The Protestant Cemetery Catalogue edited by Sebastian Rahtz January 2000 Contents 1 Country AA: Algeria. 3 2 Country AG: Argentina. 4 3 Country AL: Albania. 5 4 Country AM: America. 6 5 Country AS: Austria. 69 6 Country AU: Australia. 71 7 Country BA: Barbados. 74 8 Country BE: Belgium. 75 9 Country BR: Brasil. 76 10 Country BU: Bulgaria. 77 11 Country CA: Canada. 79 12 Country CE: Ceylon. 84 13 Country CH: China. 85 14 Country CU: Cuba. 86 15 Country CZ: Czechoslovakia. 87 16 Country DA: Denmark. 88 17 Country DE: Germany. 100 18 Country DU: Holland. 156 19 Country EG: Egypt. 160 20 Country EL: English Language. 161 21 Country EN: English. 162 22 Country ES: Estonia. 248 23 Country FI: Finland. 249 24 Country FR: France. 250 25 Country GB: Britain. 261 26 Country GE: German Language. 362 27 Country GI: Gibraltar. 403 28 Country GR: Greece. 404 29 Country HO: Holland. 408 1 () 30 Country HU: Hungary. 409 31 Country IN: India. 411 32 Country IR: Ireland. 413 33 Country IT: Italy. 428 34 Country JA: Japan. 491 35 Country JV: Java. 493 36 Country KE: Kenya. 494 37 Country LA: Latvia. 495 38 Country LE: Lebanon. 497 39 Country LI: Lithuania. 498 40 Country LL: Latin Language. 499 41 Country MA: Malta. 503 42 Country NE: Netherlands. 504 43 Country NO: Norway. 505 44 Country NZ: New Zealand. 509 45 Country PO: Poland. 510 46 Country PR: Prussia. 512 47 Country RA: Rumania. 514 48 Country RU: Russia. 515 49 Country SA: South Africa. 577 50 Country SC: Scotland. 578 51 Country SE: Serbia. 596 52 Country SL: Slovenia. 597 53 Country SS: Switzerland. 598 54 Country SW: Sweden. 612 55 Country TA: Taiwan. 622 56 Country TU: Turkey. 623 57 Country WE: Wales. 625 58 Country YU: Yugoslavia. 628 59 Country Z_: ?. 629 60 Country ZA: Zambia. 696 2 Abensour () 1 Country AA: Algeria. 9068 Zona Prima; Plaque on base. [m] Samuel Emanuel ABENSOUR *0/0/1905 †0/0/1984 48 ¥ 50 ¥ 25 Nationality: Algeria 1 south side, excellent condition, incised and coloured, primary AVVOCATO SAMUEL EMMANUEL inscription, Italian ABENSOUR 16.12.1905 - 29.12.1984 Iconography: major on south side (i113) [3] cross, plain 3 Vilches () 2 Country AG: Argentina. 2581 Zona Terza; Cross. 174 ¥ 60¥ [f] Jorgelina LEROUX DE UFFREDUZZI *0/0/0 †0/0/1947 Nationality: Argentina [m] Attilio UFFREDUZZI *0/0/0 †0/0/1958 Nationality: ? 1 top, good condition, incised, primary inscription, ? JORGELINA LEROUX DE UFFREDUZZI BUENOS AIRES 1892 - ROMA 1947 2 top, good condition, incised, secondary inscription, ? ATTILIO UFFREDUZZI ROMA 1883 1958 Iconography: minor on in general (i113) [3] cross, plain minor on in general (i113) [3] cross, plain See also Maria Luisa Roca Page (stone 9019), listed under country AM (), George Blunt Page (1930) 1957 Zona Seconda; Plaque on base. [m] José Ruben Falbo VILCHES *0/0/0 †0/0/1984 40 ¥ 48 ¥ 28 Nationality: Argentina 1 ?, ? condition, ?, ?, ? JOSÉ RUBEN FALBO VILCHES ARGENTINO LONQUIMAY - LA PARM - ARGENTINA 5.2.1930 ROMA - ITALIA 19.7.1984 R.I.P. Iconography: major on south side (i113) [3] cross, plain 4 Verlaci () 3 Country AL: Albania. 1537 Zona Seconda; Chest. 250 ¥ 130 ¥ 105 [m] Shevket VERLACI *0/0/0 †0/0/1946 Nationality: Albania [m] Ismail VERLACI *0/0/0 †0/0/1985 Nationality: Greece 1 south side, excellent condition, incised and coloured, primary ISMAIL VERLACI CORFÙ 15.6.1917 ROMA 22.3.1985 inscription, Italian SHEVKET VERLACI ELBASAN 15.12.1877 ZURIGO 21.7.1946 Iconography: major on east side (i112) [3 2] wreath 1803 Zona Seconda; Rocks. 120 ¥ 90 ¥ 50 [m] Ali KLISSURA *0/0/0 †0/0/1963 Nationality: Albania 1 south side, excellent condition, incised in metal, primary SH.SH. VT ALI KLISSURA inscription, ? 28.V.1891 24.IX.1963 KËLCYRE-SHQIPËRI TË ROMA-ITALIA NË KËTË TOKË TÉ ROMËS S’AMSHUËME PUSHON NË PAQEN E PERËNDISË TRUPI i ALI KLISSURËS SHQIPËRI - LIRI - DREJTËSI KËTO IDEALE të LARTA KOMBËTARE-NJËRËZORE QUNË PËRMBAÀTÀ E JETËS SË TIJ PËR KËTO JETOI SAKRIFIKO LUFTOI GJER NË FRYMËN E FUNDIT LUFTOI ME FJALË UDHËHEQËSI NË LETËR LUFTOI ME ARME USHTARI NË DORË IDEALET E TIJA LE TË MBETEN POROSI E PËRHERËSHME PËR NE BASHKËLUFTËTARËT E TIJ PËR BREZAT E ARDHËSHËM ARBËRORE "ORGANIZATA BALLI KOMBËTAR" NË MËRGIMË 24.IX.1964 Iconography: major on south side (i76) [3 10] phoenix (Photo F.26) (Photo K.12) (Photo K.12) 1600 Zona Seconda; Headstone. [m] Kemal JUSUFATTI *0/0/0 †0/0/1965 115 ¥ 80 ¥ 23 Nationality: Albania 1 south side, excellent condition, incised and filled, primary KEMAL JAUSUFATTI DOKTOR inscription, ? LIBOHOWA 28.2.1879 ROMA 26.6.1965 Iconography: dominant on south side (i85) [2] rose 2 ¥ major on south side (i85) [2] rose 1175 Zona Prima; Plaque on base. [m] Behie VERLACI *0/0/0 †0/0/1980 40 ¥ 48 ¥ 28 Nationality: Albania 1 south side, excellent condition, incised and coloured, primary BEHIE VËRLACI VED. DINO inscription, ? ELBASAN 25.III.1906 ROMA 20.X.1980 5 0 Hulbert AM (America) 4 Country AM: America. 1839 Zona Seconda; Headstone. [m] Avice de Heyton BISPHAM *0/0/0 †0/0/0 162 ¥ 75 ¥ 23 Nationality: America [m] Henry Carrol BISPHAM *0/0/0 †0/0/0 Nationality: English [m] Henry Collins BISPHAM *0/0/0 †0/0/0 Nationality: America 1 south side, excellent condition, incised and filled, primary HENRY COLLINS BISPHAM BORN IN PHILADELPHIA inscription, English DIED IN ROME. HENRY CARROL BISPHAM ONLY SON OF HENRY C. & MINNIE BISPHAM 2 south side, excellent condition, incised and filled, secondary AND IN MEMORY OF inscription, English AVICE DE HEYTON BISPHAM OUR BELOVED DAUGHTER Iconography: major on south side (i9) [6] palette and brushes See also Henry Collins Bispham (stone 1839), listed under country AM (), Avice de Heyton Bispham (0) 2573 Zona Terza; Headstone. 147 ¥ 62 ¥ 12 [f] Jane EVANS *0/0/0 †0/0/0 Nationality: America [m] Robert Kennon EVANS *0/0/0 †0/0/1926 Nationality: English 1 south side, excellent condition, incised, primary inscription, English BRIGADIER GENERAL ROBERT KENNON EVANS D.S.M. UNITED STATES ARMY BORN NOVEMBER 19, 1852 DIED JULY 31, 1926 AND HIS WIFE JANE (Photo I.13) 1646 Zona Seconda; Cross. 129 ¥ 57 ¥ 8 [f] Eugenie Louise FRYER *0/0/0 †0/0/0 Nationality: America [m] Greville E. FRYER *0/0/0 †0/0/1873 Nationality: America 1 south side, reasonable condition, incised and filled, primary EUGENIE LOUISE FRYER inscription, English WIFE OF GREVILLE E FRYER BORN IN NEW YORK SEPT 16TH 1841 DIED IN ROME MAY 7TH 1873 Iconography: major on south side (i24) [3] chi rho minor on in general (i113) [3] cross, plain 1592 Zona Seconda; Plaque on base. [f] Madelon GERNSBACK *0/0/0 †0/0/0 30 ¥ 47 ¥ 28 Nationality: America [f] Rose GERNSBACK *0/0/0 †0/0/1967 Nationality: English 1 south side, excellent condition, incised and coloured, primary ROSE GERNSBACK NÉE HARVEY inscription, English SEPT.27,1879 - JAN.28,1967 MADELON GERNSBACK NEW YORK-N.Y.-U.S.A. JULY 19,1909 R.I.P. 6 Harbach () 845 Zona Prima; Ledger. 186 ¥ 100 ¥ 5 [m] Edwin J. HULBERT *0/0/0 †0/0/0 Nationality: America 1 top, reasonable condition, incised and filled, primary inscription, ENTRANCE TO FAMILY-TOMB OF English EDWIN J. HULBERT DESCENDANT OF MIDDLETOWN-CONNT FAMILY U.S.A. 1630. ERECTED BY HIS DAUGHTER CARLOTTA 755 Zona Prima; Headstone. 141 ¥ 42 ¥ 10 [f] Alice Lawrence IVES *0/0/0 †0/0/0 Nationality: America [m] Gerard Merrick IVES *0/0/0 †0/0/0 Nationality: English [m] Chauncey Bradley IVES *0/0/0 †0/0/1894 Nationality: America 1 south side, excellent condition, incised and coloured, primary .IN.MEMORY.OF. .CHAUNCEY.BRADLEY. inscription, English .IVES. .SCULPTOR. .BORN.IN.NEW.HAVEN. .CONN.DEC.XIV. .MDCCCX. .DIED.IN.ROME.ITALY. .AUGUST.11.MDCCCXCIV. —— .REQUIESCAT IN PACE —— .ALSO.IN.MEMORY.OF. .GERARD.MERRICK.IVES. .AND. .ALICE.LAWRENCE.IVES. —— Iconography: dominant on south side (i22) [4] celtic rope work minor on in general (i142) [3] cross, Celtic 807 Zona Prima; Building. ¥¥ [m] Edwin JAMES *0/0/0 †0/0/0 Nationality: America [f] Carola MASSARDO *0/0/0 †0/0/0 Nationality: English [f] Frances HARBACH *0/0/0 †0/0/1887 Nationality: English [m] Thomas HARBACH *0/0/0 †0/0/1888 Nationality: English 1 south side, reasonable condition, raised metal, primary comment, note: on metal plaque behind bust hulbert English edwin james & frances harbach of middletown conn. u.s.a. erected to the memory of them, their son thomas and daughter carlotte g. note: "g." inside a triangle ne varietur per aspera ad astra 2 top, good condition, incised, primary inscription, English EDWIN JAMES HUSBAND-FATHER 3 south side, good condition, incised, secondary inscription, English FRANCES HARBACH WIFE-MOTHER DIED DEC 23 1887 4 south side, good condition, incised, secondary inscription, English note: on steps leading up to bust THOMAS HARBACH - SON DIED OCT 22 1888 CAROLA MASSARDO - DAUGHTER 7 Temple () 5 south side, reasonable condition, incised, primary comment, English note: on very small "box" in front of monument FAMily TOMb of EDWIN J. Hulbert 6 south side, good condition, incised, mason’s mark, ? note: on lower part of bust; really a mason’s mark??? CALUMET 7 south side, good condition, incised and coloured, primary comment, ? note: on corner of kerb NANTUCKET 8 south side, good condition, incised and filled, primary comment, "THIS LIFE OF MORTAL BREATH IS BUT A SUBURB English OF THE LIFE ELYSIAN, WHOSE PORTAL WE CALL DEATH." 9 south side, good condition, incised and filled, primary comment, GONE FROM LABOR TO REFRESHMENT [ALPHA...OMEGA] English 10 south side, good condition, incised and filled, primary inscription, "VENITE A ME VOI TUTTI CHE SIETE Italian AFFLITTI E ADDOLORATI, ED IO VI CONSOLERÒ." note: in front of small "box" with family name G 11 top, reasonable condition, incised, primary comment, ? "VENITE A ME VOI TUTTI CHE SIETE AFFLITTI E ADDOLORATI, ED IO VI CONSOLERÒ." note: in front of small "box" with family name G Iconography: minor on top (i19) [7] bust dominant on south side (i2) [3 9] anchor 2 ¥ dominant on south side (i29) [6] coat of arms major on in general (i36) [1] dog dominant on south side (i167) [6] sculptor’s tools 2 ¥ dominant on south side (i45) [2] floral, unknown dominant on south side (i115) [3] alpha and omega Notes: Steps leading up towards a portico with a bust of a man underneath, stone fence around the garden and a stone dog in it, the whole very impressively carved and decorated.
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