1894. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 4653 3; The Retail Clerks' Union; Barbers' Union; Bookbinders and By Mr. SHE:CL: Petition of I. R. Marshall and others, citizens Hulers' Union; Trunkmakers' Union; Furniture Movers' Union; of Columbia, S. C., favoring the passage of the Manderson­ Local, No. 98, of United Association of Journeymen Plumbers; Hainer bill-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post­ Carpenters and Joiners' Union No. 10; Brotherhood of Painters, Roads. No. 37; Detroit Division, No. !,Brotherhood of LocomotiV'e En­ By M1·. CHARLES W. STONE: Petition of 104 citizens of gineers; the German Typographical Union No. 21; Metal Pol­ Pleasantville, Pa., in favor oi the passage of House bill 5246, ishers' Union No.1; Detroit Street Railway Employes' Associ­ to restrict immigration-to the Committee on Immigration and ation, and .Machinery Molders' Union, in support of govern­ Naturalization. mental ownership of telegraphs-to the Committee on the Post­ By Mr. UPDEGRAFF: Petition of Dyke & Olds, of Charles Office and Post-Roads. City, Iowa, against any increase in the rate of postage on news­ Also, observations of Charles E. Miller, member of Columbia papers-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. Typographical Union, No. 101, of Washington, D. C., on the Also, petition of P. J. Oswold, of Cresco, Iowa, against an in­ same subject-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post­ come tax on national building and loan associations-to the Com- Roads. ( mittee on Ways and Means. • Also, protest of the following Evangelical Lutheran congre­ By Mr. WISE: Petition of Richard M. Taylor and others, of ~ations of Detroit, Mich.: St. Peters, Stepheness, Emmaus, Richmond, Va., to exempt beneficial societies from income tax­ Bethel, Zions, Trinity, and Bethany, against the proposed change to the Committee on Ways and Means. in the preamble of the Constitution of the United States-to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, resolutions of Lincoln Council, No.1, Junior Order of United American Mechanics; Wolverine Council, No.2, Detroit SENATE. Council, No.3, in favor of restricting immigration-to the Com­ mittee on Immigration and Naturalization. SATURDAY, May 12, 1894. By Mr. HARRIS: R~solutions by the Butler County (Kans.) Alliance, in favor of right of petition-to the Committee on Re- The Senate met at 11 o'clock a.m. vision of the Laws. Prayer by Rev. BYRON SUNDERLAND, D. D., of the city of By Mr. McCREARY of Kentucky: Petition of Mallory C. Washington. Corey for pension-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. The Vice-President being absent, the President pro tempore By Mr. McETTRICK: -Petition of Nathan Hatch and others, took the chair. that publications of fraternal societies or regularly incorporated The PRESIDENT p1·o tempore. It being perfectly apparent institutions of learning shall be admitted to the mails as second- that there is no quorum present, the Secretary will call the roll class matter-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post- of the Senate. Roads. The Secretary called the roll, and the following Senators an- By Mr. McRAE: Petition of J. A. Proctor, executor of J. B. swered to their names: Rumph, deceased, praying that his claim be referred to the Allen, Daniel, Hunton, Patton, Court of Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. ~~~~· Davis, fo~s, Ark. ~~~~fns, · By Mr. MAHON: Petition of Methodist Preachers' Associa- can, B~~~ McLaurin, Sherman, tion of Harrisburg, Pa., in relation to providing for chaplains, Chandler, Frye, McPherson, Turpie, ~!~~~ls, etc:, for the Army-to the Committee on Military Af- ~l~m, ~~~~is. ~~~~}~·Wis. ~he. By Mr. FITHIAN: Petition of Bdyd&Ward,editorsandpub- Mr. ALLEN. Mr. President, is the Senate ready to transact lishers, Casey, Ill., protesting against an increase in postage on ousiness? secoad-classmail matter-to the Committee on the Post-Office The PRESIDENT pro tempore. No quorum being present, no and Post-Roads. business can be transacted. By Mr. HARTER: Petition and resolution of the Union Vet- Mr. ALLEN. I move that the Sergeant-at-Arms be directed eran Legion urging the passage of the per diem service pension to request the attendance of absent Senators. bill, to grant pensions for service in the Army, Navy, or Marine The motion was agreed to. Corps of the United States-to the Committee on Invalid Pen- The PRESIDENT p1·o tem.pore. The Sergeant-at-Arme will sions. execute the order of the Senate. By Mr. HICKS: Petition of citizens of Kingwood, Pa., and Mr.- MILLS, Mr. TELLER, Mr. COCKRELL, Mr. HOAR, Mr. vicinity,for the passage of House bill5246, for restricting immi- RoACH, Mr. QUAY, Mr. SHOUP, Mr. McMILLAN, Mr. JARVIS, gration-to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. Mr. PUGH, and Mr. VOORHEES entered the Chamber and an­ By Mr. HUDSON: Petition of Lincoln A. Lockwood and 19 swered to their names. others, Chautauqua County, Kans., against Wilson tariff bill- Mr. HALE (at 11 o'clock and 20 minutes a.m.). Has not the to the Committee on Ways and Means. call developed the presence of a quorum? Also, petition and resolution of State officers of Kansas, favor- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair is sorry to state ing the retention of Samuel Crocker as a member of a commit- not quite. · tee to reapportion Oklahoma Territory-to the Committee on Mr HALE. I notice that the seats on this side of the Cham- the Territories. ber are quite full, and I supposed there must be at least a quorum Bv Mr. MORSE: Petition of W. G. · Corthell, a citizen of here. Quillcy, Mass., and Joseph B. Leonard and 2 other citizens of Mr. ALLISON. Would it be in order to hke a brief recess? Avon, Mass., protesting against increasing the postage on books The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair holds that it is issued in serial form-to the Committee on the Post-Office and a1 ways in order to move a recess. Post-Roads. Mr. BLACKBURN and Mr. PETTIGREW entered the Chamber Also, petition of the Methodist Preachers' Meeting of Boston and answered to their names. and vicinity, indorsing that section of the army appropriation Mr. ALLISON. I move that the Senate take a recess of, say, bill relating to the employment of chaplains at army posts where twenty minutes. none are stationed-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. COCKRELL. I hope not. By Mr. PERKINS: Petition of W. J. Smith, O'Leary, Iowa, Mr. TELLER. I rise to a question of order. I do not under- and Kellion& O'Day, Danbury, Iowa, opposing increase of post- stand that the Senate can take a recess without a quorum. We ageonsecond-class.matter-to the Committee on the Post-Office can do nothing but request the attendance of absent Senators. and Post-Roads. The PRESIDENT pro te-mpore. The Chair sustains the ques- By Mr. PHILLlPS: Petition of 104 citizens of Butler County, tion ot order, and was in error in answering the Senator from Pa., for the passage of House bill 5246, restricting immigra- Iowa as the Chair answered, not thinking of the fact that we are . tion-to the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. proceeding without a quorum. It requires the Senate to take a By Mr. SIPE: Petition of Flatwoods Council, No. 965, Junior recess. Order United American Mechanics, of Flatwoods, Pa., praying Mr. SHERMAN. I ask that the list of absentees be called. for passage of Stone's immigration bill-to the Committee on Fifteen or twenty minutes have now elapsed since the attendance Immigration and Naturalization. of absent Senators was requested. Also, memorial of letter-carriers of Newark, N. J., favoring The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair directs the Secre- the passage of House bill 5294, regulating tenure ot position- tary to call the roll of absent Senators. to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. The Secretary called the names of the absentees. Also, memorial of Letter Carriers' Association, No. 258, of I Mr. BATE ent~red the Chamber and answered to his name. Reading, Pa., prefei!I'ing the passage of bill 5294, relating to Mr. DOLPH. It is at some inconvenience that we come hers tenure of position, to 6685, relating to salary-to the Committee so early, and there seems to ~e a loss of valuable time. :Many of on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. us would like to go out and v1ew the fresh verdure and get the 4654 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. MAY 12, fresh air. It is Saturday, also, and I move- that the- Senate' ad- dressed to me from Wi.ll.ia.m. C. Aka and James T. Price, of journ. MountErie,.ill., andA._J}. Mallory, of Batavia, Ill., in the na­ ],1r. CHANDLER. I think that would be a.. violation of the- ture of petitions, praying that the income tax on building- and unanimous agreement. · loan associations be stricken from the pending tariff bilL I pre- Mr. DOLPH. I did not know we we'I'e proceeding under a sent them as petitions, and move that they lie on the table. unanimous agreement. The motion was agreed to. Mr. CHANDLER.. 1t is my impression thatitwouldbeavio- Mr. ALLEN presented petitions of the Hooper Building and lation of it. Loan Association,_ of Hooper~ of the Mutual Building and Loan The PRESIDENT pro ternporeL Does the Senator from Ore- Association, of North Platte, and. of the M:adison Building and gon move that the Senate adjourn? Loan Association, of ~adison, all in tlie State of Nebraska, pray- .Mr. DOLPH. If. there is- such an agreement it was made in ing that building and loan at!s-ociations, national and local, be my absence; but I do not wish to-violate· an.y agreement which exempted from the .proposed income-tax provision of the pend- has been made.
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