Immaculate Conception P A R I S H WEB: WWW.ICMALDEN.COMWWW.ICMALDEN.ORG 600 PLEASANT STREET · MALDEN, MASSACHUSETTS 02148 MASS SCHEDULE PARISH STAFF Monday-Friday: 6:30 AM; Saturday: 8:00 AM Rev. Albert L. Capone Pastor Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM Sunday: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 5:00 PM Rev. Francis E. Sullivan Parochial Vicar and12:30 PM Kenyan Mass in Chapel Rev. William D. Coughlin Senior Priest PARISH OFFICE: 10 FELLSWAY EAST Rev. James J. Barry Senior Priest MALDEN, MA 02148 Rev. James Sangu In Residence OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM MONDAY - THURSDAY Ms. Erin Keith Faith Formation 9:00 AM-2:00 PM FRIDAY [email protected] PHONE: 781-324-4941 FAX: 781-397-8571 Mrs. Sheila Reilly Business Manager [email protected] all Are Welcome! Ms. Rosemary Waldron Office Assistant We are most happy to welcome new members to our [email protected] parish community and invite new members to introduce Ms. Rosalind Mohnsen Director of Music themselves to a member of the Parish Staff. We want [email protected] to know and serve you. We pray that you will also Ms. Judy Doucette Cantor/Soloist become involved in your Parish by favoring us with your and Youth Choir prayers, presence, talents, and financial assistance Ms. Kristina Aste-Mayer Parish Ensemble according to your means. and Youth Choir Parish registration forms are available by contacting the Parish Office. Registered parishioners are asked to notify the Parish Office of any address changes. BAPTISM Baptisms are celebrated on the fourth Sunday of the month. To register for Baptism please call the rectory at 781-324-4941. Parents are required to attend a meeting on the Sacrament prior to the Baptism. RECONCILIATION Saturdays from 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM in the Chapel, or by appointment. MARRIAGE Please contact the Parish Office at least six months in advance of your anticipated marriage. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Anointing of the sick will be celebrated during the year on announced weekends at all the Masses or anytime by appointment. Call the rectory at 781-324-4941. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Adults wishing to become Catholics or complete the Sacraments of Christian Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) should contact the Parish Office for details. HOME BOUND Please inform our Parish Office of any family member who is ill (hospitalized or at home) or if anyone is unable to attend church services because of a disability, illness or age. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS All items for the parish bulletin may be submitted electronically in a Word document to the Parish Office by 12:00 PM on Monday. MARCH 29 2020 - FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT As our Churches have restricted access Immaculate Conception Parish for the health of our parishioners, will have Cardinal Sean O’Malley has directed Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament that the Priests may place the each day form 12:00 Noon to 5:00 pm monstrance with the Blessed Sacrament in the rectory window of the second-floor in the window of the rectory for the porch facing our parking lot. faithful to pray before the Lord Please, we ask that you remain in your while viewing the monstrance only from cars keeping the social distance we have their cars in the Church parking lot. been instructed to maintain. A LENT WE WILL NEVER FORGET! Uncertainty and anxiety are never welcome However, this Lent is different, we are working guests. Yet, as Catholics, we recognize they are part of with Cardinal Sean, the Archdiocese of Boston and our the journey. The Scriptures, the lives of the saints and our government leaders to be proactive in preventing the own daily lives are full of examples of men and women spread of Covid19. I encourage all our parishioners to who lived with uncertainty and fear in their lives. stay safe and healthy. If you are an older adult, have a Lent this year has become a time of tremendous chronic health issue, or have any signs of illness, please uncertainty and anxiety due to the coronavirus. The virus stay home for your own safety, and the safety of all Covid19 has shaped our Lenten prayer and Lenten around you. Please know that our priest, are celebrating practices in ways we did not expect or want. private daily Mass for our Parish, each of you and for We pray for those people around the world your families and your intentions. God is with us, support- who have died from this virus, and for those who mourn ing us as we make this Lenten Journey. them. We pray for the sick, the quarantined, all We never expected this Lent to be one that we healthcare workers and care-givers. We pray for civil will never forget. However, we do know that these days leaders and the scientists. May God guide them! of uncertainty and anxiety will not last forever. We know We pray for those who face economic anxiety by faith that God is will carry us through this crisis. You due to the virus, especially those who may lose much- and your loved ones are in the prayers of all the Priests needed pay or even lose a job. And, we pray for the of our Parish. Please pray for us, too! lonely and the afraid. God, hold them close! Sincerely in Christ, Here in Immaculate Conception Rectory, we are five priests living together. Three of those priests are in Father Albert L. Capone their 70s and like most of you, we all have underlying Please remember in your prayers the memory of health conditions. COVID-19 has forced us to take Ellen Fredrick and Angelina Rappoli whose precautions to attempt to stop the virus from entering burials took place this past week. May they rest in peace. our home. Normally, during Lent, Immaculate Conception Parish is open celebrating weekend Masses and daily Mass. At Daily Mass with would have a special collection Collection at Masses … $ 00.00 for the poor, to be given to the Saint Vincent de Paul in the mail $ 2,638.00 Society. We would prayer the Stations of the Cross on line giving $ 1,543.00 every Friday evening and Confessions would be heard Weekly Offertory - Total $ 4,181.00 not only Saturday afternoon but also on Wednesday Thank you for remembering our parish during evenings. We were suppose to celebrate the Anointing these troubling days. Your kindness is vital for of the Sick at all the Masses this weekend and planning the financial health and future of our Parish. Holy Week in the days ahead. 2 | IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH - MALDEN/MEDFORD CATHOLIC TV MASS FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT Monday-Friday: Mass live at 9:30 am on The Catholic TV Network And rebroadcasts 7 pm & 11:30 pm) Watch online LIVE on CatholicTV.com or on any mobile device. Saturday: 9:30 am - Pre-recorded Mass from Loretto Abbey in Toronto and at 7 pm - Mass live from the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and rebroadcast 11:30 pm Sunday: 8 am - La Santa Misa, Spanish Sunday Mass from Catholic TV and rebroadcasts 5:30 & 10 pm 10 am - Mass from the Basilica of the GOSPEL Sacred Heart at the University of Notre Dame 4 pm - Mass from San Antonio’s San Fernando Cathedral (in Spanish & English) 7 & 11:30 pm - Sunday Mass GOSPEL MEDITATION FOR THE FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 29, 2020 - FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT| 3 KEEPING A HOLY LENT Lent is a season of soul-searching and repentance. It is a season for reflection and prayer. Lent originated in the very earliest days of the Church as a preparatory time for Easter, when the faithful rededicated them- selves and when converts were instructed in the faith and prepared for baptism. In observing the forty days of Lent, we as Christians imitate Jesus’ withdrawal into the wilderness for forty days. Fasting is not simply to give up something for these forty days. It is an offering to God and a commitment to the world, a prayer for the poor, it can be your Young children have may have a difficult time prayer for the eradication of the Coronavirus. understanding Lent. One way of explaining Lent is that To help us continue on our Lenten journey I offer this it's a time to bring us closer to God. In our busy lives reflection by William Arthur Ward: we fill our selves with candy, buy new toys, play video games and watch television which makes us happy but FASTING AND FEASTING that happiness is temporary. During Lent we stop filling Lent must be more than a time of fasting. It should be a our lives with temporary happiness and make more joyous season of feasting. Lent is a time to fast from room for God. certain things and to feast on others. It is a season in which we should: The church encourages prayer, fasting and almsgiving during Lent as ways we can turn our hearts · Fast from judging others; feast on the Christ dwelling in them. and minds to God. During this time we attempt to · Fast from emphasis on differences; feast on the unity of life. incorporate activities in our daily lives which will · Fast from thought of illness; feast on the healing of God. strengthen us. Many people "give up" something · Fast from words that pollute; feast on the phrases that purify. important to them for the 40 days of Lent. To learn · Fast from discontent; feast on gratitude.
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