' - ■■ « % B28 C VOLUME 1 NUMBER 2 & 3 JULY/AUGUST 1984 A^zapo raid was illegal, rules judge Magazines to be returned, jude^ orders fditorial: The nation-wide raid on leaders of the state. with Frelimo. Black Consciousness Movement on 22 May 1984 underlines yet again the In fact, BC takes Into account that Now that Frelimo, despite Its gallant fascist nature of the South African the central problem in any struggle anti-colonial efforts, has been forced regime. The crackdown on AZAPO is Is to find an antidote to fear. Crush­ to compromise with the rapacious directly linked to the Accord of ed by the realities of routine, we all white settlers, It seems that the Nkomati. hesitate to participate In the libera­ system once again hopes to erase tion struggle. We fear losing our BC. This Issue of Frank Talk focuses on samliy and our friends. We fear the Nkomati Accord and some of its wasting energy. We say that any attempt to eradicate Implications for the people of BC Is doomed to failure. BC Is a AZANIA. AZAPO Is a revolutionary movement revolutionary perspective that precisely because It calls for a break penetrates to the depths beneath the As the National Internal Summit call­ with routine, because It demands mask of blackness. As such, to ed at Edendale found, the Botha sacrifice In the present for a better eradicate BC one has to commit regime wishes to steamroli on all ef­ world In the future. genocide against the entire Black fective opposition. Nkomati allowed population In this land. them to silence the exiled No doubt, the sacrifice seems real movements for some time to come. and Immediate while the better world Frank Talk emphasizes that a vital appears distant and very uncertain. lesson of Nkomati Is that the libera­ After succeeding In this, the settler tion struggle Is a ceaseless struggle: minority focused on the spectrum of Steve Blko was absolutely correct It does not end with political ‘in­ black opposition Inside the country. when he wrote: dependence’. If the oppressed and Their choice of first target is not in­ exploited are thought that milk and significant: having studied all the "Powerlessness breeds e race honey will flow when there Is a movements Inside the country, the of beggars who smile at the takeover from a fascist regime, the settlers realized that enemy number enemy and swear at him In the costs for the liberation movement one was Black consciousness. As sanctity of their toilets; who will be very, very dear. This Is what the National Summit predicted, the shout ‘Baas' willingly during Frelimo is learning. system’s strategy Is first to ex­ the day and call the white man tinguish the true revolutionaries and e dog In their buses es they go We wish to warn that there Is no then woo the 'co-optables' to a Na­ home. Once again the concept "right moment” in revolutionary tional Convention. of fear Is at the heart of this struggle: every moment is the right two-faced behaviour on the part moment for something. Black Consciousness was bom and of the conquered Blacks." nurtured In the crucible1' of fire. And this Is the right moment for us Decapitation of leadership has, It Is to be noted that the Black Con­ to sit as one big unit under the leader­ however, always been costly for the sciousness nine, who were convicted ship of the black working class, and movement. When AZAPO was bom, on the State v Cooper and Others to use the very concept o BC to unite It measured the crucial need for an were convicted for celebrating the ac­ ourselves. We must cling to each overt liberation movement against cession to power of Frelimo in other with a tenacity that will shock the very predictable repression by the Mozambique and showing solidarity the perpetrators of evil. CONTENTS? UN • Breakthroughs.— ...---------------------------— --------Page 3 SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year — RIO,00 Azapo fights back------------ -----------------— ------------ -— Page 4 Make cheques and postal orders payable to: AZAPO — FRANK TALK Economic blackmail— --------- ----------------------------------Page 7 •~-AU CORRESPONDENCE TO: FRANK TALK, P.O. BOX 18360 The National Question_________________________ Page 8 Dormerton 4015 x National Forum ---------------- ------------------— --------------Page 11 FnnfcTalfcls** ergrn e« AZAPO, ^ubiWwd by Azapo Central PJD. Bob 1S360, Donw rtow •nd prtnM by HnOrtg Worn*, 73 Stanhope P X y ftct t3Z7. Durban 400C, T«£ Peace — - for an appie— ..........— - — ~ .................Page 12 <K1) Clash of cultures--------------------------------------------------------Page 14 M anifesto____ ____________________ !-----------I— ~_~Page 16 U N Breakthrough - The Azanian Peoples’ Organisation made an Impressive breakthrough for the Black consciousness movement International when it recently won the right to ad­ dress a special session of the United nations during a conference held In recognition New York In June. branch of the BCM, Twiss Xiphu, said Imrann Moosa, the Natal vice presi­ ‘T h e pre-1977 BCM also succeeded the Invitation by the United nations dent of Azapo and editor of Azapo's where the other historical liberation to Azapo was the highest point In magazine, Frank Talk, spoke before movements had failed, It brought BCM's International diplomatic offen­ the United Nation's North American together all black people wherever sive launched last year when the na­ regional conference for action the system sought to label them ‘Col­ tional president Lybon Mabasa against apartheid, a conference oured', ‘Indian', ‘African’ or even sub­ toured Europe and the United States organized by the United Nations' divided them Into various ethnic to introduce Azapo and Its program­ Centre Against Apartheid, which also groups," he said. ‘T h e BCM also in­ mes to the International community. featured speakers from the African jected a remarkable vitality into Aza­ National Congress (ANC), the Pan nian politics. ‘T h e ground work has been laid for Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC) bigger things to come and we are and the South West African People's He also took a jab at the recent forging ahead In the International Organization (SWAPO). Nkomati Accord and the position of community," he said. the United States In the Southern African scene. ‘The Accord showed It was the first time that a member of Mr Mbasa spoke on the same day the umbrella Biack Consciousness that Pretoria Is playing the game ac­ that former US Ambassador to the cording to the dictates of Movement addressed the United Na­ UN Mr Andrew Young and South tions. According to the chairman of Washington, actually toeing the African poet, Dennis Brutus, also ad­ yankee imperialist policy towards our the UN's Centre Against Apartheid, dressed the conference. Moosa told Major-General J.N . Garba of Nigeria, region developed by Kissinger, the conference that the BCM emerg­ Reagan and Chester Crocker. the move surprised the African Na­ ed in South Africa to conquer fear tional Congress which, he said, and lead black people out of the grip planned to write a letter to the of a frightened paralysis which had organizing body protesting against been Internalized In the psyche of the participation of Azapo. black people because of the onslaught after Sharpville and The chairman of the United States Rivonla. Aims and Objects of Azapo - * • • -M* >- --------- ■ PREAMBLE Itself Into a political movement to ex­ their legitimate rights. press and manifest its aspirations, Whereas we, the Black People of Ideals and goals; Azania, conscious of the philosophy 2. To work towards the establish­ of Black Consciousness as a living ment of an educational system And further believing that Black Con­ force amongst the majority of our that will respond creatively sciousness be developed and main­ people, and recognising that Black towards the needs of Azanians. tained as a true philosophy for Workers particularly are responsible workers; for creating the wealth of our country; 3. T o promote an Interpretation of religion as a llberatory THEREFORE RESOLVE And whereas workers are subjected philosophy relevant to our •struggle.. to the most tnhuman and ruthless 1. ‘To found a political movement laws; which will express and manifest 4. To promote and encourage the aspirations of the Black Peo­ research Into various problems And further realising that the op­ ple In Azania pressive system In Its effort to render affecting our people. the worker powerless and perpetual­ 2. T o found a movement that will 5. T o expose the oppressive and ex­ ly subservient, creates and utilises unite all and liberate all from the ploitative system In which our tactics of divide and rule that gave exploitative and oppressive people are denied basic human birth to factionalism and tribalism; shackles. -rights. And whereas the worker Is more AIMS AND OBJECTIVES determined to see freedom and 6. To work towards the unity of the justice, and desirous of occupying 1. To conscientlse, politicise and oppressed, for the just distribu- his rightful place In the land of his mobilise Black workers through . tion of wealth and power to all birth; And also that It Is an Inalienable the philosophy of Black Con­ people of Azania right of any community to organise sciousness In order to strive for 3 In Court Azapo fights back against State action On 10 March 1984, members of the Editorial Collective of Frank Talk visited Art Printing Press and loaded 1 138 copies of Frank Talk Volume 1 Number 1 Into a car. As the car left Fountain Lane, another car b e g a n chasing It. A high-speed chase en­ sued: finally, the car containing the copies of Frank Talk was boxed in and Warrant Officer De Wet, accom­ panied by a few non-white security policemen arrested members of the collective Including comrade Thabo Ndabenl (national organizer of (b) may afford evidence of the com­ AZAPO).
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