ART GALLER I Es/D I SPLAYS * llEmil 0rlik 1870-1932", drawings and prints from the collection of the Adalbert Stifter Verein, l,'lunich, is an exhibition sponsored bv the Goethe Institutes of North America which will be on view at the A.G.Y.U. (noom Nt45, Ross Bui lding) unti I l4arch 6. Regular 9al lery hours are from l0:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. weekdays. * |4cLaughl in Col lege is hosting an exhibit of wood carvings by Elgin Turner in the College's Faculty Common Room (Room I40) until f4arch 13. The exhibit wil I be open l.'londay through Friday f rom ll:00 a.m.-J:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. and the artist will be present to discuss his work. * Bulgarian Graphics will be on display at the Sa;uel Zacks Gallery (Stong Col lege) from l4arch 4 (reception from 6:30 p,m.-8:30 p.m.) until Harch l!. Regular gallery hours are from 9:30 a.m.-2:J0 p.m., weekdavs. l,londay l2:00 noon - 2:00 p.m. - Guest Speaker - [Federation of Urban Studies Students] "The Central Property Reg i ster and Its Applications" with Andy Datlen, ontario and Toronto Systems Analyst with Planning Depa rtmen ts Faculty Lounge (Room s87z), Ross Building 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Archaeology and the Bible Lecture leyie; - [Vanier College, Religious Studies 3tudentsAssociationthesamaritans,'withFrankHooreCross, Hancock Professor of Hebrew and other 0riental Languages at Harvard University - Senior Common Room, Vanier Col lege 3:00 p.m. - Guest Speakel - [Latin American and Caribbean Studies] Professor Rodolfo Borello, University of 0ttawa,-ilTTT-6!EEF6n the background of one of the characters in Julio Cortazar's novel Rayuela (Hopscotch) , a iazz musician patterned after Charl ie Parker - Faculty Lounge (Room S869);E;!-Building (note: postponed from February 2l) 4:J0 p.m. - The Rights of l4an Lecture Series - [tinters Coliege] openlng address for a serles of lectures which will takt place this week - today's talk will be given by Professor Josef Skvorecky, Erindale College, author of The Cowards and The Bass Saxophone - Room A, Curtis Lecture Halls 8:00 p.m. - The Rights of Man Lecture Series - [t/inters College] "The HcDonald Commission" with Hr. Alan Borovoy@iation - Winters College Dining Hall Tuesday l2:00 noon - Guest Speaker lCanada Council, Program in Creative Writing] featuring AIden Nowlan - Room A, Curtis Lecture Halls '12:00 noon - Discussion - lYork Women's Centre] Carmen Bourbonnais will talk about Nellle's hostel - all we I come-l-Tffi-T-02, Behav iou ra I Sc i ence Bu i I d i ng l2:OO noon - l:00 p.m. - f,lclaughlin Lunchtime Series - Barry Argyle will read poetry - Faculty Common Room, l'lcLaughl in Col lege l2:l! p.m. - Peil Film - "Decisions, Decisions'r - Room ll4, Scott Library 4:00 p.m. - Quebec Social History Lecture Series - [Department of History! "The Chicoutimi Rural History i'ro;ectiversit6deQu6beciChlcoutimi-Rooml|6,VanierCo|lege 4:00 p.m. - 6:OO p.m. - Recllql - [Vanier College] featuring David Johnson. (Vanier College Academic Advisor) and Friendsi--Tl?F-ael Herren (tenor), Ceri Stephens (baritone), Hollis Rinehart (barltone), Joan Pelletier (soprano), Sterling Beckwith (bass) and on Piano, Stephen Ford, Donald Pelletier, Diane Bogdan and Mary Legge - l''lusic Room (029), Vanier College 4:30 p.m. - The Rights of i,lan Lecture Series - [Winters College] "Privacy Rights: The Canadian Approach at the Federal Level" with Inger Hansen, Q.C., Privacy Commissioner, Canadian Human Rights Commission - Room A, Curtis Lecture Halls 4:30 p.m. - Socialism and Democracy Seminar - [Bethune College] "Spontaneity and 0rganization in the Trade Union |,lovenrenil'tlth York Professors Tony Woolfson and Don Wells - Room 320, Bethune College !:00 p.m. - Winters College Poetry Series - featuring Lorna Uher, author of Crow's Black Joy and winner of the 1978 Saskatchewan Poetry Prize - Senior Common Room, Winters College 8:00 p.m. - Student Recital - [Husic Department] with Nina Braid (saxophone), John l{ah (trumpet) and Lily N9 (p i ano)-:-Ioom i-i6l-N'c-Laugh l i n co l l ege 9:00 p.m. - Guest Speaker - [Atkinson College] "The lranian Revolution: Religious Populism and Uneven Develop6Ent'wr-Tfr-Fied Halliday, author of Arabia Without Sultans and lran: Dictatorshlp and Development - Fellows Lounge (Room 004), Atkinson collegE- Wednesday l2:00 noon - Guest Speakers - f0sgoode Hall Law Union] Claire Rose, member of Information Conmittee on politicET-FFi!6n6F!-Tn Queblc and sister to Paul Rose, and Anne-|larie Jones, legal counsel for Paul Rose, will discuss,'Paui Rose and Political Prisoners in Quebec" - Room 104, Osgoode Hall Law School l2:00 noon - Discussion - [york Uomenrs Centre] Ellen ]Jexler will talk about the Toronto Rape Crisis Centre - Room T02l-TEfrEVioural Science Building l:00 p.m. - Concert - [ilusic Department] faculty and associates of the l'lusic Department: Darryl Eaton, - l'loshe Hammer if tastai?-G-y, .ludith Kay, James HcKay, James Campbel l, l'largaret Gibbs, David f'lott and - Room F, Curtis Lecture Halls Freedom of the Press to Conrnunication 4:lO-hignts,@ProfessorDenis|'1cQuai|,Chairof|'1assCommunicatlons, p.m. - The Rights of l.|an Lecture Series - [Winters College] "From Universitv of Amsterdam - Room A, Curtis Lecture Halls 7:30 p.m. - Guest Speaker - [Amnesty International Group l]1, Glendon Collegel "Human Rights and Violence" with OlEiI6n-TiGEipal Philippe Garigue - Senior Common Room, Glendon College 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. - The Law and You - lCentre for Continulng Education] 'rLandlord-Tenant Lawrr with bsgoode irofessor Ri;F;;d Ba-TftilF 2nd in series of 3 lectures i 57.50 fee for series for members of the York community - Room 106, Osgoode Hall Law School 8:15 p.m. - l0:00 p.m. - Annual Haurice l'lanel Lectureship - [Atkinson college] "Becoming Docs: Professional ism asLegitimation''*itffimShaffir,|'lcHasterUniversity - Fellows' Lounge (Room 004), Atkinson college - continued YORK ACTIVITIES (cont'd.) Thursday l0:00 a.m. - 5-:30 p.m. - Tenth Annual Conference on Food Production and Distribution - Canada and the Third World - [Bethune colffi ows: 10:00 a.m. - "Food In Canada - Problems and Solutionsrrwith Mr. Bill Reno, United Food and Commercial Workers Unlon; Mr. Jim Sheldon, Farmer; and representatives of the Grocery Products Manufacturers of Canada and the Ministry of Agriculture 2tJO p.n. -rrAlternative Forms of Food Product.ion and Distribution: Canada and the Third world',: rrThe Efficlency of Small Farms in Developing Nationst'with Professor Albert Berry, University of Toronto;rrCooperative Farm organizations in Canada: A Bright Past - A Clouded Future?rrwith york Professor Jack Craig;rrrTapis Vertr: An Integrated and Self-Sustaining Development Program (Sahel, Niger, W. Africa)" with a representative from the Institute for the Study and r'The Application of lntegrated Development; Small Farm and Self-Sufficiency in 0ntario', with Arthur Wood, Tutorial Instructor and Fel low, Bethune Col lege - Room 218, Bethune College ll:45 a.m. - l:00 p.m. - Career.seminar_ - [Federation of Urban Studies Students] with John Crawford, Urban Planner for York eor6Qfi-?iEGffiate of Geography and Urban Studies at York - Room N/24, Ross Building 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m. - Films - as part of Glendon's Annual Vomen's Day events be t'Woments the following will screened: Equality and Development", "Women l,/ant: Canadian Uomenrs Movement" and "People's Choice: V,/omen in Politics" - Room 204, York Hall, Glendon College 2:00 p.m. - Gyest Speaker - [Glendon l/omenrs Studies Program] ,'Women in the Constitutiontrwith Do,ris Anderson, former Chairperson, National Advisory Council on the Status of Women, on the occasion of International Womenrs Day Activities - Room 204, York Hall, Glendon College (HOte: location change) l:00 p.m. - Guest Speaker - [Economics Department] "Optimum Government Deficit: A Theory with Empirical Application to Canada" with York Professor John Beare - Room S105, Ross Building 4:00 p.m. - Chemistry Seminar Series - "The Study of DNA as an Informational Moleculetrby York Biology Professor James D. Friesen - Room lll, Petrie Science Building 4:00 p.m. - lmages of Canadars Past Leclle_lelj=r - [Vanier College, Faculty of Fine Arts] "Jock Macdonald: the|nnZemans-RoomA,'st.dman.LectureHalls 4:00 p,m. - International Womenrs Day - [York Women's Centre] a party (pot-luck) in celebration of |nterna@7,l98l)-Roo'l02,Behavioura|ScienceBuilding 4:J0 p.m. - The Rights of Man Lecture Series - [Winters College] "The Rights of Women in the Working World" with Professor Dorothy Smith, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education - Room A, Curtis Lecture Halls /:15 p.m. - Reading - [Atkinson College] Joyce Harshall, Vriter-ln-Residence at Trent University, will read from her wriEings - Fellowsr Lounge (Room 004), Atkinson College Fr i day 9:00 a.m. - l:15 p.m. - Reading Symposium - [Centre for Continuing Education] 'rCreative Writing and Making Books: Level JK-5" with l'1rs. Doris Pilkey, Learning Resource Librarian, Board of Education for the City of North York;'rCreative Language ldeas: Level K-5t'with Hrs. Huriel Hartle, Vice-Principal, Simcoe County Board of Education - symposium fee 912.50 for members of the York community - registration at Room 038, Administrative Studies Building 9:00 a.m. - J:15 p.m. - l,lathematics Symposium - lCentre for Continuing Education] "Math Grabbers: Elementary/ lntermediate Levels" with Professor Larry Ridge, University of Toronto; rrGeometry: Elementary/lntermediate Levelst'with Mr. Bob Alexander, Assistant Coordinator of Mathematics, Board of Education for the City of Toronto - symposium fee $10.00 for members of the York community - registration at Room 038, Administrative Studies Building lO:00 a.m. - Tenth Annual Conference on Food Production and Distribution - [Bethune College] continues as follows: lo:o0adVorld',:',CanadianAgribusinessAbroad.| with Professor Phil Ehrensaft, University of Quebec; "Nestl€ and the.tBottle BabyrMedical Syndromerl with Nancy Hawley, Nestl€ Boycott Campaign; t'Agribusiness lntrusion and the Disappeaiance of the Small Farmer in Western Canada (Alberta)" with Professor Max Hedley, University of Windsor; 2:10 p.m.
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