E874 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 22, 2017 JOSEPH NGUYEN CELEBRATING THE 50TH ANNIVER- A TRIBUTE TO RYAN COLLINS SARY OF HOLY CROSS COLLEGE HON. ED PERLMUTTER HON. DAVID YOUNG HON. JACKIE WALORSKI OF IOWA OF COLORADO OF INDIANA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, June 22, 2017 Thursday, June 22, 2017 Thursday, June 22, 2017 Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mrs. WALORSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today today to recognize and congratulate Ryan Col- Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Holy lins, a graduate of East Union High School in today to recognize and applaud Joseph Cross College. This institution has been a pil- Afton, Iowa. Ryan was recently honored for Nguyen for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge lar of the northern Indiana community for a outstanding academic achievement at the Fif- Service Ambassadors for Youth award. half century, and I have no doubt the next 50 teenth Annual Governor’s Scholar Recognition Joseph Nguyen is a student at Mandalay years will be just as meaningful for students, on April 30, 2017. This statewide program is sponsored by the Middle School and received this award be- faculty, alumni, and the northern Indiana com- Iowa Governor’s Office, the Iowa High School cause his determination and hard work have munity. allowed him to overcome adversities. Holy Cross College was founded in 1966 to Athletic Association, and the Iowa Farm Bu- reau. Each Iowa high school was invited to se- The dedication demonstrated by Joseph advance the apostolic mission of the Brothers lect a senior with the highest academic Nguyen is exemplary of the type of achieve- of Holy Cross. From the beginning, the college achievement. Not only are recipients academi- ment that can be attained with hard work and has been dedicated not only to fostering intel- cally gifted, but the selected students are also perseverance. It is essential students at all lectual growth and discovery, but also to culti- those who have had success in extra-cur- levels strive to make the most of their edu- vating global citizens who are passionate, faithful, and courageous. ricular activities and community involvement. cation and develop a work ethic which will Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to represent Today, with more than 500 students from guide them for the rest of their lives. leaders like Ryan in the United States Con- over 30 states and 18 different countries, Holy I extend my deepest congratulations to Jo- gress and it is with great pride that I recognize Cross College is putting its values of global di- seph Nguyen for winning the Arvada Wheat him for utilizing his talents to reach his goals. versity and integration into action, no doubt Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. I invite my colleagues in the United States enriching the lives of each and every student. I have no doubt he will exhibit the same dedi- House of Representatives to join me in con- The prestigious faculty and hardworking staff cation and character in all of his future accom- gratulating him on receiving this esteemed at Holy Cross are committed to providing an plishments. designation, and in wishing him nothing but engaging and transformative college experi- the best. f ence, offering enlightenment in numerous areas of study, and instilling the values of f HONORING WILLIAM BRYAN FISH knowledge, faith, and personal growth. ISAIH NGUYEN OF PENNSYLVANIA FOR EARN- Students at Holy Cross have vast opportuni- ING THE BOY SCOUTS OF AMER- ties to get involved on campus and in the HON. ED PERLMUTTER ICA WILLIAM T. HORNADAY SIL- community. The college has played a positive OF COLORADO VER MEDAL role in making northern Indiana a better place IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to live, learn, and grow. I applaud the selfless Thursday, June 22, 2017 efforts students past and present have taken HON. SCOTT PERRY to give back to those in need. Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize and applaud Isaih Nguyen OF PENNSYLVANIA It is a privilege to represent the Holy Cross community in Congress. I am grateful for the for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES passion, integrity, and intellectual spirit that Ambassadors for Youth award. Isaih Nguyen is a student at North Arvada Thursday, June 22, 2017 resonates both on and off campus. On behalf of 2nd District Hoosiers, I wish to extend my Middle School and received this award be- Mr. PERRY. Mr. Speaker, today I offer my heartfelt congratulations on celebrating 50 cause his determination and hard work have sincere congratulations to my constituent, Wil- years, and I am excited to learn of all the allowed him to overcome adversities. liam Bryan Fish, on earning. the Boy Scouts of amazing things that are sure to come. The dedication demonstrated by Isaih Nguyen is exemplary of the type of achieve- America William T. Hornaday Silver Medal, its f highest honor given for conservation work. ment that can be attained with hard work and Described by the Boy Scouts as the ‘‘Olym- RECOGNIZING ALEXANDRIA perseverance. It is essential students at all pic Medal Bestowed by the Earth,’’ this award PAYNE, STATE PENTATHLON levels strive to make the most of their edu- recognizes truly outstanding efforts by Scouts CHAMPION cation and develop a work ethic which will that have contributed to environmental protec- guide them for the rest of their lives. I extend my deepest congratulations to Isaih tion and conservation. Mr. Fish is one of only HON. JOHN KATKO Nguyen for winning the Arvada Wheat Ridge 1,200 Scouts to have earned this award since OF NEW YORK Service Ambassadors for Youth award. I have it was created in 1914. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES no doubt he will exhibit the same dedication To earn this award, Mr. Fish: installed hun- Thursday, June 22, 2017 and character in all of his future accomplish- dreds of storm drain markers and information Mr. KATKO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ments. packets advising of the dangers of polluting recognize Alexandria Payne of the Jamesville- f waterways that connect to the Chesapeake DeWitt Red Rams for taking home the state Bay Watershed; organized an even-sided pub- HONORING THE 50TH ANNIVER- pentathlon title in the New York State Public lic debate on hydraulic fracking; cleaned up SARY OF THE HAMPTON JAZZ High School Association Class A Champion- two miles of a local creek; and organized a FESTIVAL ship on June 10, 2017. battery recycling program for his local school Payne set a District III record for amassing district. 3,351 points during the two days of competi- HON. ROBERT C. ‘‘BOBBY’’ SCOTT OF VIRGINIA Mr. Fish’s character, perseverance and tion. She is coached by Jim Lawton. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES leadership earned this Award and mark him as I am honored to recognize the hard work a future leader in our community and sets the displayed by Alexandria Payne and the rest of Thursday, June 22, 2017 standard for others to follow. the team, their families, the coaching staff, Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I rise On behalf of Pennsylvania’s Fourth-Con- and teachers at Jamesville-DeWitt High today to honor the Hampton Jazz Festival on gressional District, I congratulate William School. This is a historic win for Central New its 50th Anniversary. Bryan Fish on earning the Boy Scouts of York and I am confident that the positive ex- The idea for a jazz festival emerged after a America William T. Hornaday Silver Medal, periences from the 2017 season will yield con- visit between friends—the President of Hamp- and wish him continued great success in his tinued success in both athletics and aca- ton Institute Jerome Holland and jazz entre- future adventures. demics. preneur and promoter George Wein, who was VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:39 Jun 23, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K22JN8.005 E22JNPT1 rfrederick on DSK3GLQ082PROD with REMARKS June 22, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E875 noted for his festivals in Newport, Rhode Is- Mr. Speaker, as a fan of jazz and a regular is celebrating 100 years of service to our com- land, New York, California, and New Orleans. attendee, I congratulate Hampton University munities in Columbia County, New York. This first festival was in 1968 when Hamp- and the City of Hampton as the Hampton Jazz Twenty-four hours a day and 365 days a year ton Institute—present day Hampton Univer- Festival celebrates its 50th Anniversary. I look for the past century, this fire company has sity—celebrated its 100th birthday with a musi- forward to a great weekend listening to some served with pride and courage. cal night filled with jazz. This celebration took of my favorite artists knowing that this Hamp- I express my gratitude for the past and place on Hampton’s campus at Armstrong ton Roads tradition will continue for many present volunteers of this organization who Field. Artists that performed at the original fes- years to come. have made great sacrifices and performed he- tival included Dizzy Gillespie, Ramsay Lewis, f roic acts to protect their neighbors. Herbie Mann Quintet, Nina Simone and her Upon recognizing the need for organized Trio, Muddy Waters and his Blues Band, and IZABELLA SMITH fire protection, a group of 10 men came to- many more. It was supposed to be just a one- gether and drew up the Articles of Incorpora- time event, but the attendees loved it and HON.
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