Fifth Serin, Vol. I, No. 7 Saturday, March 27, 1971 Chaitra 6, 1893 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES First Session (Fifth Lok Sabha) { Vol· I coatains Nos. 1 to 12) LOK SABHA SECJl.ETARIA'I NEW DELW Prlc� I RI. 6.00 (ORIGINAL ENGLISH PI.OCEBDINGS INCLUDED IN ENGLISH VBRSION AND ORIGINAL HINDI PltOCBBDINGS INCLUDED IN HINDI VBltSION WILL DB TB.BATID AS AUTBOlUTATIVE AND NOT THE TltANSLATIONTHEREOF.J CONTENTS No. 7—Saturday, March 2 7 ,1971IChattra #, 1893 Cotuitms Member Sworn 1 Papers laid On The Table i ,4 $ Dein&nda for Supplementary Grants (Wert fcfcrifcal), t97b*7! Statement Presented ............. 2 Defcrands for Supplementary Grants (Orissa), 197071 Statement presented 2 Election o f Deputy Speaker 2—14 Shrxmati Indira Gandhi ... ... 3—4 Shri A. K. Gopalan 4 Shri K. Manoharan 4—5 Shri S. M Baneijee 5 Shri Shyamnandan Mishra ... 5—6 Shri Jagannath Rao Joshi ... 6 &r. Melkote 6— 7 $hri Piioo Mody 7 Shri Frank Anthony 7—8 Shri'Simar Guha ... 8 Mr. Speaker Shri d G. Swell ... 12—14 St&imettt Re. Recent Developments in East Bengal ... 1 4 -4 3 Staran Singh ... 16—*17 Shri A. K. Gopalan 17—/8 ShrT (I, K. Mukerjee 18—n^l Shri €&ntamani Panigrahi ... fcr. V. K. R. Varadaraja Rao *22-23 Shri Krishna Menon ... ... i« . 23—25 abrlStmar Gtiha... ... ... ... 25 -2 8 Shri A* K. Sen «♦• •»» *** *•* S*~&1 Shri XL Manoharan ... ... ••• - ; £T~33 jtesr! Jfafcattttttth Rao Joahi ... ... * ... 33-*rl4 Or. Hari Prasad Sfearma 34^*35 Sfafi Sliyamnandan M ishra....................................... 3 3 ^ 3 7 BhH S. A« Shamim *m 3 7 - ^ ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ( ii) Columns Shrimati Indira Gandhi *•« 42—41 Business of the House 4 3 -4 4 , 1 8 0 -8 2 Election to Committee— Rubber Board ... 4 4 -4 5 Statement Re. Missing Aircraft— Dr. Sarojiai Mabishi , ... 47—49 General Budget, i97l-72*~»Gineral Discussion and Demands for Grants on Account (General), 1971-72 ...45, 49-123 Shri C. M. Stephen ... 49—51 Shri Dasaratha Deb ... 51—54 ^ f Shri C. E. Bhattacharyya 5 4 -5 6 Shri Piloo M ody ... 56—63 Shri Tarkeshwar Pandey ... 6 3 -6 6 Shri S. A. Shamim ... 6 6 -6 8 Shri K. C. Pandey ... 6 8 -7 1 Shrimati Sahodrabai Rai ... 71—77 Shri C. Chittibabu • t* 7 7 -7 9 Shri P. K. Ghosh »M 7 9 -8 3 Shri S. B. Thakre 83—«5 Shri Yeshwantrao Chavan • •• 8 5 -9 6 Appropriation (Vote on Account) Bill, 1971— introduced and passed •e« 123—24 Finance BUI, 1971>— Motion to consider #•« 125—44 Shri Yeshwantrao Chavan 125,, 142-43 Shri Samar Mukherjee 126— 33 Shri $. M. Banorjee »*• 1 3 3 -4 2 Clauses 2 to 8 and 1 • •• 1 4 4 -5 8 Motin to Pass • ** 158 &r» Me&ote 1 4 5 -4 7 ^Shd B, R. Shukla 1 4 7 -5 2 Shri Jyotirmoy Bosu * *•» 152—15^ Shri Yeshwantrao Chavan 15 6 -4 # W itt Bengal Budget, 1971-72— Presented -Shri Vidya Charan Shukla *41 158-MS? Orissa Budget. 1971-72— Presented i 3hri Vidya Charan Shukla i$ 7 ~ ;* Mysore Budget* 1971-72— k Presented Shri Vidya Charan Shukla IM* 1 7 6 -8 0 Demands for Supplementary Grants (Mysore), 1970*71 Statement Presented ' 1«0 LOK SABHA DEBATES % LOK SABHA DEMANDS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY GRANTS (WEST BENGAL), 1970-71 Saturday, March 27, l97HChaitra THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE 6, 1893 CSaka) MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRI VIDYA CHAR AN SHUKLA): 1 beg to present a statement showing Supplementary Demands for Grants in respect of the State of Wect The tok Sabha met at Eleven of Bengal for 1970-71. the Clock [Mr, Speaker in the Chair.} DEMANDS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY GRANTS (ORISSA), 1970*71 MEMBER SWORN THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF FINANCE (SHRf VIDYA Shri Onkar La! Berwa (Kota) CHARAN SHUKLA); 1 beg to present a statement showing Supplementary Demands for Grants in respect of the State of Ortsqa for 1970-71. PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE SHRI KALYANASUNDARAM (Tiro- chirap&Iii); I had giv n a notice o f * Twentieth R eport of U.P.S.C. and motion of breach of privilege. Just now Statement relating tereto somebody informed me that the Speaker was pleased to reject it. I am not discussing your rejection. But the rules are clear. THE* MINISTER OF STATE IN THE Even the rejection should be done onthe MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS AND floor of the House. MINISTER OF STATE DEPTT. OF ELECTRONICS, DEPTT. OF ATOMIC MR. SPEAKER i No, I have not allwised ENERGY AND DEPTT. OF SCIENCE it. You may discuss it with me In my AND TECHNOLOGY (SHRI K C. chamber. Let us follow the convention. PANT); On behalf of Shri Karo Niwas Mirdha, | beg to lay on the Table — SHRI KALYANSUNDARAM : Will you give me an apportunity to discuss it (1) A copy of the Twentieth Report with you in your chamber. (Hindi and Bftglfch versions) of the Union Public Service Commis­ MR. SPEAKER : Yes. sion for the period 1st April, 1969 10 31m March, 1970, under Article 323 (1) of the Constitution. [Placed in hibtory. See No. LT—24/71.] 11*03 hours* (2) A statement (HittSi and English ELECTION OF DEPUTY SPEAKER vertion#) shoving reasons for delay SHRl A. K. GOPALAN (Palghat) ; 1 to layiag the above Report, bag to #w>ve : Placed in tlbmry. S& No LT—• “That $hr» G. 9 . $well, a member of 3 Election of MARCH 27, m Deputy Speaker 4 thM House, be chosen & thq, Deputy ATOMIC ENERGY, MINISTER OP HOME Speaker of this House.'* AFFAIRS, MINISTER OF PLANNING AND MINISTER OF INFORMATION SHRI R. K. S1NHA (Faizabad) t I AND BROADCASTING (SHRIMATI second the motion. INDIRA GANDHI) : Mr Speaker, may I in a very few words offer our beany con­ MR. SPEAKER ; There or a number of gratulations to Professor Swell on his re- other motions, but as they are identical, may election as Deputy-Speaker. We are speci­ 1 put the first motion ? ally glad that we find him restored to full > SHRI K. ‘MANOHARAN (Madras health after a long illness and able to take North) : Bach must be moved because that up his normal schedule of work which, as you all know, is by no means a light load. wilt show that the entire opposition supports A fine parliamentarian himself, he has made the motion. a mark as Deputy-Speakar in a compara­ MR. SPEAKER : They were not moved tively short time through his earnestness, in the previous case. They are on the Order devotion and deep concern for upholding Paper. the privileges and responsibilities of indivi­ dual members as well as of the House as a SHRI K. MANOHARAN ; At least you whole. He has proved to be a fine guardian can read them. of the parliamentary process and has been able to inspire wide-spread feeling of friend* MR. SPEAKER : Yes. There are similar ship and respect in the House. I assure him motions by Shri Indrajit Gupta seconded by of the fullest co-operation from all members Shri Kaiyanasundaram, by Shri A. B. of this House. Vajpayee seconded by Shri Jagannath Rao Joshi by Shri Manoharan socondcd by Shri SHRI A. K. GOPALAN (Palghat) : Sezhiyan, by Shri P. K. Deo seconded by Mr. Speaker, Sir, we congratulate Shri Swell Shri Roksi Nayak and by Shri S. N. Mishra on his election as Deputy-Speaker. His name seetinded by Shri Digvijttya Narain Singh. was unanimously proposed by the opposi­ tion and supported by the Government. The first motion is moved by Shri A. K. That itself shows as Deputy-Speakar he will Gopaian and seconded by Shri R. K. Sinha. have the support and good-wishea of all the there is only one name suggested in all sections of the people in this House. 1 do the motions. The question is : not want to say anything more because, as long as I sit near him, I will be able to say “That Shri G. G. Swell, a member of whatever I want to tell him when he is this House, be chosen as the Deputy sitting near me. So, while congratulating Speaker of this House.** him I will only remined him of the critical situation that is developing in this country The motion was adopted. as well as outside. As And when some pro­ blems arise in this country rather suddenly MR, SPEAKER : I declare that Shri it will be his responsibility to see that they G. G. Swell, a member of this House, has are solved, if necessary, even by not strictly been unanimously elected as the Deputy- adhering to the rule* and procedure. I again Speaker, congratulate him on behaif of my party. SHRI S. M. BANERJEE (Kanpur): Re* SHRI K. MANOHARAN (Madras elected. N orth): Mr. Speaker, I , think this is the flist time that the Peputy-Speaker is being MR. SPEAKER : Yes, re-elected. Now sponsored and proposed by the opposition Shri Swell may eome and occupy his seat, and supported by the Government. That which is just to my left. shows the gesture of goodwill on Che part of Government ia spite of h t massive victory CMr. DepvtySpeaker cShri G-G- and majority in this House, Swell) tkm Occupied Ms Seat] So far as Shri Swell It coacetned, 1 need THE PRIME MINISTER, MINISTER OF hot ««y much about him. He had ettahftfetd J Ebetkm v f CHUTRA 6. IS9J (SAKA3 Deputy Spek*r < fefatseff as a distinguished Deputy-Speake* Sir, the new Parliament has elected the in the last Parliament. ? had occasion to be two old faces for two inntoftanf posts, that with him at Cairo while he was one of the is, of the first servant of the House <and the members of the Drafting Committee when second servant of the House.
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