THURSTON COUNTY PUBLIC WORKS 2021-2026 TRANSPORTATION DRAFTIMPROVEMENT PROGRAM [This page is intenonally le blank.] DRAFT 2 DRAFT 3 DRAFT 4 [This page is intenonally le blank.] DRAFT 5 DRAFT 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview .…………………………………………………………………………….….. 9 Chapter 1: Legal and regulatory requirements .……………………….….. 11 Chapter 2: Funding sources ………………………………………………….…… 15 Chapter 3: Transportation-related revenues and expenditures ….… 21 Traffic impact fees …...……………………………………………………… 21 Road fund 1190 .…………………………………………………………….... 22 Capital construction fund 3010 ….…………………………………...... 30 Chapter 4: Transportation programs and project prioritization .….. 33 Program groups ..……………………………………………………………. 33 Project prioritization ………………………………………………………… 35 Chapter 5: 2021 Annual Road Program …………………….………………… 39 Chapter 6: 2021-2026 Transportation Improvement Program ...……. 45 2021-2026 TIP overview spreadsheet ……….…………..……………. 46 2021-2026 project sheets ………………………………………..………… 54 2021-2026 project maps …………………………………………………… 156 Summary of changes from 2020-2025 TIP …………………………. 162 Chapter 7: 2019-2039 Capacity Projects List ……………………………..…. 165 Chapter 8: 2018 Annual Bridge Report ………………………………..….... 171 Bridge inventory table .…….……………………………………………… 182 BridgeDRAFT inventory maps ..…………………………………………………… 194 7 DRAFT 8 Thurston County Public Works 2021-2026 Transportation Improvement Program | Overview Overview Transportation improvement programs and projects This document outlines Thurston County’s federal funding to ensure expenditures are transportaon program, including statutory consistent with regionally‐adopted goals and plans. requirements, project priorizaon, program groups, idenfied construcon needs and projects, Prepared as required in the Revised Code of as well as revenues and expenditures for capital Washington Chapters 36.81 and Washington and road fund budgets. It is prepared as part of the Administrave Code 136, Chapters 15 and 16, annual update to Thurston County Comprehensive counes must file adopted programs annually with Plan Chapter 6 ‐ Capital Facilies. Chapter 5 lists the State Department of Transportaon and the Thurston County’s 1‐year construcon projects, 6‐ County Road Administraon Board (CRAB). The year project priories, and 20‐year growth program plan must include projects funded by the management projects scheduled for funding. Transportaon Improvement Board (TIB) and CRAB. This annual update also informs other jurisdicons The TIP is submied to the Thurston Regional of Thurston County's current planning direcon for Planning (TRPC) for review and inclusion in the transportaon needs. Regional Transportaon Improvement Program annual update. TRPC reviews projects receiving Thurston County’s Comprehensive Plan Transportation Goals Thurston County’s Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 5 ‐ Transportaon, details the county goals which guide the type of transportaon improvement projects Thurston County Public Works plans and builds. GOAL 1: Provide transportaon systems that enhance the health, safety, and welfare of Thurston County cizens. GOAL 2: Provide transportaon systems that support and complement the land use element of the Thurston County Comprehensive Plan, and are consistent with and work to meet the goals of the Regional Transportaon Plan. GOAL 3: Provide mobility for all cizens regardless of age, handicap, or income. GOAL 4: Efficiently provide publicly accepted levels of service. DRAFT GOAL 5: Allow the state‐wide and interstate movement of goods, services, and passengers. GOAL 6: Maintain compable relaonships between airfields, landing strips and surrounding land uses. 9 DRAFT Thurston County Public Works 2021-2026 Transportation Improvement Program | Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Legal and regulatory requirements RCW 36.40.020 RCW 36.81.130 Purpose Purpose Requires the County Commissioners to annually Requires a county legislave authority approve an submit a detailed statement showing all new road annual road program prior to adopng a budget for and bridge construcon to be financed from the the ensuing six years period. county road fund, and issued bonds, if any. For the ensuing fiscal year, the statement must also show How does Thurston County meet this the county road engineer's esmated construcon requirement? costs for road and bridge maintenance. Thurston County Annual Road Construcon Program is prepared in conjuncon with the TIP How does Thurston County meet this prior to adopon of the budget for the ensuing six requirement? year period. It can be found in Chapter 5, page 39. New road and bridge construcon, as well as maintenance and roads preservaon budgets for county roads and bridges are submied as part of the Public Works budget and are idenfied as 2020 RCW 36.82 expenditures in Chapter 3, page 21. Purpose Requires the creaon of a road fund for each RCW 36.81.121 county in the state. Any county funds which accrue for use on county roads must be credited to and Purpose deposited in the county road fund. Requires the county legislave authority to adopt a revised and extended comprehensive How does Thurston County meet this transportaon improvement program for six years. requirement? Assures that each county will perpetually create Thurston County Public Works has established a advanced plans to guide the implementaon of a road fund (no. 1190) and manages the fund in coordinated transportaon program. accordance with the requirements of RCW 36.82. How does Thurston County meet this requirement? RCW 36.70A Thurston County's current 2020‐2025 Purpose Transportaon Improvement Program (TIP) was Requires counes and cies to develop adopted December 2019. Public Works will present DRAFTcomprehensive land use plans, including the 2021‐2026 TIP to the Board of County construcon and transportaon planning. Commissioners in late 2020 for adopon. 11 Chapter 1 How does Thurston County meet this requirement? WAC 136-15 Thurston County develops and updates a Purpose Comprehensive Plan and a Capital Facilies Plan Requires the development of a six‐year program that manages growth and development. This forecast that considers priories and fiscal Transportaon Improvement Plan, developed by capabilies. Assures cizens can see and affect the Thurston County Public Works Department, is decisions made regarding county transportaon used as a basis for the transportaon projects in needs and priories. The six‐year forecast provides the Capital Facilies Plan, Chapter 6 of the a foundaon for effecve annual programming Comprehensive Plan. decisions. RCW 82.02.050 How does Thurston County meet this requirement? Purpose Public Works has a process to score projects for Allows the county to assess a Traffic Impact Fee for priority status. The dra TIP is adversed for public all new development. The fee provides funds for review and comment, and is available on Public transportaon‐related projects that help the Work's website. The TIP demonstrates that county meet growing infrastructure demands as a expenditures do not exceed revenues. result of this new development. County code requires Public Works to provide informaon about fees collected, and how they are used, to the Board of County Commissioners and the public. WAC 136-16 How does Thurston County meet this Purpose requirement? Requires the County Engineer to provide an annual Chapter 3 of this document provides informaon road program to the Board of County on the fees collected in 2020 and the amounts used Commissioners with recommendaons for all road for transportaon‐related projects. and bridge construcon projects and road . equipment purchases for the ensuing year. How does Thurston County meet this WAC 136-14 requirement? The TIP includes all road and bridge construcon Purpose project recommendaons for the ensuing year in Requires counes to use a documented Chapter 5, Planned Transportaon Projects. priorizaon method for road construcon Equipment purchases for the ensuing year are projects. This assures dedicated fuel tax funds are captured in Chapter 3, Revenue and expenditures. used in accordance with their constuonal and statutory purposes in an efficient, explainable, and supportable manner. WAC 136-20 How does Thurston County meet this requirement? Purpose The TIP follows a priorizaon process for ranking Requires the County Engineer to have county projects in differentDRAFT project groups. The process bridges regularly inspected and provide an annual scores each project to determine the priority bridge inspecon report. In addion, it requires projects described in the TIP. The priority process staff to consult the annual bridge report when is outlined on page 33. selecng projects for the six‐year TIP. 12 Thurston County Public Works 2021-2026 Transportation Improvement Program | Chapter 1 How does Thurston County meet this requirement? The bridge projects listed in TIP are derived from the annual Thurston County Bridge Inspecon Index submied to the Board of County Commissioners in this report, Chapter 8. WAC 197-11 Purpose Requires staff to implement uniform SEPA procedures in compliance with statewide regulaons. Environmental review is required unless categorically exempt per WAC 197‐11‐800. How does Thurston County meet this requirement? All Thurston County Public Works projects are reviewed under the Washington State Environmental Policy Act and follow the appropriate review processes, or fall under the appropriate categorical exempon. DRAFT 13 DRAFT 14 Thurston County Public Works 2021-2026 Transportation Improvement Program | Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Funding sources Funding sources overview Amount collected
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