iivww.magicv:valley.com Tlhe"Firn e t hysrs Idaho/95th year, N o. 197__________________________________________ ■Saturday,s July I.S, 2(2 0 0 0 .so c c n ts G C X )D MORNING 0 WEA'IHKR Jday: Mostly o y a lI m e) k u s onny, lig h t An ^ I inds,high88. 'J 'p l e a r to n ig h t, F grad m arries;s B ahrainian 1 princess, an^igering h er fa' a m i l y ______ : ______ Ipw ly Howwr-------------------------------______ - year_with.l9jy(year-oid.Mariam.Al___-two-hatched.a.plan.to.flf Lflee.Dahruin .___ " % a g e A 2 ►•Nawi wfltar_______________ K hulifu, a prin<ncess from Buhrainj usingu fake documents, DuDale John.son J o h n s o n ’s fath'her. Dale, lold The s;said. a g ic aI lA i -l-;^' twb iday. Wearing baggy clothesies and hiding . W, 'j m m - M V raa FAJXS - A 1994 graduaielaie of Times-News Frid: found Their relation:nship met with shnr|) hher hair under a New YoiYork Yankees r' Lab b u st: Police bu:bust,an J™"I FFalls High School has fou elf right smnck in thc middledie of disapproval fronDm her family, princi- ccap, she used U.S. miiililitary docu- I a p p a re n t m ethamnphetam p: ine „hot canc. only be termed an incenlema- pally her father,r, who is a sheik of the nments that Johnson hadid forged,I and I la b in Twin Falls. * tionalJ itincident. island nation inI tlthe Persian Gulf, east tlthe pair caught a ride on a cummer- ------ *----- of-6ttud»-Arobio3“h----------------------------------e-ciat-airplaner-In-Chicaga8»r^>fficiatN----- ;— ------- P a g » -e i- AjidjiditVaUTJVeriove;----------- ^------- uuonr^,.hugs.hls.wl(AjHHnaiimlflmJU-Khalif^ulyJJn-lflS-. ~ son JohnsohT'lS, now a“ U7S:iT -------- W hen-herfaramllybanned'Jason ------- MarineInc, began a relationshipp 1<last Johnson from sC'seeing Al Khalifi), the Please see ROYAL.RO Page A2 Angeles. HerH« father Is a sheik of Bahrainiraln. D enied: The state’s's’s w a te r --------- ju d g e h a rd e n ie dl a se c o n d --------------- request to disqualifdify h im se lf I overan alleged con:onfL ct o f I fry sides interest. E S J ^ : Pagoci W iith t fe^s R k i j g i o n at^Waco pc.s rc\ c;il vUian.s tnlkinji; t ‘r J )iit .starting tires L'O. Tlvx.is - .\|| ,idvis,>f> Rve Day Club: Kidsd s g ath e r, to 7 ^ i L-L-SL—■ L'cided I'riday that th(’ f:n\''— Ml does tuit lii-ar rf.spmisi- hav e fu n an d le a mTl <a b o u t G od. ^ I or thenleailist nl SO Branch Page El I ans timing tin- iiili's l‘W.i [l'l '/Ti' iff with federal agents. A d judge will tiiliv er tlu- M o n k Y L-rdici. five jurors tlelibi-r.ilfil for Malta CMP mighttgrow: g t l lurs in lhe S(>7f> million Certain’electricityy ccustomers jjKjjM ful-tlealh lawsuil I'iled by • in northern Nevadad a co u ld s e e ing Branch Davidians aiul a new nam e a t thee tito p o f th e ir I j ^ ^ H I’es of ihoM- who u o r e -------- pow erbills------------ ----- kiilcd:-^Fhr^yhc-trinl7~<vlTttrh la.ste ti--------- a month, hrouglil <iut emo- Page Dl B W testimony recoiiiuing thc ff from l>()th sitles. SPOR'I'S , District Judge W alter ' , wilwho wiil take lhe ju ry 's Erin go Brey: , ;s uunder advisenu-iii. said ' f J h e lid rrender his verdict soon, ^ possitilyly IIIII August. He win aisn ii [rish have a er Iperhaps the most con- g ey y -m en ^ , ----- lenti(lll^-i^ij-issuf— wlieiht'i-ft*dt*r^l--------- b ask e tb a ll ; 'ihot al lhe Davidians at --------.. WSHSSm coccoach, a n d •MuntMOjdan/TMnM»«m the enti:Iaflhesi..j5c. of plaintil'l's ('(intended that hhe’s e’ from , iree Island State Park In Qlennimns Ferry Friday. The pla Delaware. llrK Kempthorne address the crow:rowd st the dedication of a ne<lew interpretive center at Thre< lhe gtiverrvernnifiu should shoulder ■IK. - 1 > J soijRTlilaTl')ln7itr‘fni~TlTtrhotchod-rnitl -------- I I-* «h;u staruaried th<- Sl-day standoff I an d thi!ll! I'lfinal il.iy ______ icates negw ^ ' ^ 4 1 I — »i.««i.o= =t<STrON“ = ---------- -------- ■ •/ ry’ up in llaitHlames. rrrPolHJcarheiirpiiiiii i a i n f i a n i — ~— T :he Jjiiiy U'lind that the g ov-------- :-------- eandid atefrAl-Core-i^■and— -1HLteipreti^ 4 ^ecente — Plgj5'.' ;.ee WAC0r PttecrAv»--------- George W. Bush runLm m to so m e t o i ^ times on thee cca m p a ig n t trail this week. K. y r e t u r n s Page A4 ; Three L[sland sii ■ ^ J u r y :h?«l Joum ee Idaho’s four survivinglg governors, f c . r e c oord r vcrdict ■__________________ — G(-)m i n g -S u4? N P A \ ^ T l m ^ ____celebratiii^the.opeFening.of.ihe___ =----- rtew-center.--------------- S uits: A Burley doct<)Ctor ta lk s GLENIiNNS FERRY - The largerr Dubbed the Thriree Island ■ agairinstrroH acco ----------- ife, grainy, black and >vhiteJ Crossing Oregon Trj'rail History I aboul his recent cononviction on than Ufe, Tho Assoclitoclatcd Pre s s _________ a drug charge. photogragraph of his ancestor, Chieff and Educaiion Centeter by Idaho I Always/s Ready, hangs proudly/ Department of P.Parks and |_ _ ^g Recre MIAMIMI ■- Aller a iwo year iriat. among5 thct other v m m w w v im reation offi* - « •, :3 uKempthorne shares a light momentmo with former Qov. John I im ages!S andi arti* S B S IS H I ciols.!, tlic ct-mer Oov.DltkKi look k-SN than five lumrs lo ca te d at DljnlHrlo,»s iat the ev^nt also includeddfonnerQovs. fo Phil Batt and CeiJeell Andrus. Friday to «!di'wde Thai the tobacco S e c t i o n b y sS iE C T I O N facts. ry shiHiUi pay a rccord- ---------------------------- R cgw e.e---- Ijiland------------------ ____ ______industry ^ ;its am ong IslaiKTcrosCrossing State!e Park. evidenceded by this passage from iSectlon A ^omi.mln8breaK,9 idcrs of the ^T^lnterpreltvtstive Center will b e T hle e people of Mrs. Manarcus Whitman writtenn Indians, who supplemenented their iiv t. (hJlriiam*^iiM's 1,1 silk I'li>ri<la ossword .. .9 Stioshonone-Paiute $3 for adultssand am £1.50for Aiwa;ays Ready Au^l3,161836: salmon-based income; byI gmding smok< Is>' - .I'l .iniDiiiii industry Weather . 2 ;• wagons across th e swift,s\ cold Uiwvi'i '■•. jiifJicteil)» would lut-ak o rld ..........10 trib e. He is children underer 12.1 Urge scnool and. ’ Sope “Theree iis une manner of cross- Nstloii3S3S.U " “'I' :d with how groups can geljelln li for $1 p er b e c aame r indis- ing which:h Ihusband has tried but I river. thc'indoMiir.ii y pleased > 1. "Can ■you’imagine if yon were SpcciaKiliiKii s gasped as ilu- jutlgi- Opinloo.........10 th e nevew T h re e PCfson. p e n ssable a guides have not.)t, neither do I wish to. •«Hie -of thc-----Tnkf! n nt .eglk skin and stretch itt on thc o th e r side of ______ read llicIf III’ii si iliilKir anniiiot and. J Cross ing ----------- t looking across, say li ectlonO ireilve center turned out. emigrants’ most trtreacherous over you,ia, spreading yourself out TooO r l.'Sl) iifici tlu'le vvrdictV was read, smok- Section B ^ ; riv er crossin g s on th e ir 2,000- ns muchI aias possible, then let thec years ago, thinking hmlow crossing y ,v aiiorii'orney Stanley Knsenhlatt o n e y ----- 1*3 He espc<pedally likes the story the J the river is not a celehrihration, but h iin u ’dI severalso clients. "Il was a 2ntcr t^ ls about his people. mile journey along thetl Oregon Indian woivomen carehilly put you jm ic s..........4 new cent ____________ in the wat^ater and with a cord in1 a challenge," said Gov.C Uifk davDf reikoning,"n-i Koseiihlatl -------------------- ------- i i g 6 good,’.'-hc said simply, as5__ Trail--------------------- _ J “ Kempthorne. alhidiiling-to the -------^said.“ "Th•Thls-\vas-ni'ver-nbnui------- SMtldiiC _ he lookeked over the exhibits fea- Journal entries off imany emi- the moutijth they will swim and ; his ancestors and theirr grants talk of the seilervices ren- draw youu cover." annual river crossinglg re enact- nu.ney.. ThisTh was iilnuit showing Magic telley .14 SBCectlon E turing h asic theme of the center I'dinpanies ii|> ior what Sope was among the hun- dered by Indians - sonome appreci- _ The basi ' Pleaso soo CI^OSSI^siNo.pasoA2 il;";;,;::-' Oblluatles .. .2 Rellgl«on...l.3 «of people, including» ated, some not .so apprpredated, as is the intcitermingling of the cui- M ovies......... 9 Comrimmunity-. .4 pleas^lease see TOBACCO. Page West .. .4-5,12 Classasslfied .5-20 W ipM oniK : Water, fl:ish intereests awailit key c y e to l^ in . - W - i.7 J F i n h ~ :i^ ‘7 TTiiiT^ later thiss month C lassicFIED reports ddue out h Thoho As s o c latfld P re ss__________ rijev are hopcfii;fill ih.li iVd.-ral .1u-;tiiiII ll.ivfs.II.
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