SurveySurvey NuinberNumber:: T-34T-34 BridgeBridge NamNamee andand Address:Address: BridgeBridge inin UpperUpper FredericFrederickk TownshiTownshipp L.R.L.R. 4602146021 overover SwampSwamp CreeCreekk MontgomeryMontgomery CountCountyy Ownerowner:: CommonwealthCommonwealth ofof PennsylvaniaPennsylvania DepartmentDepartment ofof TransportatioTransportationn TransportationTransportation & SafetySafety BuildinBuildingg Harrisburg,Harrisburg, PennsylvaniaPennsylvania 1712017120 StatementStatement ofof SignificanceSignificance:; TheThe BridgeBridge inin UpperUpper FredericFrederickk TownshipTownship isis anan exampleexample ooff a PratPrattt throughthrough trusstruss mademade withwith PhoeniPhoenixx columncolumn compressioncompression members.members. ItIt waswas builbuiltt inin 1888.1888. OfOf thethe fourteefourteenn PrattPratt througthroughh trussestrusses includedincluded iinn thisthis nomination,nomination, onlyonly thisthis oneone waswas fabricatedfabricated withwith compressioncompression membermemberss ofof PhoenixPhoenix columns.columns. ThisThis patentedpatented columncolumn waswas a trademarktrademark ofof thethe nationallynationally prominenprominentt PhoenixPhoenix BridgeBridge Company.Company. ThisThis wroughtwrought ironiron columcolumnn waswas fabricatedfabricated ofof flangedflanged,, segmentalsegmental sectionssections whichwhich werweree rivetedriveted togethertogether toto formform a tube.tube. ThisThis bridgbridgee isis oneone ofof onlyonly foufourr trussestrusses includedincluded inin thisthis nominationominationn whichwhich areare locatedlocated iinn thethesoutheaster southeasternn portioportionn ooff PennsylvaniaPennsylvania.. AreaArea ofof SignificanceSignificance:; EngineeringEngineering BoundaryBoundary DescriptionDescription:: TheThe nominatednominated propertpropertyy consistconsistss ofof · a 135135 feetfeet longlong bbyy 2525 feetfeet widewide rectanglerectangle whosewhose verticesvertices coincidecoincide withwith ththee outsideoutside cornerscorners ooff thethe bridge'bridge'ss wingwing walls,walls, andand includesincludes onlyonly bridgbridgee superstructursuperstructuree andand substructuresubstructure.. AcreageAcreage ofof NominateNominatedd Property:Property: LessLess thanthan oneone acre.acre. PENNSYLVANIAPENNSYLVANIA HISTORICHISTORIC RESOURCERESOURCE SURVEYSURVEY FORFORMM 9. HISTORICAL DATA BureauBuraau forfor HistoricHistoric Pre,erwationPreservation BoxBox 10261026 HISTORICAL DATA n 0 PAPA HistoricalHistorical & MuHumMuseum CommissionCommission Harrisburg, PAPA 1712017120 C: ::3: ~ 02 ~ Designer/Engineer:Designer/Engineer: o:, 8. USGSUSGS QUAD.QUAD. PerkiomenPerkiomenvill villee rt3 ()Qrf 18 UnknownUnknown OO0 lITM's:UTM's: ZonZonee 0 9o a Cl)3 E l41SIBl714lolI 4 I 5 I 8 i 7 I 4 I 0 I Builder/Contractor:Builder/Contractor: n 'i(0 n '<rt N 141415181112101 '-< N |4|4|5|8|1|2|0| UnknownUnknown n E I llllllI I I I I lI BridgeBridge Company:Company: N I II II II II II II I PhoenixPhoenix BridgeBridge CompanyCompany n r> 10.10. Oate(s):Date(s): 18881888 ; basibasiss formform #488#488AA ; basisbasis ; basisbasis afD. 5 •I n ; basisbasis Use:Use; Vehicular present;present. original.original, Vehicular samesame 12.12. VIEVIEWW no.no. 11.11. INTEGRITINTEGRITYY _altered;altered; _______ ~unaltered;X unaltered; _____ _ _ moved;moved; _______ _ Explain:Explain: o tD l-t M O PHOTOPHOTO O CL 13.13. COMMENTCOMMENTSS UnusualUnusual features:features: StructureStructure closedclosed toto traffictraffic 0 PhoenixPhoenix columncolumnss < ~ Cl)CO at: Q)03 a3 Locale/environment:Locale/environment: 14.14. DIMENSIONDIMENSIONSS "OT) (")O spans :: __nono. , ft.ft. 0/AO/A 'i1-1 ruralrural woodlandswoodlands & farmlandsfarmlands Cl)(D Cl)ft "'enUl main: _!_no., 135135 ftft.. ;,;- I.C C: main: 1 no. ^I-'2 < c~ secondary: __no. , ftft.. MachineryMachinery (describe/identify(describe/identify type/type/ secondary: no. no ...;. &.0 equipment):equipment): approach : __no. , ft. I • approach: no. ft. vJ ~ piers: no. r • piers: no. OJ towers:towers: __nono., . ft.ft. 15.15. TYPTYPEE CHARACTERISTICSCHARACTERISTICS nn Trn5;s: cnntinTinn<;/r3Titi 1 PVPT • - webbing: nonnonee ~ Truss: cantinnons/cantilever: ,-.... webbing: anchoranchor span:span: - cantilevercantilever span:span: - suspendedsuspended span:span: --'- X thru/deck/lowthru/deck/low (pony) :: full-slope/helf-hip.full-slops/half-hip. -X - connections:connections: pin/riveted.pin/riveted. ..__X eyebars:evebars: looploop welded/diewelded/die forgedforied.. ,.._.X railing:railing: 1"1 pipepipe ..__X columnscolumns:: PnoenixPhoenix 0 Arch:Arch: masonry/metalmasonry/metal:: - thru/deck/½-thru.thru/deck/Jj-thru. - fixed (hingeless) '-- fixed (hingeless) /1/2/3-hinged./1/2/3-hinged. ribs:ribs: solid/braced;solid/braced; crescent/parallel.crescent/parallel. - spandrels:spandrels: open/solid/braced.open/solid/braced. - intrados/vault;intrados/vault; ribbed/ribbed/solid solid.. - shape:shape: semi-circular/elliptical/segmen~al;semi-circular/elliptical/segmental; stilted.stilted. - skew ~ skew 01 1 Suspension:Suspension: ~ stiffening,stiffening: braced-chainbraced-chain ((1/2/3-hinged 1/ 2/ 3-hinged)) /suspende/suspendedd truss.truss. wirewire cable:cable: twisted/parallel.twisted/parallel. eyebareyebar chainchain.. back-stayback-stay:: straight/curved.straight/curved . 01 [ Bascule:Bascule: - single/doublesingle/double leaf.leaf. - rollingrolling lift:lift: SchertzerSchertzet.. ~ - trunnion:trunnion: simplesimple (Chicago)(Chicago) /multipl/multiplee (Strauss).(Strauss). - counterweights:counterweights: heel/overhead.heel/overhead. - Page/Rall.Page/Rail. semi-lift/directsemi-lift/direct lift.lift. ~ 01 1 Swing:Swing: Bbearingbearing: : center/rim/combination.center/rim/combination. n• (see(see TrussTruss above).above). 01 1 VerticalVertical Lift:Lift: D1 (see(see TrussTruss above).above). 0f~jOther Other:: 0 1 otherother:: 16.16. MATERIALSMATERIALS (primary)(primary) SuperstructureSuperstructure typetype treatment/finishtreatment/finish sourcesource maimainn span:span: metalmetal ., , towers:towers: ;, , railings:railings: l"i " i;iii;iepipp ;, ; SubstructureSubstructure pierspiers:: masonrmasonryy •, coursedcoursed , abutments:abutments: ;, , wings:wings: masonrymasonry ;, randomrandom , intrados/ribs:intrados/ribs: ;, , voussoirs:voussoirs: ;, , . 17.17. PHOTOPHOTO NO's.NO'S. 1818.. PREPAREDPREPARED BY:BY: 06-44(15-21)06-44(15-21) AGENCY/ORGANIZATION:AGENCY/ORGANIZATION: DistDist 6-06-0 ;> DATE:DATE: 11/8/811/8/822 NPS Fotm 10«X>-a QMS Approve No 1024-001$ (MB) UnitedUnited StatesStates DepartmentDepartment ofof thethe InteriorInteiior NationalNational ParkPark ServicServicee NationalNational RegisterRegister ofof HistoricHistoric PlacesPiaces ContinuationContinuation SheeSheett SectionSection numbernumber ___ PagePage ___ MultipleMultiple ResourceResource AreAreaa ThematicThematic GroupGroup HighwayHighway BridgesBridges OwneOwnedd bbyy thethe CommonCommonwealtwealthh ooff NNamamee __ Pr.1er...n=n=s_y,...lPennsylvania v=a=n=1=· a,:--,-r.:D=ec,:ip_a=r=tm=en=t=-""""o_f-n-.Tr-r , Department of Transportatio_a_n_s_p_o_r_ta_t_1_·o_n_T_R n TR_______________ _ State Adams County (~nd others), PA gj.gj-'^--------------- Adams County (and others), PA ----------------------- Nomination/TypNomination/Typee ofof ReviewReview Pate/SignatureDate/Signature 1 ~ 51. Bridge in Snake Spring To~ ' 51. Bridge in Snake Spring Towashlf|._~-Pa j 1 the.,^^^^ t<eeperf%&epex '-~j^T^i^^-^^^^-^-^-'-'-T^^-^K^ C'/j- y^tT HatiunaA.,.., naJ.l Be£lat.a~1st~c AttestAttest ^ 52.52. BridgeBridge inin SoleburySolebury Towns~ Township~F Keeper-Keeper~ ~--J~fyC.^d^ AA)^A[/(Ao^Q&~-¼-{/t24./-- , /4-z-yr/f/AziA^f^ "ii~BttBstantiv.. at-·an-t1-ve Q leviewEevlei " AttestAttest --------------- 53.53. BridgeBridge inin SouthSouth BeaverBeaver TownshipTojmship ^ ^ ~fr<eepex^^p'ylLA-^<--^^^^^neper~ ^ ^ 6/^3^^ !!:°'"' r;' ..,hf} ~ Na ... 1 iiar.:,J; JoiMr-f.oj,?,,t ! " 'r- AttestAttest--------------- 54.54. BridgeBridge inin TinicumTinicum TownshipTownshJ^^^^ ^ feeper .AfAA-^^^-^-^^^y-c^ 0/^ ~:t' ~•rr;e' 1.ri thn &~ f,/ ; -;flt' AttestAttest \,,{> 0)Q^^5. 55. Bridge in Tredyffrin TownshipTownship KeeperKeeper ^C7<-AU.- hx^AA^jL^nJ/Y/^A 51-fl~^^I^A^ fiubataatii^lub at&At b.4 Ba3ri*Ba.vu,» :r~ /4 ~o/ff AttestAttest --------------- 5656.. BridgeBridge inin Upper FredFrederic rickk TownshipTownship /Ke^Keepeeperr ~^A^Y-'^-A^-'i.--'--'r-'^^SA^ ^ //^^j/^iT '"2.^ I^^^-^-UMA_a--..~....- '-'ll-i:~. V "-<... Entered^UTBd. 1nin thethe ~^^-"y"^ NationalNational RegisteBeglstenttes~ ttestt--------------- 57. Bridge in Upper Fredrick Township Keeper A^J^ ^ jA)^AM//A^'i-cA f- f ~c^-^^J^ji^-y^^AA ..... t.~ . .vcJ. ~:tteJljgitaf&at'iyiU.Y.oa RovHovlei ew ^^^^^^ • y^V«^ Attest--------------- 58. Bridge in Upper MMerionerion Township Keeper/keeper ~^AAA^-^^^AAA^^^^-^ <^/-^ "^Af^ -~... .. - N~t.1~;1national Regietei-Register AttestAttest______________ _ 59. Bridge in Washington TownshipTownship ^ ^^^^ /t.eeperd~~ c.n. C~n~d in ine f^eepex y^A^^^^^^A'-'i^'-'rA'^^^?"'''^-'^ u~~1Qn.a.lliational RegBeglstaisterr ^^^^^A ^ ttest--------------- 60. BBridgeridge in WWestest EEarlarl ToTovmshipi-mship -jr:A^eepexeeper ~ >-Ad(f &nteredElnterfld inin thetha :::Y . •\'. :1 ,r..:uBi-J ..J.. ..,k ii>-£6 iist iseJ:.t eT-A1Attest1 e______________ s t _ 1. Name of Nomination: Highway Bridges Owned by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Transportation 2. Name of Structure: Bridge in Upper Frederick Township 3. County: Montgomery County 4. Photo Date: 1982 5. Photo Credit: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 6. Negative Location: Pennsylvania
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