)Books on the ~tea1115hip 1[itanic ~tsfntfd to the mariner's museum In ftltmol'!! of iltope Q:aroline )Bro~n Q:hapin A DRAMATIC PERFORMANCE BY THE SEA FOR 'VCbe Womau'u _."'QI:ttautc" ;J1ltemortal AUGUST 23, 1912 LOOKOUT HILL· GLOUCESTER MASSACHUSETTS _. THE PROGRAMME AN OPEN-AIR BENEFIT PERFORMANCE FOR m:be Woman'!l "m:itanic" :$lllemorial AT THE HOM.!': OF MR. (5 MRS. JOHN HAYS HAMMOND LOOKOUT HILL' GLOUCESTER MASSACHUSETTS , PC1lonnunce pllll/ned <ltd produred uuder fhe direction 0/ MR, ERIC PAPE FRIDA Y AFTERNOON' AUGUST TWENTY-THIRD AT FOUR O'CLOCK Business ManaK'" MR. FRED W. TIBBl:TS ~IJe lllalltomille <lnroupe Miss Esther Cleveland Miss Marion Cleveland Miss Elizabeth Hammond Miss Marguerite LeBreton Miss Jean Hinsdale Miss Katherine Ayer Miss Feroline Perkins Miss Katherine Souther Miss Olga Lingard FROM AN UPPER WINDOW Miss Dorothy Wilmot LookouL HIli Miss Helen Longan Miss May Murray Kay Miss Dorothy Hooper Miss Elise Pollard Miss Anne Means Peggy Porter Dorothy Morrill lsabel Porter Elsie Morrill Miss Edith Wynne Mat thison Helen Colbert Edythe Redman Mrs. Alice Fischer Harcourt Frances Weld Natalie Hammond Mr. William K. Harcourt Moritz Eric Pape Mr. Charles Rann Kennedy Burnham Porter Miss Virginia Tanner Miss Olga Lingard Mrs. Grace Bonner Williams Mrs. S. Henry Hooper Mr. George E. Hills Mr. Sullivan A. Sargent The Salem Cadet Band Jean Miuud. Leoder The Philippine Band F. Zanlla,i, Leader SITE OF THE FOUNDING OF THE MASSACHUSETTS BAY COLONY IN 1623 (Stage: Fort Park adioining lookout Hill) By courlew of U. S. S. Georgia 20472 Programme Programme 7. The Boston Quartet I, The Boston Quartet Hark, Hark the Lark G. A. Marfilrrm a Tell Me, Roses J. SIlrnby b 0 Mistress Mine G. A. M(ufarrell 8. A Reading from the Bible Mrs. Grace Bunner Williams Mrs. S. Henr)' Hooper Mr. Charles Rann Kennedy Mr. George E. Hills Mr. Sullivan A. Sargent 9. The Boston Quartet 2. Greek Dance Oh, My Love's Like a Red, Red Rose G. M. Garrell Miss Virginia Tanner r o. Scenes from As You Like It Sllflkespem"c 3· Electra ROSALI~O M iss Edith Wynne Mauhison By per mtaaic n of Gdbert .\lurr:l}", 1£8'1' ORLANDO Mr. William K. Harcourt Miss Edith Wynne Mauhison CELIA Miss Olga Lingard The Boston Quartet Mr. Hills will sing t, Under the Greenwood Tree" Programme conrinued 011 next pa.f!e Rise! Sleep No More Sir Jlllill,r Bmedia 5· Assyrian Dance Miss Virginia Tanner 6. Recitation 011'<'0' Welldell Holm'.f Mrs, Alice Fischer Hnrccurt THE WHITE COTTAGE THE COTTAGE GARDEN Home of the Caretaker - Looko-ll H,li Lockout Hilt Programme II. The Pantomine of the Flowers and the Sea Wherein is pictured a gentle custom of old Gloucester. in token that she does not forger f< those whom the bereaving Sea hath rakerr.?" Here from her shore on one day of each year flowers are scattered upon the waves. in memory of brave men who have sailed forth to the t oil and danger of the deep and have returned no more. THE PANTOMINE The approach of the Tide bearing the" Dam;"g /,rtl'!Jc.'· The Brooks join the rippling Waters. The Moon appears. In her path the waters part, releasing the" Dancing Wave." Dance of the Sea The Sun appears. She brings fonh the little flowers with her golden up. First-the Indian Pipe, sentinel of the shadowy woods. Then the Vi~et. the Marguerite. the Blue-bell and Cornflower, the Sweet Pea and the Daisy. A SHADY POOL AT LOOKOUT HILL Then the Poppy and the Rose, allured from fragrant gardens. Then (allows the Fleur-de-Iis, symbol of chivalry. who leads the flowers as an offering to the Waters, called by the « DonciNg Wllve." At the offering of these Flowers of Memory comes The » Spirit of tht Sell." CHARACTERS IN THE PANTOMI~E THE S~lRrT O~' THE S.!A Miss l\larion Cleveland TH£ DANCING \VAV£ Miss Virginia Tanner W ....r e as OF TH.! SEA "'Nfl TH.! Hlluu"s M iss Esther Cleveland Miss Marguerite LeBreton Miss Jean Hinsdale Miss Katherine Ayer Miss Feroline Perkins Miss Katherine Souther Miss Olga Lingard Miss DOP1thy Wilmot Miss Murray Kay Miss Helen Longan Miss Dure.thy Hooper I\Iiss Anne Means THE SUN Miss Mary Hoyle TIn. MOON 1\01 iss Hammond FLOWF.R5 Pcggy Porter Isabd POrter Helen Colbert Frances Weld Dorothy Morrill Elsie Morrill Ed~the Redman Moritz Eric Pape Natalie Hammond Burnham Perter THE BUNGALOW IN WINTEI'-Lookoul Hill Mrs. William Howard Taft Mrs. William Hooper Mrs. Eugene N. Foss Miss Hunt Mrs. Gordon Abbott Mrs. James Marsh Jackson Mrs. George Agassiz Mrs. Claude Kilpatrick Mrs. R. L Agassiz Mrs. Maynard Ladd Mrs. J. Bryce Allan Miss L. W. Law Mrs. Oliver Ames Mrs. George Lee Mrs. Larz Anderson Mrs. Levi Z. Leiter Mrs. S. Reed Anthony Mrs. A. R. Lingard Mrs. Frederick Ayer Mrs. Henry Cabot Lodge Mrs. Prescott Bigelow Mrs. Edward H. Loftus Mrs. Parkman Blake Mrs. Augustus P. Loring Mrs. William J. Boardman Miss Katharine P. Loring Mrs. Robert S. Bradley Miss Fannie P. Mason Mrs. Maria H. Bray Mrs. James McMillan THE TENNIS COURT-Lookout Hill Mrs. G. B. Chandler Mrs. Anson Mills Mrs. Winthrop Murray Crane Mrs. Samuel J. Mixter Mrs. George H. Crocker Mrs. William H. Moore Mrs. john S. Curtis Mrs. Charles T. Parker Miss Clara Curtis Mrs. Isaac Patch Mrs. Robert Fulton Cutting Mrs. Henry Cleveland Perkins Mrs. Walter D. Denegre Mrs. John C. Phillips Mrs. William F. Draper Mrs. Dudley Pickman Mrs. R. D. E vens Mrs. C. A. Porter Mrs. j. Sloat Fassett Mrs. Frederick Prince Mrs. Reginald H. Fitz Mrs. Gordon Prince Mrs. Henry Clay Frick Mrs. S. A. Raymond Mrs. Augustus P. Gardner Mrs. Quincy A. Shaw Mrs. john L. Gardner Mrs. William A. Slater Mrs. T. Harrison Carrett Mrs. Algernon S. Sullivan Mrs. Wallace Goodrich Mrs. Edwin C. Swift Mrs. David S. Greenough Mrs. W. B. Thomas Mrs. john Greenough Mrs. Russell Tyson Mrs. Henry L Higginson Mrs. Roger Wolcott Mrs. Oliver Wendell Holmes A CHIMNEY COF..NER-Lookout Hill THE VINE CLUSTERED DOOP-WAY - Lockcur H,li THE WATCH TOWER-Lookout H,li L THE PIER- LookoutHill THE ENTP-ANCE TO LOOKOUT HILL THE Cl1FF DWELLING-Lookout Hill THE DAY NURSERY-Lookoul H,li FP-OM THE BUNGALOW DOORWAY-Lookolll Hill THE APPROACH FROM THE SEA -Lookoul H,li THE TER.RACE- Lookout H.l1 SUN.DIAl IN THE CHILDREN'S GARDEN - Lookout Hill THE PATH TO THE TENNIS COURT _ Lookout H,li DOWN THE GLEN - Lookout HiH RHODODENDROM PATH-Lookoul HIli ELM AVENUE, GLOUCESTER-The Eastern Aprrcech to Lookout Hill A PATH TO T THE "KlOFF" GLOUCESTER-The Weilern Approach 10 lookout Hill HE SEA-Lo:>o\oJI H,1l PHONE 66 Tower and Coal Pock,ets 43 DUNCAN STREET PARIS BERLIN LONDON CONSTANTINOPlE Main Street Offia 130 MAIN STREET cttbanblrr & cttO. Magnolia Office :Jmportrrrs ann IRrtailrrB H. L HANNAFORD P. O. Block jh!oston Largest Dealers on the Cape FRENCH MILLINERY • SUITS GOWNS DRESSES SILKS and FABRICS LACES TRIMMINGS NECKWEAR OJ<.-.IENTAL RUGS Compliments of DRAPERIES and UPHOLSTERIES @louccntrr fl,ationa[ l3anlt GLOUCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS Alanson BIgelow . Formerly Gloucester Bank BIGELOW, KENNAJ<.-.D &- CO. Established 1796 JEWELLEf>..S AND SILVERSMITHS MAKEP-,.SOF FINE WATCHES AND CLOCKS 511 WASHINGTON STREET. corner of West Street BOSTON. MASS. DOLL s- RICHAJ<.-.DS W C LANGLEY 6- CO. M~mbeu of the New York and BOlItonStock Eachanaee (Incorrorated) FINE Af'-TS j/llankml anb j/llrohtni 10 WALL STREET 53 STATE STREET 71 NEWBUf>..Y Srf>..EET. BOSTON NEW YORK 5UMME~ BRANCHOFFiCE BOSTON THE OCEANSIDE HOTEL, MAGNOLIA, MASS. NEWPORT, R. I. NEW YORK BAR HARBOR. ME WASHINGTON, D. C. 'PHILADELPHIA. 'PA. A. SCHMIDT 6- SON IM'PORTERS ==========:l!OO!ll========== MAGNOLIA. MASSACHUSEITS fV~ corru the largest and most exclu,ive line 0/ Old and Modem SHEFFIELD PLATE. ENGLISH. DUTCH AND HANAU SILVER In the counlru We make a 'PecialtJ) of SEVRES, LOWESTOFT, CHELSEA, and unu,uol duoral/tJfIl DREICER repTOJuction, 0/ SWANSEA on chino thaI (allllal h< &f' co. faumJ clultM,. FINE ENGLISH AND FRENCH CHINA GARNITURES f I NEW YORK PARIS KAKAs· BROS. INC.O~PO""ATILO RETAILERS FURRJERS CED.K ..... T". THE COLLONADl:: TH E BLi\,CKSTONE MAGNOLIA CHICAGO ==========I.I.I·II~========== 179·TRBMONT. ST·BOSTON-TEL- OXFORD48 ARTHUR W. KENNARD, President EDGAR W. HOOGSON, 1'r~llur~r MRS. BILL'S SHOP Hodgson, Kennard & Co., Inc. LOBSTER lANE MAGNOUA Importers and Cullers oj Diamonds SAN FRANCISCO MAGNOLIA' HARTFORD Jewelers and Silversmiths <l!binclic ani) 'j'apallC.ll'c :(trt P",ti"t",1y UNUSUAL THINGS if DECORArIVE VdLUE Z5 STATE STREET, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS Jllpamc T6-i~'dlillg arid Other Fabrics (fo .. Curwins, etc.) , Shal1f11ng Table,' (for IIU M th~ fo ..eh lind La~!JT') Bamboo Serving Tra)'s and FISh Trays . Opium SUMMER BRANCH AT BG~vls . Japalle,e Prints and Stencils jl1andarill Coat, OCEANSIDE HOTEL, MAGNOLIA Emb ..oideries Old Porcdai« Ottur Thing,· Beautiful HAI\.TF,QRD AFTER OCTOBER FIRST PROSPECT STREET OPPOSITE MORGAN MEMORIAL THE NAUTILUS HANDICRAFT SHOP Offera unusual attractions :.11 season BIRTHDAY GIFT~ PARTING GIFTS WEDDING GIFTS MISS BERTHA C. OLSON C:l.Td Prizes, Colonial Pbotograph,. IIand Celered PO,I Cald, Colored Printl l190hlng Order Work in Tooled Leatbe r II a spedalll' in lbh sbop 3 Angle Street, near urfside T OPP, SYMPHONY HALL MRS. LOW. 251 HUNTINGTON AYE. BRANCH, LEXINGTON AVENUE' MAGNOLIA Compliments of SHREVE, CRUMP & LOW CO. Gorton- Pew Fisherl'es C ompany 'jIciIJelcr.ll' ani) ~i1\)cr.ll'mitb~ Gloucester, Mnvs ORIENTAL PEARLS DfdMONDS dND PRECIOUS STONES SPECldL DESfGNS fN JEWELRY d RdR}!.' COLLECTION OF .HODERN AND ANTJffJ.,';JE SILVER TREMONT AND WEST STREETS BOSTON· MASSACHUSETTS \1ANTON PATTILl.O CARPETS AND FURNITURE UPHOLSTERY _ ~ ~RAPERIES, WINDOW SHADES s.
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