfil-­ countrieWith sparticula of centrar l referencand eastere ton Euthe­ , . DavaDie ш advance or at viet propaganda and thinks that the Ukrainians are happy and content democratic influences "endangering rope which are now engulfed by com­ the openincredentiag ol fverificatio the Congressn des.k Guestbefores the security, welfare and way of life munism, the Federation will "urge under the benign Stalin. It is good, will be permitted to observe the pro­ therefore, to see American journalists of the American people" has been. our Government to seek the restora- ceedings of the Congress; fee—$1 per forged by eleven organizations em-; tion of sovereign rights, and self- gradually opening his eyes to the guest. true conditions over there. bracing millions of Americans of Cen­ government to the nations • which The credentials verification desk tral and eastern European descent. have been forcibly deprived of them will be open in the Auditorium, Fri­ Religious, fraternal and civic and to secure the exercise of the day morning, beginning at 8 A. M. groups of Americans of Lithuanian, right of self-determination for those The Congress itself will commence I of Shevchenko. Miss Gloria Mas- Polish, Carpatho-Ruthenian, Slovak, nations which have not been accord- j goret was at the piano for the Ameri- ec at 10 A. M. Slovenian, Croation, Ukrainian and * this right." All correspondence in this connec­ I can National Anthem, while Mrs. Hungarian origin have formed the To secure these rights to the 150 tions, particularly requests for ap­ j Paul Phillips played when "Sche Ne Federation of Americans of Central million people living in the countries plication for delegates' credentials, | Vmerla Ukraina" was sung. and Eastern Europe Descent and of central and eastern Europe, the should be addressed to Mr. Bohdan Received were $104.00 in volun- adopted at a recent meeting in Wash- Federation will "urge our Govern- Katamay, Secretary, Ukrainian Con­ | tary contributions and transmitted to ington a six-point statement of prin-jinentto fulfill the guarantee of free gress Committee of America, c/o 817 the United Ukrainian-American Re­ ciples, the press reports. and unfettered elections under the N. Franklin St., Philadelphia 23, Pa. lief Committee in Philadelphia. List Declaring its determination "to ex-; supervision of an inter-allied com- of contributions follows: ert every effort to preserve and pro- mission." ? $25.—Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Shlo- mote our American way of life," the; "In order to achieve this," the Washingtonians pak; $10.—Mr. and Mrs. Theodore new Federation will ask the Govern- statement said! "and to eliminate a Carpin; $5.—Mr. Joseph Dmytriw, ment "to work for a just and lasting serious threat to world peace, it is Observe Shevchenko Miss Ann Chopek, Mr. Walter Bod- peace based upon our own Bill of imperative that Soviet troops and nar, M. Gretchen, Mr. Joseph Fed- Rights and the principles embodied Soviet secret police be immediately Anniversary dish, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Skotzko, in the Atlantic Charter and the Four withdrawn from neutral and allied News comes from the Nation's Mr. Michael Radyk, Mr. John Ewas- Freedoms, for which our sons and countries as pledged in Article 6 of Capitol that the Ukrainian colony chuk; $2. -Miss Catherine Greb, Mr. daughters fought and died." | the Moscow Declaration of 1943." there observed the birth of Taras Peter Olan. Mr. Alexander Lefko, Mrs. Victoria Girdlin; $1.—Miss Mary „__„ —- ; * ==» Shevchenko last March 16 by a formal dinner and program at the Beley, Miss Jean Williams, Mrs. Mary A most widely discussed book TO GIVE RADIO TALK ON Fairfax Hotel, held for the benefit Shlanta/ Mr.
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