Vol8No2_cov1.qxd 1/25/10 11:24 PM Page 1 WINTER 2010 VOLUME 8 ■ NUMBER 2 MAGAZINE www.nyit.edu Vol8No2_002-Career Services.qxd 1/25/10 5:52 PM Page 2 Where’s Your Career Going? NYIT’s Office of Career Services can help you refine your career plans and put you in touch with top employers. Our professional career counselors can help you succeed now and in the future. • Access NYIT’s Career Net at www.nyit.edu/cs • Find employment opportunities worldwide • Attend professional development workshops • Take an online assessment test • Post resumés and cover letters For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 516.686.7527, 212.261.1537, or e-mail [email protected]. NYIT’s Office of Career Services is a member of the National Association of Colleges and Employers. Vol8No2_003-toc 7.qxd 1/25/10 11:13 PM Page 3 WINTER 2010 ■ VOL. 8 NO. 2 MAGAZINE CONTENTS www.nyit.edu PRESIDENT’S NOTE 4 ■ Moving in Front of the 21st Century NYIT and our global graduates are ahead of the curve when it comes to dealing with today’s critical issues. CAMPUS BUZZ 6 ■ NYIT Energizes U.N. Conference NYIT sponsors an international energy forum at the United Nations to address one of the world’s biggest challenges. ■ 7 16 SUCCESS BY DESIGN CHRISTOPHER APPOLDT Meet five graduates who share a passion for architectural design—the ultimate 7 ■ A Stunning Debut interdisciplinary art—as they build a better world for the future. Students, alumni, and business leaders celebrate the grand opening of the NYIT Auditorium on Broadway. FEATURES 9 ■ Students Enjoy a 28 ■ ONCE UPON A DOT Chile Reception Architecture students collaborate with Video games are one of the highest gross- their peers from the University of ing areas of the entertainment industry, Chile to work on a UNESCO World and NYIT alumni are designing the next Heritage Site in Valparaiso. wave of interactive entertainment. KENDRICK BRINSON/GETTY IMAGES 22 ■ IN SICKNESS AND IN HEALTH As health care reform continues to grab headlines, NYIT graduates speak out on the next generation of medicine. MARTIN KLIMEK/GETTY IMAGES ALUMNI NOTES 34 ■ In Memoriam: 14 HOWARD HOWARD HOW/GETTY IMAGES Alexander Schure SCOREBOARD Friends and graduates share their fond memories of NYIT founder 14 ■ Ice Dreams Alexander Schure. Not even a broken leg will stop speed skater Allison Baver (M.B.A. ’07) from 36 ■ Graduates on the Go racing in the 2010 Winter Olympics. COVER: MICHAEL WEBER (PHOTOGRAPHY); MICHAEL VIGGIANO (DESIGN) Winter 2010 ■ MAGAZINE ■ www.nyit.edu ■ 3 Vol8No2_004-Presidents 10.qxd 1/25/10 9:36 PM Page 4 PRESIDENT’SNOTE EDWARD GUILIANO, PH.D. Moving in Front of the 21st Century FEW MONTHS AGO, I CAUGHT A 60 MINUTES REPORT ON THE IMPENDING include solar carports at our Long THREAT OF CYBER ATTACKERS ON NATIONAL SECURITY. I FOUND MYSELF Island sites and continued work in A biodiesel research. No doubt, we DOING A DOUBLE-TAKE WHEN STEVE KROFT’S OPENING LINES MIRRORED THE will see widespread use of both in FIRST PARAGRAPH OF THE EARLIER NYIT MAGAZINE’S FALL 2009 COVER STORY the coming years. ABOUT OUR ALUMNI IN THAT VERY FIELD. BOTH REPORTS SHARED THE SAME We also look forward to co-hosting the Think Green Forum with STARTLING FACTS AND ENDED WITH THE SAME CONCLUSION—THAT A VIGILANT Nanjing University of Posts and COUNTERATTACK ON CYBER CRIME BY HIGHLY TRAINED PROFESSIONALS IS NEEDED Telecommunications (NUPT) this TO PREVENT CALAMITY. A COINCIDENCE? PERHAPS. BUT FOR ME, AND I HOPE April in Nanjing, China, home to the newest NYIT undergraduate FOR YOU, IT IS A POSITIVE AFFIRMATION OF THE GOOD WORK OUR ALUMNI campus. The corporate, govern- ARE DOING IN THIS FIELD, AS WELL AS MANY OTHERS, AS WE FACE THE ment, and academic leaders who CHALLENGES OF THE 21ST CENTURY. will gather there promise to forge On the heels of this story, NYIT will host an important conference on cyber security at the Manhattan campus this fall. This provides an opportunity to showcase our new state-of-the-art theater, the NYIT Auditorium on Broadway, as we welcome some of the preeminent experts in the field. Rest assured, your alma mater con- tinues to fulfill its goal of preparing its students for the careers of tomorrow, including those we cannot even imag- ine today. And with that, the value of your degree increases. You and your fellow alumni demonstrate the power of an NYIT education by pioneering and conquering new challenges every day in a variety of forward-thinking, vital capacities. Look no further than the pages of this magazine to see how NYIT CHRISTOPHER APPOLDT alumni are altering the cityscapes of video games, one of the highest new ideas and solutions in the field of the world with breathtaking grossing segments of the entertain- of sustainable energy. architectural designs (including the ment industry. As we enter this bright but chal- recently opened Burj-Dubai, now These are but a few of the areas in lenging second decade of the 21st the tallest building in the world); which NYIT and its community are century, may you continue to join us how our alumni, faculty, and stu- using technology to define our 21st- on our forward-thinking path and dents are playing a role on the front century global world. Another exam- help us create solutions for ourselves lines of medical care and the poten- ple is our Center for Metropolitan and our communities. ■ tial health care reform; or how Sustainability, which continues its Wishing you continued success, NYIT graduates have made com- mission by exploring alternative Edward Guiliano, Ph.D. pelling contributions to the world energy sources. Recent developments President 4 ■ www.nyit.edu ■ MAGAZINE ■ Winter 2010 Join Our Circle of Friends! The NYIT Alumni Federation invites you to join inCircle, our online networking site exclusively for NYIT graduates. ■ Stay in touch with friends and reconnect with classmates ■ Submit news about yourself for publication in NYIT Magazine ■ Search for career opportunities and post your resumé ■ Upload and share photos ■ Join online discussions ■ Meet and network with NYIT alumni around the world nyit.affi nitycircles.com Vol8No2_006-10,12-13-Buzz 8.qxd 1/25/10 10:05 PM Page 6 CAMPUSBUZZ NYIT Energizes U.N. Conference arbon capture, advanced batter- ies, G-20, climate change, solar, Cwind, and water ... How do world leaders tackle 21st-century energy issues? By coming together to discuss opportunities at the World Energy Forum’s (WEF) International Energy Conference, held at the United Nations on Aug. 31-Sept. 1, 2009. As a leading sponsor and participant, NYIT welcomed more than 600 atten- dees, including energy secretaries, pol- icy makers, and executives from multi- national companies. NYIT President Edward Guiliano opened the keynote session by discussing the role universi- ties can take to educate and innovate in the areas of sustainable energy. He also highlighted NYIT’s accomplishments in the green sector, such as solar car- ports and the new campus-wide bike share program. JUPITER IMAGES NYIT sponsored the World Energy Forum’s International Energy Conference at the United Nations on Aug. 31-Sept. 1, 2009. President Guiliano opened the keynote session by discussing the role of higher education in developing new forms of sustainable technology to be used worldwide. “NYIT’S PARTICIPATION IN THESE FORUMS COINCIDES new remedies, and new solutions.” 2009 U.N. energy conference. Other speakers included William “For NYIT, this was significant,” WITH ITS MISSION AS A Ngeleja, minister of energy and minerals says Oh, who serves as chairman of from the United Republic of Tanzania; the WEF’s executive board. “NYIT is GLOBAL UNIVERSITY. George Pataki, the former governor of an institutional learning center that New York; and Ambassador Waheed conducts research applicable in the ENERGY IS AN INTERNA- Wahedullah, deputy chairman of the real world. NYIT’s participation in TIONAL AFFAIR WITH WEF. In addition, more than 20 NYIT these forums coincides with its mis- faculty and staff as well as 15 students sion as a global university. Energy is SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC from NYIT-Nanjing attended the an international affair with social and global forum. economic significance. Without energy SIGNIFICANCE.” This was NYIT’s second appearance at security, no nation can find peace and the United Nations. In July 2008, NYIT development, which affects peoples’ –HAROLD OH and its Center for Water Resources daily lives.” NYIT DEAN FOR UNIVERSITY ADVANCEMENT Management brought together represen- In April 2010, NYIT and Nanjing tatives from non-governmental organiza- University of Posts and Telecommuni- tions, international corporations, and cations (NUPT) will co-host a forum “As a New York and global universi- universities to discuss the issues sur- titled “Think Green: Energy, ty, we are the heartland of innovation. rounding the impending water crisis at Education, and Environmental We constantly grow new ideas, and it NYIT’s first annual International Water Initiatives” in Nanjing, China. The is just part of our DNA,” President Conference (see the Fall 2008 issue of two-day global conference will also Guiliano said. “Whether it is in sus- NYIT Magazine at nyit.edu/magazine tackle challenges, opportunities, and tainable practices, conservation, medi- for details). innovations in the energy sector. cine, engineering, green buildings, or Harold Oh, NYIT’s dean for univer- Visit www.nyit.edu/thinkgreen or clean energy, we have interdisciplinary sity advancement, who spearheaded the www.thinkgreen2010.org for more labs that bring together new approaches, 2008 event, also helped organize the information. ■ 6 ■ www.nyit.edu ■ MAGAZINE ■ Winter 2010 Vol8No2_006-10,12-13-Buzz 8.qxd 1/25/10 10:05 PM Page 7 The NYIT Auditorium on Broadway is a 250-seat facility that is ideal for lectures, conferences, movie screenings, and film festivals.
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