Research Terms of Reference IDP Mass Communications and Movement Intentions of IDP households in Northern Iraq Research Cycle ID: IRQ1802 Iraq April 2018 V1 1. Executive Summary Country of intervention Iraq Type of Emergency □ Natural disaster X Conflict Type of Crisis □ Sudden onset □ Slow onset X Protracted Mandating Body/ Agency OFDA Project Code 10CZT Research Timeframe 1. Start data collection: 21/04/2018 4. Data sent for validation: 03/07/2018 Add planned deadlines (for 2. Data collected: 16/05/2018 5. Outputs sent for validation: 03/08/2018 first cycle if more than 1) 3. Data analysed: 17/06/2018 6. Outputs published: 17/08/2018 Number of assessments □ Single assessment (one cycle) X Multi assessment (more than one cycle) Humanitarian milestones Milestone Deadline Specify what will the assessment inform and when □ Donor plan/strategy _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ e.g. The shelter cluster will use this data to draft its X Inter-cluster plan/strategy: Ongoing Revised Flash Appeal; - Returns Working Group X Cluster plan/strategy: Ongoing - CCCM cluster - Protection cluster □ NGO platform plan/strategy _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ □ Other (Specify): _ _/_ _/_ _ _ _ Audience type Dissemination www.reach-initiative.org 1 IDP Mass Communications, April 2018 Audience Type & □ Strategic X General Product Mailing (e.g. mail to NGO consortium; HCT participants; Donors) Dissemination Specify X Programmatic who will the assessment X Cluster Mailing (Education, Shelter and WASH) X Operational inform and how you will and presentation of findings at next cluster disseminate to inform the □ Other (specify): meeting audience X Presentation of findings (e.g. at HCT meeting; Cluster meeting) X Website Dissemination (Relief Web & REACH Resource Centre) Detailed dissemination □ Yes X No plan required M&E Matrix required X Yes □ No General Objective To provide insight on how IDP households inform their movement intentions: specifically, how IDP households access and consume information, and to what extent information access / consumption plays a role in household decision-making with regards to movement and return. This assessment aims to inform effective programming and service delivery of humanitarian and government actors related to returns and secondary / continued displacement. Specific Objective(s) Mass Communications Assessment: 1. Identify the ways in which IDP households, both in and out of camps, inform their decision to relocate. a. I. Primary sources b. II. Primary channels 2. Identify the communication barriers faced by households. In accessing information necessary to inform movement decisions, whether this relates to channels (access and use of devices, credit, mobile data) or sources (frequency of availability, language). 3. Identify the extent to which Information sources are trusted and perceived as credible by IDPs a. Most trusted sources b. Least trusted sources 4. Identify the extent to which returns related information and information about the area of origin (AoO) that IDPs get informs their movement intentions. Intentions Assessment: 1. Identify the proportion of out-of-camp IDPs who intend to return, relocate and remain in place in the coming months. 2. Identify potential timing, scale and geographical destinations of movements. 3. Identify needs and vulnerabilities that may influence movement intentions or be exacerbated by choices of return, relocate or settle in place. Research Questions Mass Communications Assessment: 1. What types of movements-related information (i.e. what topics) are IDP households currently receiving? From which source and by which channel? 2. What information access barriers do IDP households face? www.reach-initiative.org 2 IDP Mass Communications, April 2018 3. To what extent are the information sources perceived as trusted and credible by IDPs? 4. To what extent does the returns-related information that IDPs receive influence movement intentions? Intentions Assessment: 1. What proportion of IDPs (out of camp) are intending to return to their areas of origin within the next three months? 2. What are the barriers to return for IDP households not intending to return? 3. What are the movement plans (timeframe and destination) for households with different intentions (intending to return to their AoO, to move to another location, to remain in place)? Geographic Coverage Northern Iraq: Ninewa, Dohuk, Erbil, Kirkuk, and Sulaymaniyah Governorates Secondary data sources ● CCCM Cluster data on IDP camp population figures ● IOM DTM data ● REACH Quarterly IDP Camp Directory ● REACH In-Camp Intentions Survey Data Population(s) X IDPs in camp X IDPs in informal sites Select all that apply X IDPs in host communities □ IDPs Other (Specify): □ Refugees in camp □ Refugees in informal sites □ Refugees in host communities □ Refugees Other (Specify): □ Host communities □ Other (Specify): Stratification X Geographical #:5 X Group #: 2 □ [Other Specify] #: _ _ Select type(s) and enter Population size per Population size per Population size per number of strata strata is known? strata is known? strata is known? X Yes □ No X Yes □ No □ Yes □ No Data collection tool(s) X Structured (Quantitative) X Semi-structured (Qualitative) Sampling method Data collection method Structured data □ Purposive X Key informant interview (Target #):_ _ _ _ _ collection tool # 1 □ Probability / Simple random X Group discussion (Target #):_ 10 out of camp, Select sampling and data collection method and specify x Probability / Stratified simple random 10 in camp _ _ _ target # interviews x Probability / Cluster sampling X Household interview (Target #):_1260 out of □ Probability / Stratified cluster sampling camp, 1808 in camp_ □ [Other specify] □ Individual interview (Target #):_ _ _ _ _ □ Direct observations (Target #):_ _ _ _ _ □ [Other specify] (Target #):_ _ _ _ _ Target level of precision 95% level of confidence 7.5+/- % margin of error at governorate-level if probability sampling www.reach-initiative.org 3 IDP Mass Communications, April 2018 Data management X IMPACT □ UNHCR platform(s) □ [Other (Specify)]: Expected output type(s) □ Situation overview #: _ _ X Report #: 1 □ Profile #: _ _ X Presentation (Preliminary □ Presentation (Final) X Factsheet #: 10 (5 for findings) #: 2 #: _ _ Mass Comms, 5 for intentions) □ Interactive dashboard □ Web map #: _ _ □ Map #: _ _ #:_ □ [Other Specify] #: _ _ Access X Public (available on REACH resource centre and other humanitarian platforms) □ Restricted (bilateral dissemination only upon agreed dissemination list, no publication on REACH or other platforms) Visibility Specify which REACH, CCCM, Protection, Returns Working Group logos should be on outputs 2. Background/Rationale 2018 is likely to see an increasing rate of returns of internally displaced populations in Iraq to their areas of origin. However, humanitarian actors are not anticipating these returns to occur uniformly across all displaced groups, highlighting the need to further explore barriers to returning as well as requisite conditions for safe and voluntary returns. The Iraq 2018 Humanitarian Response Plan specifically underlined the need for providing information to IDPs on services and conditions in return areas.1 A recent report by DRC, IRC and NRC highlighted that a lack of reliable and up to date information about conditions in areas of origin can result in premature returns and suggests that IDPs lack information that is provided through official channels.2 Preliminary results from the recent REACH/CCCM intentions survey with in-camp IDPs shows that perceptions on a wide range of topics – from security in areas of origin to livelihood opportunities – correlated to different patterns in movement intentions. However, substantive data related to the primary ways in which IDPs access and consume movement-related information which affects these perceptions is currently lacking, such as information on security, services, assistance, rights, and entitlements, and how IDPs use this information to make decisions about their movement. To address this information gap, REACH proposes to conduct an assessment on IDP mass communications through a household survey and focus group discussions. The assessment will also incorporate a new round of the Intentions Survey to capture movement intentions of out-of-camp IDPs. While both assessments will be addressed by the same survey, this project should be considered a multi assessment cycle, and the Intentions Survey will have a distinct analysis and output production phase. 3. Methodology 3.1. Methodology overview The assessment will employ a head of household survey representative of the target population at governorate level, supplemented by a series of focus group discussions to contextualize and nuance the quantitative data. 1 https://data2.unhcr.org/en/documents/download/62295 2 https://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/thelongroadhomefinal28022018.pdf www.reach-initiative.org 4 IDP Mass Communications, April 2018 This assessment will begin with a secondary data review and consultations with key partners, specifically CCCM and Protection clusters and the Returns Working Group, to shape the survey. First phase data collection will consist of a household survey of both in-camp and out of camp IDPs conducted by trained enumerators after an initial pilot and adjustment of the survey. Data will be cleaned daily during the survey implementation. After an initial review of findings from the survey data, the second phase of data collection will use focus groups to clarify, elaborate and triangulate
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