STANDARD BIDDING DOCUMENT FOR OBTAINING PROPOSAL FOR THE RIGHT TO DISPLAY OF ADVERTISEMENT AND INSTALLATIONS OF TOWERS AT VARIOUS 33/11 KV SUB-STATIONS WITH IN THE JURISDICTION OF WBSEDCL Section-I : Invitation for Bids (IFB) Section-II :Instruction to Bidders (ITB) Section-III: Bidding Process Section-IV :General Conditions of Contract (GCC) Section-V : Scope of Work Section-VI : Sample Forms and Procedures TENDER No.: WBSEDCL/CED/ADVT-SUB-STN/TENDER/2016-17/07, dated. 23.12.2016 WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED. VIDYUT BHAVAN, 1 ST FLOOR ‘D’ BLOCK SALT LAKE, BLOCK: DJ, SECTOR-II, KOLKATA-700091 1 Section-I: Invitation for Bids (IFB) THE RIGHT TO DISPLAY OF ADVERTISEMENT AND INSTALLATIONS OF TOWERS AT APPROXIMATELY 534 NUMBERS OF 33/11 KV SUB-STATIONS (EXCEPT SUB-STATIONS LOCATED ALONG THE NATIONAL HIGHWAY IN THE CASES OF DISPLAY THE ADVERTISEMENT) WITH IN THE JURISDICTION OF WBSEDCL, SPREADING ACROSS THE STATE OF WEST BENGAL TENDER No.: WBSEDCL/CED/ADVT-SUB-STN/TENDER/2016-17/07, dated. 23.12.2016 The Advisor & Chief Engineer (Dist), WBSEDCL, 1st Floor, “D” Block, Vidyut Bhavan, Saltlake, Sector-II, Kolkata- invites-Tender for the project detailed in the table below (Submission of Bids off-line mode). Name of the Project Earnest Money Period of Contracts Price of the Bid- document (Tender) RIGHT TO DISPLAY INR 25000.00 1) 3 Years for the INR 500.00 (Five OF ADVERTISEMENT (Twenty Five purpose of letting out Hundred Only) AND INSTALLATIONS Thousand only) spaces for the display OF TOWERS AT of VARIOUS 33/11 KV hoardings/advertisem SUB-STATIONS ent. (EXCEPT THOSE 2) 9 years for the SITUATED ALONG purpose of THE NH—FOR installations of DISPLAY OF telecom towers at the ADVERTISEMENT) rooftop/vacant space WITH IN THE of the sub-station JURISDICTION OF with provision to WBSEDCL, enhancement at the SPREADING ACROSS end of each three THE STATE OF WEST years of the contract. BENGAL 2 BACKGROUND: The West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (hereinafter called as WBSEDCL) is a Government of West Bengal Enterprise engaged in catering power to 96% (ninety six percent) of the geographical area of West Bengal and has vast electrical network and large numbers of 33/11 KV Sub-Stations at different locations throughout the state of West Bengal. WBSEDCL is interested in letting out vacant spaces of these Sub-Stations situated at strategic locations, for the installation of the Telecom Tower (s) and the rooftop of the Sub- Station building for the fixing of the advertisement hoardings/Telecom Towers, the boundary walls for the advertisement, for the purpose of additional income generation. The Sub-Stations located along the National Highway shall not be considered for display of advertisement but can be considered for the installations of telecom towers. SCOPE OF WORK: At present WBSEDCL have approximately 543 numbers of 33/11 KV Sub-Station functioning across the state of West Bengal, out of which 534 numbers of sub-stations can be utilized for the above purpose. District wise list of these sub-stations are being annexed as Annexure-IV. Out of 534 nos of Sub-Stations tentatively 91 numbers of sub-stations fall along the NH, hence display of the advertisement would not be permissible at those sub-stations, however fixing of telecom towers at the vacant space of the sub-station and using the rooftop of the sub-station building is viable for these Sub-stations along the National Highway. There are sufficient areas of vacant spaces within these Sub-Stations, which can be used for the installation of the towers without hampering the electrical installations. The rooftop of the sub- station building and boundary walls can be used up for displaying the hoardings/advertisement board. Hence, Out-door advertising agencies having experience in various AD-Medias, individual firm, institutions and Tower Company may feel it attractive since huge window of opportunity is on offer on behalf of WBSEDCL. 3 PERIOD OF CONTRACTS: 1. For Right to Display the banner/hoardings at the rooftop of the Sub-Stations and display of advertisement on the boundary walls of the Sub-Stations: The WBSEDCL desires to have initially a three years contract with the suitable party (highest bidder), however that may be flexible if situation demands on the sole discretion of WBSEDCL. Further extension of the contract period may be considered up to two years, based on the satisfactory performance of the agency, prevailing market rate, which is under the sole discretion of the competent authority of WBSEDCL. 2. For letting out vacant spaces on rental basis for the installations of towers either on the rooftop of the Sub-Stations or at the vacant spaces of the Sub-Station The WBSEDCL desires to have agreement for the period of nine years at the initial stage with the suitable party (highest bidder) subject to enhancement of the contract value @15% at the end of each three years. Further extension of the contract period may be considered up to three years, based on the satisfactory performance of the agency, prevailing market rate, which is under the sole discretion of the competent authority of WBSEDCL. PAYMENT TERMS: 1. For Right to Display the banner/hoardings at the rooftop of the Sub-Stations and display of advertisement on the boundary walls of the Sub-Stations: 25% (Twenty Five) up-front payment of the value of LUC (Land Utilization Charge) meant for 1st year for such letting out, is to be made by the party to WBSEDCL within 7 (seven) days of the awarding of the contract to the successful bidder after observing necessary formalities and afterwards residual amount of the contract for the 1st year is to be paid to the WBSEDCL within 30 (thirty days) from the date awarding of the contract or/and execution of agreement, whichever is earlier. The payment due for the pending periods (next two years) shall have to be paid within 7 (seven) days from the commencement of 2nd & 3rd year of the contracts respectively. 4 Applicable advertisement tax is to be borne by the concerned agency and required to deposit before the appropriate authority. Applicable advertisement tax is to be borne by the concerned agency and required to deposit before the appropriate authority. The deduction of TDS is applicable as per Government rules and necessary TDS certificate is to be furnished to the WBSEDCL within stipulated time. 1. For letting out vacant spaces for the installations of towers either on the rooftop of the Sub-Stations or at the vacant spaces of the Sub-Station 25% (Twenty Five) up-front payment of the value of LUC (Land Utilization Charge) meant for 1st year for such letting out, is to be made by the party to WBSEDCL within 7 (seven) days of the awarding of the contract to the successful bidder after observing necessary formalities and afterwards residual amount of the contract for the 1st year is to be paid to the WBSEDCL within 30 (thirty days) from the date awarding of the contract & execution of agreement, whichever is earlier. The payment due for the pending periods (next two years) shall have to be paid within 7 (seven) days from the commencement of 2nd & 3rd year of the contracts respectively. At the end of 3rd year fresh agreement shall be signed with the party at enhanced rate (@15%) and the party shall have to make the advance payment as per schedule as noted above. The procedure shall once again be repeated in subsequent phases with the enhancement of the contractual value. Applicable advertisement tax is to be borne by the concerned agency and required to deposit before the appropriate authority. The deduction of TDS is applicable as per Government rules and necessary TDS certificate is to be furnished to the WBSEDCL within stipulated time. 5 SCHEDULE OF BID ACTIVITIES: SL NO ACTIVITY DATE & TIME 1 Publishing Date 26.12.2016 2 Display in Website 28.12.2016 (11:30 AM) 3 Document Download Start Date 28.12.2016 (11:30 AM) 4 Pre-Bid Meeting Date 10.01.2017 (11:00 AM) 5 Bid Submission Start Date 20.01.2017 (11:00 AM) 6 Bid Submission End Date 31.01.2017 (02:00 PM) 7 Technical Bid Opening date 31.01.2017 (03:00 PM) 8 Financial Bid opening Date 14.02.2017 (02.30 PM) PRE- BID DISCUSSIONS: Pre- Bid discussions regarding all aspects of the NIT will be held on 10.01.2017 at Conference Room of Distribution Head Quarter, 1st Floor, “D” Block, Bidyut Bhawan, W.B.S.E.D.C.L., Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700 091 at 11:00 hrs. Written queries in this respect, if any, should reach this office on or before 07.01.2017 either in the form of hard copy or through e-mail ([email protected]). GENERAL TERMS: 1. WBSEDCL reserves the right to accept & reject any Bid or part thereof or all Bids received at its discretion without assigning any reason(s) whatsoever. 2. WBSEDCL is not necessarily bound to accept the highest Bidder and reserve the right to cancel/withdraw any package / invitation of bids partly or fully without assigning any reason and shall bear no liability whatsoever consequent upon such a decision 3. Tender received after expiry of scheduled date and time shall not be considered. 4. The Bidding documents are not transferable and cost of tender fee is not refundable under any circumstances. 5. No interest shall be payable for the Bid Guarantee. 6. Any extraneous conditions in bidder’s offer will be treated as non-responsive. 7. The Bids must be submitted in prescribed proforma only (Annexure-III, Part A, B & C).
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