HIEDANRANTA BRAINSTORMING WorkshopBUSINESSES | UUSI KAUPUNKI COLLECTIVE | CITY OF TAMPERE | KUOWI OY Introduction This report clarifies the background represent the themes of the brain- After the daily workshops, the ar- of the Hiedanranta brainstorming storming workshop. The discussion chitecture teams withdrew to work workshop. The aim of the workshop was led by the Uusi Kaupunki archi- on the development scenarios. was to identify the key goals for busi- tectural collective, and the aim was The teams produced four separate nesses indeveloping and implement- to create a vision of what development scenarios for busi- ing the Hiedanranta project. • work ness operations and functions in • production Hiedanranta. In addition to introducing the back- • trade and services ground of the Uusi Kaupunki Col- • innovation activities The Figures of the report have lective’s work tasks, the report ad- will look like in Hiedanranta in the been compiled based on the clar- dresses problems and needs that future. ifying reports of Uusi Kaupunki the participants brought up during architectural collective and on the the workshops. The Hiedanranta brainstorming workshop results. The texts were workshop lasted two days. On both compiled by Inari Virkkala and the The report presents the needs of the days the participants spent several figures illustrating the results of the business sector through customer hours at the Lielahti Manor House working were compiled by profiles, which together form the discussing the environments re- Kuowi. starting points of businesses for plan- quired by the new work forms and ning the future of Hiedanranta. business activities. Each team was led by two architects, who were Representatives of the business responsible for the discussion and industrial sector were invited around their theme and for creat- to the Hiedanranta brainstorming ing from the discussion a develop- workshop. They included construc- ment scenario for that theme. tion firms and companies that The starting points of Participants businesses for AKI HYRKKÖNEN OLLI JUUTILA ARTO PAJUNEN PETRI ROININEN Rakennusliike Aki Hyrkkönen Oy Pinguino Surfboards VVO Group Plc Investors House Oyj ANTTI MARTTILA OLLI SOPPELA EIJA HELIN SATU ESKELINEN the design competition Hartela TAMK VTS Technopolis ARI-PEKKA LEHTONEN PAULI HAKALA ELLA PIHLAINEN SUVI NENONEN Sponda Plc Pinguino Surfboards Arkta Rakennuttajat Oy Newsec 1. The nature of work has changed, but the premises do not currently serve the new forms of work. Work and HENRI HUHDANPÄÄ PETRI SUUTARINEN HANNA MARTTILA TONI TUOMOLA activities at Hiedanranta must be planned so as to facilitate modern working life. T2H Rakennus Oy Keva NCC Housing Ltd, Inner Finland Skanska INKERI RUUSKANEN PETRI TUOMINEN HANNA SAARIO TYTTI SIROLA 2. Premises and areas help businesses to attract the best professionals. The area must be planned so as to Sopimusvuori HT talot Lielahtikeskus shopping centre Gsp-group make working locations genuinely interesting and attractive. JANNE KIVIMÄKI TIMO KOSKINEN HANNU RIDELL VILLE RAJAKALLIO Lemminkäinen Talo Oy Tampereen Vuokratalosäätiö Newsec SATO-Rakennuttajat Oy 3. Small-scale production that is especially compatible with housing is an interesting option. The area must be made as interesting as possible, and functional from the point of view of small-scale producers. Ecological JARI ALANEN TIMO NEUVONEN JANNE MÄKELÄ TARU HURME aspects must be taken into account in the planning solutions to the extent possible, and attention should also Kesko Corporation MKN-urakointi Newsec Tampereen kaupunki be paid to sustainability. JUSSI HAAVISTO TOMMI TERHO JOONAS PELTOKORPI TIMO ANTIKAINEN Leike Oy Pirkanmaan Osuuskauppa Rakennuskartio Tampereen kaupunki 4. Flexibility of the premises and of the area is the main challenge for the trade and service sectors. Because JUSSI TANHUANPÄÄ TUOMO TURKKINEN KATARIINA PAUNU KARI KANKAALA the future needs of the trade and service sectors are unknown, planning solutions must be able to adapt to Finnpark Jatke Oy Lidl Tampereen kaupunki changing needs over time. MAARIT TOVERI AHTO AUNELA MIIMU AIRAKSINEN REIJO VÄLIHARJU AVAIN Asumisoikeus OY/AVAIN Yhtiöt VTS VTT Tecnical Research Centre of Finland Tampereen kaupunki 5. One of the main challenges for innovative operators is to attract professionals to a city with a bleak winter and quite a high cost of living. In the design competition, environments for innovative people must be created that MARI TAKALA ALEKSI HUHDANPÄÄ MIKKO AHONKIVI REINO PULKKINEN are economical and enhance the quality of life. Asuntosäätiö sr T2H Rakennus Oy Ajomesta Oy Tampereen kaupunki MATTI MASTOSALO ANTTI RUUSKA PASI MÄKINEN Helamaa & Heiskanen VTT Tecnical Research Centre of Finland Pirkanmaan Yrittäjät ry OLLI RUUSUMAA ARI SAARINEN PEKKA HARSTILA VRP Länsi-Suomi Oy Elisa Corporation NCC Construction Ltd The Value Proposition Canvas Value (Proposition) Customer (Segment) Jobs Map: Hiedanranta for businesses / jobs Profile: employee and employer (a person) A vibrant local environment Old premises are interesting, Good image unique, and inspiring Can oer employees a pleasing Gains Lake views working environment Gain AttractiveCreators architecture Creates new ideas Enabling interaction between Niilo Ikonen and Pauli Siponen from Avarrus Arkkitehdit people working in the This is how the Figures should be interpreted. To attract employees Oy led the discussion on the work and working premises creative elds Hiedanranta yrityksille / työn ja toiminnallisuuden synnyttäminen Hiedanrantaan Synergy through the close- Asiakasprofiili: työntekijä ja työnantaja (henkilö) of the future. The location of jobs in Hiedanranta in the The proximity of other local ness of others in the same leading experts in the same eld Oering working opportuni- future will be facilitated by a flexible city structure that Products eld Customerties that are not tied to a adapts to the changing needs and offers excellent condi- & Services Jolocation,b(s) i.e. distance working Hyötyä, iloa tuottavat asiat Hyödyt An attractive working envi- Odotusten lunastajat Ilon aiheet tions for small- and large-scale businesses. Odotukset ronment Alue ja sen Henkilön työt, Keeping up with the major tarjoamat asiat, jotka hän Lack of sucient services near Work will also be done in floating office ships by the urban ratkaisut ja koittaa saada ”Local jobs” developments in one’s own tyhdyiksi. workplaces shore. Hiedanranta can also be developed as a significant palvelut eld A cluster of top-class exper- working location combining businesses, housing services, tise No need to leave the area Working alone at home is Pain Reveryelie dayvers inecient and stressful Uhraukset a traffic hub, and innovations with housing and a good life. Ongelmat Uhrausten pienentäjät Harmit Pains Ongelmia tai harmeja vähentävät asiat Reduced commuting distance Long commuting distances and time Tällä puolella ovat yritysten tarpeet ja odotukset suunnitte Reference group sets the daily Tällä puolella ovat ideat ja ehdotukset suun- lulle katsottuina nitteluun, jotka ovat henkilön kohderyhmää henkilön näkökul rhythm kiinnostavia. masta. Copyright Business Model Foundry AG The makers of Business Model Generation and Strategyzer strategyzer.com WHY ARE WORKPLACES STILL IMPORT- tise in their own field, and also ben- WHY WOULD A COMPANY WANT PREM- ness premises of housing compa- services, maintenance and cater- ANT CENTRES OF INTERACTION? WHY efit from the proximity of others in ISES AT A PREMIUM SHORELINE LOCA- nies that are scattered throughout ing services, and various other the same sector. the area. According to the partici- sub-contractors and partners. DOES WORKPLACE INTERACTION CON- TION? pants, flexibility is the most impor- Employees will need commercial TINUE TO BE IMPORTANT, EVEN THOUGH WHY MUST WORK-RELATED LOCATIONS The participants agreed that jobs tant consideration in defining the services in the surrounding area, can be drawn to an area by making function of the premises. Construc- including restaurants and hair- WORK IS INCREASINGLY INDEPENDENT BE COMBINED WITH HOUSING? WHAT the working environment especially tion of business premises, working dressers. According to the partici- OF ANY PARTICULAR PLACE? SACRIFICES WOULD BECOME REDUN- attractive. They felt that not only premises, and housing should be pants, the lack of white-collar jobs The workgroup mentioned surveys DANT IF HOUSING AND WORK WERE housing but also workplaces should based on need. The structures of has been shown to reduce the that show that working alone at be allowed in the best locations, the buildings should also be mod- diversity of an urban environment; home is inefficient and stressful. LOCATED NEAR EACH OTHER? which are by the shore. This would ifiable to allow for changes in their one Finnish example of this is Vu- Workers need a reference group According to the participants, most make the area stand out from function based on demand. osaari in Helsinki. around them to provide their office work will in future be com- other working areas. Some partici- working day with a discernible pleted outside offices. Plenty of pants also expressed a wish that a WHY DO THE PARTICIPANTS CONSIDER WHY DO THE PARTICIPANTS FIND FLOAT- rhythm; this has been found to be people already do distance working city structure that combines hous- important even if the group does some of the time but the concept ing and jobs would remain small THE OLD FACTORIES TO BE AN ATTRAC- ING PREMISES ATTRACTIVE? different tasks from the worker in of a combined
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