Systematic Index The systematic index contains the scientific names of all taxa mentioned in the book e.g., Anisonema sp., Anopheles and the vernacular names of protists, for example, tintinnids. The index is two-sided, that is, species ap - pear both with the genus-group name first e.g., Acineria incurvata and with the species-group name first ( incurvata , Acineria ). Species and genera, valid and invalid, are in italics print. The scientific name of a subgenus, when used with a binomen or trinomen, must be interpolated in parentheses between the genus-group name and the species- group name according to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. In the following index, these paren - theses are omitted to simplify electronic sorting. Thus, the name Apocolpodidium (Apocolpodidium) etoschense is list - ed as Apocolpodidium Apocolpodidium etoschense . Note that this name is also listed under “ Apocolpodidium etoschense , Apocolpodidium ” and “ etoschense , Apocolpodidium Apocolpodidium ”. Suprageneric taxa, communities, and vernacular names are represented in normal type. A boldface page number indicates the beginning of a detailed description, review, or discussion of a taxon. f or ff means include the following one or two page(s), respectively. A Actinobolina vorax 84 Aegyriana paroliva 191 abberans , Euplotes 193 Actinobolina wenrichii 84 aerophila , Centropyxis 87, 191 abberans , Frontonia 193 Actinobolonidae 216 f aerophila sphagnicola , Centropyxis 87 abbrevescens , Deviata 140, 200, 212 Actinophrys sol 84 aerophila sylvatica , Centropyxis 87 abbreviata , Vorticella 109 Actinorhabdos 73, 211, 216f aeruginosa , Trichotaxis 73 abdita , Afroamphisiella 140, 197 Actinorhabdos trichocystiferra 110 aeruginosa , Trichototaxis 81, 196 abdita , Lamtostyla 70, 140 Actinorhabdos trichocystiferrus 184 aesculacantha , Hastatella 93 Acacia 150 Actinorhabdos trichocystiferus 67, 183, 197 affine , Gonostomum 93, 140 f, 202 Acacia erioloba 157, 168 Actinosphaerium eichhornii 84 affine , Zoothamnium 347 Acanthamoeba 314 aculeata , Grandoria 93 affinis , Euplotes 92 Acanthamoeba sp . 323, 328 aculeata , Stichotricha 105 affinis , Oxytricha 140 Acanthamoeba spp . 313, 315, 324 aculeatus , Dileptus 193 africana africana , Rostrophryides 83, 140, acanthocryptum , Ctedoctema 89, 110, 344 aculetata oblonga -like , Centropyxis 87 208 Acanthodiophrya almae 192 acuminata , Frontonia 92, 257, 344 africana , Apocolpoda 67, 192 acanthodus , Euplotes 140, 201 acuminata , Lagynophrya 95 africana etoschensis , Rostrophryides 66, acarus , Mesodinium 96 acuminata , Maryna 78, 96 140, 208 Acer negunda 347 acuminata , Salpingella 417 africana , Holophrya 77, 194 aciculare , Spathidium 72, 140, 208 acuminata , Strombidinopsis 420 africana , Oxytricha 70, 140, 205 acidophila , Chlamydomonas 300 acuminata , Urosoma 108 africana , Rostrophryides 72, 103, 140 Acineria 84 acuminatum , Colpidium 88 africana , Rostrophryides africana 83, 140, Acineria incurvata 84, 344 acuminatus , Conchopthirus 350 208 Acineria nasuta 84 acuminatus , Tropidoatractus 108 africana , Sterculia 169 Acineria uncinata 84 acuta , Amphisiella 67, 140 africana , Teuthophrys 111 Acineta flava 84 acuta , Amphorellopsis 417 africana , Teuthophrys trisulca 83, 106 Acineta grandis 84, 345 acuta , Avestina 86 africana , Tracheloraphis 111 Acineta tuberosa 84 acuta , Condylostoma 193 africanum , Paramecium 140, 206 acinus , Anisonema 84 acuta , Cyrtolophosis 90, 140, 200 africanum , Trachelophyllum 72, 140, 210 aciphyllum , Chorisodontium 178 acuta , Geleia 193 africanus , Prorodon 195 acrobaticus , Stentor 104 acuta , Grossglockneria 69, 93, 140, 202 africanus , Tracheloraphis 196 Acropisthiidae 81, 84, 168, 215 ff acuta , Paramphisiella 79, 206 Afroamphisiella 73, 75, 211, 216 Acropisthiina 81 acuta , Tintinnopsis 266 Afroamphisiella abdita 140, 197 Acropisthium 84, 168, 211, 215 f acuta , Urosoma 196 Afroamphisiella multinucleata 67, 166, 197 Acropisthium mutabile 84, 168, 197 acutum , Loxophyllum 194 Afrophrya 73 acropodia , Phryganella 100 acutum , Stegochilum 104 Afrophrya camerounensis 75 Acrospathidium sp . 251 adami , Anteholosticha 140, 197 Afrophrya macrostoma 75 acrostoma , Semiplatyophrya 72, 140, 208 adami , Archiastomata 67, 112 Afrothrix 73, 211, 216 acrostomia , Askenasia 67, 85, 140, 198 adami , Holosticha 69, 113, 140 Afrothrix darbyshirei 67, 112, 151, 197 Actinobolina 84, 216 admirabilis , Histriculus 69, 194 Afrothrix multinucleata 67, 166, 197 Actinobolina multinucleata 67, 166, 197 aediculatus , Euplotes 92, 140, 201, 413 f agiliformis , Urosomoida 73, 108, 141, 189 Actinobolina radians 84 aediculatus , Euplotoides 284 agilis , Pseudomicrothorax 102 Actinobolina smalli 84, 136, 178, 197 aegyptia , Flamella 187, 202 agilis , Urosomoida 108 425 agilis , Urotricha 108 amphacanthus , Coleps 88, 141, 199 anguilla , Dileptus 142 Akanthamöben 319, 325 amphikineta , Hemimastix 69, 93, 187, 202 anguilla , Spathidium 103, 142, 208 aklitolophon , Holophrya 77 Amphileptidae 216 f anguillula , Dileptus 90, 142, 200 akrokomos , Mallomonas 332 Amphileptina 84 angulata , Metacylis 420, 422 alba , Beggiatoa 86 amphileptoides , Dileptoides 142 angusta angusta , Frontonia 83, 142, 202 albus , Stentor 104 amphileptoides , Dileptus 142 angusta , Buitkampia 68 alekperovi , Bryometopus 110 amphileptoides , Dimacrocaryon 90, 142, 200 angusta , Frontonia 92 alfredkahli , Oxytricha 110 amphileptoides , Rimaleptus 142 angusta , Frontonia angusta 83, 142, 202 alfredkahli , Trimyema 107 Amphileptus 84, 216 angusta obovata , Frontonia 66, 142, 202 algicola , Gonostomum 93, 141, 202 Amphileptus carchesii 84 angusta solea , Frontonia 83, 191 algivora , Chilodonella 141 Amphileptus claparedii 84 angustipilosa , Hartmannula 193 algivora , Keronopsis 78 Amphileptus piger 75, 84, 173, 197 angustistoma , Pseudomonilicaryon 72, 142, algivora , Pseudochilodonopsis 80, 101, 141, Amphileptus pleurosigma 75, 84 207 207 Amphileptus plurivacuolatus 75 angustivittata , Tracheloraphis 111 Alinostoma 84, 216 Amphileptus procerus 84 Anictostoma 73, 84, 158, 211 Alinostoma burkli 67, 112, 147, 197 Amphileptus punctatus 75, 84 Anictostoma grelli 67, 112, 158 Alinostoma plurivacuolatum 192 Amphileptus rotundus 75 Anictostoma terricola 67 Allotricha antarctica 155 Amphileptus spp . 344 Anigsteinia 217 almae , Acanthodiophrya 192 Amphileptus utriculariae 185 Anigsteinia clarissima 149, 197 almae , Almophrya 155, 192 Amphisia diademata 151 Anisonema acinus 84 almae , Dicoelophrya 193 Amphisiella 84, 216 Anisonema sp . 84 almae , Metaradiophrya 194 Amphisiella acuta 67, 140 annulata , Amphisiella 142, 197 Almophrya almae 155, 192 Amphisiella annulata 142, 197 annulata , Cothurnia 89 Alnetum viridis 142, 167, 175, 177, 181 Amphisiella antarctica 192 annulata , Holosticha 142 Aloe dichotoma 166, 168, 174 f, 179 Amphisiella australis 67, 84, 145, 192, 197 Anomalocardiae brasiliana 142 aloisi , Gastronauta 92, 141, 202 Amphisiella binucleata 75, 84 anomalocardiae , Myxophthirus 136, 142, 204, alpestris alpestris , Odontochlamys 83, 141, 205 Amphisiella binucleata binucleata 82 213 alpestris biciliata , Odontochlamys 66, 141, 205 Amphisiella binucleata multicirrata 66, 146, Anopheles 314 ff , 319, 324 f, 328 alpestris , Chlamydonella 68, 88, 141, 199 197 Anopheles gambiae 328 alpestris , Epistylis 69, 91, 193 Amphisiella dorsicirrata 111 Anophryoides haemopila 397 f alpestris , Holosticha 112 Amphisiella edaphoni 152, 197 Anoplophrya marylandensis 397 f alpestris , Litonotus 70, 95, 194 Amphisiella elegans 67, 153, 197 Anoplophryidae 216 f alpestris , Metopus 70, 194 Amphisiella faurei 192 anser , Dileptus 90, 142, 200 alpestris , Odontochlamys 70, 98, 141, 191 Amphisiella longiseries 67, 163, 197 anser , Vibrio 142, 212 alpestris , Odontochlamys alpestris 83, 141, 205 Amphisiella magnigranulosa 67, 84, 164, 197, antarctica , Allotricha 155 alpestris , Pseudocyrtolophosis 71, 102, 141, 284 antarctica , Amphisiella 192 207 Amphisiella multinucleata 67, 166, 197 antarctica , Deschampsia 142 alpestris , Trithigmostoma 73, 196 Amphisiella namibiensis 67, 168, 197 antarctica , Grimmia 170 alpestris , Vorticella 73, 196 Amphisiella perisincirra 75 antarctica , Maryna 70, 142, 204 alpini , Rumicetum 161, 177 Amphisiella polycirrata 67, 84 antarctica , Metanophrys 191 alpinum , Enchelydium 68, 193 Amphisiella procera 67, 174, 197 antarctica , Notohymena 70, 142, 205, 289 alpinus , Dileptus 90, 141, 200 Amphisiella quadrinucleata 67 antarctica , Pseudomaryna 80 Alveolata 314 f, 333 Amphisiella terricola 84, 181, 197 antarctica , Thigmokeronopsis 142, 209 alveolata , Pelagothrix 79 Amphisiella vitiphila 75, 186, 197 antarctica , Tontonia 142, 209 alveolata , Urotricha 108 Amphisiellidae 84, 216 f antarctica , Urosomoida 73, 142, 210 alveolatum , Monodinium 78 Amphisiellides 73, 84, 216 antarcticum , Buehringa 142 alwinae , Australothrix 67, 112, 141, 198 Amphisiellides atypicus 75 antarcticum , Intranstylum 192 amarus , Prorodon 195 Amphisiellides illuvialis 67, 160, 197 antarcticum , Kentrophyllum 142, 203, 213 ambigua , Frontonia 193 amphorella , Codonella 268 antarcticum , Strombidium 142, 209, 214 ambigua , Urosoma 141, 164, 210 Amphorellopsis 421 antarcticus , Litonotus 143, 204 ambiguum , Spirostomum 104 Amphorellopsis acuta 417 antarcticus , Placus 143, 189 Americana , Codonellopsis 420 amphoriforme , Astylozoon 85 Anteholosticha 216 americana , Uroglena 332 amphoriforme , Epispathidium 77, 91, 142, 201 Anteholosticha adami 140, 197 americanum , Blepharisma 86, 141, 198 amphoriforme rectitoratum , Epispathidium 77 Anteholosticha
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