NOTE TO USERS This reproduction is the best copy available. ® UMI In laudem saneti Miehaëlis: The Irish and Coptic Analogues and the Anglo-Saxon Contexte Roland Perron Department of English McGill University, Montreal August 2005 A thesis submitted to McGill University in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Arts © Roland Perron 2005 Library and Bibliothèque et 1+1 Archives Canada Archives Canada Published Heritage Direction du Branch Patrimoine de l'édition 395 Wellington Street 395, rue Wellington Ottawa ON K1A ON4 Ottawa ON K1A ON4 Canada Canada Your file Votre référence ISBN: 978-0-494-24910-9 Our file Notre référence ISBN: 978-0-494-24910-9 NOTICE: AVIS: The author has granted a non­ L'auteur a accordé une licence non exclusive exclusive license allowing Library permettant à la Bibliothèque et Archives and Archives Canada to reproduce, Canada de reproduire, publier, archiver, publish, archive, preserve, conserve, sauvegarder, conserver, transmettre au public communicate to the public by par télécommunication ou par l'Internet, prêter, telecommunication or on the Internet, distribuer et vendre des thèses partout dans loan, distribute and sell th es es le monde, à des fins commerciales ou autres, worldwide, for commercial or non­ sur support microforme, papier, électronique commercial purposes, in microform, et/ou autres formats. paper, electronic and/or any other formats. The author retains copyright L'auteur conserve la propriété du droit d'auteur ownership and moral rights in et des droits moraux qui protège cette thèse. this thesis. Neither the thesis Ni la thèse ni des extraits substantiels de nor substantial extracts from it celle-ci ne doivent être imprimés ou autrement may be printed or otherwise reproduits sans son autorisation. reproduced without the author's permission. ln compliance with the Canadian Conformément à la loi canadienne Privacy Act some supporting sur la protection de la vie privée, forms may have been removed quelques formulaires secondaires from this thesis. ont été enlevés de cette thèse. While these forms may be included Bien que ces formulaires in the document page count, aient inclus dans la pagination, their removal does not represent il n'y aura aucun contenu manquant. any loss of content from the thesis. ••• Canada ln làu~em sàncti OJichàilis Cbe lrisb an~ Coptic Analogues an~ tbe Anglo-Saxon Context ·----0 Rolan~ perron 11 IN· MEMORIAM IOHANNITI'JE· PETRONIS· NATJE· LANDRICJE MATRIS· MEJE· CARISSIMJE QUJE· DUM· HIC· LIBER· PARATUR· OBIIT ImBUS· IANUARII • ANNO· DOMINI • MMO . 1I1Io ANNOQUE· JETATIS· SUJE· LXXXo • Illo ILLA· QUIDEM· MATER· OPTIMA· FUIT R·I·P Encores vueil et vous commande que ayez sainct Michel, sainct Gabriel, ou aucun aultre ange, sainctz ou sainctes de paradis en vostre cueur, à tous les jours, affin que ilz soient envers nostre Seigneur et nostre Dame voz advocatz, procureurs et ambassadeurs: ainsi que ont communement en la court des roys et aultres grants seigneurs, ceulx qui ne les pevent veoir, ne à eux parler. Anthoine de la Sale (c. AD 1388-1464) Le petit Jehan de Saintré, ch. 9 Kai Éyw lwavvllç 6 aKOUWV Kai [3ÀÉnwv raûra. Kai OTE ~Koucra Kai Ë[3ÀE4Ja, Ëmcra npocrKuv~cral Ëlmpocr9Ev TWV no~wv TOÛ 6.yyÉÀOU TOÛ ~EIKVUOVT6ç IJOI raûra. Kai MyEI IJOI, 'Opa IJ~' cruv~ouMç crou EilJl, Kai TWV MEÀ<j>WV crou TWV npo<PIlTWV, Kai TWV TIlPOUVTWV TOÙÇ ÀÔyouç TOÛ [31[3Àiou TOUTOU' T4> 8E4> npocrKuvllcroV. Apoc. 22.8-9 U1 CONTENTS Acknowledgements IV Abbreviations V1 Introduction: The previous researches on In lalldem samti lvIùhaélis 1 Chapter One: In ICllIdem stlndi NIùhacïis and its idiosyncrasies 9 Chapter Two: Jn Icltldem mndi Milhac/is and its background and analogues 47 Chapter Three: J n lalldem sandi Mùhaélis and its Anglo-Saxon context 60 Conclusion: Was In 1({lIdem samii lvIkhaélis an 'esoteric' text? 68 Appendices: 1-The Old English homily In lalldem sandi Mkhaélù 75 2-The Liber FlavlIs Fe'l,lIsiomm tract on Saint Michael 88 3-Excerpts from the encomium by Theodosius on Saint Michael 92 4-The mystic symbolism of the mancie in medievalliterature 104 5-Code 7 from the laws of King EtheIred II 110 Bibliography 117 A bstract/Résumé 140 ILLUSTRATIONS Principal toponyms mentioned in the text (maps) V11 Page 402 from ms. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 41 Page 417 from ms. Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 41 between pp. 8 and 9 Arboe Cross: The Angel and the Three Children in the Ficry Furnace 31 The rarest nuggets in enumerative Michaelian lore (chart) 59 Folio 1V from the Liber J<tavl/.f Pe'l,lIsiomm Folio 34v from the Liber J<ltl1J!1S Fergllsiomm betwcen pp. 88 and 89 IV Acknowledgemen ts il translations are mine unless otherwise specified. Ail references to lines and paragraphs of Jn laudem sandi Michaëlis (henceforth abbreviated as ILSlv!) are to the A text as given in the Appendices to the present work. The edition and translation of ILSM which is offered here owes much of its existence to those of Dr. Tristram and Dr. Grant. As regards her own, Dr. Tristram of Universitat Potsdam has generously pennitted me to use it freely. Dr. Grant, professor emeritus at the University of Alberta, graciously did likewise with regard to his. l The present edition of ILSM, however, is ultimately based on the microfiche facsirnile of CCCC41, and is therefore my own work. Pages 402 and 417 of ms. Cambridge, Corpus Christi Coilege 41 are taken out of Volume 11 of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts in Microfiche Facsirnile and are reproduced by pennission of the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Arizona State University. Folios 1v and 34v from the liber FIt/vils Fergll.rio17lm are reproduced by pennission of the Royal Irish Academy © RIA. Excerpts from Budge's English translation of ETIJA as it appears in his Miscellaneous Coptic Texts in the Dialect of Upper Egypt are reproduced br pennission of The British Library (shelfmark: 07705.aa.25 pg 893-947). Pages 108-117 from Robertson's The Laws of the Kings of England from Edmund to Henry lare reprinted with the permission of Cambridge University Press. The illustration on p. 31 is reproduced from Figure 27 ("Arboe cross, the Three Children in the Ficry Fumace") which is on p. 178 of Françoise Henry, Irish Art during the Viking Invasions (800-1020 A.D.) (London: Methuen, 1973), and is used by pennission of Taylor and Francis Books. Thanks are due to a lot of people who have helped me with ,this project. To Dr. Dorothy Bray of McGill University, for supervising me, warning me off pitfalls, and helping me to curb my natural impulse towards digressions which, under the circumstances, would have proved far less successful than the Beowulfian ones.2 To Dr. Anthony Harvey, Editor of the Dictionary of Medieval Latin from Celtic Sources, who assisted me for a couple of sessions in the Royal Irish Academy Library in Dublin during the last week of October 2004, grounding me in paleography and sitting beside me over the Liber r/tlvll.r Fergll.rio17lm. To the 1 Dr. Tristram also offered me sorne comments and suggestions, while Dr. Grant must be credited with making me aware of the recent publication of the microfiche facsimile of CCCC41. l am most indebted to both for their kindness and their help. 2 Since the above has been written, Dr. Jamie Fumo of Mc Gill has examined the present thesis and reported on it on 5 Nov. 2005, providing useful observations which led to corrections inserted in the final printing. v RIA people: Librarian Siobhan Fitzpatrick, Deput:y Librarian Petra Schnabel, Library Assistant Karl Vogelsang, and ail the anonymous others. To Dr. P:idraig 6 Mach:iin of the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, for granting me access to Irish Script On Screen. To Dr. Charles D. Wright of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, for rus important help and support as regards ilN. To my Coptic contacts: Messrs. Adel Boulos, Michael Kamel and Deacon Mina Aziz from Saint Mark Coptic Orthodox Church, Montreal. Mina Aziz is the one who provided me with the liturgical texts that are used in Coptic churches today, and with translations thereof when that was needed. To Nagy from the Archangel !vIichael Coptic Orthodox Church, Howell, New Jersey, who gave me the link to Pope Shenouda III's booklet on angels. To Father Wieslaw Sudol of the Congregation of Saint Michael Archangel of Monte Gargano, for sending me the official guidebook to the site. To Lord St. Levan and Clare Sandry of Saint Michael's Mount, Cornwall, for the same. To Colin Meikle of Cork Kerry Tourism, for bringing to my attention Geoffrey Moorhouse's book on Skellig Michael. To Dr. Kendall Wallis of McGill University, for sharing with me some documents about the cult of Saint !vIichael. To Dr. Robert Myles of McGill, for sharing with me rus office in the McLennan Library. To Dr. Eyvind Ronquist of Concordia University, for showing me the material relevant to Saint Michael in rus forthcoming book.3 To Chris Wellen, a McGill Geography student, who created the maps for me.4 Any defects in the present work should not be blamed on any of these more-than-kind people. 1 am grateful to all the staff of the Interlibrary Loans Office of McLennan Library at McGill, who did a truly terrific job: Maria De Souza, Elizabeth Dunkley, Ramon Lasso, Abena Mattocks, Janice Simpkins and Francisco Uribe. During the course of my project 1 benefittcd financially from the following institutions and organisms: the Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Grants at McGill University, and the Alma Mater Student Travel Grants at McGill University .
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