5O Cents 1VcY+s1i'iY act Branch Y 100 THE BUSINESSWEEKr ' C ailt 60617 ,d10 'orce. Base :r.S- ATSA KEWS'?AP.` la R rcoKUNKY 24, 1964L Transcontinent sale approved, but stricter McCann -Erickson raps reps, says it wants ownership rules may follow 27 the best spots or else 46 Baseball rights bring over $13.5 million; CBS -TV affiliates aim for a bigger slice package plan still under study 32 of the network's income 56 COMPLETE INDEX PAGE 7 MAXIMUM RESPONSE -that's advert efficienc WBALTV BALTIMORE "MARYLAND'S NUMBER ONE CHANNEL OF COMMUNICATION" inirr NATIr1NAI I V DCDDFCCNTCII DV Cr1vIADn DCTDV T1IEFFIGIES A SERIES OF FRAMEABLE ADworld CLOSE -UPS! heerny 7v 7 (FOCALAL fo¡Ntf (Z, # 24 WTReffigy TV SERIES FROM WHEELING, WEST VIRGINIA Scan Zoo Animals, Inc., Los Angeles, California NEW TOWER ... 529,300 TV HOMES Greater WTRF -TV Wheeling /Steubenville Industrial Ohio Valley .. A lively buying audience spending 51/2 Billion Dollars Annually .. Merchandising ... Promotion ... Rated Favorite! WTRF -TV Wheeling! vatrf Iv Represented Nationally by 316,000 watts network color (RED EYED SET? Write for your frameable WIReffigies, our adworld rloseup series!) WHEELING 7, WEST VIRGINIA The longer spän of station structure measures its length in years of séry -' ice along the foundation of community understanding and r meable walls with ready access full length above this foun daily flow of people a-rid ideas. In Houston; DIMENSION: LEN CO2 POST-MIX STARWHEEL sodium citrate carbonation SIX -PAIS PHOSPHORIC ACID Reseals Pre -mix Tandemizing acidulant alkali -dilution American Bottins of Carbonated Beverages MULTI -CITY TV MARKET Whatever your business language, U. 0.1 \ WGAL -TV translates it into sales IMION Channel 8 speaks the language of the people o in its widespread multi -city market. Viewers portly OIE listen, understand, and respond. To prove it, Channel 8 telecasts sales messages READING for practically any product you can name. .ANON HARRISBURG CA.YII. ........... 0 III .10111010.11/110 LANCASTER .ANI YORK CNAN.L. .WO CO LL. OM OMNI f, ll e.AN.I WGAL'TV OOMOVIN NAIN.L.O.O masn NAá.;eaNN SYMAINSTIO Channel 8 Lancaster, Pa. STEINMAN STATION Clair McCollough, Pres. t. Representative: The MEEKER Company, Inc. New York / Chicago / Los Angeles / San Francisco 4 BROADCASTING, February 24, 1964 High cost of politics Presidential election year off to ex- CLOSED CIRCUIT' pensive start for network television and radio news organizations. Current ity and information. Mr. Reinsch, mate 30% reduction in spot TV estimates expect total radio -TV net- who resides in Atlanta, will operate spending to take full effect next fall, work costs for coverage of GOP pri- from that place as well as from At- and even more drastic cut in print ex- mary campaigns and election in New lantic City and Washington. penditures. Agencies involved in shift Hampshire alone to reach and prob- that affects all major PM cigarette ably exceed $6 per vote. Commit- Action from MCA TV brands are Leo Burnett, Chicago, ments of one network (NBC) report- MCA TV is reportedly preparing to which placed NFL sponsorship, and edly have surpassed $2- per-expected- release to syndication two half -hour Benton & Bowles, New York. Latest vote level already. Balloting is March action -adventure series, Markham and published estimates showed PM spend- 10. Expected turnout: 100,000 to Wells Fargo. MCA TV's rationale is ing more than $5.8 million in spot 125,000 votes. that shortage of half -hour action series TV (gross rates) for year beginning Oct. 1, 1962, and ending Sept. 30, Sheridan for NCTA? on networks next fall and in syndi- cation will make these properties at- 1963 (BROADCASTING. Jan. 3). Is James B. Sheridan, chief of tractive, particularly on ABC -TV sta- Velotta leaves ABC FCC's Broadcast Bureau, under con- tions where it's felt certain that 10:30- sideration for paid presidency of Na- 11 p.m. time slot on several evenings Thomas Velotta, with ABC and its tional Community Television Associa- will be turned back to affiliates. predecessor, NBC, for past 37 years, tion? While no confirmation was has resigned as vice president, admin- available last week, there was no de- Slow world market istration, ABC News, effective March nial that his name had been advanced Recent sales of taped entertainment 1. He has not announced future plans in opposition to draft of Archer S. programs abroad -Danny Kaye Show, but is expected to continue in broad- Taylor, CATV operator and engineer Garry Moore Show, Red Skelton casting. Mr. Velotta joined NBC in of Missoula, Mont., who has been Show and Jackie Gleason Show -isn't 1928, moved to Blue Network which urged to accept interim presidency. encouraging to distributors as it might became ABC after separation from Position reportedly would pay $30,000 seem. They see no significant spurt RCA -NBC family in 1942. He was to $35,000 per annum. in activity for these "image- building named vice president in 1948. properties." Sales have been made Mr. Sheridan became Broadcast largely in few big markets, Britain and Educational? Bureau chief last March, succeeding Australia principally. Problem re- wonder wheth- Kenneth A. Cox who moved to corn- Georgia broadcasters mains: high costs of marketing be- confine missionership. He is economist er ETV stations should them- by cause of fees for music clearance and profession. He has been with selves to carrying ETV programs FCC residual to since 1941 for payments performers. rather than popular entertainment. and has served as adminis- Among trative taped series distributors would Eyebrows were lifted last week when assistant to both Fred Ford and Firestone Newton Minow. like to see overseas are Hour, it was learned that ch. 8 wGTv(Tv) Telephone Hour and Dinah Shore. Athens educational outlet had pur- Hocus pocus Those Florida renewals chased new film package. Some of titles: Lovers and Lollypops; Niide Is TV commercial currently on TV FCC's staff is finding its work cut in a White Car; Poor But Beautiful. for Anacin "hypnotic" in its affect on out for it in commission's new case - Feature films are used on station dur- viewers? FCC has received several by -case approach to overcommerciali - ing evening hours with State Depart- inquiries about Anacin commercial zation problem. Staff, fortnight ago, ment of Education running "pure" which dramatizes "fast" action and came up with 10 Florida AM's it sug- education during daytime. has sought opinion of expert in hyp- gested be questioned on commercial nosis if commercial could have such practices (BROADCASTING, Feb. 17). Smoking 'cures' effect on viewer. But commission wasn't satisfied with Federal Trade Commission has told Reinsch reconfirmed Commissioners Frederick W. Ford its investigators to guard against and Robert T. Bartley demanding schemes attempting to capitalize on Designation of J. Leonard Reinsch justification for letters asking explana- U. S. report on smoking. Some in- as executive director of Democratic tion of variation between promise and volve radio -TV and one under investi- National Convention and vice chair- performance. First result: matter was gation is per inquiry offer for Smoke - man of Democratic National Conven- passed over for week, with staff in- No -Mor (BROADCASTING, Feb. 17). No tion Committee became official last structed to dig up more data. Next re- complaints have been lodged to date. week as direct Johnson administra- sult could be staff decision perform- tion appointment. Mr. Reinsch, presi- ance of some of 10 wasn't so bad More gain than loss dent of Cox Broadcasting Corp., had after all, so that they would be According to association official, accepted call to direct his third Demo- dropped from list it submits to com- only one station has resigned from cratic convention prior to assassina- mission this week. National Association of Broadcasters tion of President Kennedy and action in protest against policies of Presi- last week was formalization of ap- Cut spot to buy NFL dent LeRoy Collins since NAB board pointment by new administration. Network's gain will be spot TV's voted 25 -18 not to take up his con- Mr. Reinsch's chief aides are ex- loss in Philip Morris's decision to co- tract (BROADCASTING, Feb. 3). In pected to be Betty Forsling, handling sponsor National Football League same time NAB has signed over two White House liaison, and Jack Chris- games on CBS -TV next fall (see story, dozen new members. KRCB Council tie, TV -radio director of Democratic page 48). Reason is PM must pay Bluffs, Iowa, resigned in letter dated Committee. As in past, Sam Bright- considerably more for its coverage be- Jan. 31 (after less than three months man, vice chairman of Democratic cause of sharp jump in football rights as NAB member) because of "com- Committee, will direct overall public- fees. Company has ordered approxi- plete disagreement" with Mr. Collins. Published every Monday, 53d issue (Yearbook Number) published in January, by BROADCASTING PUBLICATIONS INc., 1735 DeSales Street, N. W., Washington, D. C., 20036. Second -class postage paid at Washington, D. C., and additional offices. PENNSYLVANIA POINTS AHEAD rq a: THIS LANE FOR STRAIGHT AHEAD TO BEAR RIGHT TO ALLENTOWN .,_._, READING , EASTON HOME OF BETHLEHEM & WRAW WNOW WAEB WHERE THE PENNSYLVANIA GROUP OF WILLIAM RUST STATIONS, INC. ANNOUNCES THEIR NEW REPRESENTATIVE: ADVERTISING TIME SALES, INC. WEEK IN BRIEF FCC approves Transcontinent sale but some members State association presidents meet in Washington and have trouble reconciling vote. Chairman issues concur- official and unofficial discussions are still how to beat ring opinion, joined by Cox, which brings up question of back government regulation. Collins sees radio blooming changing multiple ownership rules. See .. in 1964. See . TRANSCONTINENT: LAST OF KIND? ..
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