Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) FOGO VOLCANIC ERUPTION 2014-2015 Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) FOGO VOLCANIC ERUPTION 2014-2015 3 A report prepared by the Government of Cabo Verde, with technical and financial support from the United Nations (UN): namely, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UNHABITAT), United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF), International Labour Organisation (ILO), the European Union (EU), the World Bank (WB), the Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction (GFDRR), and the Government of Luxembourg. 4 Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) | FOGO VOLCANIC ERUPTION 2014-2015 5 FOREWORD In the early hours of the morning of November 23, 2014, preceded by a series of geophysical and geoche- mical precursor signs continuously monitored by the National Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics and the University of Cabo Verde, our country was registering yet another eruptive episode along a SSW-NNE fissure on the east flank of the Pico Novo - Chã das Caldeiras with the formation of four eruptive vents and the emission of gases, tephra and lava. The 88 days of intense and effusive eruption culminated in the total destruction of all houses and commu- nity infrastructures of the localities of Portela and Bangaeira - Chã das Caldeiras, forcing the evacuation and displacement of 964 people. The lava flow also buried an extensive agricultural area of wine, fruit, beans, and vegetables production, as well as the endemic biodiversity of the National Park of Fogo and the social and economic infrastructures of those communities. Fortunately, despite the vast trail of material damage and heavy economic losses, there was no loss of human life due to the timely and efficient early response of local and central authorities as well as the enormous soli- darity of Capeverdians, friends and partners. The affected population was relocated to care centers in Monte Grande, Achada Furna and Mosteiros. Upon passing the most critical period of emergency, the greatest challenges are the “Reconstruction” and the restoring of the socio-economic conditions of the affected locations. Consequently, an integrated response to the emergency and to the rapid recovery of the affected populations was of paramount importance. To this effect, the Government of Cabo Verde created the Cabinet of Reconstruction of Fogo, in charge of the management, monitoring and execution of the different reconstruction works, as well as the efficient and transparent use of mobilized funds for the socio-economic recovery of the island of Fogo. This Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) report now published, is the result of the efforts of the Go- vernment of Cabo Verde and its international partners aiming at providing the country with an assessment based on an internationally accepted methodology for resource and partnerships mobilization for a recovery and post-disaster reconstruction. This PDNA also aim to strengthen the institutional capacity at sectoral and municipal levels. Therefore, we would like to express our appreciation for the multi-sectoral team of national experts from different government departments and municipalities of Fogo. Our special thanks to technical and financial assistance of UN agencies (UNDP, FAO and UNICEF), the European Union, the World Bank, the GFDRR (Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction), the Government of Luxemburg and Japan. As a technical and resource mobilization document, the PDNA defines the areas of intervention, the strategy and the medium and long term objectives, for all the economic and social sectors as well as cross-cutting issues such as gender and environment. With this document the Cabinet of Reconstruction of Fogo will be able to fulfill its objective of producing an action plan for the recovery, and the empowerment of fami- lies through specific programs of development of the productive sector (agriculture, livestock, agribusiness, tourism etc.) and the infrastructure of the new settlement (sectors: Health, Education / Sports, Social and Cultural) aiming at reducing risk of disasters of the population. Praia, 25 August 2015 António Nascimento Chairman of the GR 6 Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) | FOGO VOLCANIC ERUPTION 2014-2015 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) is an extensive and labor-intensive exercise that could not have been made possible without the dedication and support of the various ministries and departments of the Government of Cabo Verde in providing the time of their staff with their accompanying expertise. This PDNA report was prepared by a joint team working under the lead of the Cabinet of Fogo Reconstruc- tion and consisting of representatives of the government of Cabo Verde and members of the international community, namely, the Joint United Nations Office of Cabo Verde, the European Union (European Union Service for Foreign Policy Instruments, Unit 2, and Delegation of the European Union in Cabo Verde), and the World Bank. Special acknowledgment is extended to the government of Cabo Verde for its leadership, support, and coo- peration throughout the assessment. A full list of the governmental institutions and staff who participated in the PDNA assessment and writing of the report is included in appendix 2. To all of these contributors the team would like to express their deepest gratitude and appreciation. The PDNA also greatly benefitted from the technical expertise and guidance provided by the following per- sons: Antonio Querido (Team Leader, Environment and DRR Cluster, UN Joint Office in Cabo Verde); Iria Touzon (Program Analyst, Environment and DRR Cluster, UN Joint Office in Cabo Verde); Sandra Mar- tins (Program Analyst, UN Joint Office in Cabo Verde); Chiara Mellucci (Policy Specialist, Climate and Di- saster Cluster, BPPS/UNDP, New York); Masayuki YOKOTA (Urban Research and Capacity Development Advisor, UN-HABITAT Iraq Programme); Ricardo Marti-Zapata (Senior Expert, European Union PCNA/ PDNA Coordination Support Office); Manuel Furstos (Consultant, PARTICIP GmbH); Luis Corrales (Consultant, Disaster Risk Reduction, World Bank, Washington, DC); Vera Jiazhen Zhou (Consultant, Tourism Sector Specialist, World Bank, Washington, DC); Edson Medina (Consultant based in Cabo Verde, World Bank); Doekle Wielinga (Senior Disaster Risk Management Specialist, World Bank, Washington, DC); Roberto Jovel (Consultant to the World Bank); Daniele Barelli (FAO, Roma); Jacques Conforti (FAO, Regional Office for Africa, Ghana); and Jane Mocellin (Consultant, Disaster Risk Reduction). The PDNA team is grateful for the financial support to the United Nations Development Programme, the European Union, the World Bank, the Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction, and the Government of Luxembourg. 7 INDEX Foreword | 6 Acknowledgments | 7 List of Boxes, Figures e Tables | 10 Acronyms | 12 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY | 13 MACROECONOMIC IMPACT | 16 IMPACT ON HUMAN DEVELOPMENT | 16 RECOVERY NEEDS AND STRATEGY | 17 INTRODUCTION | 18 CHAPTER 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION | 19 Country Background: Cabo Verde | 21 Cabo Verde’s Disaster Profile | 22 The Island of Fogo and Socioeconomic Aspects of Chã das Caldeiras | 23 The 2014–15 Eruption| 24 Response Operations | 26 POST-DISASTER NEEDS ASSESSMENT (PDNA) METHODOLOGY | 27 PDNA Process in Cabo Verde| 28 CHAPTER 2. DISASTER EFFECTS | 29 PRODUCTIVE SECTORS | 31 Agriculture| 31 Eruption Effects | 32 Additional Risks and Vulnerabilities | 36 Recovery Needs and Strategy | 36 Tourism | 39 Eruption Effects | 42 Recovery Needs and Strategy | 46 Infrastructure Sectors 49 Transportation | 49 Telecommunications | 51 Energy | 51 Water and Sanitation | 52 Eruption Effects | 54 Recovery Needs and Strategy | 56 Recommendations | 57 SOCIAL SECTORS | 60 Housing | 60 Eruption Effects | 61 Recovery Needs and Strategy | 62 Education | 64 Eruption Effects | 64 Recovery Needs and Strategy | 65 8 Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) | FOGO VOLCANIC ERUPTION 2014-2015 Health | 65 Eruption Effects | 65 Recovery Needs and Strategy | 66 Culture | 67 Eruption Effects | 67 Recovery Needs and Strategy | 68 Cross-cutting Themes | 70 Environment 70 Eruption Effects | 72 Recovery Needs and Strategy | 73 Recomendações | 74 Disaster Risk Reduction | 76 Eruption Effects | 78 Recovery Needs and Strategy | 80 Governance| 86 Eruption Effects | 88 Recovery Needs and Strategy | 91 Gender | 94 Main Recommendations | 94 Employment, Livelihoods, and Social Protection | 95 Eruption Effects | 95 Recovery Needs and Strategy | 97 CHAPTER 3. DISASTER IMPACT | 101 Macroeconomic Impact | 103 Human Development Impact | 104 CHAPTER 4. RECOVERY STRATEGY | 107 Recovery Vision and Guiding Principles | 110 Recovery Coordination and Implementation| 117 REFERENCES | 119 APPENDIX I. SUMMARY: MACROECONOMIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF THE VOLCANIC ERUP- TION ON THE ISLAND OF FOGO | 121 APPENDIX 2. COLLABORATING INSTITUTIONS| 123 APPENDIX 3. GLOSSARY | 125 9 LIST OF BOXES, FIGURES AND TABLES Boxes List Box 2.1: Global Experience in Postdisaster Recovery in the Tourism Sector Box 2.2: Proposed Areas of Disaster Risk Reduction Interventions Figure List Figure ES.1: Distribution of the 2014 Eruption Disaster Effects between Public and Private Sectors Figure ES.2: Time Variation of Production Losses Caused by the Volcanic Eruption Figure ES.3: Main Sectors Affected by the 2014 Fogo Disaster Figura ES.4: Sector Breakdown of Damage and Production Losses from the Eruption Figure 1.1: The Archipelago
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