-74 ..t.rcrVtr.,,,.. r . ", 0 ' 4^Az7 .. ' . DOCUMNIT ant= 2D 149 972 SE 023- 413 AUTHOR . We'sterhold, Arnold F.., Ed.; 'Bennett; Ernest C., . Ed. , _ TITLE : Ahanual of Simplified Laboratory Methods for . Operators of 'Wastewater Treatment Facilities.. INSTITUTION' Illinois State Epvircidental.Protection Agencyc , .. - 'Springfield.. PUB DATE Apr 74 NOTE 94p.; Pages 1-1 through 1-12 (General Introduction) removed due to copyright restrictions; Section 8 'missing; Contains occasional light type; Best Copy / Available EDRS PRICE .M7-$0.83 HC-$4.67 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS, Chemistry; Environmental Education; *Environmental Technicians; Independent Study; *Instructional Materials; Job Skills; *Laboratory Tchniques; *Pollution; *Post Seccndary Education; Public Health; *Water Pollution Control IDENTIFIERS cf*Waste Water Treatment ABSTRACT . ./ This manual is designed to provide the seall wastewater treatment plant operator, as well as the new or inexperienced operator, with simplified methods for laboratory analysis of'water"and wastewater. It is emphasized that this manual is not a replacement for standard methods but a guide for plantswith insufficient equipment to pefform analyses ifi..accordance with ,standard methods. Eacj, of the sections is designed to becomplete I within itself. The tests and measurements 'presented include: acids, biochethical oxygen demand (BOD);40674plved oxygen, residues, sludge, a'nd suspended solids. (CS) el. -V or 4. ***********44*************************************i*******i*******4S*** I4 * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the test that can be made' * ffom the original document. * *********************4****************1!**********************A******* " US DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH EOL,CATIOk& WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EOUCATION HAS BEEN REPRO - jy6` E 4S PECF,VED FROM T .E PE w,LN k.)k ,,w,ANZA TION -T STA'ErT:O"r NOT N; CFSSAWIY ECiA'w)N POI ICY EATMENT 14CILITIE5 .- .theIllinois,EnirlronnientalProtection Agency', P,r0"1 F,ENROCI't E THIS ,r1.Tf)1 H ,,RANTED BY epienne Pf4, 7,;I L OLCCE-`, 1,," IW ENT E AV` f-,F c,11 ,1 Arnold -Westerhca4, -Co-odina,tor 14-sriflion gf 'LaboratorySOfi4Ole rn C. Benn?4,,:-P4-2,,Manage ,OPeint' r. toitifica#On s& ;Training-.L )Misionof Water A MANUAL OF SIMPLIFIED LABORATORY, METHOD F0110:0PERATORS OF,.WASTEWATER4-REAT'VENTFACILITIES Compiled by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Editors: ,Arnold F. Westerhold Co-ordinator of Chemistry, - Division of Labdratory ServicesN Ernest C. Bennett, P.E., Manager Operator Certification &° Training Unit Division of Water. follution Control 1 a * * 4)* * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * ** * *.* * * * * * * ,. ..DISCLAIMER: Meet ion oftrade names or commercial products does not constituteendorsement by the Illindis Environmental ProtectionAgency. 100 % Ritcycled Naar - . TAW OF CONTENTS PREFACE Section INTRODUCTION TO TESTING 1 . 1. General introduction 2. Grades and qualities of chemicals 3. Form of chemicals 4. Sampling of sewage 5. Glass' volumetric apparatus-care and han ng 6. Laborato y apparatus and supplie's 7. Colorimetry LABORATORY TESTSAN4'MEASUREMENTS Acids, organic 2 (colorimetric method) Acids, organic 3 (column chromatographic method).. Acids, volatile 4 Activated sludge settleability 19 Alkalinity 5 Biochethical oxygen demand Chlorine, residual Cyanide . (colorimetric method) \ Density index, sludge 21 Dissolved oxygen Loading, Plant Mixed liquor( suspended_ solids (MESS) 10\ , Organic acids 2;.3 : Oxygen demand, biochemical (Graduate dilution method) I, '; Oxygen,_ demand, biochemical 10 ' (Simplified non-standard method) pxYge< dissqlved, effluent 11 Oxygen, dissolved, mixed liquor 12 Oxygen, demand index 13: pH 14 Plant loading 8, Residue, on evaporation 15' 4 Re4idue, suspended; mixed liquor MSS), 16 Residue, suspended, total and volatile, 17 Residual, chlorine 6 Return sludge (MLSS) 16 -r ( Settleable matter 18 ; (Imhoff. cone technique) Settleabili'ty (activated sludge) 19 Sludge, age / 20 6, Sludge, density index 21 . Sludge, sol.dp, total and volatile 22 (Anaerobic digesters) Sludge, volume index 23 Solids (see: Residue) Suspended aolids (total and'volatile) 17- Temperature ' ,24 Volatile acids 4 '(also see: Acids,. organic)' Some tests -occasionally use4 by treatment plant operators are complex,and beyond the capability of most operators or waste- treatment plants and are nat Ancluddd here.For'these*proceddres" follow the detailed-procedures contained In the current edition of 1Standard Methods 'for 'the Examination of Water, and Wastewater ", pr consult with-your nearest consulting laboratory or consulting' engineering firm. 9 r- - . 0 P p PREFACE . 'Standard,Methods for the analyses pf,water and wastewater has long "been established as the accepted authority on laboratory methods for use in water and wastewater treatment facilities' laboratorieg.'Where labora- tories are adequately equipped, and technicians properly,trained, it should continue to be the guide for all laboratory analyses: However, in,Mauy small Plants, laboratories are insufficiently equipped' to perform analyses in accordance with StandardMethods. other cases, new or inexperienced operators lac ji the technical knowledge and,training necessary to properly utilize Stanard Methods.;,In these instafices, simple but adequate analytical methods are requiredin order to,provide the-operaor with inforTation necessary to intelligentprocess control decisions. This manual then is an attempt to provide the small plant as well as the new or inexperienced operator;, with simplified methods _ for laboratory analysis.of water and wastewater. Although not.netes-, sarily as accunkte as the methods outlined in Standad,Methods4, the results of these analyses will generally be adequate for their,intended purpose. In a number of cases, it is not felt that there is a practical, simplified method and so:the laboratory technician is referred to Standard Methodsfor the apptopriate method's of analysis. In all'. cases where a simplified'laboratory method is not provided or where the operator believes his equipment and personal technical mastery,sufflcient,StandaM Methods shOuld be employed: This manual would be incoulete if appropriate credit were not given to those whose "eAra lets hgve made 4 possible. Credit must be giyen to the Division LabOratory,Services, and in particUlar to Mr. Arnold Westerhold who has served as an editor of this manuq,and,, to his able assistant DD1 David Schaeffer. Mr: Westerhold and-br. Schaeffer have assembled; edited;'eested, and in a numberof "intances' dereloped the Simplified methods presented. Their technical and professional ex pertise have been relied upori heavily in determining the contents of,this manual. Credit must also ye given to the American Water Works Association publishers of AWA. Manual M12 and t.LDr. Kenneth D. Kerri; Sacramento StateColleige-, Sacramento California, under whose direction the Environ- ment 1 Protection Agency manual Operation of Wastewater Treatment Plants. was prepared, for their kindly peritieting us to reproduce parts of their respective publications. Wherever such reprodpction has occurrecl, we beligye appropriate credit has been noted. $ The design, printing,Nand distribution of the manual has been under the direotioa of the Operator Certification and Training Unit of the A -Division ofWater Pollution Control; Ernest Bennett; P.E., Manager Of the Operator Certifitation,and,Training Unit, has served as an editor of the manual. As with any work of this .nature, some errors are a 81. ) a et' 4. 4 likely to slip pb.st*the ciosesr proofreadin tie e apolcgize for any inbonVeniencesuch errbrs nay .cause.andtrust that out? readers will bringithem to our attentionso they may be corrected in subsequent editions. This Manual hasebeen formatted ln what issome times teemed an "evergreen"*document. ; Each section is designed to be complete in itself With,fhe manualas -a whole.beIng designed so that individual ,sections may be added, deleted, or updated without destroying the usefulness.of the entiiemanual. As new sections are developed,and old section revised, it' will be possible for the individualoperator, and laboratory technician to add to or correct hks existingmanual, so that it As als.ays evergreen". We, trust that the intended user will j. 'find the three-hole punched secgdolalizedformat both convenienp and useful. Your-comments and recommendations for future publication will be appreciated. Questions indcsomments should be'addressed to; Manager, Operator Certification and Training Unit,Division offtWater 'Pollution Control, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Suing-- , field, fllinois,62706. , Ern9s N: 43ennett, P.E.,. Manager Operator Certification acid Training Unit Division of Water ROA.ution Control Illinois Environmental Protection Agency T 8 April, 1974 9. r 7 4 - IP r \ -)s 1.1 s ala t RAGES 1 -1 THROUGH1-1924-CGENERAL INTRODUZTIONY REnOVED PRIOR TO BEING SHIPPED 140 EDRS DUE° TO COPYRIGHT RESITRICTIONS V a' S -.4 . t f . - _/./ . :-p GRADES AND QUALITIES OF CHEMICALS Chemicals are made in,several glades based on,quality or purity. These qua ities are, designated bynames which vary so ewhat ,among manufactur,ars. In general, the quality df .chemicals use in testing must be high. It will be ecessary-for the, purchaser o , . read the quality-de'signations.in the catalog being used, since' desighations,vary considerably with manufacturers. Although no r complete, the follotaing list, twillgive some. ideaof, the grades o - 'chemicals available: . -s 1. Primay standards
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