Honley with Brockholes Parish Magazine ‘Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.’ Psalms 143:8 JULY 2014 St. Mary the Virgin Honley St. George Brockholes Price 40p The Vicar on 01484 661178 Tel: 01484 660036 COMMERCIAL PREMiSES from £100 per month Moll Springs Ltd Old Moll Road Tel. 01484663510 Netherton Mob. 07753670955 Huddersfield HD4 7DN TLDallas Insurance since 1919 incorporating David Hallas Insurance Services T L Dallas & Co Ltd 29 Westgate Honley Holmfirth HD9 6AA Telephone: 01484 665211 Thank you to all our advertisers - Please support them when you can A note from the Vicar July 2014 The first weekend of July is going to be a busy one, not only with the Tour de France coming through Honley, but also with the Brockholes Carnival. What a privilege to have so many visitors among us! Speaking of the two Christian essentials – the Bible and prayer – the apostle Paul tells us: ‘Be wise in the way you act towards outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.’ (Colossians 4.5) It will be good for each of us to have some words prepared about how we came to faith in Jesus Christ, so we can share life- changing good news with those who are among us. Do also think about whom you could invite to Hymns and Pimms at 6.30 pm in St Mary’s on 6th July. Life-changing good news is why we are here. I keep hearing encouraging stories about what a blessing Alpha has been to so many, and God has clearly been at work by his Holy Spirit. Whenever the Bible is read and explained, his voice is heard. During July, it might well be that you are thinking about some holiday reading. May I commend the summer as a good time to review your Bible-reading? There is help available: many people find Explore, published by the Good Book Company, to be just what they need. More details can be found at this website - http://www.thegoodbook.co.uk/bible/daily-bible-reading/explore. Following a vestry meeting on 17th July, it is fabulous that we have a full complement of churchwardens: Bev Playle and Carol Hirst at St Mary’s, and Margaret Kenworthy and Joan Oldfield at St George’s. I am delighted to be working alongside them as partners in the gospel. Their specific functions, according to the Canons, are to ‘use their best endeavours by example and precept to encourage the parishioners in the practice of true religion and to promote unity and peace among them’, and to ‘maintain order and decency in the church and churchyard, especially during the time of divine service’. Essentially, their distinctive ministry is to ensure an environment in which the Bible can be clearly taught and God’s voice clearly heard. That is what their sticks are for! We may hope that their use will remain purely symbolic. Liam Beadle 1 Share Prayer Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love, Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; Where there is sadness, joy. O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek To be consoled as to console, To be understood, as to understand, To be loved, as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; It is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen Attributed to St Francis of Assisi Mother’s Advice Sometimes when a light goes out of our life and we are left in darkness and do not know which way to go, we must put our hand into the hand of God and ask him to lead us ……. And if we let our life become a prayer until we are strong enough to stand under the weight of our own thoughts again, somehow even the most difficult hours are bearable. Contributed by Beryl Smith in memory of her mother Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Contributed by Elizabeth Cummings Pat Green 2 PARISH NEWS The Parish of Honley with Brockholes PCC/DCC Membership 2014-2015 PCC Incumbent: Liam Beadle Churchwardens: Carol Hirst Margaret Kenworthy Joan Oldfield Bev Playle Deanery Synod Reps: Sue Clay Margaret Kenworthy Graham Wardman Jane Wardman Lay Reader: Bev Playle Lay Pastoral Minister: Pat Green Elected Members: John Adams 2014-2017 St Mary’s Cate Ashley 2014-2017 St Mary’s Pauline Adams 2013-2016 St Mary’s Diana Kaye 2013-2016 St Mary’s Charles Kaye 2012-2015 St Mary’s Kate Drake 2014-2017 St George’s Roger Kenworthy 2014-2017 St George’s PCC Secretary: Jane Wardman PCC Treasurer: Clive Green DCC St Mary’s DCC: All St Mary’s PCC members plus Simon Dean 2012-2015 Liz Cummings 2013-2016 John Playle 2014-2017 St George’s DCC: All St George’s PCC members plus Martin Dove 2012-2015 Noel Clarke 2013-2016 Verena Wood 2014-2017 David Hinchliff 2014-2017 3 From the Parish Registers Baptisms St George’s May 25 Edith Iris Coldwell St George’s June 1 Alicia Emmy Eastwood In July we remember in our Year’s Mind Jack Cheslett d. 1 July 2004 Bessie Morrow d. 8 July 1992 Jack Pennington d. 9 July 1987 Ronald Hepper d. 9 July 1990 Barbara Amy Felgate d. 13 July 2001 Lavina Viola Beckles-Qumina d. 20 July 1988 Edith Jennie Fearns d. 22 July 1997 Wendy Lynne Dillon d. 23 July 1969 Jean Cheslett d. 28 July 2006 John David Dillon d. 31 July 1988 Debbie and Andrew Smith Debbie (ex-Curate) and Andrew Smith have recently moved house and jobs, so for those of you who like to keep in touch with them, here is their new address: 26 Tuhimata Street, St Heliers, Auckland 1071, New Zealand Jane Wardman 4 ST. MARY'S CALENDAR JULY Tuesday 1 7.30 pm Finance & Property Meeting Wednesday 2 9.30 am Holy Communion followed by Pastoral Care Prayer Group 11.30 am Mothers’ Union Lunch Outing to Wetherby Whaler, Wakefield 5.00 pm Prayer Gathering - Tour de France Thursday 3 10.00 - 11.30 am Coffee Morning 11.00 am Bible Reading Group Saturday 5 10.00 am - 4.00 pm Open Church for Cycle Race Weekend Sunday 6 3rd Sunday after Trinity * No 8.00 am or 9.30 am services * 9.00 am Said Holy Communion 10.00am - 12 noon Open Church with refreshments and 3.00 pm - 5.00 pm for cycle Race Weekend 6.30 pm ‘Hymns and Pimms’ - Songs of Praise Wednesday 9 9.30 am Holy Communion 7.30 pm RSCM evening with Andrew Robinson In church, further details to follow Thursday 10 10.00 - 11.30 am Coffee Morning 11.00 am Bible Reading Group Friday 11 7.30 pm Hand Chimes Rehearsal Sunday 13 4th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 am Holy Communion (1662) 9.30 am Holy Communion 6.30 pm Evening Prayer Tuesday 15 7.30 pm P C C Meeting (Review of Constitution) Wednesday 16 9.30 am Holy Communion Thursday 17 10.00 - 11.30 am Coffee Morning 11.00 am Bible Reading Group Friday 18 7.30 pm Hand Chimes Rehearsal Sunday 20 5th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 am Holy Communion (1662) 9.30 am Holy Communion 6.30 pm Evening Prayer Wednesday 23 9.30 am Holy Communion Thursday 26 10.00 - 11.30 am Coffee Morning 11.00 am Bible Reading Group 5 Sunday 27 6th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 am Holy Communion (1662) 9.30 am Holy Communion 6.30 pm Evening Prayer Wednesday 30 9.30 am Holy Communion Thursday 31 10.00 - 11.30 am Coffee Morning 11.00 am Bible Reading Group AUGUST Sunday 3 7th Sunday after Trinity 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am All Age Morning Prayer 6.30 pm Holy Communion Wednesday 6 9.30 am Holy Communion followed by Pastoral Care Prayer Group 7.30 pm Mothers’ Union - speaker Cynthia Osborne (President) St Mary’s Helpers Rota for 9.30 am services Service Sidespeople Reader Intercessors Serving Coffee Jul All Age Kate and Ian Huw Liam Linda Froggatt 6 Service Walter Griffiths Beadle Gillian Greaves Jul Holy Pauline and Andrea Angeline Andrea Green 13 Communion John Adams Gosslin Baker Christine Woolley Jul Holy Mary Stapleton Pauline Pat and Cliff Alison and 20 Communion Janet Sykes Adams Green Simon Dean Jul Holy Jean Cheeseman Margaret Huw Jane and 27 Communion Gillian Greaves Hay Griffiths Graham Wardman Aug Holy Cynthia Hepper Jennie Bev Liz Cummings 3 Communion Elaine Shaw Waind Playle Sandra Dean If you do a swap with someone else, please could you alter the large copy of the rota in the church porch so churchwardens can see clearly every week who to expect for each duty. Thank you. Jane Wardman 6 HONLEY NEWS New Rotas A big thank you to everyone who contributes to one of the many rotas we have at St Mary’s. The new rota (July – December) is now available. Most have been sent out by e-mail and the rest delivered by hand. If you have not received yours, please see me. Thank you. Jane Wardman Calling all talents The Community Group are hoping to arrange an eclectic evening of music, but there will also be poetry, humorous stories/jokes etc. This will probably be in early October.
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