The Stockland Gazette Gazette Job ESTABLISHMENT. yOSE& FOSTER, to w hich w / 2 S O Main Street. prepared i ___ r ____ _________ ••very variety of Job Printing, including "r «; it 3i S : Town KeporLs < atnlollies, 11 L lid stric tly in :h1v;um* - p e r nniiuui, $2.1 Posters, Shop Bills, Hand Biiicl grammes. Circulars, Bill H u i l.ctter Hca<Is, Law and C orm f ation Blanks,Receipts, Bill 1 o f L ading, B usiness, Ad- if dress and Wedding Cards, T ags, Labels, N O . 31. A^c., . V O L U M E 3 1 . LOCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, JULY !, 1870* PRINTING IN COLORS AND BKOlf will receive prompt attention. a<. one by oin*. the aged, home-.* k ex- J nine ons :d ilieif l ’oiiii. ami here ami ’ <»n Hie first Lord's tlav after its recep- ing o f the Kiiiinne •of fifty years a g o , we two stores fronting on that street. This bachelor, w ho obtained the soubriquet now Rockland. W(» shall perhapl iles from tin* Kader Land hail pa <1 on there oine oilier squatter among' brush I lion.” The hundredth."birthday of the should have set'll a long stretch of low building was afterwards removed to of “ I ieueral Pell.” be strictly accurate, yet not far, into that which is Better. a new gener- ami tree-trunks, might be dis 1 : | ever unassuming town of Warren, shore, with about thirty thirty-live corner of Alain and School streets, and Looking from the same poinl, across exactness. ! small lime kilns ation, younger, and lilt- d by familiarity at least, a little later, ai Bl.ieking- val with that of our great and Ire altered at intervals was burned in the great lire. At the the Iiehl towards llte southeast, we Beginning at Blaekington’s C*| along its bank? from their childhood t•» contend with the C’orner, in season to have hi-. country! Hearing she is to celebrate few of them with pro- time this store was built by Mr. Spof­ should have seen the Gordon house, we should lirst come to the Pal diifeidties arotiml ihem, had sprung up. house ami goodsgiven to the Haines by 1 he glad event upon this glorious eenten-' jeeting•wharves, but most having only ford, this corner was fenced in by a log n e a r (It** present corner of Sulfolk an d h o u se, on tlu* e a s t sid e o f th e ro a tf Stiil theirs was a. lot of poverty ami i the relentless foe ! .Vow, thousands ol nial Fourth, a few months in advance, breastwork at which wood might, be un- fence (probably placed there when the Pullon streets. This was an old-fash­ the corner. On the other side hardship vhieh few of the present d well- qniel homes, places of business, marts ' of the true (late, Nov. 7th. by a gather- loaded ami lime shipped in small craft, laud was lirs.t cleared) extending from ioned one-story will he hi'tti'i* JohnBlaekington house, where tlie| erso n th hanks of the pleasant Medo- of commerce, and thronged streets and in g of her people far up the heights of None of these kilns had sheds, which the present site of Berry’s stable, on remembered by many of onr middle Brown house now stands. Then mac cai understaml or believe in. churches, “• where men like bees do con­ her beautiful Mt. Pleasant, we too must, were a later improvement. T lie u U l- L im e Rock street, round nearly to th e ageil eitizensas llu; residence of “ Aunt the David Crockett, house, on the vemplury attendants on niin- ,11101*' o r “ C ro c k e tt” o r “ L o w e ll” 1'I lough i g re g a te .” “ break forth into singing,” and oiler Brook. Beyond this, on Lime Rock Sally Part ri* Ige.” Going on south, of the present Cellar street. Thi-, I ion: in the little log-hewn church A century ago the Fox Islands, lying her, most humbly, the following l’oillt (all of whi,-h names it lias borne) street, came an old-fashioned one story next we should have come to a red, one was then ami for some years the f their piety had reared, they seem not t» over against, this unborn city, and now ODE. would have been seen entirely devoid of house, where A. Berry’s livery stable story hotisi* belwcen Holmes slreet ami olliee. Where Mr. Chas. Smith I pvharves, kilns or buildings, but covered b .u misled by the prim-iple : of forming t lie towns of V ina r. 11 a vex ami olliee now is, owned by Hie Lindsey llu* p re se n t H a ll la n e , llien o cc u p ied b y was the house of David Watsoil • ir.i t C. nteit udb.J 0 e who loan hvr their Tory preaeher, old Dr. Schaetier, N’.nrrn II.w e x . were of far more im-l I with a second growth of .spruce and lit* heirs. On the opposite corner of Lime Hu* widow of Otis Robbins, dr. On then came the house of Jacob Chilli I trees, and used as a sheep pasture. This but, true their patriotic zeal, gave port:;nee ami greater priority. They Soft, round these purple wood-crowned hills, Rock street was a small one-story store, the other'side of the road, a little far­ afterwards known as tin* Hillman if » their country's defence: | had long been a favorite resort for the Point,” containing about (wentvi lliein selv The mists of ocean crept, built by the Ulmers and fronting on ther on, was the house (.'oil In g ra h a m , < In the west side near the present. their German names being noticeably early voyagers, on account of the •• s a f e And blue ns now, through bends and falls, was .then owned by Capt. Jonathan ' Main street. Turning up Lime Rock still slaiiiliug, ami some distance be­ I liner house, were two old <y frequent in the companies of soldiers ami convenient harbors” on every side, 'The George’s waters grandly swept, { wJekelt am, .Messrs. Philip and Mat- street, we should come to the two story y o n d am i h ac k fro m llu* ro a d , th e h ouse houses owned by Philip Ulmer, e that guarded our frontier in the trying' running in betw n proJecting bluffs on When on their way they swept, this day Ibises renter. It had been bought by brick building, containing two stores, of Dea. Henry Ingraham, on the site < C. ‘iTCX M A I, Di.LLS. east side, nearly opposite the t epoch we look back upon. Not yet bad a bold shore. Permanently settled One hundred years ago, , John Ulmer, the father of the last named built by Messrs John Spofford and of his present resilience. Then, pass­ Oliver Brown house, was the *f in niAJ.'.ui Without one bridge to span their tide, been enacted among them the b lo o d y about eleven years before, these island­ p e rso n s, lor a n a c re o f poor lime-roek, I Charles Holmes,the previous year. This ing Abraham Simonton’s house, still Henry Benner. On the same .q One hundred years ago! w hich a c re w a ' • - ■ . .•lfrv’.l black: lilhs i the tragedy which soon after took the life ers were now, in 177(5, entering upon a as allerwards sold to J a-! was destroyed in the great lire of Mav standing on the old Thomaston road, the corner of Lime Rock, wan vils i of one of their citizens in his own period of great trial ; being, in the pro­ Where Warren village now gleams white cob Ulmer, for S100. Looking in the ! 22d 1358. Where the Court House not far from the corner, we should have Issae Brown house. Ou ihgl Y«- liuiK in y o u r lofty lair. horn :—a scene of excitement that we gress of the Revolution, impressed, i d ire c tio n o l the present Atlantic and now stands, we should have seen th e found no other buildings till we reached corner of Lime Rock was~^3 Hour out from lower to tower. From out the elm-trees green, Railroad \\ hal ves, we should have seen birge two-story bouse of John Spolford T h e w rinkled «-n:isis an.l neu’op.-.t can scarcely imagine ami that must have some of tin into the British service Only one settler’s log-hut rose the old Robbins house, now the last Adams house. These were® T ill w inter nieeth the orange lire* rendered the name of Tory or British at Castine, amt others escaping from Midst wide-armed oaks ami pine’s dark screen ; ■ ••Ingraham s Point. Irom which they built in 1812 (now on Grace street) and house in Rockland, close to the South fashioned houses. Opposite, From bridal lands that always w« p arti.-an forever intensely and supreme­ their homes only to have their houses For our grandsircs, no hell-hung spires, 1 now extend, also mostly covered with a J the EliJah H olm es house—a small old- Thomaston line, iieyond this were the west side of the road, was the , The orani'e-blosJ-oins round their ly hateful in their ears.
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