"I REaD. GOA - 5 I Panaji, 24th November, 1983 IAgrahayana 3, 19l1S) SERIES III No. 34 OFFICIAL GAZETTE, ( GOVERNMENT OF GOA, "DAMAN AND DIU GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN Sr. No. Names of Places Type of Signboards AND DIU 25. Siridao near Market Bus Stop ~ flome Depal'lment (General) 26. Takant (Military workshop), Bambolim Office of the District Magistrate of Goa 27.' Cure.a 28. Military Camp, Bambolim 29. G.M.V. Main Gate NotiHccdion 30. Near Taleigao Junction (Oullicodem) No. 23!83/MAG(3)/2196 31. St. Cruz Market n In supersession of /' all. the previou,s notifications issued by 32. ·Near Football ground (St. Cruz) this office in respect of Bus stops on the below mentioned 33. Portrus, Panaji Jtulction routes under Section 75 of the Motor, Vehicles Act, 1939, the following places are now notified for fixation of sigp.boards 34. Prema ~ Building as indicated .against the same: 35. Panaji Bus Stop Sr. No. Names of Places TYPe ot Signboards 3. Route: Panaji Bus' Stand -- Fort Aguada Beach Resort: 1. Route: MO'l'mugao Ha!bour - Vasco B~ TeT'1~inU8: 1. Nehru Bridge (Betim Side) Bus, Stop 1. Sada Bus "Stop 2. Pund~ Nagar, Poz::vortm 2. Near Jetty " 3. Opposite EI-Monte Cinema House 3 .. Teen Building, Porvorim 4. Vasco 'Bus Stop 4. Teacher Training College, Porvorim 5. Near Water Tank, Porvorim 2. Route: Vasco' Bus Stand-Panaji Bm .StQ.liUJ,: 6. Near Junction SBr Colony. POl'Vorim (via 'i:-MES (Cpllege) one way entering Vasco Bus Stop Sangolda). 7. Opposite Bonnie Villa 2. St. ~ndre Church " 3. Goa. Shipyard, Vasco 8. Near Union Bank of India, Sangolda 4. Vaddem " 9. N e.ar Panchayat Office, Sangolda 5. Airport Road Jtulction " 10. Near Chapel (Junction) 11. Saligao (Dondvaddo) 6. Near Clauster qonve~t, Chicalim, Vasco 7. Junction of Vasco Birla Ro'ad, Chicalim " 12. Govt. Primary School, Saligao 13. At the Junction of Saligao Calangute New 8. P.anchayat Office, Chicalim & Old Road Saligao (at Pimpal Tree) 9. Near Govt. Primary School, Sancoale 14. St. Alex. Convent,, Calangute 10. Zunver (St. Jacinto Island) 15. Near Calangute Church (via Saligao) " 11. Zorrint " 16. St. Anthony's Chapel, GauraViada, C,alan­ 12. Western India Docks, Sancoale gute " 13. St. John of ,Cross Convent, Sancoale " 17-. Xetticho Posro (Shirodkar Grocery Shop) Calangute Lino's Club Shed " 14. Rua Escrivao de Marta Sancoale " 18. Dr. Dessai's House, Candolim 15. Near Shantadurga Temple, SancoaIe " 19. Candolim Tinto 16. Near ArrC?le Bridge " 20. ' Panchayat Ghar Candolim 17. Dettea.code, Agacaim " 21. Cottage Hospital, C811do1im 18. Near Agacaim Market " 22. Ramnata POSTO Near Flour Mill Candolim 19. N arayanacha Posracode (Chichecode 1. " 23. Govt. Primary School, Dando 20- Pillar 24. Near' ,Junction (Fort Aguada) Sinquerim 21. Batim 'dWlction 22. Goa. Velha " 4. ,RO'u,te: Pam-a.ji Bus Stand - Old Goa: 1. Ribandar Patto Bus Stop . ~~, 23 . S.auricodem " 24. Zuarer (!\.!o:rgodan near Chapel) 2. Ribandar Church (after fe:z-y jetty) SERIES III .N.o.34 2. Route: Vasco Bus Stand - Panaji Bus Stand.: Sr. No. Names of Places Type' of Signboards Starting POint: . V MCO Bus -Stand 3. Ribandar near Regedor's House Bus Stop 1st Stop MES (College) one way entering Vasco. 4. Ribandar Hospital 2nd Stop St. Andre Church' 5. sf. Pedro' neru: one way str:eet junction 3rd Stop ;-' Goa Shipyard, VascO' 4th Stop Vaddem \.' . : 6. St. Pedro Govt. School 5th Stop Airport Road JunctlOn .i 7. St. Pedro Shrukh Hassan QUarry 6th Stop Near Clauster Convent,' ,Cl1icalim, Vasso 7th Stop Junction of Vasco Birla_ Road; Chioalim· 8. Opposite Dhempe Engineering Workshop 8th Stop Panchayat- Office, Chicalim ' . (Baiguinim) 9th Stop Near Govt. Primary School, Sanco.ale 9, Old Goa Mahatma Gandhi Chowk 10th Stop Zunver (St. Jacinto Island) . 'i '.l1th Stop Zpmnt. :, ~ . 5. Rout~: Panaji -_ Dona PaUla (Via Mi'ramar) :,_. .: J ,.12thStop Western India Doclts,: Sancpale .. ~ .\\- ... " ~ ..... -' 13th Stop St. John 'of Cross Convent, 'Sahcoa.le. 1. Opposite Fazenda Building, Panaji (Dh-ec- 14th Stop Rua Escrivao de Maria Sancoale torate of Accounts) , B~. ~top . ,,1ilth.Stop .~ '.. N ~~- _,f$JJ,~~,~g~~.~e~l?~e-, ._' S!ll.lcoale. 2. Near Neelam Restaurant 16th Stop Near Arvole Bridge 17th Stop Detteacode Agacaim 3. Junction of the roads form the Panaji '18th Stop Near Agacaim Market' Market and from Goa Medicai College. 'l9th stop Narayanacha Posracode (Chichecode)' Panaji 20th Stop Pillar 4. Opposite Dr. 'Jack Sequeira's House_ 21st Stop Batim Junction 22nd Stop Goa Velha 5. Indoor, Stadium (Near Arts College) 23rd Stop Sauricodem 6. Miramar 24th Stop Zuarer (Morgodan neal' Chapel) 25th Stop Siridao near Market 7. Tonca (Near Chodankar's House)- .. 26th I?top Takant (Military workshop) Bambolim 8. Near Ismail's House ,27th Stop Curca 28th stop Military Camp BamboIim 9. Adarsh Colony (0aranzalem) 29th Stop G.M.V. Main Gate 10. Opposite St. Francis Chapel 30th Stop Near Taleigao Junction (Oullicodem) 31st Stop St. Market 11. Near Martin's Beach Corner Road Cruz 32nd Stop Near Footb.all ground (St. Cruz) 12. Opposite Cafe Moderna (Piedade Shed) 33rd Stop Portais, Panaji Junction 34th Stop Preina BUilding 13. Opposite Caetano ~drigues House Terminus Panaji Bus Stop 14. Opposite Our Lady of Rosary High School 3. Route: Panafi Bus Stand - Fort Aguada Beach 15. OppOSite Cadem's House Roaort: 16. Opposite Old Police Station 17. Near Govt. Prin1ary School Btw'ting Point: Panaji Bus Stand 18. Dona Paula 1st Stop Nehru Bridge (Bethn Side) 2nd Stop Pundalik Nagar, Porvorim Panaji, 31st October, 1983. - The District Magistrate, 3rd Stop Teen ~uilding, Porvoritn J. P. Singh. 4th Stop Teacher Training Cgllege, PorvOl'im 5th Stop Near W.ater Tank, Porvorim. 6th Stop Near Jtu1ction sm Colony, Porvorim (via Sangolda) Notification tf 7th Stop Opposite Bonnie Villa No. 23/83/MAG(3)2195 8th Stop Near Union Bank of India, Sangolda 9th Stop Near Panchayat Office, Sangolda In supersession of all the previous notifi9ations issued by 10th Stop Near Chapel Junction this office in respect of Bus Stop on the foU~wing routes:-" 11th Stop Saligao (Dondvgddo) 12th Stop Govt. Prima;ry School, SaJigao i. Monnugao Harbour - Vasco Bus Terntinus. 13th Stop At the Junction of Saligao, Calangute New & O'ld Road, Saligao (at Pimpal Tree). 2. Vasco B~s Terminus - Panaji Bus Termin~ Via Zuari Bridge. 14th Stop St. Alex Convent Calangute. _ ' 15th Stop Near Calangute Church (via Saligao) 3 .. Panaji Bus Tenninus -=- FOrt Ag:uaa.a Beach Resort, 16th Stop St. Anthonys Chapel, Gaurawada, Ca~ langute . 4. Old Goa - Panaji TerminUs. 17th Stop Xetticho Posro (Shirodkar Grocery Shop) 5. ,Dona Paula - Panaji Bus Terminus. Calangute Lino's Club Shed 18th Stop Dr. -'Dessai's House, Cando1im The District Magistrate of Goa :in exercise of his powers 19th Stop Candolim '!'into under rule 7.2 of the Goa, Daman and Diu, Motor' Vehicles 20th Stop Panchayat Ghar Candolim Rules, 1965, now notifies the following places as Bus Stops 21st Stop _Cottage Hospital, Candolim , on the above mentioned routes for taking up and 'setting dovm 2200 Stop Ramnata Posro Near, Flour Mill Candollm of passengers. 23rd Stop Govt. Primary School, Dando 24th Stop No stage carriage shall ·take up or set down passengers Near Junction (Fort Aguada) Sinquerim except at the places shown below as bus stops. 4· Route: Pwnaji Bus Stand - Old Goa: No stage carriages shall be halted at a Bus Stop for longer Starting Point: Pan-aji Bus -stand than is necessary to take up such passengers as are awaiting 1st Stop Ribandar Patto when the vehicles arrives and to set down such passengers as wish to alight. 2nd Stop Ribandar Church (after ferry jtotty) 3rd Stop Ribandar near Regedor's House- 1. Route: Mormugoo Harbour- Vasco Bu.s Ter'minus: 4th Stop Rlb.andar Hospital Starting Poin.t: Mm'mjYgao Harbour 5th Stop St. Pedro near one way street junction 6th Stop St. Pedro Govt. School 1st Stop Sada 7th Stop St. Pedro Shaik Hassan Quarry 2nd Stop. Near Jetty 8th Stop Opposite Dhemp~ Engineering Worksllop 3rd stop Oposite _El .. Monte _Cinema House (B~guinim) Terminus V~sco Bus Stop 9th Stop Old Goa Mahatma Gandhi .Chowk f,l4TH NOVEMBER, 1983 (AGRAHAYANA3, 1905) J 5. Route: Pcmaji - Dona Paula (Via Miramar): AU the vehicular traffic passing through the above road i. e. from Kareb,and (Tolleband) road linking l\Iargao Cave­ Starling Point: Panaji Bus Stand lossim road and Pedda road, shall be diverted via Margao, 1st-Stop Opposite Fazenda Building, panaji (Direc­ Cavelossim, Biron.dem to Colva roa..d vice-versa. torate of Accounts) 2nd Stpp Near Neelam Restaurant Panaji, 3rd November, 1983. - The Additional District Ma­ '3rd stop 3tmction of the roads from the Panaji gistrate, E. Noronha Roclrigues. Market and from Goa Medical College, Panaji 4th Stop Opposite Dr Jack Sequeira's House· Office of the Distric·~ Magistra+e1 Daman 5th Stop Indoor Stadium (Near Arts College) 6th Stop Miramar 7th Stop . Tonca· (Near Chodankar's House) Notification 8th Stop Near Ismail's House No. 1/6/83-MV/3073 ~th Stop Adarsh Colony (Caranz.al~m) 16th Stop Opposite Francisco Chapel In exercise of the powers conferred on the -Wldersigned st. under sections 71 and 75 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939. 11th Stop Near Martin's Be?-ch Corner Road the speed I1Iuit for the vehicles while being driven on, the 12th stop Opposite Cafe Modema (Piedade SllOp) lJIain Road inside the Fort-Area, Moti-Daman is hereby restricted to 20 K.P.H. and the -traffic sign boards relating 13th stop Opposite Caetano Rodrigues House ' to "Speed Limit" as prescribed in the Ninth Schedule of the 14th Stop Opposite Our. Lady of Rosary High School Motor Vehicles Act, 1939 should be immediately fixed by 15th Stop Opposite Carlem's House the Public Works Department, Daman near both the Gates of the Fort-Area, Moti-Daman.
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