4 ii -I L 1 592 1 § FEDERAL BUREAU OF iNVESTiGAT1ON 1 ARISTOTLE ONASSIS -cw; A t-mi- 4 l92i&#39;-II I PART 1 UF 4 BUFILE: 100-125834 &#39;_;:1 &-_-_-_-.7..i_....V....._______, -_-..._ ____ .V__r_&#39;" &#39;- , _ 7 . |- Q I . * .92 __ _&#39;_# Y _-_._: 5.-e l ._ &#39; . _ iv _ &#39;/ -. ; _ - _ .. -~ .. _ K ; - . &#39;4&#39; Ki &#39; i ii .. - 111 . _ if L v - . I , 4 &#39; v n »92 _ ¢_:.~1=~. ! ._ tn;- _- = ..-. 92 &#39; Q &#39; Y" -. 15 - _ v W 9 &#39; . &#39;. 1:-L-1 f..-"* TQ. -" &#39;_ V _ &#39; &#39; - <&#39;* &#39;4|-| - |_492 .- . -.".r v_ &#39;_. 7 .__.. ____ .__..... ;.__.____.__....... _ s. ..__ 7 _ _ _ _ - -0_ I _ " l . 1? &#39;1 1" ONAS-&#39;5I$ , Aristetslis v CHI SUBJECT is a Greekwho was scheduled to departfrom -&#39;1-:;;_ , E " Bushes hires "£&#39;orthe U,S, on -Tune 18 by Pe.n:-air. He &#39;. .-&#39;-_. _. 3&#39; - ope"is a partwhich ownerhe hopesof the to tenkers sell to "C-ellirey" the Her Shipping and "Anti-Ad- ministration. I The Ihnbessy inBuenos hires has received I § information from the Greek Minister tI&#39;Tet SUBJECT Ins j expressed sentiments inimicel to the IE1! efforts of , _ the United Nations and it is believed that his esti- vities while in the U,S, should be observed, 1 r""*§4 ;. STATE cognizant, . DIS 9292 - u1y&#39;2§,&#39;1<§z,§ 3 L 5 6 7 e B 9&#39; &#39; 1Q,11,12,13,1l;,15, A B-7! I,MIS,SBRG,PRH5/O _1F_. , .; n =- §¥&#39;7§ " 1- 92 §§=""&#39;¬, ,1 :11. I - n =R». ;. K _ I -;.&#39;_&#39;-{=_. /1" 4 -" 6° e ,3 _ . - _ . - n 5609? 5° 1&#39;7 &#39;421! - ., < .. 9292 I71-&#39;7 &#39;8-°*&#39;° =50! *&#39; . -&#39; 1&#39;-qr ;: 4&#39; &#39;w_-.-=- i ¢,~<>*°° &#39; i;1§&#39;,%%}92//;_92*hE &#39; d V A $1"65 Q1 Hr, / "ls J/J-£77!I Q , ~ 1 , E_~£§-lg; I 6% fmf 55Aue"e1942 &#39; ~ &#39; =-JJUL 1942 are -.---.-.»_.-_ ,_ W.--1-__ %Y92§ &#39; >4 X": » __ I !&#39; _ &#39; 7 wmnnémmmrr { H :|_ Military Intelligence Service . _ ..w_ Washington &#39; """""""""&#39;-92--nix :- , . Subject: Let t er of To: Lt. G01. J. Edgar Eoover . t Federal Bureau of Investigation gr 92: Department of Justice f. _ __ . The attached communications ere forwarded for your 1.I£OIID-¬b&#39;-&#39; J?» __.,.,._-. ...-a»u..-n.-1&#39;..;.. H.- wri- tion and such action as you consider advisable, I H - &#39;4 e: - Foo the Chief, Military Intelligence Service: _ - - . ,__.-0? -:2.".;».;~;- &#39;92 &#39; - - &#39; l e ,_ ~ J_&#39;.C{. &#39; &#39;:&#39;§§g£z&#39;.{5&#39;~>7*&#39; Colonel, General Staff, _ §Y-* " , ~ V Asst. Executive -_/ Officer, M. I. S. &#39; Enclosures: 1&#39;| " ..__. F 1 92 &#39;92 92 1-1 92-92 "92. .!LL_ &#39;. 2i . av. I L11-;¢_Q__ 92 4 1 92 &#39; $1 F K _ -_.. &#39; ..,...... .,?_,_.! A §,P°°P~v~» e - 1,/_.w ~ /-..I*..&#39;>&#39;*;§ 93;; , A 1 Jl 1- I-:~<*-&#39;- hi!»-_____ _. &#39; ., 1_ _ . Q i -~ ~ P. - h II -_ - -____ , 7 V -_.|_92 i-r_] fr; ~5: i ~I T . &#39;___hmh 2-~ _ &#39;¬ . v._i;_.,Lt§:-pi; _ I&#39; us/cl C0r*Hf>£N&#39;r|AL GDD_,E, m PI-RB .WAR DEPARTMENT PAHALIA291 REQU @1431 HID 201.onnnii, Ariatotelngwrcei ofHeadqua;ers!W 1 TIEEZEI »., ...*-:., . Place! . o >1! 7 fobnzarfijDate16 L! o 19431 * * 1|. ShJ°°t OONASSIS,Ariltotolol , Summary of Information: -&#39;§r&#39;-.&#39;§»_-&#39;-92-i. _»92». ~-r:_,._§ In ragnrd to the subject applicant, the following information is revealed in tho reoordd of the HID: - Information has boon rocoivod that Subject, {G1-oak, is raportod . - 9292- to have departed from Huonos A1ran for thd United States on Juno 18, 1942. It is further reported that _sub_1notin part owner of the tanker: "C1111:-0y" and "Anti ope, 1rh1oh._ho hopea to 5011 to the Ear Shipping Administration. %_¢r, __ Informntion reveals that tho .&#39;¬.mbuayBuonon in Aifol has raooivod _-___-.-- information from the G2-oak Mini star that subject has oxprauod sentiments i-zinioal to the 1&#39;-orefforts of the United Nnti ona. &#39; ..»-*&#39;- 3 -,92~ - 725.-V 92.-., Previous Distribution: .-T "*&#39;_&#39;= _ Evaluation DIl.Sl&#39;.Iib111LJ.0I1: _or omState **"- Dofznrtment é_B&#39;*:e1§?&#39;:i&#39;e_""2"i"--&#39;1" "3 1 9 FBI Questionab1e_i______ F1l¬/ Undetermined._i_______ Jb 1* 7 * * C9H&#39;!"&#39;l&#39;UENTlALh 1*""@"" H 192 . -, -t Q .. 1 ._.I &#39; If. ell &#39; 92 A I &#39;92 - &#39; I "A.-;&#39;~j ~ I :-- *=~ - FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Immlml . -1--»-=»===-u.--1.1:».-r msmomss, curs-onan - - : &#39;I &#39; mm. 65-e091 _ w-v IZTIIZIT I. IE,_h -1-. l-e&#39;|92ggp¢uqg{%|:Hg-pg; ....e.... ~ < -" nos ihGBL1!5 7 i 12/1-B/43 9/2g,25.3°: . I i am. ""---" ~ In/23.2%/4: "*-I?""&#39;I=++&#39;_a-I&#39;#e-~-»..-92=1_<-_!r he &#39;1 . -. c. Z. - .l&#39;P.ISIU&#39;I&#39;I,E OHASSIB &#39; _ Izsrxmuae-_x &#39; EL . 92, @- . 92 1 _ Q , -153.5-.~ Information received iror. II: 7 D! 5.2!"- uorsyog racrcajthet subject expreseed sentiments inimical &#39; A . &#39; 1 i. to war effort of U. S. and in receipt of -r ___ar_ w large amounts of money. Investigation at __ _._._ w -K/4"Ll to date reflects no derogatory 1nfor- _ v. nation and revealed subject operator for .- . I 9292o&#39;EPy --_l-qa- I. KCNIALIDIS, owner of tanker, Calliroy, U. I 5&#39;operating out of Ll. Subject&#39;e receipt" I E I or none; legal business transactions, - - i .1! 3&#39;-/-3 D elated c¢:."- Sent - _ l-- I 4 ,- &#39;¥. &#39;P " 3;; i.:ttcr______._--.&#39; , . - 4-Jo I &#39;I re: ton 11:-&#39;;==e=1= . q QETAIQ z .=.;._. 1&#39; _ Investition in this case ie pre - d non information received Li- frg WI;-&#39;.~*&#39;_f" "F-a.._._.~,5_;;_,.&#39;Y&#39;-&#39;*@%:[email protected].. _1 .4 . .,.;_fIi_:"i~"==;i,&#39;.Tl-T_-T&#39;-.&#39;-&#39;- hat th. gal-3133, .-___ - GT6 iii I1. "P0? Qdly a cit zen of Ifgen a, ha expressed sentiments _,,, inimica o the war effort oi the United States. Infomant further advised A that the subject received $12,000.00 between June 10 and July 26, 1943. from &#39; the I-oe Lngelee office oi the General Steamship Corporation. In return for . -,7 paymente made to him during this period, he eubmitted checks payable to the .21." general Ooiporttion, eigned P. P. R. KCNIALIDIS by 1. S. QIASSI3, I .§,_&#39;,&#39;.&#39; ..-., l~_V ra ran on a ondvie _se daingna orman Gt {hint g en Jeot Neritork. s reportedly Th General part owner Steamshipcorpo-oi the tanker, t: Cl]-£1121, egilintg unggr the Panamanian flag and that their co ration acted =8 ro era or e s -I..,,.~-I A ;=.~¢»e_ »~I_I ;§g*¥I.,&#39;.z"-me :-1;.- -= ~.-&#39;= =;~ -- 1- -. ;--&#39;_.»" -Y ;~. ".~.~"* -12¢ -ff--5;-I -§*#%§~3§ H; -__ &#39;- 4-&#39;-.1 _;-._.n;§--u?b-".-**v!£iI!"*1=-.1-%-:"-&#39;- J-2&#39;-i,?&#39;;_&#39;-&#39;5 . -Inn. " 2--¥-*=.*_-.~&#39;f§_&#39;.:;&#39; 1-Y . &#39;.--.-1-1. he _4;1wI"!_-f__{.;~&#39;.-&#39;1&#39; -.~ -;- ,92.= "--: -»_-r, ,5-2:: _ I4, .._ ~13;-5-.__.-_92I " |_;_.:.&#39; -.,_, -,._ _ .!_,-: ,92_j; ,.,,E&#39;_..¢;_-q=|;H:1?fItd%:_.:__~;:._1;§-:.¢§~<,.;__ r_.3_1:;:;:I., i_l_;,_u-it ;_£;.- 9292j._i._92 $3:-E §§,lp;»__.__._ 1&#39;7 1 e:-&#39;~.~=*_ _:_&#39;H,-&_:7_._, ,4;__&#39;ff_":_f§;_-,,__ ;.,-,.»;;;%-;; -Si-I. -_._;_,$-I,,t_1§. -;&#39;{-1!! v_:;.-a_..=- - &#39;=..~"»1,;&#39;i?_&#39;t;=%t-;-hi - - - -F%l15&#39;¢¥"¬-2#rr;&#39;§:§¢,%,»*&#39;:*v::¢-.-- , .-,-_,_. 92- P92O-? . _-.1,&#39;;<I_-_t&#39; I-_________~_,_<<;;,. -<=?.§&#39;!&#39;-=¢>.~=-;r:11*&#39;E::_:;**:"";: I I - - &#39;"..f~"&#39;.1e".-,;.-.-.- -:- - = F" Bi: - ~;&#39;,";;,&#39;,$:;,&#39;;,;3/Z _I I u, I . __ ...-..-I».-.1..--.=.. Ii &#39; I I #7?! _ _ . - ,4 gr. ,. _ _ . - _,_ _....__. .......m.._ _ . ,_.______......_.._..__....-.»-~e--A--»., kw - _ &#39; . 92 __,&#39; - 92 K _ V - - -&#39;-{Q. - 1&#39;. .. .0 4 92 -1 I . .,&#39; &#39; . : - 9 " 1 " . 3,:-_ --&#39; .&#39; =-. , &#39; -? -;&#39;;. &#39; I Q. fl" tvg. J9 ~ 7-V. - W _ ~" - t &#39;.-_92.&#39;,.l.&#39;. -Q - . - - X 1+ P=&#39;.&#39;I&#39;_-h - . - 4&#39; * ~. &#39; _: __ ._92 -. - I v _. &#39; &#39; _&#39;.. - - 2» ,..._-*>4 . t _ _ . ..__ » - . ..- , . .-. - 1-_ I .3. .r{ .... ...&#39; .- . __ 1 -3&#39;.,. A. Q 1,».. .... I. .1l=- , <-1 : -as&#39;?~?::»1.&#39;.~=-*":- &#39;. _{ -,r.. &#39; or the Generallteanll &#39;00 t.=5Tg"&#39; / » --,w» xoummxst o Ange ownswho ea, thetanker,ee that Calliroy,enhjeottorwhich hia 1| the repreaantatiwacorporation er aeaota,-?.??- ,z-1-ea! -- broker.
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