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Young (University of Strathclyde) and the Editor A statement of the aims of the ICHRPI may be found on the .back cover. The journal publishes scholarly articles covering the \-vhole spectrum of the history of representative institutions up to the present day. Many of the articles will have been presented as papers at conferences of the ICHRPI, but the journal alsa vlelcomes ather contributions which fall V\Tithin its field of interest. Articles may be submitted in English, French and German. Books for review should also be sent to the Editor. Manuscripts should be sent to the Editor, Dr. Alexander Covvan, Division of Politics and History, School of Arts and Sciences, Northun1bria University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, United Kingdon1; email: [email protected]. Contributions should be typed in double-spacing and presented in accordance vvith the Notes for guidance at the end of this volume. SUBSCRIPTIONS AND BACK VOLUMES: Parlianzents, Estates and Representation is published annually in Novemb~r. A subscription to Volume 28 (2008) costs ~70; back issues are also available at ~70 and single parts at ~38 each. Prices include postage. Grders should- be sent to your usual bookseller or subscription agent, or direct to Custoll1er Services, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, Gower House, Croft Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 3HR, GB; telephone +44 (O) 1252 351804; fax +44 (O) 1252 351839; email [email protected]. Subscriptions are l10rmally sent by air-speeded delivery to addresses outside the UK. All back volUlues are currently available. PERMISSIONS: Requests for permission to re-use material published in the journal should be sent to Ashgate, Gower House, Croft Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 3HR, GB. The journal is registered vvith the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosevi,Tood Drive, Danvers, NIA 01923, USA. Users registered v\Tith the Center luay make copies provided that the ~appropriate fee is paid: US $6.00 for the Transactional Service and $3.00 + 50 cents per page for the Annual Authorizatíon Service. PARLIAMENTS, ESTATES & REPRESENTATION PARLEMENTS, ÉTATS & REPRÉSENTATION :k cover. The journal Volutne 27,2007 tory of representative Te been presented as es other contributions edited by l English, French and H.]. Cohn l, Division of Politics sity, Newcastle upon ;ntributions should be \Jotes for guidance at iaments, Estates and l to Volume 28 (2008) »8 each. Prices include iption agent, or direct ;roft Road, Aldershot, +44 (O) 1252 351839; ly sent by air-speeded :ntly available. lblished in the journal ot, Hampshire GUl1 ::::enter, 222 Rosewood Published by ASHGATE for the lter may make copies lsactional Service and International Comm1ssion for the History of . ~Representative & Parliamentary Institutions y of Representative on Internationale pour lication may be repro­ ansn1itted in any form Contents photocopied, recorded, n of the publísher. The International COfnn1ission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions - Commission Internationale pour l'Histoire des Assen1blées d'États: aims and achievements over seventy years, 1936-2006 1 John Rogister Comparative and theoretical thelnes L'invention de la décentralisatioll. Noblesse et pouvoirs interm.édiaires en France et en Europe XVII-XIXe siècles 11 A1arie-Làure LegaJ.1 ISSN 0260-6755 Representative institutions 1776-1876: ideology, estates and interests 19 f.R. Pole Verfassungseinheit und Gewaltenausgleich: Hegels Auseinandersetzung mit I\10ntesquieu 37 Cristiana Senigaglia The inf1uence of the Scottish covenant on the 'election' of representatives in the new Alnerican republic 57 Gideon A/ai/er Constitutional thought under the Union of the Netherlands: The 'Fundan1ental La\v' of 1814-15 in the polítical and intellectual context of the Restoration 77 Stefaan Marteel National representative institutions Le Parlen1ent et le pouvoir religieux dans le Portugal du Moyen .Àge 97 ¡l1aTia He/ena da Cruz Coe/ho =1n1in, Cornwall. VI Contents The Royal Prussian estates and the Kingdom of Poland in the years 1454/ 1466-1569. Centralism and particularism in reciprocity 111 Janusz JJJJaftek Henry VIII, Francis l and the Reformation Parliament 129 Peter R. Roberts The limits to royal power: contrafueros or actions against violations of privi1eges in the Valencian parliamentary asselublies until 1604 145 Renzedios FerrelYJ JJ1icó The braç reia! or royal estate of Valencia and Sardinia at the time of Philip IV 159 Lluís-J. Guia MarÍ1z The Scottish Parliament and the politics of empire: Parliament and the Darien Project, 1695-1707 175 John R. Young Aux origines d'une pratique parlementaire: présider l'Assemblée nationale constituante(1789-91) 191 Eric Anceau Between Parlialnent and the people: the problem of representation in France, 1934-39 207 Jessica lVardhaugh La diplomatie parlementaire au Cameroun: du point d'interrogation au point d'exclan1ation. Le cas de l'Union Parlelnentaire Africaine 227 Joel Narcisse A1eyolo The par1iament of Tatarstan, 1990-2005: vain hopes, or the Russian way towards parliamentary deluocracy in a regional dimension 239 lzJnaill. Sharifzhanov The history ofParliament: beyond 1832 251 Paul Seaward REVIE'WS 255 Clyve Jones, Philip Salmon and Richard \l\!. Davis (eds), Partisan Politics, PrincipIe and Refortn in ParliaJ7zent and the Constituencies, 1689-1880 (Sarah Richardson) ·Richard A. Gaunt (ed.), Unrepentant Tory. Political Selections ¡roIn the Diaries Contents Vll ~ years 1454/ o/the Fourth Duke ollVewcastle-under-Lyne, 1827-38 (Valerie CrolTIvvell) 111 Sabine Kempf, Wahlen zurStdndeversa'Jnrnlungiln Kó'nigreich Hannover 1848­ 1866 (Hans-Christof Kraus) 129 Paul Smith, A History olthe French Senate, vol. I, The Third Republic 1870­ 1940; vol. 11, The Fourth and Fifth Republics, 1946-2004 (Julian Wright) tions of )4 145 CarIo Sforza, Discorsi parlamentari (Valeria Ferrari) Sandro Guerrieri, L'ora del Maresciallo l1ichy, 10 luglio 1940: il conlerimento dei :11e of Philip IV 159 pieni poteri a Pétain (John Rogister) Gernot Sydow, Par!amentssuprenzatie und Rule of Law. Britische nt and the Veifasszt1zgsrelormen im Spannungsleld von \Vestminstet Parlialnent, Common­ 175 Làv·{-Gerichten und europdischen Einlliissen (Horst Dippel) Jlée nationale Notes for eontributors 265 191 ICHRPI/CIHAE Newsletter 267 ltation in 207 ogation au .ne 227 tussian way 239 251 255 - I tisan Politics, -1880 (Sarah '-oln the Diarjes © 2007 International Commission for the History of Representative for the & Parlian1entary Institutions / Commission Internationale pour l'Histoire des Assen1blées d'États. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be repro­ duced, stored in a retrieval systen1, or transn1itted in any form or by any n1eans, electronic, mechanical, photacopied, recorded, or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher. Published by Ashgate Publishing LÏ1nited Gower House, Croft Road, Aldershot, Halupshire GUll 3HR Great Britain Ashgate Publishing Con1pany Suite 420, 101 Cherry Street, Burlington, Vermant 05401-4405 USA Ashgate website: http://Y\TW\v.ashgate.colll ISBN 978-0-7546-6069-9 ISSN 0260-6755 Typeset by :LV[anton Typesetters, Louth, Lincolnshire, UK. Printed and bound in Great Britain by IvlPG Books Ltd, Bodmin, Cornwall. The braç reial or royal estate of Valencia and Sardinia at the tillle of Philip IV LLUÍS-J. GUIA MARÍN SUMMARY . This article examines the Valencian and Sardinian third estates' responses to Phillip IV's monarchical power. During his reign (1621-65), the political autonomy ofCagliari and Valencia was the target ofa special pressure by which their statutory powers, which they had enjoyed since medieval times, were systematically sabotaged. At each session of the kingdom's estates, in which Cagliari and Valencia held institutional and political pre-eminence, motives for friction with the Crown were made evident. At the same time, both cities often maintained tense relations with other royal municipalities, which refused to accept that they were interlocutors given preference by the monarchy when the time came to organize tax contributions. The king, in order to divide the estates and weaken resistance to his requirements, promoted this tension. This study of the structure and internal organization of people in the royal estate (of urban representatives) in the kingdoms of Sardinia and Valencia during the middle of the seventeenth century aims to highlight the similarities between the political and social trajectories of corresponding local oligarchies during a period that was crucial in the process of affirming the power of the Hispanic monarchy in each of its territories. During this process of affirming royal
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