1 інський Щоденник Ukrainian Daily РІК UL Ч. 216. VOL. UL No. *1в. II Dedicated to the needs and interest of young Americans of Ukrainian descent No. 43 NEW YORK and JERSEY CITY, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1944 VOL. ХП A HISTORIC CONFERENCE IN PARIS Wounded Or Missing New Yorkers Killed In Action TJECALLING the historic November the megalomaniac exaggerations of In Action 1, 1918 when the Western Uk­ the Polish delegation, namely against . x. ~7~~ ~T"~ , ... As reported in the current number rainians proclaimed in Lviw their re­ .. ,. ., ..: . Among the latest of Rochester Uk-i of the monthly parish bulletin pub­ public and later (January 22, 1919) its efforts to eliminate the Ukraln-; rainian ^^ servicemen to be; lished by the Basilian Fathers of merged it with the Ukrainian National іап question from the Pans peace і wounded or mi8smg in action are the St. George's Ukrainian Catholic Republic, we were re-reading the conference. Lloyd George probably j following as reported by St. Josa- church in New York City, the follow­ other day, on the 26th anniversary foresaw the future danger to Eu- j phat's Catholic Advocate bulletin for ing servicemen members of the of that date, some accounts of that ropean peace that-the creation of a this month: parish have been killed in action: Paul Bonda, Army, overseas; Mi­ heroic albeit rather brief period when "historical Poland" would mean,! pfc. Michael Hushla, who was especially if non-Polish territories wounded in action in Germany, Sep- chael Chizik, wounded July 13, died the Ukrainians had to contend not died July 28 in France; Cpl. George only with the superior military might were included. j tember 15. The 22-year-old infantry- Thus at this conference which Bor-iman. *°n of Mrs- D?1* Hushla 50 Kaftan, 4 years in service, wounded of their several enemies, particularly ««и„ь ~,«л.*о «-кл рлііл«««« лл««о«.« Forester street, was inducted in De- September 7, died September 10 scnak reports, the following con versa- . „Лііл• « communist Russians and chauvinistic * _. r м т і і cember, 1942 and went overseas in somewheres in the Far East; Pvt. Poles, but also with the unjust ad­ William La.sk killed in action on Ger­ tion took place. First of all, Lloyd ^bMr§ 1943. His brother. Sgt. man soil September 14; Frank Те- verse decisions of the peace-makers George asked who represented the Uk- John Низп1а> is in action in France, at Paris. rainians. The following rose in res- , y^ _ woyny, killed in France September Ис h c 31 an in 10; Frank Tonaselli killed in France ponse: Dr. Vasile Paneyko, Dr. Mi- issi g action in As those accounts bear out, despite fantryman? is m n in on France on June 20. the overpowering odds arrayed chael Lozinsky, and Col. Dmytro | northern France since September 26, * against them then, the Ukrainians Vitovsky. j according to a War Department tele- struggled to the very bitter end to Lloyd George: "Whatever be the I gram received by his wife, Helen, fate of Ukraine, would Galicia [most П78 Stone Road. The son of Mr. and preserve their newly-won national in­ Mrs An rew Laniok 74 Clifford Sixth Rochesterian dependence. Attempts by the Paris important province of Western Uk- - ^ T « * raine] join Ukraine?" ! street Pfc Laniok entered service Killed in Action peace-makers to persuade Ukrainian 1 representatives to agree to foreign * ' one and a half years and has been Ukrainian delegates: "Yes." overseas since last May. Four months The Catholic Advocate bulletin of domination proved completely un­ Rochester's St. Josaphat's parish re­ Lloyd George: "Therefore, they he went into France as a mortar availing, as the Ukrainians refused ago ports in its current monthly issue to compromise the centuries-old ideal [Ukrainians] refuse to have anything gunner. that Pvt. Peter Konyk, 33, member in common with Poland. Do you want Cpl. Michael Kozsdiy, paratrooper, of a free and independent Ukraine. of an anti-aircraft unit and one of to end war with Poland? 27, father of a 7-week-old son, was They stuck to this stand even though the first to enlist in this war and be Dr. Paneyko: "Yes, we want to wounded in action in Holland, Sep­ sent overseas, was killed in action they knew their battle was already tum* all our forces against the Bol- tember 23. according to news re- lost. in France on October 1st. He en sheviks " ceived by his wife Anne, 320 Cedar tered service in April, 1941 and was This is strikingly brought out by Lloyd George: "What is the atti- Place' *"* Rochester. The son of . , .. ,.. , І . .. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kozsdiy, 511 S. sent overseas in March, 1942. the Ukrainian French journalist, Ilko Pvt. Konyk took part in the fight­ Borschak, in "L'Ukraine a la Con­ tude of the Ukrainians toward the „. ... ©^JdK. r^i 9„ Washington, East Rochester, Cpl. ing in Africa, Sicily and Italy and ference de la Paix (1919-23)," pub­ Bolsheviks. ! Kozsdiy entered service November, was stationed in northern Ireland and lished in the Parisian "Le Monde Dr. Paneyko: "The Bolsheviks are• 1942 England for a short while before be­ Slave," in March, 1937. Borschak enemies of Ukraine." p^ Peter T|ckyj has been re- ing sent to France. describes one particular conference at Lloyd Gerge: "If you were notported wounded somewhere in China Pvt. Konyk is survived by his step­ Paris between the Ukrainian delega­ fighting against the Poles, would you while fighting against the Japanese. mother, Mrs. Roman Konyk, and a tion and Wilson, Clemenceau, Lloyd combat the Bolsheviks more success- The son of Mr. and Mrs. John Tickyj, step-sister, Mrs. Julian Kacek. He George and Orlando. The conference fully?" ! he entered service a little over a is the six Ukrainian man from Ro­ chester to be killed in this war. dealt with the Polish-Ukrainian war. Dr. Paneyko: "Of course." year ago and was sent overseas soon Lloyd George: "How will you .after* completing his basic training, It is interesting to note in this con­ treat the Poles." ! g°'nS t0 India and then to China. nection that despite several promises Dr. Paneyko: "They will receive To Launch Ortynsky that they would remain impartial in , national autonomy." U.S^.R. NOT A' COMMONWEALTH this conflict, the Allies, chiefly the Lloyd George: "I do not express Ship French, supported the Poles most of my opinion and I do not presume Dr. Walter Gallan, chairman of. Anyone who still takes at face the time. Thus on April 16, 1919 the anything. But suppose Ukraine would value the "liberal" Soviet policy to­ Allies began to organize and equip not be an independent state^ with the Ukrainian Congress Committee wards the nationalities within the So­ Genera] Haller's army, ostensibly to ( whom would you prefer to be, Poland three-month war bond drive which viet Union, ought to read "The U.S. be used against the Bolsheviks, but or Russia?" | ended last May passing its five mil- S.R.: Empire or Commonwealth?" in which actually was used against the the London "Fortnightly" magazine Dr. Paneyko: "Like all people of j Hon dollar mark, was notified this forces of the Ukrainian republic. of last September, by Walter J. Ko- the twentieth century, we want com-jPast week by Maritime Commission larz, a pro-Soviet author of the re­ Clemenceau, it should be borne in plete independence." Jfljg *h« MC?? d Ukrainian-named Lloyd George: "But if you have toj ^У Sh^ /4v°^e ekVT^ cently published "Stalin and Eternal mind, wanted a strong Polish state . \„ after the first Ukrainian Catholic Russia." as an ally against Germany, which choose. bishop in this country - -will be helps to explain the great French Dr. Paneyko: It is ridiculous to d November 18 at Panama In the Fortnightly article Kolarz Iaunche stresses that the basis of Soviet na­ speak about the union of Ukraine £ity in Florida. aid to the Poles. Wilson was for tionality policy is to give Ukrainian, the restoration of the Polish state— with Poland because there are only Like S.S. Honcharenko, which is White Russian and other "national "inhabited' indisputably by Polish 20,000,00rainians. 0 APoles fosr anthde 40,000,00Russians,0 theUky- tOrleanso be launche, the S.Sd .i nOrtynsk Decembey wilr iln carrNewy consciousness ... a definite pro-Rus­ population." Despite this last pro­ !do not want any union; they want a table bearing a brief biography of] sian [all bold type ours, Editor.] out­ viso, which he himself created, Wil­ : to restore former Russia over the the person after whom it was named, look in the Soviet Union.' Thus, Ko­ son allowed himself to be swayed by ' corpse Ukrainian people." and also the inscription that its name larz writes, "In the course of a was given in recognition of the^ war the French. He also yielded to the per­ Lloyd George: Thus you do not prolonged and very hard struggle be­ bond drive of the Ukrainian Congress tween 1928 and 1937 Ukrainian politi­ sonal blandishments of Paderewski, want to be with the Poles, And when Committee of America. to the extent that he could not see j you combat the Bolsheviks, the Poles cal and cultural'life was purged of all the justice of Ukraine's claim to І attack you from the rear. (Turning anti-Russian tendencies and finally White Russia and the Ukraine were freedom, even though it was based abounds with proof of these accusa­ і to Clemenceau) Do you see what placed under leaders whose reliability, tions. Far better would he have done on his very own self-determination your Poles are doing?" from an All-Union view, was beyond principle у Orlando was likewise pro- | Wilson: "Those accusations are so for European peace if he had taken question.
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