Bulletin n. 0/2004 - December 2004 List of contents Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Arias-Salgado Montalvo, R. Acotaciones al ayer y al hoy del Estado de las Autonomías. in Cuadernos de pensamiento político, n. 1 No abstract available -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Erk Jan Austria: a federation without federalism in Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Vol. 34, n. 1, Winter , 1-20 No abstract available -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Brugger Winfried Communitarianism as the social and legal theory behind the German Constitution in International Journal of Constitutional Law, Vol. 2 n. 3 , 431 - 460 No abstract available -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Hildebrandt Achim, Wehner Joachim Deutscher Föderalismus als Exportmodell: Das Beispiel Südafrica in Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft , 14. Jahrgang (2004), Heft 1 No abstract available -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Hale Hanry Divided We Stand: Institutional Sources of Ethnofederal State Survival and Collapse Page 1/462 in World Politics, n. 2, vol. 56, january ABSTRACT: Federal states in which component regions are invested with distinct ethnic content are more likely to collapse when they contain a core ethnic region, a single ethnic region enjoying pronounced superiority in population. Dividing a dominant group into multiple federal regions reduces these dangers. A study of world cases finds that all ethnofederal states that have collapsed have possessed core ethnic regions. Thus, ethnofederalism, so long as it is instituted without a core ethnic region, may represent a viable way of avoiding the most deadly forms of conflict while maintaining state unity in ethnically divided countries. -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Donner Ruth Dual Nationality, Social Rights and Federal Citizenship in the US and Europe: the Reinvention of Citizenship in International and Comparative Law Quarterly, n. 4, vol. 53, october , 1041-1045 No abstract available -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Coghill Ken Federalism: Fuzzy Global Trends in Australian Journal of Politics & History , Volume 50, Issue 1, March , pp. 41-56 This article examines the operation of federalism from the perspective of complex evolving socio-political systems. Emerging forms of governance that operate through a mix of formal statutory instruments, culture and the effects of fuzzy logic rather than in accordance with formal constitutional provisions are examined. The paper will canvas the implications of this approach for certain specific areas of public administration within the Australian federation. -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Melica L. Federalismo e libertà. I modelli di Messico, Argentina e Venezuela in Teoria e diritto dello Stato, Vol. 1 / 04 No abstract available -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Knoblich Tobias J. Kunst- und Kulturförderung im föderativen System. Hintergründe und Probleme Page 2/462 in Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, Band 49, 2004 No abstract available -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Omid A. Payrow Shabani Language Policy and Diverse Societies: Constitutional Patriotism and Minority Language Rights in Constellations, Vol. 11, Issue 2 June , 193-216 No abstract available -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Feldman Jean - Philippe Les constitutions des Etats confédérés d'Amerique in Revue française de droit constitutionnel, n. 59 , 503 - 531 No abstract available -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Pandey Sanjay Lessons from Canadian Federalism: Mapping Canadian Federalism for India in International Studies, n. 4, vol. 41, october , 430-433 No abstract available -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Gabriel Paredi Los Estados federales y el derecho internacional. Las descentralizacion estatal y los sujetos del derecho internacional in Relaciones internacionales : revista publ. por el Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales , VOL.13, Nr. 26 , pag. 195-220 No abstract available -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Page 3/462 Fitzpatrick Robert K. Neither Icarus nor Ostrich: State Constitutions as an Independant Source of Individual Rights in New York University Law Review , Vol. 79 n. 5 , 1833 - 1872 No abstract available -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Riklin Alois Schweizerisches Staatsverständnis in Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart, Band 52, 2004 , 457-470 No abstract available -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Gordin Jorge P. Testing Riker´s party-based theory of federalism: the Argentine case in Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Vol. 34, n. 1, Winter , 21-34 No abstract available -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Pickerill J. Mitchell, Clayton Cornell W. The Rehnquist Court and the Political Dynamics of Federalism in Perspectives on Politics, issue 2, vol. 2, june , 233-248 ABSTRACT: The Rehnquist Court's federalism decisions have sparked contentious debate about the role of the Court in the American political system. This article examines the reasons behind the Court's revival of federalism and the controversy it has produced. The first part reviews the normative jurisprudential debate over the Court's role as it has been cast in the legal academy. In the second part, we turn to an historical-empirical, or “political regimes,” framework for understanding the role of the Supreme Court. Although this framework provides a better explanation of the Rehnquist Court's foray into federalism, the connections between this approach and normative jurisprudential debates remain important, and we explore them in the final section. The Court's recent jurisprudence on federalism reflects both consensus and division within the current political regime—consensus that federalism is an important value, but division over how best to protect that value. We argue that competing jurisprudential theories over the role of the Court illustrate these political divisions. Thus, this article highlights the special insights political scientists bring to the subject, but also demonstrates how the two approaches can be usefully combined to provide a more robust understanding of the Court's role in the American political system. -------- Page 4/462 Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Krane Dale The State of American federalism, 2003-2004: polarized politics and federalist principles in Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Vol. 34, n. 3, Summer , 1-54 No abstract available -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Fabbrini Sergio Transatlantic constitutionalism: Comparing the United States and the European Union in European Journal of Political Research, issue 4, vol. 43, june , 547-570 ABSTRACT: This article contributes to the European constitutional debate with a comparison of the constitutional evolution of the European Union and the United States. The European Union has more to learn from the American experience of constitutionalism than from any of its own Member States. Like the United States, the European Union will have a frame of government constitution that will try to order a system of multiple and concurrent communities of interests, as happened in America, and designed by an indirectly elected assembly. The European Union and the United States will continue to manifest many differences in other crucial aspects of their institutional and cultural development. However, although constrained by their respective historical and institutional paths, their constitutional evolution is making the Atlantic Ocean less wide than it used to be. -------- Section A) The theory and practise of the federal states and multi-level systems of government Subsection 1.The theory of federation Rubenfeld Jed Unilateralism
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