INDEX1 A Anglo-Normans, 5, 67 Abbey Theatre, 45n65, 66 Anglophone, 8, 10, 67–70, See also Irish Literary Theatre 72, 74, 79 Accents, 6, 56, 100, 129, “Anti-Englishness,” 14, 19n43, 50, 135, 138n67 58, 59, 79, 111 Acts of Union (1707), 6 Anti-imperialist, 57, 66 Acts of Union (1800), 6 See also British Empire; Colonialism Africa/African, 12, 14n8, 18n40 Antiquarians/antiquarianism, 67, Aisling poems, 72 69, 72, 73 Alexandra School and Alexandra Aquino, John, 98 College, 125 Arbuthnot, John, 37 Alliance Party of Northern Argentina/Argentinian, 12 Ireland, 16n16 Arnold, Matthew, 72 Anglican Communion, 15n13, 136n2 Ascendancy, 5, 15n12, 31, 66–79, “Anglo-Irish” (contentious term for 124, 128, 130–132, Irish Anglicans), 2–14, 14n9, 134, 137n32 15n10, 15n12, 15n16, 16n24, Atkinson, Robert, 76 19n43, 26–41, 50, 54–59, Atlantic Archipelago (traditionally 59n5, 67–72, 74–76, 79, “British Isles”), 17n31 80n14, 81n33, 99, Austen, Jane, 79, 88 109–111, 124–135 Australia/Australian, 12, 51, 57 1 Note: Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refer to notes. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature 141 Switzerland AG 2021 D. Clare, Irish Anglican Literature and Drama, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-68353-5 142 INDEX B Beiner, Guy, 75 Balfour, Mary, 11, 67, 68, 73–75, 78 Belfast, 2, 6, 8, 18n38, 73, 87–89, 93, contributions to General Collection 94, 105, 112n5 of Ancient Irish Music (ed. Bell, Sam Hanna, 4 Edward Bunting), 73 Berkeley, George, 70, 109–110 Hope, a Poetical Essay: With Various Three Dialogues, 110 Other Poems, 73–75 Bhabha, Homi, 8, 13, 17n27 Kathleen O’Neil (melodrama), 74 Bickerstaffe (or Bickerstaff), “Kathleen O’Neil” (poem), 73–74 Isaac, 36, 41 Bardwell, Leland, 4, 8, 11, 14n9, Big House, 2–4, 6, 66, 69, 19n42, 55, 124–135 80n14, 117n155, All Those Men (unpublished 124–130, 132, 134 novel), 138n63 Blake, William, 88, 90 “Clondalkin Concrete,” 137n23 Bloom, Harold, 103 Girl on a Bicycle, 14n9, 124–135 Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen, 66 “The Horse Protestant Joke is Boru, Brian, 69 Over,” 137n32 Boswell, James, 36, 112n5 The House, 134 Boucicault, Dion, 5, 8, 11, 33, 41, Mother to a Stranger, 138n63 50–59, 72, 126 A Restless Life, 19n42, 125, 138n54 Arrah-na-Pogue, 51, 52, 59–60n11 That London Winter, 134 The Colleen Bawn, 51 There We Have Been, 134 London Assurance, 33 Barfeld, Owen, 106 The O’Dowd, 53 Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin, The Shaughraun, 51, 72 32, 42n3 Bourke, Hannah Maria, 75 Beckett, J.C., 5 Bowen, Elizabeth, 3, 9, 14, 19n43, Beckett, Samuel, 8, 9, 11, 14n10, 50, 72, 124 19n42, 94–97, 124, 126, The Last September, 19n43, 72 136–137n23 Bradley, Stephen, 124 All That Fall, 136n23 Brady, Charles A., 93 “Dante and the Lobster,” 96 Brazil/Brazilian, 12 Echo’s Bones and Other Bresland, Ronald W., 94, 117n152 Precipitates, 94 Brexit, 6, 11 Endgame, 96, 97 Bridget, 30, 43n13, 95 More Pricks Than Kicks, 94 Britain, 2, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 71–73, 125, Not I, 97 133, 135 Trilogy (Molloy/Malone Dies/The British descent/ancestry/forebears, 2, Unnamable), 95, 96 4, 5, 7, 13, 33, 68, 73, 74, Whoroscope, 94 112n5, 127 Behan, Brendan, 2–4, 9, 72, British Empire, 7, 8, 17n27, 33, 36, 124, 137n42 38, 57, 58, 105 The Hostage, 72 British government, 5, 9, 10, 13, Behrendt, Stephen C., 75 15n13, 56–58 INDEX 143 British Isles, see Atlantic Archipelago Cave, Richard Allen, 51, 59n9 (traditionally “British Isles”) Celtic (Fringe/Twilight/etc.), 13, 33, British military, 17n27, 32, 57, 58 35, 36, 92, 129 Britishness, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 16n25, Chaucer, Geoffrey, 88 17n27, 18n39, 38, 110, 112n5, Chesterton, G.K., 99 128–130, 133–135 Childers, Erskine, 8, 11, 50–59 See also Britons; Hybridity The Riddle of the Sands, 50, 56–58 British monarchy, 13, 19n42, 32–36, Childers, Molly (née Osgood), 57 50, 52, 53 China/Chinese, 12, 17n28, Britons, 7, 31, 38, 40 18n40, 101 See also Britishness; Hybridity Chivalry, 76, 107, 116n128 Brooke, Charlotte, 3, 11, 66–79 Church of England, 15n13, 136n2 “Gracey Nugent,” 68, 71 Church of Ireland, 4–6, 8, 10, 13, “Mäon,” 73, 74 14n7, 15n11, 15n13, 26, 58, 73, Reliques of Irish Poetry, 66, 67 117n153, 118n155, 133, Brooke, Henry, 67, 70 135–136n2, 136n3 The Fool of Quality, 67 Clive, Kitty, 36, 44n45 Brown, Michael, 6, 116n135 Coffey, Brian, 9, 95 Brown, Terence, 5, 89 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 78 Browning, Robert, 88 Collins, Michael, 58, 79, 82n70 Bull, John (caricature of Colonialism, 4, 7, 8, 13, 17n27, England), 37, 38 17n28, 36, 53, 59, 105–106, Bunting, Edward, 73, 75 111, 127, 129 Burke, Edmund, 17n31, 36, 70, See also Anti-imperialist; 107–108, 116n128, British Empire 116n135, 131 Congreve, William, 26, 45n59, 70 Refections on the Revolution in Connemara, 54 France, 107, 108, 116n128 Connolly, Linda, 17n27 Coole Park, 66 See also Gort, Co. Galway; C Kiltartan/Kiltartanese Cambodia, 17n28 Cork (city and county), 3, 19n40, 97, Cambridge, University of, 88 101, 112n5 Campbell College, 88, 94 Corkery, Daniel, 50, 58, 135 Canada/Canadian, 12, 57 Cornwall, 13 Canon (literary), 50, 87–111 Corporaal, Marguérite, 32 Cardiff, 12 Costello, Louisa Stuart, 75 Carpenter, Humphrey, 99 Covent Garden (Theatre), Castle, Gregory, 54 27, 29, 36 Catholics/Catholicism, see Irish Gaelic Cowley, Abraham, 78 Catholics; Roman Catholics/ Craig, Sir James, 137n48 Roman Catholicism Cuchulain, 70, 75, 76, 92, 113n36 Cavan, County, 66, 67, 125 Cullingford, Elizabeth Butler, 51 144 INDEX D The Absentee, 68, 70, 71 Dáil Éireann, 56 Castle Rackrent, 68, 71, 80n19 Davis, Leith, 59n5, 67, 74, 75, 80n9 The Double Disguise, 43n28 Davys, Mary, 32, 41 Ennui, 68, 69, 80n19 The Northern Heiress, 32 An Essay on Irish Bulls, 69, 70 Dawe, Gerald, 5, 10, 15n10, 124 Eton Montem, 32, 43n28 de Chirico, Giorgio, 105 Old Poz, 32 de Valera, Éamon, 18n40, 58 Ormond, 69, 70 Deane, Seamus, 17n31, 42n1 “To-Morrow,” 70 Derry (city), 73 Edgeworth, Richard Lovell, 69, Devlin, Denis, 9, 95 80n13, 80n19 Diaspora, see Irish Diaspora Eliot, T.S., 94, 95 Diderot, Denis, 42n3 Elizabethan (era), 77, 99 Digby, George, 29 Emmet, Robert, 2, 131 Disestablishment (of the Church of England/English, 2, 3, 5–11, 13, Ireland), 5 17n27, 17n31, 18n39, Dissenters, 5, 10 18n40, 19n42, 19n43, 26, See also Ulster Scots Presbyterians 28–33, 35–41, 42n4, 43n9, Divorce, 16n16, 131 43n28, 50–59, 66, 67, Donegal, County, 93 70–74, 76, 77, 79, 87–89, Douglas, Aileen, 31 91, 94, 100, 101, 105, Druid Theatre Company, 82n70 107–109, 111, 127, Drury Lane (Theatre Royal), 32, 129–131, 134, 135 39, 43n27 Englishness, 6, 31, 56, 57, 136n2 Dryden, John, 78 See also Stage English characters Dublin, 2, 3, 16n19, 26–28, 30, 31, Enlightenment, 95 37, 51, 54, 59n11, 93, 94, 100, Evangelicals/Evangelicalism, 4, 133 103, 125, 129 Duels, 36, 37, 44n47 Dunsany, Lord (né Edward F Plunkett), 110 Famine(s), including the Great duPlessis, Nicole, 105 Hunger of 1845–1852, 3, 66 Farquhar, George, 11, 26, 28, 32, 33, 38, 39, 41, 50, 55, 58, 70, E 109, 135 Eagleton, Terry, 54, 59n5 The Beaux Stratagem, 32 Earls, Brian, 54 The Constant Couple, 38, 39 Easter Rising of 1916, 45n65, 56 Love and a Bottle, 28, 55, 60n28 Edgeworth de Firmont, L’Abbé The Recruiting Offcer, 32, 33 Henry Essex, 80n13 Sir Harry Wildair, 38 Edgeworth, Maria, 3, 5, 7, 11, 32, 41, The Stage-Coach, 28 43n28, 66–79 The Twin Rivals, 28 INDEX 145 Feminism/feminist/proto-feminism/ Good Friday Agreement (a.k.a. Belfast female emancipation, 27–29, 41, Agreement) of 1998, 11, 18n38 43n12, 45n65, 116n134, 125, Gooding-Williams, Robert, 55 126, 138n50 Gort, Co. Galway, 66 See also #WakingTheFeminists (WTF) See also Coole Park; Kiltartan/ Fenian Cycle, 70, 76, 113n36 Kiltartanese See also Legends; Mythology; Sagas Graham, Colin, 17n27 Fenians/Fenianism, 51 Grattan, Henry, 131 Ferguson, Samuel, 75, 79 Graves, Clotilde, 44n29 Fethard-on-Sea, Co. Wexford (the A Mother of Three, 44n29 1957 boycott), 131, 137n46 Gray, Betsy, 75 Flood, Henry, 36 Great Britain, see Britain Fogarty, Anne, 125, 126, 138n50 Great War, see World War I (a.k.a. the Folklore/folktales, 54, 66, 73 Great War) Foster, John Wilson, 5, 10, 15n10 Greeves, Arthur, 89, 90, 96, 117n152 Foster, R.F. “Roy,” 5, 15n10, 54, Gregg, Stacey, 124, 135n2 124, 135 Gregory, Lady Augusta, 3, 11, 54, Fox, Charles, 36 66–79, 126 France/French, 31, 38, 41, Cathleen ni Houlihan (co-written 80n13, 90 with W.B. Yeats), 79 Frazier, Adrian, 118n155 Cuchulain of Muirthemne, Frisian Islands, 56 75, 81n48 Grania, 77, 79 The Rising of the Moon, 79 G “A Woman’s Sonnets,” 66 Gaelic Athletic Association, Gregory, Sir William (and the Gregory 18n38 Clause), 3, 66 Galway (city and county), 66, Griffn, Michael, 6, 9, 42n6 80n14, 82n70 Griffth, Arthur, 56 Gardiner, Michael, 6 Griffth, Elizabeth, 6, 9, 11, 16n19, Garrick, David, 36, 43n27 26–41, 59n7 Gate Theatre (Dublin), 38 Amana: A Dramatic Poem, 42n3 Germany/German, 7, 18n40, 56 The Barber of Seville, 42n3 Glasgow, 12 The Delicate Distress, 42n4 Glendalough, Co. Wicklow, 56 Dorval; or, the Test of Virtue, 42n3 Goldini, Carlo, 39 The Double Mistake, 29–31, 44n47 Goldsmith, Oliver, 6, 11, 26, 31, 32, Essays, Addressed to Young Married 39, 41, 50, 70, 107, 129 Women, 42n4 “The Deserted Village,” The History of Lady Barton, 42n4 107, 116n125 The Morality of Shakespeare’s Drama She Stoops to Conquer, 32, 39, 107 Illustrated, 42n4 The Vicar of Wakefeld, 107 Novellettes, 42n4 146 INDEX Griffth, Elizabeth (cont.) I The Platonic Wife, 27–29, 36, 41, Independence (establishment of the 42n6, 43n9 Irish Free State in 1922), 7, 8, 58, The School for Rakes, 30, 32–36, 38, 79, 131, 134 41, 44n47 India/Indian, 8, 12, 18n40, 37–38, A Series of Genuine Letters Between 124, 125 Henry and Frances (co-written Indonesia, 17n28 with Richard Griffth), 27 Ingman, Heather, 126 The Story of Lady Juliana Interculturalism, 5, 8, 11–13, 17n28, Harley, 42n4 18n40, 67–69, 126, 135 The Times, 16n19, 31, Intermarriage/“mixed” marriages, 39–40, 45n59 68–69, 80n14, 131 Theodorick, King of Denmark, 42n3 Irish Civil War of 1922–1923, 51, 56 A Wife in the Right, 31, 36–38, 40 Irish Convention of 1917–1918, 57–58 Irish Diaspora, 12, 44n45, 56, 93 H Irish Free State/Republic (“the Haggard, H.
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