The Pilgrim M ther Schoenstatt Rosary Campaign ~ The Pilgrim Mother ~ Vol. 3 Num. 2 ~ www.schoenstattrosarycampaign.com ~ 262-522-4326 ~ [email protected] Summer 2016 Dear Missionaries, Queridos Misioneros, In this jubilee year of Mercy our Schoenstatt Shrines across En este año jubilar de la Misericordia nuestros the USA become focal points of intense prayer life, but also Santuarios de Schoenstatt se convierten en of deep experiences of mercy. If that is the case, then our puntos centrales de intensa vida de oración, images of the Pilgrim Mother ought to become powerful pero también de experiencias profundas de instruments of God’s graces transmitted to all those who misericordia. Si esto es así, entonces nuestras imágenes de la Virgen Peregrina han de open their doors to the presence of Mary in their homes. convertirse en instrumentos poderosos por And, you are the chosen instruments to make this possible! medio de los cuales Dios transmite sus gracias a todos los que abren las puertas de sus That is why we want to crown our Pilgrim Mothers this year! hogares a María. Y, ¡ustedes son los We want to pull on her mantle, so to say, and remind her of instrumentos elegidos para realizar este our many dire needs in these times of extreme confusion, apostolado! persecution, and disasters. We won’t allow negativism and Por eso queremos coronar nuestras imágenes pessimism to have the last word. God’s will, God’s word, and de la Virgen Peregrina este año. Queremos God’s doing shall have the last word. Mary, the Mother of halar su manto, por decir así, y recordarle las God, the Handmaid of the Lord is an expert in making that muchas y grandes necesidades que happen. experimentamos en estos tiempos de extrema confusión, persecución, y desastres. No vamos Her first apostolic deed was fulfilled when she consented to a permitir que el negativismo y el pesimismo the Heavenly Father’s plan saying “yes” to the angel of the tengan la última palabra. María, la Madre de Lord, but also when she hastened through the hill country Dios, la Esclava del Señor, es una experta en and visited her cousin Elizabeth. Her generous disposition and esto. attitude did not allow the negative, doubtful disposition of Zachariah to have the last word. She brought the light of the Su primer acto apostólico fue cuando consintió Lord into the life of her cousin. Mary brought hope. We are al plan del Padre Celestial con su “sí”, pero called to do the same! también cuando se lanzó por las montañas a visitar a su prima Isabel. Su respuesta, From our Shrines we are sent out every time we visit them disposición, y actitud generosa no permitieron physically or spiritually. We are sent out into our world to que la disposición negativa y suspicaz de keep the three graces of being at home, of inner Zacarías tuviera la última palabra. Ella trajo la transformation, apostolic fruitfulness “on the move.” We are luz de nuestro Señor a la vida de su prima. sent out as missionaries of the mercies we have received. We María trajo esperanza. Nostros estamos are sent out to harvest the fruits of those graces, the fruits llamados a hacer lo mismo. of the visits of our Mother and Queen to the different homes 1 Continuation on page3 ¡Reina, conquista mi ser; yo conquistaré tu Reino! Desde nuestros Santuarios somos enviados cada vez los visitamos física o espiritualmente. Somos enviados al mundo con las tres gracias de cobijamiento, transformación inerior, y fecundidad apostólica “en salida”. Somos enviados como misioneros de las misericordias que hemos recibido. Somos enviados para cosechar los frutos de esas tres gracias, los frutos de las visitas de nuestra Madre y Reina a los distintos hogares y familias. Somos enviados para esparcir las semillas de un profundo compromiso cristiano con la Iglesia y con el plan de Dios para nosotros. Por eso coronamos nuestras Vírgenes Peregrinas… Queremos unirmos a lo largo y ancho de E.E.U.U. para implorar que ella proteja a todos cristianos perseguidos en el mundo, y a aquellos que calladamente son perseguidos en este país. Queremos pedirle que continúe utilizándonos como sus instrumentos en estos tiempos. Pero, no queremos hacer esto sin antes agradecerle por tantas y tantas bendiciones que ha intercedido por nosotros. Apenas el 11 de junio, los coordinadores de los distintos estados se reunieron en el Centro Internacional, en Waukesha, para su convención anual, y para coronar las imágenes Auxiliares de nueve estados. Los ecors de esta celebración y de este encuentro son el contenido de esta edición. La vida, la alegría, y la luz espiritual que nos electrificó durante ese fin de semana han sido capturados, hasta cierto punto, en las fotos, comentarios, y artículos aquí compartidos. ¡Que los disfruten! Deseándoles un verano muy bendecido y profundo encuentro con la mirada misericordiosa de nuestro Señor en los meses que restan de este año jubilar de la misericordia, 2 cont. from front page and families. We are sent out to spread seeds of deep Christian commitment with the Church and with God’s plan for us. That is why we want to crown our Pilgrim Mothers… We want to unite across the USA and implore that she protects all persecuted Christians around the world, and those subtly persecuted in our country. We want to ask her to continue using us as her instruments in this time and age. But, we do not want to do this without first thanking her for the many, many gifts and blessings she has interceded for us. Already on June 11, the state coordinators of the SRC gathered at the Schoenstatt Center for their convention and crowned the Auxiliaries of nine different states. The echoes of this celebration and of this gathering are the content of this edition. The life, the joy, and the spiritual light which electrified us during the weekend has been captured, to a certain extent, in the photos, comments, and articles shared here. Enjoy them! Wishing you a greatly blessed rest of the summer and a deep encounter with the merciful glance of our Lord in the coming months of this jubilee year of mercy, The Crowning of the Auxiliaries meant for us... John and Kathy Strickland, Louisiana ...that now, more than ever, we need the graces of Schoenstatt. We were thankful for the year that the Auxiliary visited the people of Louisiana as we received many graces and blessings, and we are grateful that the Auxiliary returned to Louisiana with us to continue her work. There is much suffering in families and individuals, and we implore our Queen to lead us into a deeper awareness of being loved by her Son, and the mercy of the Father. We ask that She give us the graces we need to be useful instruments, to grow spiritually, to encourage and inspire families in these difficult times. She is our Queen! We ask her to protect us and to govern us, and we offer her our striving, our failings, our hearts, our love. We need her to educate us for the Mission of La coronación de la Auxiliar significó para nosotros que ahora más que nunca necesitamos las gracias de Schoenstatt. Estamos agradecidos por Schoenstatt. haber tenido la Auxiliar visitándonos durante un año, y continuamos During this year we will strive to meet agradecidos y trabajando por esta misión al regresar con ella personally with missionaries and members, to nuevamente. Hay mucho sufrimiento entre las familias que visitamos. Le inspire them to embrace the spirituality and pedimos que con sus gracias nos permita ser sus instrumentos y que mission of Schoenstatt, and we hope that many podamos crecer espiritualmente, para inspirar a muchas otras familias. will feel the need to experience the Shrine by ¡Ella es la Reina! Durante el próximo año nos dedicaremos a visitar a los journeying to next summer's convention in misioneros de nuestro estado y ayudarlos a abrazar la misión de Waukesha. May what we strive for bear much Schoenstatt, y poder visitar el Santuario el año que viene para la convención de la Campaña. ¡Que demos muchos frutos acá en Louisiana! fruit for Schoenstatt in Louisiana! 3 A Great Crowning Weekend Echoes from the SRC Convention and the Crowning of the Auxiliary Images of the Pilgrim Mother Phyllis Schicker, Wisconsin & SRC Office The crowning of the Auxiliaries reinforced for me that our Blessed Mother is hard at work in our country, and quite literally all over our country. Being present at the crowning made it more personal for me. The message I took home with me is that I really must be a “missionary on the move.” I must do more to educate and inform those who receive the Blessed Mother in their homes so they, too, can reap the benefits of the three graces from the Shrine. I feel I have not been as pro-active at this lately. Here in Wisconsin, I need to work on locating the different Pilgrim MTA groups and bring our database of information up to date. Once this is done, I can then invite these missionaries to next year’s gathering. Marge Rolen, Oregon Of course, the highlight for Marge and Deanna at the La coronación de las Auxiliares para mi reforzó la con- crowning of the Auxiliaries was that last minute gift of vicción de que la Mater está muy activa en todo el país. receiving an Auxiliary Shrine for the Pacific Coast! It will El mensaje que me llevé a casa es que yo misma debo ser encourage us to work harder in recruiting persons to visit una misionera “en salida”.
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