· July 18, 1977 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 23617 tables on the refugee problem in South­ As Chairman of the Subcommittee on Ref­ Displaced persons in Thatland Resettled since ugees in recent years, I have closely followed 1975 as of June 30, 1977 . east Asia. the humanitarian problems of the Indochina There being no objection, the material Australia -------------------------­ 718 Peninsula, including those in the aftermath Austria-··-------------------------- 134 was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, of the war. And I am extremely hopeful that Belgium __ --------________________ _ 32 as follows: in cooperation with international organiza­ U.S. SENATE, Canada --------------------------- 503 tions and other countries, the United States F'ederal Republic of Germany _____ _ July 1, 1977. will respond generously and compassionately 326 The PRESIDENT, to these pressing human needs in Southeast France ---------------------------­ 28,246 The White House, Asia. Italy ------------------------------ 46 Washington, D.O. Many thanks for your consideration, Mr. Malaysia -------------------------­ 1,400 DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: I am writing to let President, and best wishes. Netherlands ----------------------­ 56 you know of my full support for the pending Sincerely, Norway --------------------------- 152 proposal to parole into the United States a EDWARD M. KENNEDY. United Kingdom __________________ _ 38 reasonable number of Vietnamese refugees USA ------------------------------ 18,500 scattered throughout Asia and displaced per­ "Boat cases" resettled as of June 30, 1977 Others -----------------___ ------__ 15 sons from Vietnam, Laos, and Kampuchea in Thailand. Australia --------------------------- 792 Given the growing number of these home­ Austria----------------------------- 20 Total------------------------ 50, 166 less people and the demonstrated need to Belgium ---------------------------- 27 Source: Department of State. maintain some flexibility in meeting our hu­ canada ----------------------------- 201 France----------------------------- 1,103 manitarian responsibilities toward them, I Federal Republic of Germany_________ 126 also wanted to recommend that the Attorney General be able to exercise his parole author­ Hong Kong------------------------- 27 HERBERT W. JOHNSON Israel ------------------------------ 66 ity on a continuing basis over the coming Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, it is with months and without a specified ce111ng on Netherlands ------------------------ 70 the number of entries into the United States. Norway----------------------------- 82 deep regret that we note the passing of Switzerland ------------------------ 71 Hopefully, as well, the United States will United Kingdom_____________________ 71 Mr. Herbert W. Johnson, Regional Di­ work more closely with the United Nations rector of the Veterans' Administration Paraguay --------------------------- 16 High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) USA ------------------------------- 658 in Winston-Salem, N.C., on July 6, 1977. and the Intergovernmental Committee for Herb Johnson served in that position European Migration to promote resettlement Total------------------------- 3,330 opportunities in other countries, and will for many years, and was highly regarded continue to support the material assistance Source: Department of State. by all who dealt with him. He was one and rehabilitation program of the UNHCR "Boat cases" waiting resettlement as of ·of the most competent and professional among the displaced persons who remain in June 30, 1977 individuals· in the Federal service, and Thailand. Malaysia --------------------------- 3,118 was completely dedicated to his work In a related matter, I fully support your Thailand ----__ --------------------- 2,097 efforts to pursue a policy of reconciliation and to the veterans he served. No matter Japan ------------------------------ 517 and normalization of relations with Vietnam, 527 how difficult the details of a particular and commend you for the initial progress Philippines ------------------------­ Indonesia -------------------------- 339 case may have been, Herb Johnson that has been made in recent weeks and Hong Kong/Macao ___________ :._ _____ _ 250 tackled it with enthusiasm and with the months. I share the hope of many Americans 160 that this process will continue, and that Singapore -------------------------- conviction that if there were any way Taiwan ----------------------------- 58 ways can be found to permit the United 38 at all to provide satisfaction to the vet­ States to contribute at an early date to the South Korea ____ -------------------- eran he would do it. He showed the same Brunei ----------------------------- 10 international humanitarian programs under­ Kuwait----------------------------- 7 compassion and understanding to even way in the war-affected areas of Vietnam. Of the most "routine" cases, and was always special concern, in this regard, are the severe Current total----------------- 7, 121 food shortages reported by the United immediately responsive to any and every Nations. Source: Department of State. request for information and assistance. It would be in the finest h umani tar ian Displaced persons from the Indochina Pe- Herb Johnson set an example of per­ tradition of the American people if our coun­ ninsula in Thailand as of June 30, 1977 sonal conduct and professional dedica­ try could provide food assistance to the From Laos ________________________ 67,536 tion that every one of us can look to people of Vietnam under United Nations From Vietnam_____________________ 1, 339 auspices. I would be pleased to work with From Kampuchea _________________ 10,971 for inspiration. I pay my respects to his you and your Administration to find ways to memory in appreciation for his always accomplish this humanitarian objective, cheerful helpfulness and for his years which would also contribute to the process Total----------------------- 179,846 of reconciliation and normalization of rela­ 1 Does not include 2,097 "boat cases." of service to the citizens of North tions with Vietnam. Source: Department of State. Carolina. E.XTENSIONS OF REMARKS WASHINGTON STAR LAUDS the Congress. There has never been a seem to have been resistible temptations for more honorable or more respected Mem­ one congressman, anyway. GEORGE MAHON Rep. Mahon became a member of the ber of Congress than GEORGE MAHON. He House Appropriations Committee when, as is Gentleman GEORGE, the very symbol of a young county attorney, he was elected to HON. J. J. PICKLE d~gnifled and effective public servant in Congress for the first time in 1934-the first OF TEXAS the Congress. representative of a new district taking in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The editorial follows: 25 West Texas counties. That it took so Monday, July 18, 1977 SALUTE TO MAHON much territory to make a congressional dis­ Forty-four years is a long time for a man trict tells something about the district. Very Mr. PICKLE. Mr. Speaker, with the to serve in Congress. Long enough to achieve few people because the farming is so hard recent announcement by Representative great power, and long enough, certainly, to and most of the oil is somewhere else. It's the GEORGE MAHON that he Will not seek re­ get into trouble over the use of power. part of Texas where they make an art form election to the 96th Congress, this Na-: The achievement of George Herman Mahon of jokes about how long it's been since it tion has to feel a genuine sense of loss. of Texas was to do the one without the other. rained. There will be another time when the Dean of the House of Representatives by vir­ The South was still solid for Democrats tue of a tenure longer than anybody else's, he back in the Thirties when Rep. Mahon first Members of this body will have a chance came to Washington, and the farmers of his to has a remarkably unblemished reputation to salute this courageous patriot who has go with the 44 years of service he will leave district were poor enough to respond to the worked selflessly for his country and his behind him when he goes home at the end of overtones of FOR's campaigns. Rep. Mahon State for more than a half -century but his present term, with no plans for running was one of the young Democrats fired by the I would like to insert an editorial from for office again. The money, the women, the New Deal vision, but it never made either a the Washington Star, July 16, 1977, edi­ drink and the intemoerances of empire­ statist or a. tax-and-tax-and-spend-and tion, which properly hails the Dean of building that have tarnished so many careers spend manipulator out ot him. CXX:III--1487'-Part 19 23618 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 18, 1977 Through the years that brought him to the give black-run and other minority bust- Rather than bemoan his own handicap, chairmanship of the Appropriations commit­ nesses a chance to get government con- he used his newfound time to make 1m­ tee ln 1964, making him the second or third tracts, to gain the experience and expertise proving the plight of elderly Americans most powerful member of the House, he was that would enable them to become stable his personal crusade He has been sue- stalwart against all the fiscal ingenuities of parts of our free enterprise system. · . big spenders bent on taking more out of the Well what happened? several white cessful m contnbutmg to the happmess Treasury than went ln. Yet his was the kind hustle;s rushed to the White House to argue: and respect of many senior citizens. of conservatism that took m111tary needs "Hey, man, this
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