@ / 23.5. 70, 2G. 5. 70, 31.5. 70 I NFO HMAHT : LLAB OYA FAKUDE AREA LOOAMBA BEGIMENT I NFOFJl'IA.TION HECEI\i-:SD FRO Tft : QUESTI ON A. 'I'ell u s about SOEHLOLO, everyt hine; you know. We were t ol d MSWA'l1I was SOMIILOLO ' s son, and that hi s mother wa"'S ZWI DE ' s daugh t e r . It i s said that hi s b i rtr1 was a source o f gr eat joy for the Swazi and hi s mother Ln.- ZIDZEo She sane a j oyf ul sone; ai1d called her escourt LL.W ZELWAN ELE an others :k at her i n - l aws place , and sent t iem to f etch water ( sea wat er) 0 Then the doct o ri n f~ of the young ki ng vras ca rried out . L.A- ZI DZE ' s r el atives keIJt comi ne; t o vi sit her and to see thei r nephew, but 8lso because they were escaping fro .. • a ttacks . by Sl:aka. They f elt quite secure and protected becau se of the new rel atmonslu p which had dev eloped as a result of the birth of MSWAT io l'/I$VA'I'I SBffG !1i s army to a hack J,lA.\VEWE and Iv1ZI1A, son s of LANGA - t!1is was the f.ir :s t . of hi s ba ttle s . Second was the a t tack on T.TJAJ I - rl1HOBELA , who threatened him. This a rmy fought even beyond THOBELA ' s ter ritory as far as TU1WA1i'B 1 s t erri t ory, now calle d RUSTENBURG . These kine s su r render ed to HSWATI and e-;ave him cattle , asking hi m to stay fB a c e f ully with them. He v1as a victorious beinc_: and the other tri bes realized hi s military str eilgth when h e went on f u rther to attack I1A.BIIOKO 8nfl. 1:f:i..t•J'IT30 . BASHELB came to r enor t to MSY!ATI tha t hi s (BNl' SHJ<::LE ) mot he1' was being ill - t r ea t ed a t FiLluimo. S,,hi s inf\n·iated MSW AT I an d thi s i s why he sen t his a r my on HLAMBO for i ll- treatine his (Mswati ) sister o He sent hi s army i n t he col d mcnth of May - t J.1 ere was snowo He sent his rcpiment - IJ'JYATHSI . '1' his r eciment f'1Y 1'' P O!' +h8 way and wa s he&±>ly wiried out by the enemy . Thi s annoyed MSWA'r.I even mor e and he sen t an other a rmy wi th hi mself present t his time . He ph m de :r-ed all the way as far as MF};;!TGU land • .Q.YJ-iS'l'IOJU.. V:/hy di d he at vack I!lAD1 FNGA' s peopl e ? ' Le cl.i d. it because he said 'they were hi s fathers c;ood f riends, bu t t hey pr i ded t hems el ves too much abou t t hi s friendshi p , even t o the extent of maki ng him f eel he wa s bei n1 t hreatened, by thomo QUEST:I OH C t Wny dlldMSWA '.rI kill hi s b r oth er±:s and pr eenant wives o f t he Ki ng ( Somhl ol o ) ? The ot her ·wi ves of SOHI-11010 were jealous of li.11. - ZI DZE on bei n r ma d e qu e en of Som11+010. MS\'/ATI therefore sent his warriors to kill these wiv es and t h e i r houses ( sons and daue hters ) o QUESTION D. Ther e i s a well lmoM'l story here, and vrill you tell u s abou t i t i Vv1zy di d 1.ilSViATI kill KIIAMBI ? K..B.A MBI came back with t he army when i t retu rned frou a t t ackinc 1\IA.WE1:1E ancl :.1ZI1A, a nd he was hi t;hl y f av oured b y o.. ki ng' s wi feo • He then changed his surname t o SIIGIONDZE from DLAMINI - he wa s b ei ne mi schievou s . He wa s 1.1 SWATI 1 s f avourite - to the extent t hat he handl ed the kine ' s food and a l lt: mat ter s to t he kine; were f i rst reported t o him. There came a n i ndu.na froljl - 2 - MABOYA FAKUDE c ont • • • o GUNDiNI NI viz . L011IBAMB O MKKABELA , and ~his . r;im1 becar:ie J(..MirJ?I ' s f riend ~ Both were suspected of having an aff air w:u;h t he Ki n g s wife but dem.ed i t • The Kinr· thereupon ordered her death and she was killed at HHOIDIO by warrior~ . KHA.MB I wa s a l so killed out si de the kraa l for hi s mischief• Killed a lso was MPI- '.'l'FII'NA' s mother . C~ UE Sr rr ~.lk Vfuy di d MSVINrI dec .~ de not to build a t hi s fat he r ' s roya l kraa.l? He feared Zulu att ackso QtIB STI ON_ _L_ ·who -ras MSWA'J'I ' s personal messens er ? It was :tvrn:LABA I.m'r HA. , and t hat of 1D3AND ZENI was 1'.fr3ANGO MOTHA o Q.UES'l'ION G• . An army went out to att ack after t he deat h of MSVVATI - do you know this? 'l'his was the "Elephant ' s Ba t t l e "o It sta rted t his way. Th ere came one MA.T HSAFENI wh o shouted in t he kr aal that peopl e shouldn ' t be s itt i ng a round but e;oi n g to mourn. Thi s was MA.THSAFENI MJ)LU.LI . In r eaction an army went out, but the Queen THANDILE refused to 1 et it f!P o It went out a<ra i nst her will, Gn d she theref ore cursed it saying , "Would im: that not a si n cl e on e o f you c ome ba ck alive"o When MATHSAFENI come he had in fact alr~dy sent out an army to c,t tack the BASOTHO( s outh Sot ho), so that when everyon e crune to realise there a l ready was f i ghtin t_ between the PEDI and BASOTH O and this army. The BASOTHO and PEDI were stronger; t hey surrounded the army, but Nl{A]·TANE escaped ( he was a fast runner) Thi s army was l ed by MHGAYI . He vvas Somhl ol o ' s son, but he was one of the hated ones ( by t he Ki ne ). Because of thi s hat red these s ons feared the Kine: mi e:ht at tack t hern • QUESTION _h There was a quarr el between hi m and MSWATI , but who were t he other people who were i nvolved i n thi s quarredl betwe en FOKOTI and the King ? I don ' t know about FOKOTI. I lmow however t hat he supported JOJ Oo J OJ O wa s f v..ther of LIA KHAKLEKA. , and he e: ot drowned in the MKH01.JD O .~ i v er when he tried t o flee . L/J ..m ANGBNI KHU.MA '.BO was a sked for ( i n order to be marri ed to t heir son) by the I'lruninis from her parent s in ululand. There wer e b eauti ful girls here a t home viz . J,1SUKUSUKU DJ. a.mini, Somhl olo ' s daue;hte.r , and others. The mother was LA o1MGA?.1GENI . • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ? LA. -MGANGENI too:\: ov er f r om LA - ZID7E ev en while the l a t t er wa s still a live . LUDONGO - Hi s mother was LA- MGANGENI KHUMA LO . Hi s nan e a t birth was M.ACALENI , bu t he was [ iven the nam e of LUDONGA later wh en h e became desi 1nated ' King t o be ' o The queen - mother ( La - Zid?.e) made him king a t the deat h of hi r-; fat her. One day durine: a wa r - dance LUDONGA fell down and the war:d ors and p eopl e took t hi s to b e a bad omen. The reason for hi s fal l int do,.vm is as f oll ows : ~o meb o dy f rom Swa ziland had just retuxned wi th a e;tm. from the Basuto people ~n So u~her-.a Sotho . LUDOHGA took t his €}ill i n his hands and wa s admi ring it during the dance. The br ought t h e bar r el too near his no se and i nhal ed the fumes of gun- po wd. er, and l a ter on t he f l esh of hi s nose beean t o i nfl ame and he was very ill - he died of this. - 3 - JiIABOYA FAKUDE cont •• . • At this t i me his aunt had visited her in-laws , an d t here she found a young gi r l and lik ed her for LUDONGA.
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